1,188 research outputs found


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    Steered Response Power based algorithms are widely used for finding sound source location using microphone array systems. SRCP-PHAT is one such algorithm that has a robust performance under noisy and reverberant conditions. The algorithm creates a likelihood function over the field of view. This thesis employs image processing methods on SRCP-PHAT images, to exploit the difference in power levels and pixel patterns to discriminate between sound source and background pixels. Hough Transform based ellipse detection is used to identify the sound source locations by finding the centers of elliptical edge pixel regions typical of source patterns. Monte Carlo simulations of an eight microphone perimeter array with single and multiple sound sources are used to simulate the test environment and area under receiver operating characteristic (ROCA) curve is used to analyze the algorithm performance. Performance was compared to a simpler algorithm involving Canny edge detection and image averaging and an algorithms based simply on the magnitude of local maxima in the SRCP image. Analysis shows that Canny edge detection based method performed better in the presence of coherent noise sources

    Real-Time Hyperbola Recognition and Fitting in GPR Data

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    The problem of automatically recognising and fitting hyperbolae from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) images is addressed, and a novel technique computationally suitable for real time on-site application is proposed. After pre-processing of the input GPR images, a novel thresholding method is applied to separate the regions of interest from background. A novel column-connection clustering (C3) algorithm is then applied to separate the regions of interest from each other. Subsequently, a machine learnt model is applied to identify hyperbolic signatures from outputs of the C3 algorithm and a hyperbola is fitted to each such signature with an orthogonal distance hyperbola fitting algorithm. The novel clustering algorithm C3 is a central component of the proposed system, which enables the identification of hyperbolic signatures and hyperbola fitting. Only two features are used in the machine learning algorithm, which is easy to train using a small set of training data. An orthogonal distance hyperbola fitting algorithm for ‘south-opening’ hyperbolae is introduced in this work, which is more robust and accurate than algebraic hyperbola fitting algorithms. The proposed method can successfully recognise and fit hyperbolic signatures with intersections with others, hyperbolic signatures with distortions and incomplete hyperbolic signatures with one leg fully or largely missed. As an additional novel contribution, formulae to compute an initial ‘south-opening’ hyperbola directly from a set of given points are derived, which make the system more efficient. The parameters obtained by fitting hyperbolae to hyperbolic signatures are very important features, they can be used to estimate the location, size of the related target objects, and the average propagation velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the medium. The effectiveness of the proposed system is tested on both synthetic and real GPR data

    Radar-based Application of Pedestrian and Cyclist Micro-Doppler Signatures for Automotive Safety Systems

