223 research outputs found

    Design and real time implementation of nonlinear sliding surface with the application of super-twisting algorithm in nonlinear sliding mode control for twin rotor MIMO system

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    This paper proposes the design of a nonlinear sliding surface based on the principle of variable damping concept for 2-degree of freedom Twin Rotor Multiple input Multiple output System (2-dof TRMS). The implementation of the designed nonlinear sliding surface in real time is demonstrated. Super-twisting algorithm is applied in nonlinear sliding mode control. The nonlinear sliding surface enables the system trajectory to be highly robust and with the application of super-twisting algorithm in nonlinear sliding mode controller (SMC), the designed controller has minimized the problem of chattering considerably. The system is modeled in such a way that it includes all nonlinearities and coupling effects. A decoupler is designed to nullify the coupling effect. This scheme is capable of reducing both the settling time and peak overshoot simultaneously for 2-dof TRMS. The scheme also reduces the chattering. The proposed method is compared with the design using PID controller. The applicability of the designed nonlinear sliding surface and nonlinear SMC with super-twisting algorithm have been tested both in simulation and in real time. This research paper is mainly dealing with the modeling of Twin rotor MIMO system by including all nonlinearities and coupling effects, the decoupler design for 2-dof TRMS, the design of nonlinear sliding surface for 2-dof TRMS and application of super-twisting algorithm in nonlinear sliding mode control for 2-dof TRMS

    A Study of Advanced Modern Control Techniques Applied to a Twin Rotor MIMO System

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    The twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS) is a helicopter-like system that is restricted to two degrees of freedom, pitch and yaw. It is a complicated nonlinear, coupled, MIMO system used for the verification of control methods and observers. There have been many methods successfully applied to the system ranging from simple proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers, to machine learning algorithms, nonlinear control methods and other less explored methods like deadbeat control and various optimal methodologies. This thesis details the design procedure for two different control methods. The first is a suboptimal tracking controller using a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) with integral action. The second is the design of several adaptive sliding mode controller to provide robust tracking control of the TRMS. Once the design is complete the controllers are tested in simulation and their performance is compared against a PID controller experimentally. The performance of the controllers are also compared against other controllers in the literature. The ability of the sliding mode controllers (SMC) to suppress chattering is also be explored

    A robust control design approach for altitude control and trajectory tracking of a quadrotor

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    Introduction. Unmanned aerial vehicles as quadcopters, twin rotors, fixed-wing crafts, and helicopters are being used in many applications these days. Control approaches applied on the quadrotor after decoupling the model or separate altitude control and trajectory tracking have been reported in the literature. A robust linear H∞ controller has been designed for both altitude control and circular trajectory tracking at the desired altitude. Problem. The ability of the quadrotor system to hover at a certain height and track any desired trajectory makes their use in many industrial applications in both military and civil applications. Once a controller has been designed, it may not be able to maintain the desired performance in practical scenarios, i.e. in presence of wind gusts. Originality. This work presents the control strategy to ensure both altitude control and trajectory tracking using a single controller. Purpose. However, there is a need for a single controller that ensures both altitude control and trajectory tracking. Novelty. This paper presents a robust H∞ control for altitude control and trajectory tracking for a six degree of freedom of unmanned aerial vehicles quadrotor. Methodology. Multi input multi output robust H∞ controller has been proposed for the quadrotor for altitude control and tracking the desired reference. For the controller validation, a simulation environment is developed in which a 3D trajectory is tracked by the proposed control methodology. Results. Simulation results depict that the controller is efficient enough to achieve the desired objective at minimal control efforts. Practical value. To verify that the proposed approach is able to ensure stability, altitude control, and trajectory tracking under practical situations, the performance of the proposed control is tested in presence of wind gusts. The ability of the controller to cater to the disturbances within fractions of seconds and maintaining both transient and steady-state performance proves the effectiveness of the controller.Вступ. Безпілотні літальні апарати, такі як квадрокоптери, двороторні апарати, апарати з нерухомими крилами та гелікоптери сьогодні використовуються у багатьох сферах застосування. У літературі повідомляється про підходи до керування, застосовані на квадрокоптері після від’єднання моделі або окремого контролю висоти та відстеження траєкторії. Надійний лінійний регулятор H∞ був розроблений як для контролю висоти, так і для відстеження кругової траєкторії на потрібній висоті. Проблема. Здатність квадрокоптерної системи зависати на певній висоті та відстежувати будь-яку бажану траєкторію робить їх застосування можливим у багатьох сферах як у військових, так і в цивільних цілях. Розроблений контролер може не підтримувати бажані характеристики у реальних умовах, тобто за наявності поривів вітру. Оригінальність. У цій роботі представлена стратегія керування, яка забезпечує як контроль висоти, так і відстеження траєкторії за допомогою одного контролера. Мета. Однак існує потреба в єдиному контролері, який забезпечує як контроль висоти, так і відстеження траєкторії. Новизна. У цій статті представлено надійний регулятор H∞ для контролю висоти та відстеження траєкторії для шести ступенів свободи безпілотних літальних апаратів. Методологія. Для квадрокоптера запропоновано багатовхідний багатовихідний надійний контролер H∞ для контролю висоти та відстеження бажаного курсу. Для перевірки контролера розробляється середовище моделювання, в якому тривимірна траєкторія відстежується за запропонованою методологією керування. Результати. Результати моделювання показують, що контролер є досить ефективним для досягнення бажаної мети при мінімальних зусиллях контролю. Практична цінність. Щоб переконатися, що запропонований підхід здатний забезпечити стабільність, контроль висоти та відстеження траєкторії в реальних ситуаціях, параметри запропонованого контролю перевіряються за наявності поривів вітру. Здатність контролера усувати порушення протягом кількох секунд і підтримувати як перехідні, так і стабільні показники доводить ефективність контролера

