75 research outputs found

    High-speed equalization and transmission in electrical interconnections

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    The relentless growth of data traffic and increasing digital signal processing capabilities of integrated circuits (IC) are demanding ever faster chip-to-chip / chip-to-module serial electrical interconnects. As data rates increase, the signal quality after transmission over printed circuit board (PCB) interconnections is severely impaired. Frequency-dependent loss and crosstalk noise lead to a reduced eye opening, a reduced signal-to-noise ratio and an increased inter-symbol interference (ISI). This, in turn, requires the use of improved signal processing or PCB materials, in order to overcome the bandwidth (BW) limitations and to improve signal integrity. By applying an optimal combination of equalizer and receiver electronics together with BW-efficient modulation schemes, the transmission rate over serial electrical interconnections can be pushed further. At the start of this research, most industrial backplane connectors, meeting the IEEE and OIF specifications such as manufactured by e.g. FCI or TE connectivity, had operational capabilities of up to 25 Gb/s. This research was mainly performed under the IWT ShortTrack project. The goal of this research was to increase the transmission speed over electrical backplanes up to 100 Gb/s per channel for next-generation telecom systems and data centers. This requirement greatly surpassed the state-ofthe-art reported in previous publications, considering e.g. 25 Gb/s duobinary and 42.8 Gb/s PAM-4 transmission over a low-loss Megtron 6 electrical backplane using off-line processing. The successful implementation of the integrated transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) (1) , clearly shows the feasibility of single lane interconnections beyond 80 Gb/s and opens the potential of realizing industrial 100 Gb/s links using a recent IC technology process. Besides the advancement of the state-of-the-art in the field of high-speed transceivers and backplane transmission systems, which led to several academic publications, the output of this work also attracts a lot of attention from the industry, showing the potential to commercialize the developed chipset and technologies used in this research for various applications: not only in high-speed electrical transmission links, but also in high-speed opto-electronic communications such as access, active optical cables and optical backplanes. In this dissertation, the background of this research, an overview of this work and the thesis organization are illustrated in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, a system level analysis is presented, showing that the channel losses are limiting the transmission speed over backplanes. In order to enhance the serial data rate over backplanes and to eliminate the signal degradation, several technologies are discussed, such as signal equalization and modulation techniques. First, a prototype backplane channel, from project partner FCI, implemented with improved backplane connectors is characterized. Second, an integrated transversal filter as a feed-forward equalizer (FFE) is selected to perform the signal equalization, based on a comprehensive consideration of the backplane channel performance, equalization capabilities, implementation complexity and overall power consumption. NRZ, duobinary and PAM-4 are the three most common modulation schemes for ultra-high speed electrical backplane communication. After a system-level simulation and comparison, the duobinary format is selected due to its high BW efficiency and reasonable circuit complexity. Last, different IC technology processes are compared and the ST microelectronics BiCMOS9MW process (featuring a fT value of over 200 GHz) is selected, based on a trade-off between speed and chip cost. Meanwhile it also has a benefit for providing an integrated microstrip model, which is utilized for the delay elements of the FFE. Chapter 3 illustrates the chip design of the high-speed backplane TX, consisting of a multiplexer (MUX) and a 5-tap FFE. The 4:1 MUX combines four lower rate streams into a high-speed differential NRZ signal up to 100 Gb/s as the FFE input. The 5-tap FFE is implemented with a novel topology for improved testability, such that the FFE performance can be individually characterized, in both frequency- and time-domain, which also helps to perform the coefficient optimization of the FFE. Different configurations for the gain cell in the FFE are compared. The gilbert configuration shows most advantages, in both a good high-frequency performance and an easy way to implement positive / negative amplification. The total chip, including the MUX and the FFE, consumes 750mW from a 2.5V supply and occupies an area of 4.4mm × 1.4 mm. In Chapter 4, the TX chip is demonstrated up to 84 Gb/s. First, the FFE performance is characterized in the frequency domain, showing that the FFE is able to work up to 84 Gb/s using duobinary formats. Second, the combination of the MUX and the FFE is tested. The equalized TX outputs are captured after different channels, for both NRZ and duobinary signaling at speeds from 64 Gb/s to 84 Gb/s. Then, by applying the duobinary RX 2, a serial electrical transmission link is demonstrated across a pair of 10 cm coax cables and across a 5 cm FX-2 differential stripline. The 5-tap FFE compensates a total loss between the TX and the RX chips of about 13.5 dB at the Nyquist frequency, while the RX receives the equalized signal and decodes the duobinary signal to 4 quarter rate NRZ streams. This shows a chip-to-chip data link with a bit error rate (BER) lower than 10−11. Last, the electrical data transmission between the TX and the RX over two commercial backplanes is demonstrated. An error-free, serial duobinary transmission across a commercial Megtron 6, 11.5 inch backplane is demonstrated at 48 Gb/s, which indicates that duobinary outperforms NRZ for attaining higher speed or longer reach backplane applications. Later on, using an ExaMAX® backplane demonstrator, duobinary transmission performance is verified and the maximum allowed channel loss at 40 Gb/s transmission is explored. The eye diagram and BER measurements over a backplane channel up to 26.25 inch are performed. The results show that at 40 Gb/s, a total channel loss up to 37 dB at the Nyquist frequency allows for error-free duobinary transmission, while a total channel loss of 42 dB was overcome with a BER below 10−8. An overview of the conclusions is summarized in Chapter 5, along with some suggestions for further research in this field. (1) The duobinary receiver was developed by my colleague Timothy De Keulenaer, as described in his PhD dissertation. (2) Described in the PhD dissertation of Timothy De Keulenaer

