262 research outputs found

    Optimal soft-decoding combined trellis-coded quantization/modulation.

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    Chei Kwok-hung.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 66-73).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Typical Digital Communication Systems --- p.2Chapter 1.1.1 --- Source coding --- p.3Chapter 1.1.2 --- Channel coding --- p.5Chapter 1.2 --- Joint Source-Channel Coding System --- p.5Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Organization --- p.7Chapter Chapter 2 --- Trellis Coding --- p.9Chapter 2.1 --- Convolutional Codes --- p.9Chapter 2.2 --- Trellis-Coded Modulation --- p.12Chapter 2.2.1 --- Set Partitioning --- p.13Chapter 2.3 --- Trellis-Coded Quantization --- p.14Chapter 2.4 --- Joint TCQ/TCM System --- p.17Chapter 2.4.1 --- The Combined Receiver --- p.17Chapter 2.4.2 --- Viterbi Decoding --- p.19Chapter 2.4.3 --- Sequence MAP Decoding --- p.20Chapter 2.4.4 --- Sliding Window Decoding --- p.21Chapter 2.4.5 --- Block-Based Decoding --- p.23Chapter Chapter 3 --- Soft Decoding Joint TCQ/TCM over AWGN Channel --- p.25Chapter 3.1 --- System Model --- p.26Chapter 3.2 --- TCQ with Optimal Soft-Decoder --- p.27Chapter 3.3 --- Gaussian Memoryless Source --- p.30Chapter 3.3.1 --- Theorem Limit --- p.31Chapter 3.3.2 --- Performance on PAM Constellations --- p.32Chapter 3.3.3 --- Performance on PSK Constellations --- p.36Chapter 3.4 --- Uniform Memoryless Source --- p.38Chapter 3.4.1 --- Theorem Limit --- p.38Chapter 3.4.2 --- Performance on PAM Constellations --- p.39Chapter 3.4.3 --- Performance on PSK Constellations --- p.40Chapter Chapter 4 --- Soft Decoding Joint TCQ/TCM System over Rayleigh Fading Channel --- p.42Chapter 4.1 --- Wireless Channel --- p.43Chapter 4.2 --- Rayleigh Fading Channel --- p.44Chapter 4.3 --- Idea Interleaving --- p.45Chapter 4.4 --- Receiver Structure --- p.46Chapter 4.5 --- Numerical Results --- p.47Chapter 4.5.1 --- Performance on 4-PAM Constellations --- p.48Chapter 4.5.2 --- Performance on 8-PAM Constellations --- p.50Chapter 4.5.3 --- Performance on 16-PAM Constellations --- p.52Chapter Chapter 5 --- Joint TCVQ/TCM System --- p.54Chapter 5.1 --- Trellis-Coded Vector Quantization --- p.55Chapter 5.1.1 --- Set Partitioning in TCVQ --- p.56Chapter 5.2 --- Joint TCVQ/TCM --- p.59Chapter 5.2.1 --- Set Partitioning and Index Assignments --- p.60Chapter 5.2.2 --- Gaussian-Markov Sources --- p.61Chapter 5.3 --- Simulation Results and Discussion --- p.62Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion and Future Work --- p.64Chapter 6.1 --- Conclusion --- p.64Chapter 6.2 --- Future Works --- p.65Bibliography --- p.66Appendix-Publications --- p.7

    Soft information based protocols in network coded relay networks

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    Future wireless networks aim at providing higher quality of service (QoS) to mobile users. The emergence of relay technologies has shed light on new methodologies through which the system capacity can be dramatically increased with low deployment cost. In this thesis, novel relay technologies have been proposed in two practical scenarios: wireless sensor networks (WSN) and cellular networks. In practical WSN designs, energy conservation is the single most important requirement. This thesis draws attention to a multiple access relay channels model in the WSN. The network coded symbol for the received signals from correlated sources has been derived; the network coded symbol vector is then converted into a sparse vector, after which a compressive sensing (CS) technique is applied over the sparse signals. A theoretical proof analysis is derived regarding the reliability of the network coded symbol formed in the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol results in a better bit error rate (BER) performance in comparison to the direct implementation of CS on the EF protocol. Simulation results validate our analyses. Another hot topic is the application of relay technologies to the cellular networks. In this thesis, a practical two-way transmission scheme is proposed based on the EF protocol and the network coding technique. A trellis coded quantization/modulation (TCQ/M) scheme is used in the network coding process. The soft network coded symbols are quantized into only one bit thus requiring the same transmission bandwidth as the simplest decode-and-forward protocol. The probability density function of the network coded symbol is derived to help to form the quantization codebook for the TCQ. Simulations show that the proposed soft forwarding protocol can achieve full diversity with only a transmission rate of 1, and its BER performance is equivalent to that of an unquantized EF protocol

