9 research outputs found

    Multi-touch interaction principles for collaborative real-time music activities: towards a pattern language

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    In this paper we give an analysis of the literature on a set of problems that can arise when undertaking the interaction design of multi-touch applications for collaborative real-time music activities, which are designed for multitouch technologies (e.g. smartphones, tablets, interactive tabletops, among others). Each problem is described, and a candidate design pattern (CDP) is suggested in the form of a short sentence and a diagram—an approach inspired by Christopher Alexander’s A Pattern Language. These solutions relate to the fundamental collaborative principles of democratic relationships, identities and collective interplay. We believe that this approach might disseminate forms of best design practice for collaborative music applications, in order to produce real-time musical systems which are collaborative and expressive

    Exploring virtual representations of physical artefacts on collaboration in the clothing industry

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    This paper explores the issues and potential future directions of remote collaboration within the field of clothing design and manufacturing. We examine the potential of developing a computer system that supports multiple levels of virtual representation (textual, visual and tangible). We first identified the methods and processes of collaboration within the manufacturing and design industries, and evaluate current methods of remote collaboration designed for these environments. From this we conducted an ethnographic study with fashion design students, to examine what forms of collaboration are important when discussing design and manufacturing techniques. From these findings, we have designed, developed and performed a pilot study with a multi-touch interface, utilizing a gestural interface (rather than a traditional GUI), to explore whether collocated natural interactions can be extended remotely via technology

    Improving Touch Based Gesture Interfaces

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    The lack of affordance in gesture interfaces make interaction non-intuitive and time has to be invested in learning the various gestures. This can be difficult for first-time users. The Visual Gestures on Maps (VGMaps) mobile application was developed to test if the inclusion of visual cues improves the efficiency and intuitiveness of touch-based gestures. User testing showed that visual cues made no difference with regards to the basic touch gestures, such as swiping and flicking, but an improvement was noted with more advanced gestures (multi-touch zoom)

    Designing applications for bigger multi-touch displays

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    This project intended to create a relevant application for the users of the Madeira Airport. They needed new ways of communication and interaction with their passengers. It could have been developed an application for a mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet that would allow the users of the Airport to communicate and interact with it differently. However, they had these bigger multi-touch devices, also known as kiosks that were not being used to their fullest potential. With that, it was given the task to make better use of these bigger devices, and develop the application for it. Upon starting the project, the first challenge that appeared was a clear lack of standardization when it comes to designing applications for these bigger multi touch devices. Besides the lack of standardization, there is not a lot of user experience. It cannot be expected that the user will transition easily, nor smoothly, from the common touch devices (smartphones and tablet) to a touch platform of bigger dimensions. The touch technology is not something out of the ordinary nowadays, nor is for the user to interact using this so called natural way, so some of the experience from the smaller devices can be reused, but the interaction with kiosks has to be carefully designed, because all of its limitations need to be taken into account. In particular the biggest limitation of these kiosks was the surface of the screen. It created a lot of friction therefore not allowing easy drag gestures. There is also the actual size factor of the device itself. Working on a bigger scale brought up important and interesting interaction design aspects that had to be solved. This document describes all the design work done for the kiosk application. It covers the methods and the decisions that were made so that all the work done for it can replicated and applied to other projects. From user interfaces to interaction design, different screen modes, graphical development and some programming, everything is explained throughout this document.Este foi um projecto que tinha o objectivo de criar uma aplicação que fosse relevante para os utilizadores do aeroporto da Madeira. Era importante para o aeroporto da Madeira ter novas formas de comunicação e interação com os seus passageiros. Para este projecto poderia ser desenvolvida uma aplicação para ser utilizada em dispositivos móveis como smartphones ou tablets. Esta aplicação iria permitir novas formas de interação e comunicação com os passageiros. Contudo, no aeroporto existiam dispotivos multi-toque de grandes dimensões, também conhecidos como kiosks, que não estavam a ser utilizados ao seu máximo potencial. Tendo isso em conta, foi lançado o desafio de desenvolver uma aplicação para ser usada nos kiosks, tirando assim partido dos equipamentos. No início do projecto o primeiro desafio que apareceu foi a falta de standards no que toca a desenvolver e desenhar aplicações para este tipo de dispositivos multi-toque de grandes dimensões. Para além da falta de standards, também não existe experiência de utilização por parte dos utilizadores. Não podia ser esperado que os utilizadores transicionacem facilmente dos dispositivos de toque mais comuns (smartphones e tablets) para uma plataforma de toque de grandes dimensões. A tecnologia de multi-toque não é algo fora do normal nos dias de hoje, por isso alguma experiência de utilização dos dispositivos de toque mais pequenos pode ser reutilizada, mas a interação com os kiosks tem de ser desenhada tendo em especial atenção todas as suas limitações. A maior limitação encontrada nestes kiosks foi a superficie do ecrã. O material não permitia gestos suaves devido ao atrito. Havia também o factor do tamanho do dispositivo. Trabalhar numa escala tão grande como esta fez com que surgissem questões de desenho muito importantes e interessantes que tiveram de ser resolvidos. Este documento descreve todo o trabalho de desenho feito para esta aplicação desenvolvida para o kiosk. São abordados os métodos e as decisões tomadas, para que todo o trabalho feito possa vir a ser replicado e aplicado em projectos da mesma natureza. Desde interfaces de utilizador, desenho de interação, diferentes modos de ecrã, desenvolvimento gráfico e alguma programação, tudo isto é explicado ao longo do documento

