82 research outputs found

    MACS: Multi-agent COTR system for Defense Contracting

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    The field of intelligent multi-agent systems has expanded rapidly in the recent past. Multi-agent architectures and systems are being investigated and continue to develop. To date, little has been accomplished in applying multi-agent systems to the defense acquisition domain. This paper describes the design, development, and related considerations of a multi-agent system in the area of procurement and contracting for the defense acquisition community

    Intelligent travel planning: a multiagent planning system to solve web problems in the e-tourism domain

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    This paper presents Intelligent Travel Planning (ITP), a multiagent planning system to solve Web electronic problems in the Web, whose main goal is to search for useful solutions in the electronic-Tourism domain to system users. The system uses different types of intelligent autonomous agents whose main characteristics are cooperation, negotiation, learning, planning and knowledge sharing. Obviously the information used by the intelligent agents is heterogeneous and geographically distributed, since the main information source of the system is Internet. Other information sources are agent knowledge bases in the distributed system. The process to obtain, filter, and store the information is performed automatically by agents. This information is translated into a homogeneous format for high-level reasoning in order to obtain different partial solutions. Partial solutions are reconstructed into a general solution (or solutions) to be presented to the user. The system will show a set of solutions to the users that can be evaluated by them.Publicad

    Engineering Multiagent Systems - Reflections

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    This report documents the programme and outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 12342 ``Engineering multiagent Systems\u27\u27. The seminar brought together researchers from both academia and industry to identify the potential for and facilitate convergence towards standards for agent technology. As such it was particularly relevant to industrial research. A key objective of the seminar, moreover, has been to establish a road map for engineering multiagent systems. Various research areas have been identified as important topics for a research agenda with a focus on the development of multiagent systems. Among others, these include the integration of agent technology and legacy systems, component-based agent design, standards for tooling, establishing benchmarks for agent technology, and the development of frameworks for coordination and organisation of multiagent systems. This report presents a more detailed discussion of these and other research challenges that were identified. The unique atmosphere of Dagstuhl provided the perfect environment for leading researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds to discuss future directions in programming languages, tools and platforms for multiagent systems, and the road map produced by the seminar will have a timely and decisive impact on the future of this whole area of research

    Future directions in agent programming

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    Agent programming is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence concerned with the development of intelligent autonomous systems that combine multiple capabilities, e.g., sensing, deliberation, problem-solving and action, in a single system. There has been considerable progress in both the theory and practice of agent programming since Georgeff & Rao’s seminal work on the Belief-Desire-Intention paradigm. However, despite increasing interest in the development of autonomous systems, applications of agent programming are currently confined to a small number of niche areas, and adoption of agent programming languages (APLs) in mainstream software development remains limited. In this paper, I argue that increased adoption of agent programming is contingent on being able to solve a larger class of AI problems with significantly less developer effort than is currently the case, and briefly sketch one possible approach to expanding the set of AI problems that can be addressed by APLs. Critically, the approach I propose requires minimal developer effort and expertise, and relies instead on expanding the basic capabilities of the language

    Multi agent system architecture oriented Prometheus methodology design to facilitate security of cloud data storage

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    Security plays an important role in the development of Multi Agent Systems (MAS). However, a careful analysis of software development processes shows that the definition of security requirements is, usually, considered after the design of the system. This is, mainly, due to the fact that agent oriented software engineering methodologies have not integrated security concerns throughout their developing stages. Designing a team of agents that can work together toward a common goal is one of the challenges in the research area of agent-oriented software engineering. Prometheus is an agent-oriented software engineering methodology. The Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) is a graphical editor which supports the design tasks specified within the Prometheus methodology for designing agent systems. The tool propagates information where possible and ensures consistency between various parts of the design. The main purpose of this paper is to design MAS architecture that can be used to facilitate confidentiality, correctness assurance, availability and integrity of Cloud Data Storage (CDS) or cloud data center. The proposed MAS architecture includes five types of agents: Cloud Service Provider Agent (CSPA), Cloud Data Confidentiality Agent (CDConA), Cloud Data Correctness Agent (CDCorA), Cloud Data Availability Agent (CDAA) and Cloud Data Integrity Agent (CDIA)

    Incorporating the elements of the mase methodology into agent open

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    Enterprise-wide, web-based systems can be assisted in their construction by the use of agents and an agent-oriented methodology. As part of an extensive research programme to create such an AO methodology by combining the benefits of method engineering and existing object-oriented frameworks (notably the OPF), we have analysed here contributions to the OPF repository of process components from the MASE agent-oriented methodology, identifying three new Tasks, one additional Technique and two new Work Products

    Design of a multi-agent system using the "MaSE" method for learners' metacognitive help

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    This article addresses a multi-agent approach to solving the problem of integrating metacognitive incentives into Learning Management System. The behavior of the teacher in a classroom-teaching situation, where teacher adopting the competency-based approach, is characterized by a set of didactic interventions dynamically adaptable according to the actions-reactions of the learners. These interventions are continually subjected to perfection by experience. In this article, we are interested in modeling the multi-agent system in order to help the learners develop their metacognitive skills in a continuous way. The purpose of this system is to supervise the activities and statements of the learner and communicate them to the metacognitive agent. The latter focuses on the assessment of the learner's metacognitive skills in order to trigger, automatically, metacognitive incentives to provide help messages. Integrating the agent for metacognitive control and assistance, allows learners to maintain motivation and confidence, and elicit their attention to the importance of metacognitive skills during learning activity. The "MaSE" methodology and the "agentTool" are used to model the multi-agent system