    On the Convergence Speed of Turbo Demodulation with Turbo Decoding

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    Iterative processing is widely adopted nowadays in modern wireless receivers for advanced channel codes like turbo and LDPC codes. Extension of this principle with an additional iterative feedback loop to the demapping function has proven to provide substantial error performance gain. However, the adoption of iterative demodulation with turbo decoding is constrained by the additional implied implementation complexity, heavily impacting latency and power consumption. In this paper, we analyze the convergence speed of these combined two iterative processes in order to determine the exact required number of iterations at each level. Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used for a thorough analysis at different modulation orders and code rates. An original iteration scheduling is proposed reducing two demapping iterations with reasonable performance loss of less than 0.15 dB. Analyzing and normalizing the computational and memory access complexity, which directly impact latency and power consumption, demonstrates the considerable gains of the proposed scheduling and the promising contributions of the proposed analysis.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing on April 27, 201

    Soft information based protocols in network coded relay networks

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    Future wireless networks aim at providing higher quality of service (QoS) to mobile users. The emergence of relay technologies has shed light on new methodologies through which the system capacity can be dramatically increased with low deployment cost. In this thesis, novel relay technologies have been proposed in two practical scenarios: wireless sensor networks (WSN) and cellular networks. In practical WSN designs, energy conservation is the single most important requirement. This thesis draws attention to a multiple access relay channels model in the WSN. The network coded symbol for the received signals from correlated sources has been derived; the network coded symbol vector is then converted into a sparse vector, after which a compressive sensing (CS) technique is applied over the sparse signals. A theoretical proof analysis is derived regarding the reliability of the network coded symbol formed in the proposed protocol. The proposed protocol results in a better bit error rate (BER) performance in comparison to the direct implementation of CS on the EF protocol. Simulation results validate our analyses. Another hot topic is the application of relay technologies to the cellular networks. In this thesis, a practical two-way transmission scheme is proposed based on the EF protocol and the network coding technique. A trellis coded quantization/modulation (TCQ/M) scheme is used in the network coding process. The soft network coded symbols are quantized into only one bit thus requiring the same transmission bandwidth as the simplest decode-and-forward protocol. The probability density function of the network coded symbol is derived to help to form the quantization codebook for the TCQ. Simulations show that the proposed soft forwarding protocol can achieve full diversity with only a transmission rate of 1, and its BER performance is equivalent to that of an unquantized EF protocol

    Turbo Decoding and Detection for Wireless Applications

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    A historical perspective of turbo coding and turbo transceivers inspired by the generic turbo principles is provided, as it evolved from Shannon’s visionary predictions. More specifically, we commence by discussing the turbo principles, which have been shown to be capable of performing close to Shannon’s capacity limit. We continue by reviewing the classic maximum a posteriori probability decoder. These discussions are followed by studying the effect of a range of system parameters in a systematic fashion, in order to gauge their performance ramifications. In the second part of this treatise, we focus our attention on the family of iterative receivers designed for wireless communication systems, which were partly inspired by the invention of turbo codes. More specifically, the family of iteratively detected joint coding and modulation schemes, turbo equalization, concatenated spacetime and channel coding arrangements, as well as multi-user detection and three-stage multimedia systems are highlighted

    Iterative Detection of Three-Stage Concatenated FFH-MFSK

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    Serially concatenated and iteratively decoded Irregular Variable Length Coding (IrVLC) combined with precoded Fast Frequency Hopping (FFH) M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) is considered. We employ EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts to investigate the 3-stage concatenation of the FFH-MFSK demodulator, the rate-1 decoder and the outer IrVLC decoder. The proposed joint source and channel coding scheme is capable of operating at low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in Rayleigh fading channels contaminated by Partial Band Noise Jamming (PBNJ). The IrVLC scheme is comprised of a number of component Variable Length Coding (VLC) codebooks employing different coding rates for encoding particular fractions of the input source symbol stream. These fractions may be chosen with the aid of EXIT charts in order to shape the inverted EXIT curve of the IrVLC codec so that it can be matched with the EXIT curve of the inner decoder. We demonstrate that using the proposed scheme an infinitesimally low bit error ratio may be achieved at low SNR values

    An adaptive coding scheme with code combining for mobile radio systems

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    10.1109/25.260765IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology424469-476ITVT