    A duobinary receiver chip for 84 Gb/s serial data communication

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    Analog and mixed-signal circuitry for system-assisted high-speed I/O links

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    The state-of-the-art design methodology for high-speed I/O links is to specify component-level design requirements to achieve high-fidelity component-level performance. While designing each component in the link with high fidelity guarantees a reliable link, it does not inherently optimize the link for metrics such as the power, design complexity, or bit error rate performance. Recently, due to the increased demand for data bandwidth in backplane I/O, a system-assisted design methodology has been developed to optimize the system for a given set of metrics. By optimizing on the system level rather than the component level, the performance at the component level can be reduced from high quality to sufficient when the component is deployed within the I/O link. The new system-level design methodology encourages the utilization of novel circuit architectures. In this dissertation, novel analog and mixed-signal circuitry for system-assisted high-speed I/O links is presented. The novel circuitry expands upon traditional analog and mixed-signal circuit architectures in order to achieve system-level design goals and requirements without significant power or area overhead

    Broadband Receiver Electronic Circuits for Fiber-Optical Communication Systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improve their capacity. As the copper based network infrastructure is being replaced by fiber-optical interconnects, new industrial standards for higher datarates are required. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towards 400 Gb Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speed broadband electronic circuit design. Replacing OOK with higher M-ary modulation formats and using higher datarates increases network capacity but at the cost of power. With datacenters rapidly becoming significant energy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnect transceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. There are several additional challenges unique in the design of a broadband shortreach fiber-optical receiver system. The sensitivity of the receiver depends on the noise performance of the PD and the electronics. The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulation scheme, PD and VCSEL characteristics. The topology of the transimpedance amplifier affects the noise and frequency response of the PD, so the system must be optimized as a whole. Most state-of-the-art receivers are built on high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, there are still several design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energy efficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitations of the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalization techniques are used. In this work several different blocks of a receiver system are designed and characterized. A broadband, 50 GHz bandwidth CB-based TIA and a tunable gain equalizer are designed in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. An ultra-broadband traveling wave amplifier is presented, based on a 250 nm InP DHBT technology demonstrating a 207 GHz bandwidth. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback, based on a 130 nm InP DHBT technology are designed and compared