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    Die sensorbasierte Erfassung des Nahfeldes im Kontext des hochautomatisierten Fahrens erfĂ€hrt einen spĂŒrbaren Trend bei der Integration von Radarsensorik. Fortschritte in der Mikroelektronik erlauben den Einsatz von hochauflösenden Radarsensoren, die durch effiziente Verfahren sowohl im Winkel als auch in der Entfernung und im Doppler die Messgenauigkeit kontinuierlich ansteigen lassen. Dadurch ergeben sich neuartige Möglichkeiten bei der Bestimmung der geometrischen und kinematischen Beschaffenheit ausgedehnter Ziele im Fahrzeugumfeld, die zur gezielten Entwicklung von automotiven Sicherheitssystemen herangezogen werden können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden ungeschĂŒtzte Verkehrsteilnehmer wie FußgĂ€nger und Radfahrer mittels eines hochauflösenden Automotive-Radars analysiert. Dabei steht die Erscheinung des Mikro-Doppler-Effekts, hervorgerufen durch das hohe Maß an kinematischen Freiheitsgraden der Objekte, im Vordergrund der Betrachtung. Die durch den Mikro-Doppler-Effekt entstehenden charakteristischen Radar-Signaturen erlauben eine detailliertere Perzeption der Objekte und können in direkten Zusammenhang zu ihren aktuellen BewegungszustĂ€nden gesetzt werden. Es werden neuartige Methoden vorgestellt, die die geometrischen und kinematischen Ausdehnungen der Objekte berĂŒcksichtigen und echtzeitfĂ€hige AnsĂ€tze zur Klassifikation und Verhaltensindikation realisieren. Wird ein ausgedehntes Ziel (z.B. Radfahrer) von einem Radarsensor detektiert, können aus dessen Mikro-Doppler-Signatur wesentliche Eigenschaften bezĂŒglich seines Bewegungszustandes innerhalb eines Messzyklus erfasst werden. Die Geschwindigkeitsverteilungen der sich drehenden RĂ€der erlauben eine adaptive Eingrenzung der Tretbewegung, deren Verhalten essentielle Merkmale im Hinblick auf eine vorausschauende UnfallprĂ€diktion aufweist. Ferner unterliegen ausgedehnte Radarziele einer OrientierungsabhĂ€ngigkeit, die deren geometrischen und kinematischen Profile direkt beeinflusst. Dies kann sich sowohl negativ auf die Klassifikations-Performance als auch auf die Verwertbarkeit von Parametern auswirken, die eine Absichtsbekundung des Radarziels konstituieren. Am Beispiel des Radfahrers wird hierzu ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das die orientierungsabhĂ€ngigen Parameter in Entfernung und Doppler normalisiert und die gemessenen Mehrdeutigkeiten kompensiert. Ferner wird in dieser Arbeit eine Methodik vorgestellt, die auf Grundlage des Mikro- Doppler-Profils eines FußgĂ€ngers dessen Beinbewegungen ĂŒber die Zeit schĂ€tzt (Tracking) und wertvolle Objektinformationen hinsichtlich seines Bewegungsverhaltens offenbart. Dazu wird ein Bewegungsmodell entwickelt, das die nichtlineare Fortbewegung des Beins approximiert und dessen hohes Maß an biomechanischer VariabilitĂ€t abbildet. Durch die Einbeziehung einer wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierten Datenassoziation werden die Radar-Detektionen ihren jeweils hervorrufenden Quellen (linkes und rechtes Bein) zugeordnet und eine Trennung der Gliedmaßen realisiert. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Tracking-Verfahren weist die vorgestellte Methodik eine Steigerung in der Genauigkeit der Objektinformationen auf und stellt damit einen entscheidenden Vorteil fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Fahrerassistenzsysteme dar, um deutlich schneller auf kritische Verkehrssituationen reagieren zu können.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Automotive environmental perception 2 1.2 Contributions of this work 4 1.3 Thesis overview 6 2 Automotive radar 9 2.1 Physical fundamentals 9 2.1.1 Radar cross section 9 2.1.2 Radar equation 10 2.1.3 Micro-Doppler effect 11 2.2 Radar measurement model 15 2.2.1 FMCW radar 15 2.2.2 Chirp sequence modulation 17 2.2.3 Direction-of-arrival estimation 22 2.3 Signal processing 25 2.3.1 Target properties 26 2.3.2 Target extraction 28 Power detection 28 Clustering 30 2.3.3 Real radar data example 31 2.4 Conclusion 33 3 Micro-Doppler applications of a cyclist 35 3.1 Physical fundamentals 35 3.1.1 Micro-Doppler signatures of a cyclist 35 3.1.2 Orientation dependence 36 3.2 Cyclist feature extraction 38 3.2.1 Adaptive pedaling extraction 38 Ellipticity constraints 38 Ellipse fitting algorithm 39 3.2.2 Experimental results 42 3.3 Normalization of the orientation dependence 44 3.3.1 Geometric correction 44 3.3.2 Kinematic correction 45 3.3.3 Experimental results 45 3.4 Conclusion 47 3.5 Discussion and outlook 47 4 Micro-Doppler applications of a pedestrian 49 4.1 Pedestrian detection 49 4.1.1 Human kinematics 49 4.1.2 Micro-Doppler signatures of a pedestrian 51 4.1.3 Experimental results 52 Radially moving pedestrian 52 Crossing pedestrian 54 4.2 Pedestrian feature extraction 57 4.2.1 Frequency-based limb separation 58 4.2.2 Extraction of body parts 60 4.2.3 Experimental results 62 4.3 Pedestrian tracking 64 4.3.1 Probabilistic state estimation 65 4.3.2 Gaussian filters 67 4.3.3 The Kalman filter 67 4.3.4 The extended Kalman filter 69 4.3.5 Multiple-object tracking 71 4.3.6 Data association 74 4.3.7 Joint probabilistic data association 80 4.4 Kinematic-based pedestrian tracking 84 4.4.1 Kinematic modeling 84 4.4.2 Tracking motion model 87 4.4.3 4-D radar point cloud 91 4.4.4 Tracking implementation 92 4.4.5 Experimental results 96 Longitudinal trajectory 96 Crossing trajectory with sudden turn 98 4.5 Conclusion 102 4.6 Discussion and outlook 103 5 Summary and outlook 105 5.1 Developed algorithms 105 5.1.1 Adaptive pedaling extraction 105 5.1.2 Normalization of the orientation dependence 