    Error Correction For Automotive Telematics Systems

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    One benefit of data communication over the voice channel of the cellular network is to reliably transmit real-time high priority data in case of life critical situations. An important implementation of this use-case is the pan-European eCall automotive standard, which has already been deployed since 2018. This is the first international standard for mobile emergency call that was adopted by multiple regions in Europe and the world. Other countries in the world are currently working on deploying a similar emergency communication system, such as in Russia and China. Moreover, many experiments and road tests are conducted yearly to validate and improve the requirements of the system. The results have proven that the requirements are unachievable thus far, with a success rate of emergency data delivery of only 70%. The eCall in-band modem transmits emergency information from the in-vehicle system (IVS) over the voice channel of the circuit switch real time communication system to the public safety answering point (PSAP) in case of a collision. The voice channel is characterized by the non-linear vocoder which is designed to compress speech waveforms. In addition, multipath fading, caused by the surrounding buildings and hills, results in severe signal distortion and causes delays in the transmission of the emergency information. Therefore, to reliably transmit data over the voice channels, the in-band modem modulates the data into speech-like (SL) waveforms, and employs a powerful forward error correcting (FEC) code to secure the real-time transmission. In this dissertation, the Turbo coded performance of the eCall in-band modem is first evaluated through the adaptive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the adaptive multi-rate (AMR) voice channel. The modulation used is biorthogonal pulse position modulation (BPPM). Simulations are conducted for both the fast and robust eCall modem. The results show that the distortion added by the vocoder is significantly large and degrades the system performance. In addition, the robust modem performs better than the fast modem. For instance, to achieve a bit error rate (BER) of 10^{-6} using the AMR compression rate of 7.4 kbps, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required is 5.5 dB for the robust modem while a SNR of 7.5 dB is required for the fast modem. On the other hand, the fading effect is studied in the eCall channel. It was shown that the fading distribution does not follow a Rayleigh distribution. The performance of the in-band modem is evaluated through the AWGN, AMR and fading channel. The results are compared with a Rayleigh fading channel. The analysis shows that strong fading still exists in the voice channel after power control. The results explain the large delays and failure of the emergency data transmission to the PSAP. Thus, the eCall standard needs to re-evaluate their requirements in order to consider the impact of fading on the transmission of the modulated signals. The results can be directly applied to design real-time emergency communication systems, including modulation and coding

    Efficient Transmission Techniques in Cooperative Networks: Forwarding Strategies and Distributed Coding Schemes

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    This dissertation focuses on transmission and estimation schemes in wireless relay network, which involves a set of source nodes, a set of destination nodes, and a set of nodes helps communication between source nodes and destination nodes, called relay nodes. It is noted that the overall performance of the wireless relay systems would be impacted by the relay methods adopted by relay nodes. In this dissertation, efficient forwarding strategies and channel coding involved relaying schemes in various relay network topology are studied.First we study a simple structure of relay systems, with one source, one destination and one relay node. By exploiting “analog codes” -- a special class of error correction codes that can directly encode and protect real-valued data, a soft forwarding strategy –“analog-encode-forward (AEF)”scheme is proposed. The relay node first soft-decodes the packet from the source, then re-encodes this soft decoder output (Log Likelihood Ratio) using an appropriate analog code, and forwards it to the destination. At the receiver, both a maximum-likelihood (ML) decoder and a maximum a posterior (MAP) decoder are specially designed for the AEF scheme.The work is then extended to parallel relay networks, which is consisted of one source, one destination and multiple relay nodes. The first question confronted with us is which kind of soft information to be relayed at the relay nodes. We analyze a set of prevailing soft information for relaying considered by researchers in this field. A truncated LLR is proved to be the best choice, we thus derive another soft forwarding strategy – “Z” forwarding strategy. The main parameter effecting the overall performance in this scheme is the threshold selected to cut the LLR information. We analyze the threshold selection at the relay nodes, and derive the exact ML estimation at the destination node. To circumvent the catastrophic error propagation in digital distributed coding scheme, a distributed soft coding scheme is proposed for the parallel relay networks. The key idea is the exploitation of a rate-1 soft convolutional encoder at each of the parallel relays, to collaboratively form a simple but powerful distributed analog coding scheme. Because of the linearity of the truncated LLR information, a nearly optimal ML decoder is derived for the distributed coding scheme. In the last part, a cooperative transmission scheme for a multi-source single-destination system through superposition modulation is investigated. The source nodes take turns to transmit, and each time, a source “overlays” its new data together with (some or all of) what it overhears from its partner(s), in a way similar to French-braiding the hair. We introduce two subclasses of braid coding, the nonregenerative and the regenerative cases, and, using the pairwise error probability (PEP) as a figure of merit, derive the optimal weight parameters for each one. By exploiting the structure relevance of braid codes with trellis codes, we propose a Viterbi maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding method of linear-complexity for the regenerative case. We also present a soft-iterative joint channel-network decoding. The overall decoding process is divided into the forward message passing and the backward message passing, which makes effective use of the available reliability information from all the received signals. We show that the proposed “braid coding” cooperative scheme benefits not only from the cooperative diversity but also from the bit error rate (BER) performance gain