    Power-efficient high-speed interface circuit techniques

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    Inter- and intra-chip connections have become the new challenge to enable the scaling of computing systems, ranging from mobile devices to high-end servers. Demand for aggregate I/O bandwidth has been driven by applications including high-speed ethernet, backplane micro-servers, memory, graphics, chip-to-chip and network onchip. I/O circuitry is becoming the major power consumer in SoC processors and memories as the increasing bandwidth demands larger per-pin data rate or larger I/O pin count per component. The aggregate I/O bandwidth has approximately doubled every three to four years across a diverse range of standards in different applications. However, in order to keep pace with these standards enabled in part by process-technology scaling, we will require more than just device scaling in the near future. New energy-efficient circuit techniques must be proposed to enable the next generations of handheld and high-performance computers, given the thermal and system-power limits they start facing. ^ In this work, we are proposing circuit architectures that improve energy efficiency without decreasing speed performance for the most power hungry circuits in high speed interfaces. By the introduction of a new kind of logic operators in CMOS, called implication operators, we implemented a new family of high-speed frequency dividers/prescalers with reduced footprint and power consumption. New techniques and circuits for clock distribution, for pre-emphasis and for driver at the transmitter side of the I/O circuitry have been proposed and implemented. At the receiver side, new DFE architecture and CDR have been proposed and have been proven experimentally

    Design of High-Speed SerDes Transceiver for Chip-to-Chip Communications in CMOS Process

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    With the continuous increase of on-chip computation capacities and exponential growth of data-intensive applications, the high-speed data transmission through serial links has become the backbone for modern communication systems. To satisfy the massive data-exchanging requirement, the data rate of such serial links has been updated from several Gb/s to tens of Gb/s. Currently, the commercial standards such as Ethernet 400GbE, InfiniBand high data rate (HDR), and common electrical interface (CEI)-56G has been developing towards 40+ Gb/s. As the core component within these links, the transceiver chipset plays a fundamental role in balancing the operation speed, power consumption, area occupation, and operation range. Meanwhile, the CMOS process has become the dominant technology in modern transceiver chip fabrications due to its large-scale digital integration capability and aggressive pricing advantage. This research aims to explore advanced techniques that are capable of exploiting the maximum operation speed of the CMOS process, and hence provides potential solutions for 40+ Gb/s CMOS transceiver designs. The major contributions are summarized as follows. A low jitter ring-oscillator-based injection-locked clock multiplier (RILCM) with a hybrid frequency tracking loop that consists of a traditional phase-locked loop (PLL), a timing-adjusted loop, and a loop selection state-machine is implemented in 65-nm C-MOS process. In the ring voltage-controlled oscillator, a full-swing pseudo-differential delay cell is proposed to lower the device noise to phase noise conversion. To obtain high operation speed and high detection accuracy, a compact timing-adjusted phase detector tightly combined with a well-matched charge pump is designed. Meanwhile, a lock-loss detection and lock recovery is devised to endow the RILCM with a similar lock-acquisition ability as conventional PLL, thus excluding the initial frequency set- I up aid and preventing the potential lock-loss risk. The experimental results show that the figure-of-merit of the designed RILCM reaches -247.3 dB, which is better than previous RILCMs and even comparable to the large-area LC-ILCMs. The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) chips are separately designed and fab- ricated in 65-nm CMOS process. The transmitter chip employs a quarter-rate multi-multiplexer (MUX)-based 4-tap feed-forward equalizer (FFE) to pre-distort the output. To increase the maximum operating speed, a bandwidth-enhanced 4:1 MUX with the capability of eliminating charge-sharing effect is proposed. To produce the quarter-rate parallel data streams with appropriate delays, a compact latch array associated with an interleaved-retiming technique is designed. The receiver chip employs a two-stage continuous-time linear equalizer (CTLE) as the analog front-end and integrates an improved clock data recovery to extract the sampling clocks and retime the incoming data. To automatically balance the jitter tracking and jitter suppression, passive low-pass filters with adaptively-adjusted bandwidth are introduced into the data-sampling path. To optimize the linearity of the phase interpolation, a time-averaging-based compensating phase interpolator is proposed. For equalization, a combined TX-FFE and RX-CTLE is applied to compensate for the channel loss, where a low-cost edge-data correlation-based sign zero-forcing adaptation algorithm is proposed to automatically adjust the TX-FFE’s tap weights. Measurement results show that the fabricated transmitter/receiver chipset can deliver 40 Gb/s random data at a bit error rate of 16 dB loss at the half-baud frequency, while consuming a total power of 370 mW