    Hybrid active force control for fixed based rotorcraft

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    Disturbances are considered major challenges faced in the deployment of rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems. Among different types of rotorcraft systems, the twin-rotor helicopter and quadrotor models are considered the most versatile flying machines nowadays due to their range of applications in the civilian and military sectors. However, these systems are multivariate and highly non-linear, making them difficult to be accurately controlled. Their performance could be further compromised when they are operated in the presence of disturbances or uncertainties. This dissertation presents an innovative hybrid control scheme for rotorcraft systems to improve disturbance rejection capability while maintaining system stability, based on a technique called active force control (AFC) via simulation and experimental works. A detailed dynamic model of each aerial system was derived based on the Euler–Lagrange and Newton-Euler methods, taking into account various assumptions and conditions. As a result of the derived models, a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller was designed to achieve the required altitude and attitude motions. Due to the PID's inability to reject applied disturbances, the AFC strategy was incorporated with the designed PID controller, to be known as the PID-AFC scheme. To estimate control parameters automatically, a number of artificial intelligence algorithms were employed in this study, namely the iterative learning algorithm and fuzzy logic. Intelligent rules of these AI algorithms were designed and embedded into the AFC loop, identified as intelligent active force control (IAFC)-based methods. This involved, PID-iterative learning active force control (PID-ILAFC) and PID-fuzzy logic active force control (PID-FLAFC) schemes. To test the performance and robustness of these proposed hybrid control systems, several disturbance models were introduced, namely the sinusoidal wave, pulsating, and Dryden wind gust model disturbances. Integral square error was selected as the index performance to compare between the proposed control schemes. In this study, the effectiveness of the PID-ILAFC strategy in connection with the body jerk performance was investigated in the presence of applied disturbance. In terms of experimental work, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experimental tests were conducted for a fixed-base rotorcraft UAV system to investigate how effective are the proposed hybrid PID-ILAFC schemes in disturbance rejection. Simulated results, in time domains, reveal the efficacy of the proposed hybrid IAFC-based control methods in the cancellation of different applied disturbances, while preserving the stability of the rotorcraft system, as compared to the conventional PID controller. In most of the cases, the simulated results show a reduction of more than 55% in settling time. In terms of body jerk performance, it was improved by around 65%, for twin-rotor helicopter system, and by a 45%, for quadrotor system. To achieve the best possible performance, results recommend using the full output signal produced by the AFC strategy according to the sensitivity analysis. The HIL experimental tests results demonstrate that the PID-ILAFC method can improve the disturbance rejection capability when compared to other control systems and show good agreement with the simulated counterpart. However, the selection of the appropriate learning parameters and initial conditions is viewed as a crucial step toward this improved performance

    Higher Order Sliding Mode Control of MIMO Induction Motors: A New Adaptive Approach

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    In this paper the objective is to force the outputs of nonlinear nonaffine multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems to track those of a linear system with the desired properties. The approach is based on designing higher order sliding mode controller (HOSMC) with the definition of a new proportional-integral (PI) sliding surface. To this end, a linear state feedback with an adaptive switching gain (ASG) is applied to the nonlinear MIMO systems. Therefore, the switching gain can increase or decrease based on the system conditions. Then, the chattering is completely removed using a combination of HOSMC and ASG. Moreover, the proposed procedure is independent from the upper bound of the matched uncertainty, which is in the direction of system inputs. The finite time convergence to the sliding surface is also proved, which provides an invariance property in finite time. Note that invariance is the most important property of SMC. Finally, the general model of MIMO induction motors (IM) is used to address and to verify the proposed controller.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Basque Government, through the project EKOHEGAZ II (ELKARTEK KK-2023/00051), to the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA), through the project CONAVANTER, to the UPV/EHU, through the project GIU20/063, and to the MobilityLab Foundation (CONV23/14. Proy. 16) for supporting this work