472 research outputs found

    Testability and redundancy techniques for improved yield and reliability of CMOS VLSI circuits

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    The research presented in this thesis is concerned with the design of fault-tolerant integrated circuits as a contribution to the design of fault-tolerant systems. The economical manufacture of very large area ICs will necessitate the incorporation of fault-tolerance features which are routinely employed in current high density dynamic random access memories. Furthermore, the growing use of ICs in safety-critical applications and/or hostile environments in addition to the prospect of single-chip systems will mandate the use of fault-tolerance for improved reliability. A fault-tolerant IC must be able to detect and correct all possible faults that may affect its operation. The ability of a chip to detect its own faults is not only necessary for fault-tolerance, but it is also regarded as the ultimate solution to the problem of testing. Off-line periodic testing is selected for this research because it achieves better coverage of physical faults and it requires less extra hardware than on-line error detection techniques. Tests for CMOS stuck-open faults are shown to detect all other faults. Simple test sequence generation procedures for the detection of all faults are derived. The test sequences generated by these procedures produce a trivial output, thereby, greatly simplifying the task of test response analysis. A further advantage of the proposed test generation procedures is that they do not require the enumeration of faults. The implementation of built-in self-test is considered and it is shown that the hardware overhead is comparable to that associated with pseudo-random and pseudo-exhaustive techniques while achieving a much higher fault coverage through-the use of the proposed test generation procedures. The consideration of the problem of testing the test circuitry led to the conclusion that complete test coverage may be achieved if separate chips cooperate in testing each other's untested parts. An alternative approach towards complete test coverage would be to design the test circuitry so that it is as distributed as possible and so that it is tested as it performs its function. Fault correction relies on the provision of spare units and a means of reconfiguring the circuit so that the faulty units are discarded. This raises the question of what is the optimum size of a unit? A mathematical model, linking yield and reliability is therefore developed to answer such a question and also to study the effects of such parameters as the amount of redundancy, the size of the additional circuitry required for testing and reconfiguration, and the effect of periodic testing on reliability. The stringent requirement on the size of the reconfiguration logic is illustrated by the application of the model to a typical example. Another important result concerns the effect of periodic testing on reliability. It is shown that periodic off-line testing can achieve approximately the same level of reliability as on-line testing, even when the time between tests is many hundreds of hours

    The Logic of Random Pulses: Stochastic Computing.

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    Recent developments in the field of electronics have produced nano-scale devices whose operation can only be described in probabilistic terms. In contrast with the conventional deterministic computing that has dominated the digital world for decades, we investigate a fundamentally different technique that is probabilistic by nature, namely, stochastic computing (SC). In SC, numbers are represented by bit-streams of 0's and 1's, in which the probability of seeing a 1 denotes the value of the number. The main benefit of SC is that complicated arithmetic computation can be performed by simple logic circuits. For example, a single (logic) AND gate performs multiplication. The dissertation begins with a comprehensive survey of SC and its applications. We highlight its main challenges, which include long computation time and low accuracy, as well as the lack of general design methods. We then address some of the more important challenges. We introduce a new SC design method, called STRAUSS, that generates efficient SC circuits for arbitrary target functions. We then address the problems arising from correlation among stochastic numbers (SNs). In particular, we show that, contrary to general belief, correlation can sometimes serve as a resource in SC design. We also show that unlike conventional circuits, SC circuits can tolerate high error rates and are hence useful in some new applications that involve nondeterministic behavior in the underlying circuitry. Finally, we show how SC's properties can be exploited in the design of an efficient vision chip that is suitable for retinal implants. In particular, we show that SC circuits can directly operate on signals with neural encoding, which eliminates the need for data conversion.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113561/1/alaghi_1.pd

    An Interconnection Architecture for Seamless Inter and Intra-Chip Communication Using Wireless Links

