12 research outputs found

    Ontology of core concept data types for answering geo-analytical questions

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    In geographic information systems (GIS), analysts answer questions by designing workflows that transform a certain type of data into a certain type of goal. Semantic data types help constrain the application of computational methods to those that are meaningful for such a goal. This prevents pointless computations and helps analysts design effective workflows. Yet, to date it remains unclear which types would be needed in order to ease geo-analytical tasks. The data types and formats used in GIS still allow for huge amounts of syntactically possible but nonsensical method applications. Core concepts of spatial information and related geo-semantic distinctions have been proposed as abstractions to help analysts formulate analytic questions and to compute appropriate answers over geodata of different formats. In essence, core concepts reflect particular interpretations of data which imply that certain transformations are possible. However, core concepts usually remain implicit when operating on geodata, since a concept can be represented in a variety of forms. A central question therefore is: Which semantic types would be needed to capture this variety and its implications for geospatial analysis? In this article, we propose an ontology design pattern of core concept data types that help answer geo-analytical questions. Based on a scenario to compute a liveability atlas for Amsterdam, we show that diverse kinds of geo-analytical questions can be answered by this pattern in terms of valid, automatically constructible GIS workflows using standard sources

    Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model

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    Altres ajuts: Xavier Pons is the recipient of an ICREA Academia Excellence in Research Grant (2016-2020)Lineage information is the part of the metadata that describes "what", "when", "who", "how", and "where" geospatial data were generated. If it is well-presented and queryable, lineage becomes very useful information for inferring data quality, tracing error sources and increasing trust in geospatial information. In addition, if the lineage of a collection of datasets can be related and presented together, datasets, process chains, and methodologies can be compared. This paper proposes extending process step lineage descriptions into four explicit levels of abstraction (process run, tool, algorithm and functionality). Including functionalities and algorithm descriptions as a part of lineage provides high-level information that is independent from the details of the software used. Therefore, it is possible to transform lineage metadata that is initially documenting specific processing steps into a reusable workflow that describes a set of operations as a processing chain. This paper presents a system that provides lineage information as a service in a distributed environment. The system is complemented by an integrated provenance web application that is capable of visualizing and querying a provenance graph that is composed by the lineage of a collection of datasets. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19115 standards family with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provenance initiative (W3C PROV) were combined in order to integrate provenance of a collection of datasets. To represent lineage elements, the ISO 19115-2 lineage class names were chosen, because they express the names of the geospatial objects that are involved more precisely. The relationship naming conventions of W3C PROV are used to represent relationships among these elements. The elements and relationships are presented in a queryable graph

    Empirical Evidence for Concepts of Spatial Information as Cognitive Means for interpreting and using Maps

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    Due to the increasing prevalence and relevance of geo-spatial data in the age of data science, Geographic Information Systems are enjoying wider interdisciplinary adoption by communities outside of GIScience. However, properly interpreting and analysing geo-spatial information is not a trivial task due to knowledge barriers. There is a need for a trans-disciplinary framework for sharing specialized geographical knowledge and expertise to overcome these barriers. The core concepts of spatial information were proposed as such a conceptual framework. These concepts, such as object and field, were proposed as cognitive lenses that can simplify understanding of and guide the processing of spatial information. However, there is a distinct lack of empirical evidence for the existence of such concepts in the human mind or whether such concepts can be indeed useful. In this study, we have explored for such empirical evidence using behavioral experiments with human participants. The experiment adopted a contrast model to investigate whether the participants can semantically distinguish between the object and field core concepts visualized as maps. The statistically significant positive results offer evidence supporting the existence of the two concepts or cognitive concepts closely resembling them. This gives credibility to the core concepts of spatial information as tools for sharing, teaching, or even automating the process of geographical information processing

    A grammar for interpreting geo-analytical questions as concept transformations

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    Geographic Question Answering (GeoQA) systems can automatically answer questions phrased in natural language. Potentially this may enable data analysts to make use of geographic information without requiring any GIS skills. However, going beyond the retrieval of existing geographic facts on particular places remains a challenge. Current systems usually cannot handle geo-analytical questions that require GIS analysis procedures to arrive at answers. To enable geo-analytical QA, GeoQA systems need to interpret questions in terms of a transformation that can be implemented in a GIS workflow. To this end, we propose a novel approach to question parsing that interprets questions in terms of core concepts of spatial information and their functional roles in context-free grammar. The core concepts help model spatial information in questions independently from implementation formats, and their functional roles indicate how concepts are transformed and used in a workflow. Using our parser, geo-analytical questions can be converted into expressions of concept transformations corresponding to abstract GIS workflows. We developed our approach on a corpus of 309 GIS-related questions and tested it on an independent source of 134 test questions including workflows. The evaluation results show high precision and recall on a gold standard of concept transformations

