106 research outputs found

    High-Level Design for Ultra-Fast Software Defined Radio Prototyping on Multi-Processors Heterogeneous Platforms

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    International audienceThe design of Software Defined Radio (SDR) equipments (terminals, base stations, etc.) is still very challenging. We propose here a design methodology for ultra-fast prototyping on heterogeneous platforms made of GPPs (General Purpose Processors), DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array). Lying on a component-based approach, the methodology mainly aims at automating as much as possible the design from an algorithmic validation to a multi-processing heterogeneous implementation. The proposed methodology is based on the SynDEx CAD design approach, which was originally dedicated to multi-GPPs networks. We show how this was changed so that it is made appropriate with an embedded context of DSP. The implication of FPGAs is then addressed and integrated in the design approach with very little restrictions. Apart from a manual HW/SW partitioning, all other operations may be kept automatic in a heterogeneous processing context. The targeted granularity of the components, which are to be assembled in the design flow, is roughly the same size as that of a FFT, a filter or a Viterbi decoder for instance. The re-use of third party or pre-developed IPs is a basis for this design approach. Thanks to the proposed design methodology it is possible to port "ultra" fast a radio application over several platforms. In addition, the proposed design methodology is not restricted to SDR equipment design, and can be useful for any real-time embedded heterogeneous design in a prototyping context

    Design and Evaluation of a Parameterizable NoC Router for FPGAs

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    The Network-on-Chip (NoC) approach for designing (System-on-Chip) SoCs is currently emerging as an advanced concept for overcoming the scalability and efficiency problems of traditional on-chip interconnection schemes. This thesis addresses the design and evaluation of a parameterizable NoC router for FPGAs. The importance of low area overhead for NoC components is crucial in FPGAs, which have fixed logic and routing resources. We achieve a low area router design through optimizations in switching fabric and dual purpose buffer/connection signals. We propose a component library to increase re-use and allow tailoring of parameters for application specific NoCs of various sizes. A set of experiments were conducted to explore the design space of the proposed NoC router using different values of key router parameters: channel width (flit size), arbitration scheme and IP-core-to-router mapping strategy. Area and latency results from the experiments are presented and analyzed

    Prevention of Drone Jamming Using Hardware Sandboxing

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    In this thesis, we concern ourselves with the security of drone systems under jamming-based attacks. We explore a relatively new concept we previously devised, known as hardware sandboxing, to provide runtime monitoring of boundary signals and isolation through resource virtualization for non-trusted system-on-chip (SoC) components. The focus of this thesis is the synthesis of this design and structure with the anti-jamming, security needs of drone systems. We utilize Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based development and target embedded Linux for our hardware sandbox and drone hardware/software system. We design and implement our working concept on the Digilent Zybo FPGA, which uses the Xilinx Zynq System. Our design is validated via simulation-based tests to mimic jamming attacks and standalone, stationary tests with commercial transmitter and receiver equipment. In both cases, we are successful in detecting and isolating unwanted behavior. This thesis presents the current work performed, observations, and the future potential of hardware sandboxing in drone systems

    Software-Defined Radio FPGA Cores: Building towards a Domain-Specific Language

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    This paper reports on the design and implementation of an open-source library of parameterizable and reusable Hardware Description Language (HDL) Intellectual Property (IP) cores designed for the development of Software-Defined Radio (SDR) applications that are deployed on FPGA-based reconfigurable computing platforms. The library comprises a set of cores that were chosen, together with their parameters and interfacing schemas, based on recommendations from industry and academic SDR experts. The operation of the SDR cores is first validated and then benchmarked against two other cores libraries of a similar type to show that our cores do not take much more logic elements than existing cores and that they support a comparable maximum clock speed. Finally, we propose our design for a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and supporting tool-flow, which we are in the process of building using our SDR library and the Delite DSL framework. We intend to take this DSL and supporting framework further to provide a rapid prototyping system for SDR application development to programmers not experienced in HDL coding. We conclude with a summary of the main characteristics of our SDR library and reflect on how our DSL tool-flow could assist other developers working in SDR field

