1,079 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithm optimization and control system design of flexible structures

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    This paper presents an investigation into the deployment of genetic algorithm (GA)-based controller design and optimization for vibration suppression in flexible structures. The potential of GA is explored in three case studies. In the first case study, the potential of GA is demonstrated in the development and optimization of a hybrid learning control scheme for vibration control of flexible manipulators. In the second case study, an active control mechanism for vibration suppression of flexible beam structures using GA optimization technique is proposed. The third case study presents the development of an effective adaptive command shaping control scheme for vibration control of a twin rotor system, where GA is employed to optimize the amplitudes and time locations of the impulses in the proposed control algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes is verified in both an experimental and a simulation environment, and their performances are assessed in both the time and frequency domains

    An Iterative Learning Control Technique for Point-to-Point Maneuvers Applied on an Overhead Crane

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    Session 5: Development, Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psychology

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    Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Workshop in History and Philosophy of Biology, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, March 23-24 2001 Session 5: Development, Neuroscience and Evolutionary Psycholog

    Learner-centeredness: A multiple intelligence approach to reveal individual learner preferences for curriculum content in Foundation Phase

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    Gardner’s multiple intelligences can directly link with the subjects or the curriculum taught in school. The focus in this paper is on Foundation Phase learners and their personal favourite subjects. In allowing learners to choose what they find the most interesting, the most popular subject is identified and new perspectives are provided on which areas should need attention. The method involved is a quantitative approach incorporating statistics obtained through a Likert scale. 105 participants were involved and interesting views surfaced. Literacy is no longer at the top of the list of most popular subjects, a concern for teachers who aim at teaching learners to read and write as Art is found to be the most popular subject. Fusing Art and other forms of intelligences can be employed as a strategy to teach literacy and popularise it. OpsommingGardner se onderskeid tussen multi-intelligensie tipes can direk in verband gebring word met die vakke wat op skool onderrig word. Die fokus in hierdie navorsingsstuk is op die Grondslagfase en die leerders se persoonlike gunsteling vakke. Nuwe lig op populĂȘre vakke word gewerp deur leerlinge die geleentheid te bied om hulle persoonlike voorkeur uit te oefen. Hierdie metode stel navorsers instaat om vas te stel wat om te doen om die probleem van swak geletterdheid aan te spreek. ‘n Kwantitatiewe metode is gevolg om leerderkeuses te identifseer en resultate is in present weergegee. 105 deelnemers was betrokke en interessante perspektiewe het aan die lig gekom. Gelletterdheid is nie die gewildste vak nie en Kuns is een van die Grondslagfase leerders se voorkeure. Indien kuns dan ingespan kan word in ander vakke as deel van integrasie kan dit moontlik die leer in daardie vakke bevorder.  https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.83.1.221

    Strategic planning in media organizations of Iran

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    Organizations with activities of all kinds are influenced by environmental conditions, and external environment is in fact the beginning point of the strategy. Strategic management is an approach resulting from fast changing age and can consider it as a view and a technique for flexible planning to fast changes, and balanced score card is regarded as one of the strong instruments in this zone. Balanced score card can truly plays an important role in all stages of strategic management and the efficiency of this model is considerably regarded in management performance evaluation in different organizations. However, strong instrument such as balance score card is hardly used because of long term dominance of political approaches in the management of Iran media organizations. This paper conceptualizes administrational trend of strategic planning by implementing balanced score card and we draw strategy map and determine performance indexes in a written media organization (Hamshahri Newspaper)

    Personal Growth Initiative of Millenials Woman Leader in Indonesia: a Qualitative Study

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    Today organizations around the world are dominated by millennial employees and are in the career development stage as leaders. Personal growth is an essential aspect of leadership, especially for female leaders who have different experiences from male leaders. When someone is consciously, intensely, and engaged in the process of personal growth, this is called a personal growth initiative that has a positive function on life and the organization. For this reason, this study aims to understand how personal growth initiatives are on millennial women leaders. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 5 millennial women leaders. The results show three main themes: (1) There are different meanings related to personal growth initiatives in female leaders, (2) There are several obstacles that originate from outside and within millennial women leaders in the process of personal growth initiatives, (3) factors which drive the personal growth initiative of millennial women leaders comes from internal and external factors. The findings in this study are expected to be a meaningful contribution to understanding the personal growth initiative of millennial women leaders.

    Designing a Theory Based Public Health Curriculum for Secondary School Students

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    During a two-year term as an admissions counselor, I had the opportunity to interview over 60students at Armand Hammer United World College (UWC) of the American West inMontezuma, New Mexico. I learned that the internationally diverse population of secondarystudents there and at ten other UWCs across the globe were united under the UWC mission: tobecome responsible citizens, politically and environmentally aware, and committed to the ideals of peace and justice, understanding and cooperation, and the implementation of these idealsthrough action and personal example. All that I learned, combined with personal aspirations to acareer in public health and an interest in helping young people reach their potential, led me to seta goal of some day teaching public health to UWC students, and students with a similar sense ofpurpose at other schools. This thesis addresses my aspirations as it presents a public healthcurriculum that could be applied to the UWC movement.Within the thesis, I summarize existing public health curricula that target youth; describetheories and concepts that demonstrate the importance of public health curricula for adolescents;present my current progress in creating a partnership with the United World Colleges, basing thediscussion in community development concepts; consider project limitations and devisestrategies that may drive the collaboration process forward in the future; outline the curriculum development process; and present the preliminary course. This work is of great public healthsignificance because existing and future public health issues the world over require the most creative, culturally sensitive professionals for solutions. I argue that the future professionals bestsuited to tackle such an important task are the adolescents of the present because they stand in aunique position to realize their potential as individuals, family and community members,citizens, and future leaders in their chosen vocations. Investing in the public health education of adolescents is a health intervention we can all participate in and benefit from with dividends tospare