    Incremental parsing algorithms for speech-editing mathematics and computer code

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    The provision of speech control for editing plain language text has existed for a long time, but does not extend to structured content such as mathematics. The requirements of a user interface for a spoken mathematics editor are explored through the lens of an intuitive natural user interface (NUI) for speech control, the desired properties of which are based on a combination of existing literature on NUIs and intuitive user interfaces. An important aspect of an intuitive NUI is timely update of display of the content in response to editing actions. This is not feasible using batch parsing alone, and this issue will be more serious for larger documents such as computer program code. The solution is an incremental parser designed to work with operator precedence (OP) grammars. The contribution to knowledge provided by this thesis is to improve the efficiency in terms of processing time, of the OP incremental parsing algorithm developed by Heeman, and extend it to handle the distfix (mixfix) operators described by Attanayake to model brackets and mathematical functions. This is implemented successfully for the TalkMaths system and shows a greatly reduced response time compared with using batch scanning and parsing alone. The author is not aware of any other incremental OP parser that handles such operators. Furthermore, a proposal is made for modifications to the data structures produced by Attanayake's parser, along with appropriate adjustments to the incremental parser, that will in the future, facilitate application of OP grammar to program code or other structured content by changing the definition of its content language

    Investigating the Impact of Co-located and Distributed Collaboration Using Multi-touch Tables

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    With the intention to study the role of new interfaces in multi-user applications, multi-touch tabletops are investigated to examine if they effectively aid their users in working together synchronously. Multi-player games are selected as a case of collaborative work. Early studies of distributed multi-touch tabletops did not cover the HCI related aspects associated with multi-player games, especially in distributed configuration. The performance, collaboration, and usability aspects of HCI are studied in this research. A simple multi-player maze game has been designed and implemented over two connected and physically separated multi-touch tabletops. The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of distribution on players performance, collaboration, and usability of multi-player games over multi-touch tabletops, compared to playing in a co-located condition. Groups of participants have been randomly selected and assigned to play the game in pairs under two conditions: co-located where two players are playing the game on the same table, and distributed where they are playing the game but on separate tables. The collected data is statistically analysed to test for differences between the two conditions, as well as the differences of the strength of the correlation between the underlying factors. The results indicate that, in general, the differences are not significant for such type of applications if a simple and efficient communication mechanism is provided for the players in the distributed condition. Players expressed almost the same level of usability engagement and enjoyment for the two conditions. This may have a strong impact on the HCI aspects when designing such type of applications on the future

    Using multi-touch interaction techniques to support Collaborative Information Retrieval

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    Collaborative Information Retrieval (CIR) is a branch of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). CIR is the process by which people search for and retrieve information, working together and using documents as data sources. Currently, computer support for CIR is limited to single user systems. Collaboration takes place either with users working at different times or in different locations. Multi-touch interaction has recently seen a rise in prominence owing to a reduction in the cost of the technology and increased frequency of use. Multi-touch surface computing allows multiple users to interact at once around a shared display. The aim of this research was to investigate how multi-touch interaction techniques could be used to support CIR effectively in a co-located environment. An application architecture for CIR systems that incorporates multi-touch interaction techniques was proposed. A prototype, called Co-IMBRA, was developed based on this architecture that used multi-touch interaction techniques to support CIR. This prototype allows multiple users to retrieve information, using the Internet as a shared information space. Documents are represented as visual objects that can be manipulated on the multi-touch surface, as well as rated, annotated and added to folders. A user study was undertaken to evaluate Co-IMBRA and determine whether the multi-touch interaction techniques effectively supported CIR. Fifteen teams of two users each participated in the user study. High task completion rates and low task times showed that the system was effective and efficient. High levels of user satisfaction were reported in the post-test questionnaires. Participants rated the system as highly useful and several commented that it promoted collaboration and that they enjoyed the test. The successful implementation of Co-IMBRA provides evidence that multi-touch interaction techniques can effectively support CIR. The results of the user evaluation also enabled recommendations for future research to be made