    Finding and sharing GIS methods based on the questions they answer

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    Geographic information has become central for data scientists of many disciplines to put their analyses into a spatio-temporal perspective. However, just as the volume and variety of data sources on the Web grow, it becomes increasingly harder for analysts to be familiar with all the available geospatial tools, including toolboxes in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), R packages, and Python modules. Even though the semantics of the questions answered by these tools can be broadly shared, tools and data sources are still divided by syntax and platform-specific technicalities. It would, therefore, be hugely beneficial for information science if analysts could simply ask questions in generic and familiar terms to obtain the tools and data necessary to answer them. In this article, we systematically investigate the analytic questions that lie behind a range of common GIS tools, and we propose a semantic framework to match analytic questions and tools that are capable of answering them. To support the matching process, we define a tractable subset of SPARQL, the query language of the Semantic Web, and we propose and test an algorithm for computing query containment. We illustrate the identification of tools to answer user questions on a set of common user requests

    Using spatiotemporal patterns to qualitatively represent and manage dynamic situations of interest : a cognitive and integrative approach

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    Les situations spatio-temporelles dynamiques sont des situations qui évoluent dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’être humain peut identifier des configurations de situations dans son environnement et les utilise pour prendre des décisions. Ces configurations de situations peuvent aussi être appelées « situations d’intérêt » ou encore « patrons spatio-temporels ». En informatique, les situations sont obtenues par des systèmes d’acquisition de données souvent présents dans diverses industries grâce aux récents développements technologiques et qui génèrent des bases de données de plus en plus volumineuses. On relève un problème important dans la littérature lié au fait que les formalismes de représentation utilisés sont souvent incapables de représenter des phénomènes spatiotemporels dynamiques et complexes qui reflètent la réalité. De plus, ils ne prennent pas en considération l’appréhension cognitive (modèle mental) que l’humain peut avoir de son environnement. Ces facteurs rendent difficile la mise en œuvre de tels modèles par des agents logiciels. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau modèle de représentation des situations d’intérêt s’appuyant sur la notion des patrons spatiotemporels. Notre approche utilise les graphes conceptuels pour offrir un aspect qualitatif au modèle de représentation. Le modèle se base sur les notions d’événement et d’état pour représenter des phénomènes spatiotemporels dynamiques. Il intègre la notion de contexte pour permettre aux agents logiciels de raisonner avec les instances de patrons détectés. Nous proposons aussi un outil de génération automatisée des relations qualitatives de proximité spatiale en utilisant un classificateur flou. Finalement, nous proposons une plateforme de gestion des patrons spatiotemporels pour faciliter l’intégration de notre modèle dans des applications industrielles réelles. Ainsi, les contributions principales de notre travail sont : Un formalisme de représentation qualitative des situations spatiotemporelles dynamiques en utilisant des graphes conceptuels. ; Une approche cognitive pour la définition des patrons spatio-temporels basée sur l’intégration de l’information contextuelle. ; Un outil de génération automatique des relations spatiales qualitatives de proximité basé sur les classificateurs neuronaux flous. ; Une plateforme de gestion et de détection des patrons spatiotemporels basée sur l’extension d’un moteur de traitement des événements complexes (Complex Event Processing).Dynamic spatiotemporal situations are situations that evolve in space and time. They are part of humans’ daily life. One can be interested in a configuration of situations occurred in the environment and can use it to make decisions. In the literature, such configurations are referred to as “situations of interests” or “spatiotemporal patterns”. In Computer Science, dynamic situations are generated by large scale data acquisition systems which are deployed everywhere thanks to recent technological advances. Spatiotemporal pattern representation is a research subject which gained a lot of attraction from two main research areas. In spatiotemporal analysis, various works extended query languages to represent patterns and to query them from voluminous databases. In Artificial Intelligence, predicate-based models represent spatiotemporal patterns and detect their instances using rule-based mechanisms. Both approaches suffer several shortcomings. For example, they do not allow for representing dynamic and complex spatiotemporal phenomena due to their limited expressiveness. Furthermore, they do not take into account the human’s mental model of the environment in their representation formalisms. This limits the potential of building agent-based solutions to reason about these patterns. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to represent situations of interest using the concept of spatiotemporal patterns. We use Conceptual Graphs to offer a qualitative representation model of these patterns. Our model is based on the concepts of spatiotemporal events and states to represent dynamic spatiotemporal phenomena. It also incorporates contextual information in order to facilitate building the knowledge base of software agents. Besides, we propose an intelligent proximity tool based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier to support qualitative spatial relations in the pattern model. Finally, we propose a framework to manage spatiotemporal patterns in order to facilitate the integration of our pattern representation model to existing applications in the industry. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: A qualitative approach to model dynamic spatiotemporal situations of interest using Conceptual Graphs. ; A cognitive approach to represent spatiotemporal patterns by integrating contextual information. ; An automated tool to generate qualitative spatial proximity relations based on a neuro-fuzzy classifier. ; A platform for detection and management of spatiotemporal patterns using an extension of a Complex Event Processing engine