    Design Space Exploration of FPGA-Based NoC Routers

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    Currently, FPGAs serve as Field–Programmable–Systems–on–Chip (FPSoCs) and are widely used to implement computationally intensive applications. As the number of components in FPSoCs increases, the interconnect schemes based on Network–on–Chip (NoC) approach are increasingly used. Routers greatly impact the performance and cost of NoCs. In this thesis, we explore the design space of FPGA–based NoC routers. We implement three types of packet switched NoC routers on a Stratix II FPGA using parameterized VHDL models. To reduce the area and increase the speed, we use novel techniques. Buffer size is decreased by minimizing the number of control fields in a packet. Both edges of the clock are utilized, and credit based flow control is used to accelerate the router. The proposed routers were evaluated based on area, frequency, and zero load latency. Synthesis results and zero load latency evaluations show that they are significantly superior to widely referenced, previously proposed routers

    High Performance Computing via High Level Synthesis

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    As more and more powerful integrated circuits are appearing on the market, more and more applications, with very different requirements and workloads, are making use of the available computing power. This thesis is in particular devoted to High Performance Computing applications, where those trends are carried to the extreme. In this domain, the primary aspects to be taken into consideration are (1) performance (by definition) and (2) energy consumption (since operational costs dominate over procurement costs). These requirements can be satisfied more easily by deploying heterogeneous platforms, which include CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to provide a broad range of performance and energy-per-operation choices. In particular, as we will see, FPGAs clearly dominate both CPUs and GPUs in terms of energy, and can provide comparable performance. An important aspect of this trend is of course design technology, because these applications were traditionally programmed in high-level languages, while FPGAs required low-level RTL design. The OpenCL (Open Computing Language) developed by the Khronos group enables developers to program CPU, GPU and recently FPGAs using functionally portable (but sadly not performance portable) source code which creates new possibilities and challenges both for research and industry. FPGAs have been always used for mid-size designs and ASIC prototyping thanks to their energy efficient and flexible hardware architecture, but their usage requires hardware design knowledge and laborious design cycles. Several approaches are developed and deployed to address this issue and shorten the gap between software and hardware in FPGA design flow, in order to enable FPGAs to capture a larger portion of the hardware acceleration market in data centers. Moreover, FPGAs usage in data centers is growing already, regardless of and in addition to their use as computational accelerators, because they can be used as high performance, low power and secure switches inside data-centers. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the methodology that enables designers to map their applications on FPGAs (and ASICs). It synthesizes parallel hardware from a model originally written C-based programming languages .e.g. C/C++, SystemC and OpenCL. Design space exploration of the variety of implementations that can be obtained from this C model is possible through wide range of optimization techniques and directives, e.g. to pipeline loops and partition memories into multiple banks, which guide RTL generation toward application dependent hardware and benefit designers from flexible parallel architecture of FPGAs. Model Based Design (MBD) is a high-level and visual process used to generate implementations that solve mathematical problems through a varied set of IP-blocks. MBD enables developers with different expertise, e.g. control theory, embedded software development, and hardware design to share a common design framework and contribute to a shared design using the same tool. Simulink, developed by MATLAB, is a model based design tool for simulation and development of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, Simulink embedded code generators can produce verified C/C++ and HDL code from the graphical model. This code can be used to program micro-controllers and FPGAs. This PhD thesis work presents a study using automatic code generator of Simulink to target Xilinx FPGAs using both HDL and C/C++ code to demonstrate capabilities and challenges of high-level synthesis process. To do so, firstly, digital signal processing unit of a real-time radar application is developed using Simulink blocks. Secondly, generated C based model was used for high level synthesis process and finally the implementation cost of HLS is compared to traditional HDL synthesis using Xilinx tool chain. Alternative to model based design approach, this work also presents an analysis on FPGA programming via high-level synthesis techniques for computationally intensive algorithms and demonstrates the importance of HLS by comparing performance-per-watt of GPUs(NVIDIA) and FPGAs(Xilinx) manufactured in the same node running standard OpenCL benchmarks. We conclude that generation of high quality RTL from OpenCL model requires stronger hardware background with respect to the MBD approach, however, the availability of a fast and broad design space exploration ability and portability of the OpenCL code, e.g. to CPUs and GPUs, motivates FPGA industry leaders to provide users with OpenCL software development environment which promises FPGA programming in CPU/GPU-like fashion. Our experiments, through extensive design space exploration(DSE), suggest that FPGAs have higher performance-per-watt with respect to two high-end GPUs manufactured in the same technology(28 nm). Moreover, FPGAs with more available resources and using a more modern process (20 nm) can outperform the tested GPUs while consuming much less power at the cost of more expensive devices

