67,969 research outputs found

    Concurrent Learning-Based Neuro-Adaptive Robust Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robot: An Event-Triggered Design

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    In this paper, an event-based neuro-adaptive robust tracking controller for a perturbed and networked differential drive mobile robot (DMR) is designed with concurrent learning. A radial basis function neural network, which approximates an unknown perturbation, is used to design an adaptive sliding mode controller (SMC). The RBFNN weights and SMC parameters are estimated online using an adaptive tuning law to ensure performance with reduced chattering. To improve the convergence of RBFNN weight estimation error, a concurrent learning-based adaptive law is derived, which uses measured online and recorded data. Further, a suitable triggering condition is designed to achieve a reduced number of control computations while minimizing network resources without sacrificing the stability of the sampled data closed-loop control system. A finite sampling frequency is guaranteed for the designed triggering condition by establishing a positive lower bound on the inter-event execution time which is equivalent to the Zeno-free behavior of the system. Finally, the proposed event-based neuro-adaptive robust controller is implemented on a practical system (Q-bot 2e) to show the effectiveness of the proposed design

    Some issues in the sliding mode control of rigid robotic manipulators

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    This thesis investigates the problem of robust adaptive sliding mode control for nonlinear rigid robotic manipulators. A number of robustness and convergence results are presented for sliding mode control of robotic manipulators with bounded unknown disturbances, nonlinearities, dynamical couplings and parameter uncertainties. The highlights of the research work are summarized below : ā€¢ A robust adaptive tracking control for rigid robotic manipulators is proposed. In this scheme, the parameters of the upper bound of system uncertainty are adaptively estimated. The controller estimates are then used as controller parameters to eliminate the effects of system uncertainty and guarantee asymptotic error convergence. ā€¢ A decentralised adaptive sliding mode control scheme for rigid robotic manipulators is proposed. The known dynamics of the partially known robotic manipulator are separated out to perform linearization. A local feedback controller is then designed to stabilize each subsystem and an adaptive sliding mode compensator is used to handle the effects of uncertain system dynamics. The developed scheme guarantees that the effects of system dynamics are eliminated and that asymptotic error convergence is obtained with respect to the overall robotic control system. ā€¢ A model reference adaptive control using the terminal sliding mode technique is proposed. A multivariable terminal sliding mode is defined for a model following control system for rigid robotic manipulators. A terminal sliding mode controller is then designed based on only a few uncertain system matrix bounds. The result is a simple and robust controller design that guarantees convergence of the output tracking error in a finite time on the terminal sliding mode

    Output regulation of Euler-Lagrange systems based on error and velocity feedback

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    Based on a certainty equivalence property, we propose an adaptive internal model control law that solves global robust output regulation of uncertain Euler-Lagrange (EL) systems based only on error (or relative position) and velocity feedback. The proposed controller does not require apriori knowledge of reference signal and its derivatives, which are commonly assumed in literature. It enables a self-learning mechanism of the closed-loop EL systems where the adaptive internal model-based controller is able to learn the desired trajectories and adapt itself to the uncertain plant parameters. Furthermore, the analysis offers insights to the design of internal model-based output regulation for multivariable nonlinear systems with uniform vector relative degree two

    Design of Intelligent PID Controller for AVR System Using an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System

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    This paper presents a hybrid approach involving signal to noise ratio (SNR) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) for design the optimal and intelligent proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller of an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system with uses an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). In this paper determined optimal parameters of PID controller with SNR-PSO approach for some events and use these optimal parameters of PID controller for design the intelligent PID controller for AVR system with ANFIS.Ā  Trial and error method can be used to find a suitable design of anfis based an intelligent controller. However, there are many options including fuzzy rules, Membership Functions (MFs) and scaling factors to achieve a desired performance. An optimization algorithm facilitates this process and finds an optimal design to provide a desired performance. This paper presents a novel application of the SNRPSO approach to design an intelligent controller for AVR. SNR-PSO is a method that combines the features of PSO and SNR in order to improve the optimize operation. In order to emphasize the advantages of the proposed SNR-PSO PID controller, we also compared with the CRPSO PID controller. The proposed method was indeed more efficient and robust in improving the step response of an AVR system and numerical simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of PID controller of AVR based on SNRPSO algorithm.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i5.652

    Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems

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    This monograph is an up-to-date presentation of the analysis and design of singular Markovian jump systems (SMJSs) in which the transition rate matrix of the underlying systems is generally uncertain, partially unknown and designed. The problems addressed include stability, stabilization, H? control and filtering, observer design, and adaptive control. applications of Markov process are investigated by using Lyapunov theory, linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), S-procedure and the stochastic Barbalatā€™s Lemma, among other techniques. Features of the book include: Ā· study of the stability problem for SMJSs with general transition rate matrices (TRMs); Ā· stabilization for SMJSs by TRM design, noise control, proportional-derivative and partially mode-dependent control, in terms of LMIs with and without equation constraints; Ā· mode-dependent and mode-independent H? control solutions with development of a type of disordered controller; Ā· observer-based controllers of SMJSs in which both the designed observer and controller are either mode-dependent or mode-independent; Ā· consideration of robust H? filtering in terms of uncertain TRM or filter parameters leading to a method for totally mode-independent filtering Ā· development of LMI-based conditions for a class of adaptive state feedback controllers with almost-certainly-bounded estimated error and almost-certainly-asymptotically-stable corresponding closed-loop system states Ā· applications of Markov process on singular systems with norm bounded uncertainties and time-varying delays Analysis and Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems contains valuable reference material for academic researchers wishing to explore the area. The contents are also suitable for a one-semester graduate course

    A Suite of Robust Controllers for the Manipulation of Microscale Objects

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    A suite of novel robust controllers is introduced for the pickup operation of microscale objects in a microelectromechanical system (MEMS). In MEMS, adhesive, surface tension, friction, and van der Waals forces are dominant. Moreover, these forces are typically unknown. The proposed robust controller overcomes the unknown contact dynamics and ensures its performance in the presence of actuator constraints by assuming that the upper bounds on these forces are known. On the other hand, for the robust adaptive critic-based neural network (NN) controller, the unknown dynamic forces are estimated online. It consists of an action NN for compensating the unknown system dynamics and a critic NN for approximating a certain strategic utility function and tuning the action NN weights. by using the Lyapunov approach, the uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop manipulation error is shown for all the controllers for the pickup task. To imitate a practical system, a few system states are considered to be unavailable due to the presence of measurement noise. An output feedback version of the adaptive NN controller is proposed by exploiting the separation principle through a high-gain observer design. The problem of measurement noise is also overcome by constructing a reference system. Simulation results are presented and compared to substantiate the theoretical conclusions

    Robust Adaptive Control in H(infinity).

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of unifying identification and control in the paradigm of {\cal H}\sb\infty to achieve robust adaptive control. To achieve robust adaptive control, we employ the same approach used for identification in {\cal H}\sb\infty and robust control in {\cal H}\sb\infty. In the modeling part, we aim not only to identify the nominal plant, but also to quantify the modeling error in {\cal H}\sb\infty norm. The linear algorithm based on least-squares is used, and the upper bounds for the corresponding modeling error are derived. In the control part, we aim to achieve the performance specification in frequency domain using innovative model reference control. New algorithms are derived that minimize an {\cal H}\sb\infty index function associated with the deviation between the performance of the feedback system to be designed, and that of the reference model. The results for the modeling and control part are then combined and applied to adaptive control. It is shown that with mild assumption on persistent excitation, the least squares algorithm in frequency domain is equivalent to the recursive least squares algorithm in time domain. Moreover, finite horizon {\cal H}\sb\infty is employed to design feedback controller recursively using the identified model that is time varying in nature. The robust stability of the adaptive feedback system is then established

    Adaptive and Optimal Motion Control of Multi-UAV Systems

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    This thesis studies trajectory tracking and coordination control problems for single and multi unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems. These control problems are addressed for both quadrotor and fixed-wing UAV cases. Despite the fact that the literature has some approaches for both problems, most of the previous studies have implementation challenges on real-time systems. In this thesis, we use a hierarchical modular approach where the high-level coordination and formation control tasks are separated from low-level individual UAV motion control tasks. This separation helps efficient and systematic optimal control synthesis robust to effects of nonlinearities, uncertainties and external disturbances at both levels, independently. The modular two-level control structure is convenient in extending single-UAV motion control design to coordination control of multi-UAV systems. Therefore, we examine single quadrotor UAV trajectory tracking problems to develop advanced controllers compensating effects of nonlinearities and uncertainties, and improving robustness and optimality for tracking performance. At fi rst, a novel adaptive linear quadratic tracking (ALQT) scheme is developed for stabilization and optimal attitude control of the quadrotor UAV system. In the implementation, the proposed scheme is integrated with Kalman based reliable attitude estimators, which compensate measurement noises. Next, in order to guarantee prescribed transient and steady-state tracking performances, we have designed a novel backstepping based adaptive controller that is robust to effects of underactuated dynamics, nonlinearities and model uncertainties, e.g., inertial and rotational drag uncertainties. The tracking performance is guaranteed to utilize a prescribed performance bound (PPB) based error transformation. In the coordination control of multi-UAV systems, following the two-level control structure, at high-level, we design a distributed hierarchical (leader-follower) 3D formation control scheme. Then, the low-level control design is based on the optimal and adaptive control designs performed for each quadrotor UAV separately. As particular approaches, we design an adaptive mixing controller (AMC) to improve robustness to varying parametric uncertainties and an adaptive linear quadratic controller (ALQC). Lastly, for planar motion, especially for constant altitude flight of fixed-wing UAVs, in 2D, a distributed hierarchical (leader-follower) formation control scheme at the high-level and a linear quadratic tracking (LQT) scheme at the low-level are developed for tracking and formation control problems of the fixed-wing UAV systems to examine the non-holonomic motion case. The proposed control methods are tested via simulations and experiments on a multi-quadrotor UAV system testbed