105 5.1.3 Model-based pedestrian tracking 106 5.2 Outlook 106 Bibliography 109 List of Acronyms 119 List of Figures 124 List of Tables 125 Appendix 127 A Derivation of the rotation matrix 2.26 127 B Derivation of the mixed radar signal 2.52 129 C Calculation of the marginal association probabilities 4.51 131 Curriculum Vitae 135Sensor-based detection of the near field in the context of highly automated driving is experiencing a noticeable trend in the integration of radar sensor technology. Advances in microelectronics allow the use of high-resolution radar sensors that continuously increase measurement accuracy through efficient processes in angle as well as distance and Doppler. This opens up novel possibilities in determining the geometric and kinematic nature of extended targets in the vehicle environment, which can be used for the specific development of automotive safety systems. In this work, vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists are analyzed using a high-resolution automotive radar. The focus is on the appearance of the micro-Doppler effect, caused by the objects’ high kinematic degree of freedom. The characteristic radar signatures produced by the micro-Doppler effect allow a clearer perception of the objects and can be directly related to their current state of motion. Novel methods are presented that consider the geometric and kinematic extents of the objects and realize real-time approaches to classification and behavioral indication. When a radar sensor detects an extended target (e.g., bicyclist), its motion state’s fundamental properties can be captured from its micro-Doppler signature within a measurement cycle. The spinning wheels’ velocity distributions allow an adaptive containment of the pedaling motion, whose behavior exhibits essential characteristics concerning predictive accident prediction. Furthermore, extended radar targets are subject to orientation dependence, directly affecting their geometric and kinematic profiles. This can negatively affect both the classification performance and the usability of parameters constituting the radar target’s intention statement. For this purpose, using the cyclist as an example, a method is presented that normalizes the orientation-dependent parameters in range and Doppler and compensates for the measured ambiguities. Furthermore, this paper presents a methodology that estimates a pedestrian’s leg motion over time (tracking) based on the pedestrian’s micro-Doppler profile and reveals valuable object information regarding his motion behavior. To this end, a motion model is developed that approximates the leg’s nonlinear locomotion and represents its high degree of biomechanical variability. By incorporating likelihood-based data association, radar detections are assigned to their respective evoking sources (left and right leg), and limb separation is realized. In contrast to previous tracking methods, the presented methodology shows an increase in the object information’s accuracy. It thus represents a decisive advantage for future driver assistance systems in order to be able to react significantly faster to critical traffic situations.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Automotive environmental perception 2 1.2 Contributions of this work 4 1.3 Thesis overview 6 2 Automotive radar 9 2.1 Physical fundamentals 9 2.1.1 Radar cross section 9 2.1.2 Radar equation 10 2.1.3 Micro-Doppler effect 11 2.2 Radar measurement model 15 2.2.1 FMCW radar 15 2.2.2 Chirp sequence modulation 17 2.2.3 Direction-of-arrival estimation 22 2.3 Signal processing 25 2.3.1 Target properties 26 2.3.2 Target extraction 28 Power detection 28 Clustering 30 2.3.3 Real radar data example 31 2.4 Conclusion 33 3 Micro-Doppler applications of a cyclist 35 3.1 Physical fundamentals 35 3.1.1 Micro-Doppler signatures of a cyclist 35 3.1.2 Orientation dependence 36 3.2 Cyclist feature extraction 38 3.2.1 Adaptive pedaling extraction 38 Ellipticity constraints 38 Ellipse fitting algorithm 39 3.2.2 Experimental results 42 3.3 Normalization of the orientation dependence 44 3.3.1 Geometric correction 44 3.3.2 Kinematic correction 45 3.3.3 Experimental results 45 3.4 Conclusion 47 3.5 Discussion and outlook 47 4 Micro-Doppler applications of a pedestrian 49 4.1 Pedestrian detection 49 4.1.1 Human kinematics 49 4.1.2 Micro-Doppler signatures of a pedestrian 51 4.1.3 Experimental results 52 Radially moving pedestrian 52 Crossing pedestrian 54 4.2 Pedestrian feature extraction 57 4.2.1 Frequency-based limb separation 58 4.2.2 Extraction of body parts 60 4.2.3 Experimental results 62 4.3 Pedestrian tracking 64 4.3.1 Probabilistic state estimation 65 4.3.2 Gaussian filters 67 4.3.3 The Kalman filter 67 4.3.4 The extended Kalman filter 69 4.3.5 Multiple-object tracking 71 4.3.6 Data association 74 4.3.7 Joint probabilistic data association 80 4.4 Kinematic-based pedestrian tracking 84 4.4.1 Kinematic modeling 84 4.4.2 Tracking motion model 87 4.4.3 4-D radar point cloud 91 4.4.4 Tracking implementation 92 4.4.5 Experimental results 96 Longitudinal trajectory 96 Crossing trajectory with sudden turn 98 4.5 Conclusion 102 4.6 Discussion and outlook 103 5 Summary and outlook 105 5.1 Developed algorithms 105 5.1.1 Adaptive pedaling extraction 105 5.1.2 Normalization of the orientation dependence 105 5.1.3 Model-based pedestrian tracking 106 5.2 Outlook 106 Bibliography 109 List of Acronyms 119 List of Figures 124 List of Tables 125 Appendix 127 A Derivation of the rotation matrix 2.26 127 B Derivation of the mixed radar signal 2.52 129 C Calculation of the marginal association probabilities 4.51 131 Curriculum Vitae 13