    Analysis and Design of High Speed Serial Interfaces for Automotive Applications

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    The demand for an enriched end-user experience and increased performance in next generation electronic applications is never ending, and it is a common trend for a wide spectrum of applications owing to different markets, like computing, mobile communication and automotive. For this reason High Speed Serial Interface have become widespread components for nowadays electronics with a constant demand for power reduction and data rate increase. In the frame of gigabit serial systems, the work discussed in this thesis develops in two directions: on one hand, the aim is to support the continuous data rate increase with the development of novel link modeling approaches that will be employed for system level evaluation and as support in the design and characterization phases. On the other hand, the design considerations and challenges in the implementation of the transmitter, one of the most delicate blocks for the signal integrity performance of the link, are central. The first part of the activity regarding link performance predictions lead to the development of an enhanced statistical simulation approach, capable to account for the transmitter waveform shape in the ISI analysis, a characteristic that is missed by the available state-ofthe- art simulation approaches. The proposed approach has been extensively tested by comparison with traditional simulation approaches (Spice-like simulators) and validated against experimental characterization of a test system, with satisfactory results. The second part of the activity consists in the design of a high speed transmitter in a deeply scaled CMOS technology, spanning from the concept of the circuit, its implementation and characterization. Targets of the design are to achieve a data rate of 5 Gb/s with a minimum voltage swing of 800 mV, thus doubling the data rate of the current transmitter implementation, and reduce the power dissipation adopting a voltage mode architecture. The experimental characterization of the fabricated lot draws a twofold picture, with some of the performance figures showing a very good qualitative and quantitative agreement with pre-silicon simulations, and others revealing a poor performance level, especially for the eye diagram. Investigation of the root causes by the analysis of the physical silicon design, of the bonding scheme of the prototypes and of the pre-silicon simulations is reported. Guidelines for the redesign of the circuit are also given.Nel panorama delle applicazioni elettroniche il miglioramento delle performance di un prodotto da una generazione alla successiva ha lo scopo di offrire all\u2019utilizzatore finale nuove funzioni e migliorare quelle esistenti. Negli ultimi anni grazie al costante avanzamento della tecnologia integrata, si \ue8 assistito ad un enorme sviluppo della capacit\ue0 computazionale dei dispositivi in tutti i segmenti di mercato, quali ad esempio l\u2019information technology, la comunicazione mobile e l\u2019automotive. La conseguente necessit\ue0 di mettere in comunicazione dispostivi diversi all\u2019interno della stessa applicazione e di traferire grosse quantit\ue0 di dati ha provocato una capillare diffusione delle interfacce seriali ad alta velocit\ue0, o High Speed Serial Interfaces (HSSIs). La necessit\ue0 di ridurre il consumo di potenza e aumentare il bit rate per questo tipo di applicazioni \ue8 diventata dunque un ambito di ricerca di estremo interesse. Il lavoro discusso in questa tesi si colloca nell\u2019ambito della trasmissione di dati seriali a bit rate superiori ad 1Gb/s e si sviluppa in due direzioni: da un lato, a sostegno del continuo aumento del bit rate nelle nuove generazioni di interfacce, \ue8 stato affrontato lo sviluppo di nuovi approcci di modellazione del sistema, che possano essere impiegati nella valutazione delle prestazioni dell\u2019interfaccia e a supporto delle fasi di progettazione e di caratterizzazione. Dall\u2019altro lato, si \ue8 focalizzata l\u2019attenzione sulle sfide e sulle problematiche inerenti il progetto di uno dei blocchi pi\uf9 delicati per le prestazioni del sistema, il trasmettitore. La prima parte della tesi ha come oggetto lo sviluppo di un approccio di simulazione statistico innovativo, in grado di includere nell\u2019analisi degli effetti dell\u2019interferenza di intersimbolo anche la forma d\u2019onda prodotta all\u2019uscita del trasmettitore, una caratteristica che non \ue8 presente in altri approcci di simulazione proposti in letteratura. La tecnica proposta \ue8 ampiamente testata mediante il confronto con approcci di simulazione tradizionali (di tipo Spice) e mediante il confronto con la caratterizzazione sperimentale di un sistema di test, con risultati pienamente soddisfacenti. La seconda parte dell\u2019attivit\ue0 riguarda il progetto di un trasmettitore integrato high speed in tecnologia CMOS a 40nm e si estende dallo studio di fattibilit\ue0 del circuito fino alla sua realizzazione e caratterizzazione. Gli obiettivi riguardano il raggiungimento di un bit rate pari a 5 Gb/s, raddoppiando cos\uec il bit rate dell\u2019attuale implementazione, e di una tensione differenziale di uscita minima di 800mV (picco-picco) riducendo allo stesso tempo la potenza dissipata mediante l\u2019adozione di una architettura Voltage Mode. I risultati sperimentali ottenuti dal primo lotto fabbricato non delineano un quadro univoco: alcune performance mostrano un ottimo accordo qualitativo e quantitativo con le simulazioni pre-fabbricazione, mentre prestazioni non soddisfacenti sono state ottenute in particolare per il diagramma ad occhio. Grazie all\u2019analisi del layout del prototipo, del bonding tra silicio e package e delle simulazioni pre-fabbricazione \ue8 stato possibile risalire ai fattori responsabili del degrado delle prestazioni rispetto alla previsioni pre-fabbricazione, permettendo inoltre di delineare le linee guida da seguire nella futura progettazione di un nuovo prototipo