    Perbandingan PID Model Reference Adaptive Control dengan L1 Adaptive Control untuk Kemudi Kapal Tanpa Awak dalam Navigasi Waypoint

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    Agar kapal tanpa awak dapat melaju secara otomatis, diperlukan perangkat-perangkat dan algoritma navigasi. Salah satu contoh algoritma navigasi adalah waypoint.Untuk mengendalikan sebuah kapal tanpa awak menuju waypoint yang diinginkan, diperlukan kontrol sudut kemudi kapal. Kapal tanpa awak dapat menemui gangguan eksternal saat sedang berjalan seperti ombak,angin,dan arus laut. Namun diinginkan kapal tanpa awak dapat beradaptasi di kedua kondisi tersebut.Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi gangguan ini adalah dengan merancang kontroler adaptif seperti PID Model Reference Adaptive Control(MRAC) dan Kontroler adaptif L1. MRAC adalah sistem kontrol adaptif berbasis referensi model. Di mana untuk mengatur perilaku plant, diperlukan sebuah referensi model yang diinginkan. Kontroler PID MRAC akan menyesuaikan respon plant sedekat mungkin dengan respon referensi model yang diinginkan. Kontroler adaptif L1 adalah pengembangan dari MRAC di mana perbedaan kontroler adaptif L1 adalah memisahkan adaptation rate dengan properti ke robust-an. Kelebihan metode L1 adalah, kerobust-an terjamin dengan adaptasi cepat. Pada penelitian ini, akan dibandingkan performa PID MRAC dengan kontroler adaptif L1. Didapatkan performa kontroler adaptif L1 mampu memberikan cross track error lebih kecil yaitu sebesar 1,8965 meter RMS dibandingkan PID MRAC dengan cross track error sebesar 8,083 meter RMS pada saat kapal tanpa awak berjalan melalui titik-titik waypoint tanpa pengaruh lingkungan. Sementara saat dipengaruhi gaya angin, arus, dan ombak, cross track error kapal tanpa awak yang menggunakan kontroler adaptif L1 adalah 2,2603 meter RMS dan cross track error kontroler PID MRAC adalah 8,5488 meter RMS. =========================================================================================================== In order for unmanned surface vehicle to go automatically, navigation devices and algorithms are required. One example of a navigation algorithm is the waypoint. To control an unmanned surface vehicle to the desired waypoint, it is necessary to control the steering angle of the ship. Unmanned surface vehicle may encounter external disturbances while ongoing like waves, winds and ocean currents. But , itā€™s desired that unmanned surface vehicle can adapt in both conditions. One way to overcome this disturbance is to design adaptive controllers such as PID Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) and L1 adaptive Controller. MRAC is a reference-based adaptive control system model. Where to regulate the behavior of the plant, a reference model is required. The MRAC PID controller will adjust the response of the plant as close as possible to the desired model reference response. The L1 adaptive controller is the development of the MRAC where the L1 adaptive controller difference is separation between the adaptation rate from the robust property. The advantages of L1 method are, robust is assured by quick adaptation. In this study, we compared the performance of the MRAC PID with the L1 adaptive controller for the unmanned ship steering angle. L1 adaptive controller performance was able to provide a smaller cross track error of 1.8965 meter RMS compared to the MRAC PID resulting in a cross track error of 8.083 meters RMS at the time the unmanned vessel goes through waypoint points without environmental influence. While when influenced by wind, waves, and waves, cross track error unmanned ship using L1 adaptive controller is 2.2603 meter RMS and cross track error unmanned ship using MRAC PID controller is 8,5488 meters RMS