    Procedural metadata for geographic information using an algebra of core concept transformations

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    Transformations are essential for dealing with geographic information. They are involved not only in the conversion between geodata formats and reference systems, but also in turning geodata into useful information according to some purpose. However, since a transformation can be implemented in various formats and tools, its function and purpose usually remains hidden underneath the technicalities of a workflow. To automate geographic information procedures, we therefore need to model the transformations implemented by workflows on a conceptual level, as a form of procedural knowledge. Although core concepts of spatial information provide a useful level of description in this respect, we currently lack a model for the space of possible transformations between such concepts. In this article, we present the algebra of core concept transformations (CCT). It consists of a type hierarchy which models core concepts as relation types, and a set of basic transformations described in terms of function signatures that use such types. We enrich GIS workflows with abstract machine-readable metadata, by compiling algebraic tool descriptions and inferring goal concepts across a workflow. In this article, we show how such procedural metadata can be used to retrieve workflows based on task descriptions derived from geo-analytical questions. Transformations can be queried independently from their implementations or data formats

    Synthesis of Scientific Workflows: Theory and Practice of an Instance-Aware Approach

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    The last two decades brought an explosion of computational tools and processes in many scientific domains (e.g., life-, social- and geo-science). Scientific workflows, i.e., computational pipelines, accompanied by workflow management systems, were soon adopted as a de-facto standard among non-computer scientists for orchestrating such computational processes. The goal of this dissertation is to provide a framework that would automate the orchestration of such computational pipelines in practice. We refer to such problems as scientific workflow synthesis problems. This dissertation introduces the temporal logic SLTLx, and presents a novel SLTLx-based synthesis approach that overcomes limitations in handling data object dependencies present in existing synthesis approaches. The new approach uses transducers and temporal goals, which keep track of the data objects in the synthesised workflow. The proposed SLTLx-based synthesis includes a bounded and a dynamic variant, which are shown in Chapter 3 to be NP-complete and PSPACE-complete, respectively. Chapter 4 introduces a transformation algorithm that translates the bounded SLTLx-based synthesis problem into propositional logic. The transformation is implemented as part of the APE (Automated Pipeline Explorer) framework, presented in Chapter 5. It relies on highly efficient SAT solving techniques, using an off-the-shelf SAT solver to synthesise a solution for the given propositional encoding. The framework provides an API (application programming interface), a CLI (command line interface), and a web-based GUI (graphical user interface). The development of APE was accompanied by four concrete application scenarios as case studies for automated workflow composition. The studies were conducted in collaboration with domain experts and presented in Chapter 6. Each of the case studies is used to assess and illustrate specific features of the SLTLx-based synthesis approach. (1) A case study on cartographic map generation demonstrates the ability to distinguish data objects as a key feature of the framework. It illustrates the process of annotating a new domain, and presents the iterative workflow synthesis approach, where the user tries to narrow down the desired specification of the problem in a few intuitive steps. (2) A case study on geo-analytical question answering as part of the QuAnGIS project shows the benefits of using data flow dependencies to describe a synthesis problem. (3) A proteomics case study demonstrates the usability of APE as an “off-the-shelf” synthesiser, providing direct integration with existing semantic domain annotations. In addition, a manual evaluation of the synthesised results shows promising results even on large real-life domains, such as the EDAM ontology and the complete bio.tools registry. (4) A geo-event question-answering study demonstrates the usability of APE within a larger question-answering system. This dissertation answers the goals it sets to solve. It provides a formal framework, accompanied by a lightweight library, which can solve real-life scientific workflow synthesis problems. Finally, the development of the library motivated an upcoming collaborative project in the life sciences domain. The aim of the project is to develop a platform which would automatically compose (using APE) and benchmark workflows in computational proteomics

    Spatiotemporal enabled Content-based Image Retrieval

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