    Energy-efficient wireline transceivers

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    Power-efficient wireline transceivers are highly demanded by many applications in high performance computation and communication systems. Apart from transferring a wide range of data rates to satisfy the interconnect bandwidth requirement, the transceivers have very tight power budget and are expected to be fully integrated. This thesis explores enabling techniques to implement such transceivers in both circuit and system levels. Specifically, three prototypes will be presented: (1) a 5Gb/s reference-less clock and data recovery circuit (CDR) using phase-rotating phase-locked loop (PRPLL) to conduct phase control so as to break several fundamental trade-offs in conventional receivers; (2) a 4-10.5Gb/s continuous-rate CDR with novel frequency acquisition scheme based on bang-bang phase detector (BBPD) and a ring oscillator-based fractional-N PLL as the low noise wide range DCO in the CDR loop; (3) a source-synchronous energy-proportional link with dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and rapid on/off (ROO) techniques to cut the link power wastage at system level. The receiver/transceiver architectures are highly digital and address the requirements of new receiver architecture development, wide operating range, and low power/area consumption while being fully integrated. Experimental results obtained from the prototypes attest the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Wideband integrated circuits for optical communication systems

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    The exponential growth of internet traffic drives datacenters to constantly improvetheir capacity. Several research and industrial organizations are aiming towardsTbps Ethernet and beyond, which brings new challenges to the field of high-speedbroadband electronic circuit design. With datacenters rapidly becoming significantenergy consumers on the global scale, the energy efficiency of the optical interconnecttransceivers takes a primary role in the development of novel systems. Furthermore,wideband optical links are finding application inside very high throughput satellite(V/HTS) payloads used in the ever-expanding cloud of telecommunication satellites,enabled by the maturity of the existing fiber based optical links and the hightechnology readiness level of radiation hardened integrated circuit processes. Thereare several additional challenges unique in the design of a wideband optical system.The overall system noise must be optimized for the specific application, modulationscheme, PD and laser characteristics. Most state-of-the-art wideband circuits are builton high-end semiconductor SiGe and InP technologies. However, each technologydemands specific design decisions to be made in order to get low noise, high energyefficiency and adequate bandwidth. In order to overcome the frequency limitationsof the optoelectronic components, bandwidth enhancement and channel equalizationtechniques are used. In this work various blocks of optical communication systems aredesigned attempting to tackle some of the aforementioned challenges. Two TIA front-end topologies with 133 GHz bandwidth, a CB and a CE with shunt-shunt feedback,are designed and measured, utilizing a state-of-the-art 130 nm InP DHBT technology.A modular equalizer block built in 130 nm SiGe HBT technology is presented. Threeultra-wideband traveling wave amplifiers, a 4-cell, a single cell and a matrix single-stage, are designed in a 250 nm InP DHBT process to test the limits of distributedamplification. A differential VCSEL driver circuit is designed and integrated in a4x 28 Gbps transceiver system for intra-satellite optical communications based in arad-hard 130nm SiGe process
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