    A Study on the Automatic Ship Control Based on Adaptive Neural Networks

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    Recently, dynamic models of marine ships are often required to design advanced control systems. In practice, the dynamics of marine ships are highly nonlinear and are affected by highly nonlinear, uncertain external disturbances. This results in parametric and structural uncertainties in the dynamic model, and requires the need for advanced robust control techniques. There are two fundamental control approaches to consider the uncertainty in the dynamic model: robust control and adaptive control. The robust control approach consists of designing a controller with a fixed structure that yields an acceptable performance over the full range of process variations. On the other hand, the adaptive control approach is to design a controller that can adapt itself to the process uncertainties in such a way that adequate control performance is guaranteed. In adaptive control, one of the common assumptions is that the dynamic model is linearly parameterizable with a fixed dynamic structure. Based on this assumption, unknown or slowly varying parameters are found adaptively. However, structural uncertainty is not considered in the existing control techniques. To cope with the nonlinear and uncertain natures of the controlled ships, an adaptive neural network (NN) control technique is developed in this thesis. The developed neural network controller (NNC) is based on the adaptive neural network by adaptive interaction (ANNAI). To enhance the adaptability of the NNC, an algorithm for automatic selection of its parameters at every control cycle is introduced. The proposed ANNAI controller is then modified and applied to some ship control problems. Firstly, an ANNAI-based heading control system for ship is proposed. The performance of the ANNAI-based heading control system in course-keeping and turning control is simulated on a mathematical ship model using computer. For comparison, a NN heading control system using conventional backpropagation (BP) training methods is also designed and simulated in similar situations. The improvements of ANNAI-based heading control system compared to the conventional BP one are discussed. Secondly, an adaptive ANNAI-based track control system for ship is developed by upgrading the proposed ANNAI controller and combining with Line-of-Sight (LOS) guidance algorithm. The off-track distance from ship position to the intended track is included in learning process of the ANNAI controller. This modification results in an adaptive NN track control system which can adapt with the unpredictable change of external disturbances. The performance of the ANNAI-based track control system is then demonstrated by computer simulations under the influence of external disturbances. Thirdly, another application of the ANNAI controller is presented. The ANNAI controller is modified to control ship heading and speed in low-speed maneuvering of ship. Being combined with a proposed berthing guidance algorithm, the ANNAI controller becomes an automatic berthing control system. The computer simulations using model of a container ship are carried out and shows good performance. Lastly, a hybrid neural adaptive controller which is independent of the exact mathematical model of ship is designed for dynamic positioning (DP) control. The ANNAI controllers are used in parallel with a conventional proportional-derivative (PD) controller to adaptively compensate for the environmental effects and minimize positioning as well as tracking error. The control law is simulated on a multi-purpose supply ship. The results are found to be encouraging and show the potential advantages of the neural-control scheme.1. Introduction = 1 1.1 Background and Motivations = 1 1.1.1 The History of Automatic Ship Control = 1 1.1.2 The Intelligent Control Systems = 2 1.2 Objectives and Summaries = 6 1.3 Original Distributions and Major Achievements = 7 1.4 Thesis Organization = 8 2. Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 9 2.1 Introduction = 9 2.2 Adaptive Neural Network by Adaptive Interaction = 11 2.2.1 Direct Neural Network Control Applications = 11 2.2.2 Description of the ANNAI Controller = 13 2.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 17 2.3.1 Intensive BP Training = 17 2.3.2 Moderate BP Training = 17 2.3.3 Training Method of the ANNAI Controller = 18 3. ANNAI-based Heading Control System = 21 3.1 Introduction = 21 3.2 Heading Control System = 22 3.3 Simulation Results = 26 3.3.1 Fixed Values of n and = 28 3.3.2 With adaptation of n and r = 33 3.4 Conclusion = 39 4. ANNAI-based Track Control System = 41 4.1 Introduction = 41 4.2 Track Control System = 42 4.3 Simulation Results = 48 4.3.1 Modules for Guidance using MATLAB = 48 4.3.2 M-Maps Toolbox for MATLAB = 49 4.3.3 Ship Model = 50 4.3.4 External Disturbances and Noise = 50 4.3.5 Simulation Results = 51 4.4 Conclusion = 55 5. ANNAI-based Berthing Control System = 57 5.1 Introduction = 57 5.2 Berthing Control System = 58 5.2.1 Control of Ship Heading = 59 5.2.2 Control of Ship Speed = 61 5.2.3 Berthing Guidance Algorithm = 63 5.3 Simulation Results = 66 5.3.1 Simulation Setup = 66 5.3.2 Simulation Results and Discussions = 67 5.4 Conclusion = 79 6. ANNAI-based Dynamic Positioning System = 80 6.1 Introduction = 80 6.2 Dynamic Positioning System = 81 6.2.1 Station-keeping Control = 82 6.2.2 Low-speed Maneuvering Control = 86 6.3 Simulation Results = 88 6.3.1 Station-keeping = 89 6.3.2 Low-speed Maneuvering = 92 6.4 Conclusion = 98 7. Conclusions and Recommendations = 100 7.1 Conclusion = 100 7.1.1 ANNAI Controller = 100 7.1.2 Heading Control System = 101 7.1.3 Track Control System = 101 7.1.4 Berthing Control System = 102 7.1.5 Dynamic Positioning System = 102 7.2 Recommendations for Future Research = 103 References = 104 Appendixes A = 112 Appendixes B = 11
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