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    As semiconductor technologies continues to scale, more and more cores are being integrated on the same multicore chip. This increase in complexity poses the challenge of efficient data transfer between these cores. Several on-chip network architectures are proposed to improve the design flexibility and communication efficiency of such multicore chips. However, in a larger system consisting of several multicore chips across a board or in a System-in-Package (SiP), the performance is limited by the communication among and within these chips. Such systems, most commonly found within computing modules in typical data center nodes or server racks, are in dire need of an efficient interconnection architecture. Conventional interchip communication using wireline links involve routing the data from the internal cores to the peripheral I/O ports, travelling over the interchip channels to the destination chip, and finally getting routed from the I/O to the internal cores there. This multihop communication increases latency and energy consumption while decreasing data bandwidth in a multichip system. Furthermore, the intrachip and interchip communication architectures are separately designed to maximize design flexibility. Jointly designing them could, however, improve the communication efficiency significantly and yield better solutions. Previous attempts at this include an all-photonic approach that provides a unified inter/intra-chip optical network, based on recent progress in nano-photonic technologies. Works on wireless inter-chip interconnects successfully yielded better results than their wired counterparts, but their scopes were limited to establishing a single wireless connection between two chips rather than a communication architecture for a system as a whole. In this thesis, the design of a seamless hybrid wired and wireless interconnection network for multichip systems in a package is proposed. The design utilizes on-chip wireless transceivers with dimensions spanning up to tens of centimeters. It manages to seamlessly bind both intrachip and interchip communication architectures and enables direct chip-to-chip communication between the internal cores. It is shown through cycle accurate simulations that the proposed design increases the bandwidth and reduces the energy consumption when compared to the state-of-the-art wireline I/O based multichip communications

    Architecting a One-to-many Traffic-Aware and Secure Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network-in-Package Interconnect for Multichip Systems

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    With the aggressive scaling of device geometries, the yield of complex Multi Core Single Chip(MCSC) systems with many cores will decrease due to the higher probability of manufacturing defects especially, in dies with a large area. Disintegration of large System-on-Chips(SoCs) into smaller chips called chiplets has shown to improve the yield and cost of complex systems. Therefore, platform-based computing modules such as embedded systems and micro-servers have already adopted Multi Core Multi Chip (MCMC) architectures overMCSC architectures. Due to the scaling of memory intensive parallel applications in such systems, data is more likely to be shared among various cores residing in different chips resulting in a significant increase in chip-to-chip traffic, especially one-to-many traffic. This one-to-many traffic is originated mainly to maintain cache-coherence between many cores residing in multiple chips. Besides, one-to-many traffics are also exploited by many parallel programming models, system-level synchronization mechanisms, and control signals. How-ever, state-of-the-art Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based wired interconnection architectures do not provide enough support as they handle such one-to-many traffic as multiple unicast trafficusing a multi-hop MCMC communication fabric. As a result, even a small portion of such one-to-many traffic can significantly reduce system performance as traditional NoC-basedinterconnect cannot mask the high latency and energy consumption caused by chip-to-chipwired I/Os. Moreover, with the increase in memory intensive applications and scaling of MCMC systems, traditional NoC-based wired interconnects fail to provide a scalable inter-connection solution required to support the increased cache-coherence and synchronization generated one-to-many traffic in future MCMC-based High-Performance Computing (HPC) nodes. Therefore, these computation and memory intensive MCMC systems need an energy-efficient, low latency, and scalable one-to-many (broadcast/multicast) traffic-aware interconnection infrastructure to ensure high-performance. Research in recent years has shown that Wireless Network-in-Package (WiNiP) architectures with CMOS compatible Millimeter-Wave (mm-wave) transceivers can provide a scalable, low latency, and energy-efficient interconnect solution for on and off-chip communication. In this dissertation, a one-to-many traffic-aware WiNiP interconnection architecture with a starvation-free hybrid Medium Access Control (MAC), an asymmetric topology, and a novel flow control has been proposed. The different components of the proposed architecture are individually one-to-many traffic-aware and as a system, they collaborate with each other to provide required support for one-to-many traffic communication in a MCMC environment. It has been shown that such interconnection architecture can reduce energy consumption and average packet latency by 46.96% and 47.08% respectively for MCMC systems. Despite providing performance enhancements, wireless channel, being an unguided medium, is vulnerable to various security attacks such as jamming induced Denial-of-Service (DoS), eavesdropping, and spoofing. Further, to minimize the time-to-market and design costs, modern SoCs often use Third Party IPs (3PIPs) from untrusted organizations. An adversary either at the foundry or at the 3PIP design house can introduce a malicious circuitry, to jeopardize an SoC. Such malicious circuitry is known as a Hardware Trojan (HT). An HTplanted in the WiNiP from a vulnerable design or manufacturing process can compromise a Wireless Interface (WI) to enable illegitimate transmission through the infected WI resulting in a potential DoS attack for other WIs in the MCMC system. Moreover, HTs can be used for various other malicious purposes, including battery exhaustion, functionality subversion, and information leakage. This information when leaked to a malicious external attackercan reveals important information regarding the application suites running on the system, thereby compromising the user profile. To address persistent jamming-based DoS attack in WiNiP, in this dissertation, a secure WiNiP interconnection architecture for MCMC systems has been proposed that re-uses the one-to-many traffic-aware MAC and existing Design for Testability (DFT) hardware along with Machine Learning (ML) approach. Furthermore, a novel Simulated Annealing (SA)-based routing obfuscation mechanism was also proposed toprotect against an HT-assisted novel traffic analysis attack. Simulation results show that,the ML classifiers can achieve an accuracy of 99.87% for DoS attack detection while SA-basedrouting obfuscation could reduce application detection accuracy to only 15% for HT-assistedtraffic analysis attack and hence, secure the WiNiP fabric from age-old and emerging attacks