    Integration and verification of parameterized register interfaces

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    Abstract. This thesis takes an in-depth look on parameterized register models, their generation and use. The aim is to discover improvements to the current method of generating parameterized register models. The thesis is divided into two halves: a practical section that consists of a study on the generation of parameterized register models, and a theory section that supports the topics gone over in the practical section. The practical section studied the generation flow and tools currently used at Nordic Semiconductor. The flow was analyzed to discover changes that would enable the generation of more flexible parameterized register models. The suggested changes were then used to generate a dynamic register model for a highly configurable intellectual property (IP) core. The register model was validated using a register test sequence and functional tests. Finally, the functionality of the generated register model was compared to a manually implemented model. In the end, the test sequences and functional tests passed without errors. The generated register model could be configured directly from the testbench without editing the model manually. This also meant that the applied configurations would not be lost even if the register model were to be regenerated. The resulting register model was significantly more flexible than the previous generated models.Parametrisoitujen rekisterirajapintojen integrointi ja verifiointi. Tiivistelmä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutustutaan parametrisoituihin rekisterimalleihin, niiden generointiin, ja niiden käyttöön. Tavoitteena on löytää parannuksia nykyiseen parametrisoitujen rekisterimallien generointitapaan. Opinnäytetyö on jaettu kahteen puoliskoon: käytännön osuuteen, joka koostuu parametrisoitujen rekisterimallien tutkimuksesta, ja teoreettisesta osuudesta, joka tukee käytännön osuudessa käsiteltyjä aiheita. Käytännön osuus tutki Nordic Semiconductorilla tällä hetkellä rekisterimallin generointiin käytettyjä prosesseja ja työkaluja. Niitä analysoimalla pyrittiin löytämään muutoksia, joiden avulla voisi generoida joustavampia parametrisoituja rekisterimalleja. Kyseisten muutosten avulla generoitiin sitten dynaaminen rekisterimalli IP lohkolle, joka sisältää paljon konfiguroitavia parametrejä. Generoitu malli varmennettiin rekisterien testisekvenssillä ja toiminnallisilla testeillä. Lopuksi rekisterimallin toiminnallisuutta verrattiin käsin kirjoitetun rekisterimallin toiminnallisuuteen. Testisekvenssi ja toiminnalliset testit läpäistiin simuloinnissa lopulta ilman virheitä. Generoitu rekisterimalli oli konfiguroitavissa suoraan testipenkistä, eikä sitä tarvinnut muokata manuaalisesti. Tämä tarkoitti myös sitä, että testipenkissä asetettuja konfiguraatioita ei menetetä, jos rekisterimalli generoidaan uudelleen. Lopullinen rekisterimalli oli merkittävästi joustavampi kuin aikaisemmat generoidut mallit

    Experimental Evaluation of an NoC Synthesis Tool

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    Rapid growth in the number of IP cores in SoCs resulted in the need for effective and scalable interconnect scheme for system components - Network-on-Chip (NoC). Design and implementation of an NoC from scratch is very time consuming and limits the NoC design space that can be explored. In this thesis we evaluate and compare NoC synthesis tool CONNECT with manually generated NoC design using Altera Quartus II. Three sizes of ring, mesh and torus NoC topologies are used for evaluation based on two metrics: logic resource utilization and maximum clock frequency. For larger NoC sizes manual design provides up to 85% reduction in area utilization. With respect to maximum clock frequency, CONNECT provides superior results for all NoC sizes, providing up to 80% higher clock frequency. These results provide an insight into the area versus frequency tradeoffs when using the CONNECT NoC synthesis tool