    Underground Diagnosis Based on GPR and Learning in the Model Space

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    Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been widely used in pipeline detection and underground diagnosis. In practical applications, the characteristics of the GPR data of the detected area and the likely underground anomalous structures could be rarely acknowledged before fully analyzing the obtained GPR data, causing challenges to identify the underground structures or abnormals automatically. In this paper, a GPR B-scan image diagnosis method based on learning in the model space is proposed. The idea of learning in the model space is to use models fitted on parts of data as more stable and parsimonious representations of the data. For the GPR image, 2-Direction Echo State Network (2D-ESN) is proposed to fit the image segments through the next item prediction. By building the connections between the points on the image in both the horizontal and vertical directions, the 2D-ESN regards the GPR image segment as a whole and could effectively capture the dynamic characteristics of the GPR image. And then, semi-supervised and supervised learning methods could be further implemented on the 2D-ESN models for underground diagnosis. Experiments on real-world datasets are conducted, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model

    Suppression approach to main-beam deceptive jamming in FDA-MIMO radar using nonhomogeneous sample detection

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    Suppressing the main-beam deceptive jamming in traditional radar systems is challenging. Furthermore, the observations corrupted by false targets generated by smart deceptive jammers, which are not independent and identically distributed because of the pseudo-random time delay. This in turn complicates the task of jamming suppression. In this paper, a new main-beam deceptive jamming suppression approach is proposed, using nonhomogeneous sample detection in the frequency diverse array-multiple-input and multiple-output radar with non-perfectly orthogonal waveforms. First, according to the time delay or range difference, the true and false targets are discriminated in the joint transmit-receive spatial frequency domain. Subsequently, due to the range mismatch, the false targets are suppressed through a transmit-receive 2-D matched filter. In particular, in order to obtain the jamming-plus-noise covariance matrix with high accuracy, a nonhomogeneous sample detection method is developed. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the detection performance of the proposed approach

    An acoustic sensor for measuring traffic variables

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 126).by Ramona Hui Tung.M.S