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    The 1992 4th NASA SERC Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the fourth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, co-sponsored by the IEEE, are presented. Each year this symposium is organized by the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the University of Idaho and is held in conjunction with a quarterly meeting of the NASA Data System Technology Working Group (DSTWG). One task of the DSTWG is to develop new electronic technologies that will meet next generation electronic data system needs. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The NASA SERC is proud to offer, at its fourth symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories, the electronics industry, and universities. These speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Toward Brain Area Sensor Wireless Network

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    RÉSUMÉ De nouvelles approches d'interfaçage neuronal de haute performance sont requises pour les interfaces cerveau-machine (BMI) actuelles. Cela nĂ©cessite des capacitĂ©s d'enregistrement/stimulation performantes en termes de vitesse, qualitĂ© et quantitĂ©, c’est Ă  dire une bande passante Ă  frĂ©quence plus Ă©levĂ©e, une rĂ©solution spatiale, un signal sur bruit et une zone plus large pour l'interface avec le cortex cĂ©rĂ©bral. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous parlons de l'idĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale proposant une mĂ©thode d'interfaçage neuronal qui, en comparaison avec l'Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographie (EEG), l'Ă©lectrocorticographie (ECoG) et les mĂ©thodes d'interfaçage intracortical conventionnelles Ă  une seule unitĂ©, offre de meilleures caractĂ©ristiques pour implĂ©menter des IMC plus performants. Les avantages de la nouvelle approche sont 1) une rĂ©solution spatiale plus Ă©levĂ©e - en dessous dumillimĂštre, et une qualitĂ© de signal plus Ă©levĂ©e - en termes de rapport signal sur bruit et de contenu frĂ©quentiel - comparĂ© aux mĂ©thodes EEG et ECoG; 2) un caractĂšre moins invasif que l'ECoG oĂč l'enlĂšvement du crĂąne sous une opĂ©ration d'enregistrement / stimulation est nĂ©cessaire; 3) une plus grande faisabilitĂ© de la libre circulation du patient Ă  l'Ă©tude - par rapport aux deux mĂ©thodes EEG et ECoG oĂč de nombreux fils sont connectĂ©s au patient en cours d'opĂ©ration; 4) une utilisation Ă  long terme puisque l'interface implantable est sans fil - par rapport aux deux mĂ©thodes EEG et ECoG qui offrent des temps limitĂ©s de fonctionnement. Nous prĂ©sentons l'architecture d'un rĂ©seau sans fil de microsystĂšmes implantables, que nous appelons Brain Area Sensor NETwork (Brain-ASNET). Il y a deux dĂ©fis principaux dans la rĂ©alisation du projet Brain-ASNET. 1) la conception et la mise en oeuvre d'un Ă©metteur-rĂ©cepteur RF de faible consommation compatible avec la puce de capteurs de rĂ©seau implantable, et, 2) la conception d'un protocole de rĂ©seau de capteurs sans fil (WSN) ad-hoc Ă©conome en Ă©nergie. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous prĂ©sentons un protocole de rĂ©seau ad-hoc Ă©conome en Ă©nergie pour le rĂ©seau dĂ©sirĂ©, ainsi qu'un procĂ©dĂ© pour surmonter le problĂšme de la longueur de paquet variable causĂ© par le processus de remplissage de bit dans le protocole HDLC standard. Le protocole adhoc proposĂ© conçu pour Brain-ASNET prĂ©sente une meilleure efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique par rapport aux protocoles standards tels que ZigBee, Bluetooth et Wi-Fi ainsi que des protocoles ad-hoc de pointe. Le protocole a Ă©tĂ© conçu et testĂ© par MATLAB et Simulink.----------ABSTRACT New high-performance neural interfacing approaches are demanded for today’s Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI). This requires high-performance recording/stimulation capabilities in terms of speed, quality, and quantity, i.e. higher frequency bandwidth, spatial resolution, signal-to-noise, and wider area to interface with the cerebral cortex. In this thesis, we talk about the general proposed idea of a neural interfacing method which in comparison with Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrocorticography (ECoG), and, conventional Single-Unit Intracortical neural interfacing methods offers better features to implement higher-performance BMIs. The new approach advantages are 1) higher spatial resolution – down to sub-millimeter, and higher signal quality − in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and frequency content − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods. 2) being less invasive than ECoG where skull removal Under recording/stimulation surgery is required. 3) higher feasibility of freely movement of patient under study − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods where lots of wires are connected to the patient under operation. 4) long-term usage as the implantable interface is wireless − compared to both EEG and ECoG methods where it is practical for only a limited time under operation. We present the architecture of a wireless network of implantable microsystems, which we call it Brain Area Sensor NETwork (Brain-ASNET). There are two main challenges in realization of the proposed Brain-ASNET. 1) design and implementation of power-hungry RF transceiver of the implantable network sensors' chip, and, 2) design of an energy-efficient ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) protocol. In this thesis, we introduce an energy-efficient ad-hoc network protocol for the desired network, along with a method to overcome the issue of variable packet length caused by bit stuffing process in standard HDLC protocol. The proposed ad-hoc protocol designed for Brain-ASNET shows better energy-efficiency compared to standard protocols like ZigBee, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi as well as state-of-the-art ad-hoc protocols. The protocol was designed and tested by MATLAB and Simulink

    High-level services for networks-on-chip

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    Future technology trends envision that next-generation Multiprocessors Systems-on- Chip (MPSoCs) will be composed of a combination of a large number of processing and storage elements interconnected by complex communication architectures. Communication and interconnection between these basic blocks play a role of crucial importance when the number of these elements increases. Enabling reliable communication channels between cores becomes therefore a challenge for system designers. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) appeared as a strategy for connecting and managing the communication between several design elements and IP blocks, as required in complex Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). The topic can be considered as a multidisciplinary synthesis of multiprocessing, parallel computing, networking, and on- chip communication domains. Networks-on-Chip, in addition to standard communication services, can be employed for providing support for the implementation of system-level services. This dissertation will demonstrate how high-level services can be added to an MPSoC platform by embedding appropriate hardware/software support in the network interfaces (NIs) of the NoC. In this dissertation, the implementation of innovative modules acting in parallel with protocol translation and data transmission in NIs is proposed and evaluated. The modules can support the execution of the high-level services in the NoC at a relatively low cost in terms of area and energy consumption. Three types of services will be addressed and discussed: security, monitoring, and fault tolerance. With respect to the security aspect, this dissertation will discuss the implementation of an innovative data protection mechanism for detecting and preventing illegal accesses to protected memory blocks and/or memory mapped peripherals. The second aspect will be addressed by proposing the implementation of a monitoring system based on programmable multipurpose monitoring probes aimed at detecting NoC internal events and run-time characteristics. As last topic, new architectural solutions for the design of fault tolerant network interfaces will be presented and discussed
