40 research outputs found

    Study of the breathing pattern based on 4D data collected by a dynamic 3D body scanner

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    The 3D-MATIC Research Laboratory at the University of Glasgow is currently developing a dynamic 3D whole body scanner. The basic concept is to equip a studio space such that the "working volume" of the space is imaged from all directions using fixed stereo-pairs of TV cameras. The stereo-pair images, collected by the camera pairs at a frame rate of 25 Hz, are then processed using photogrammetric techniques to create a spatio-temporal 3D model of this space. Using these unique 4D data, it is now possible to study 3D shape deformations. We present some preliminary results of a study of the breathing pattern of a couple of subjects. This research investigates the accuracy of the data and how it compares with the measurement standards of the fashion industry. Finally we discuss the potential use of dynamic 3D scanners in the apparel industry

    Automatic tailoring and cloth modelling for animation characters.

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    The construction of realistic characters has become increasingly important to the production of blockbuster films, TV series and computer games. The outfit of character plays an important role in the application of virtual characters. It is one of the key elements reflects the personality of character. Virtual clothing refers to the process that constructs outfits for virtual characters, and currently, it is widely used in mainly two areas, fashion industry and computer animation. In fashion industry, virtual clothing technology is an effective tool which creates, edits and pre-visualises cloth design patterns efficiently. However, using this method requires lots of tailoring expertises. In computer animation, geometric modelling methods are widely used for cloth modelling due to their simplicity and intuitiveness. However, because of the shortage of tailoring knowledge among animation artists, current existing cloth design patterns can not be used directly by animation artists, and the appearance of cloth depends heavily on the skill of artists. Moreover, geometric modelling methods requires lots of manual operations. This tediousness is worsen by modelling same style cloth for different characters with different body shapes and proportions. This thesis addresses this problem and presents a new virtual clothing method which includes automatic character measuring, automatic cloth pattern adjustment, and cloth patterns assembling. There are two main contributions in this research. Firstly, a geodesic curvature flow based geodesic computation scheme is presented for acquiring length measurements from character. Due to the fast growing demand on usage of high resolution character model in animation production, the increasing number of characters need to be handled simultaneously as well as improving the reusability of 3D model in film production, the efficiency of modelling cloth for multiple high resolution character is very important. In order to improve the efficiency of measuring character for cloth fitting, a fast geodesic algorithm that has linear time complexity with a small bounded error is also presented. Secondly, a cloth pattern adjusting genetic algorithm is developed for automatic cloth fitting and retargeting. For the reason that that body shapes and proportions vary largely in character design, fitting and transferring cloth to a different character is a challenging task. This thesis considers the cloth fitting process as an optimization procedure. It optimizes both the shape and size of each cloth pattern automatically, the integrity, design and size of each cloth pattern are evaluated in order to create 3D cloth for any character with different body shapes and proportions while preserve the original cloth design. By automating the cloth modelling process, it empowers the creativity of animation artists and improves their productivity by allowing them to use a large amount of existing cloth design patterns in fashion industry to create various clothes and to transfer same design cloth to characters with different body shapes and proportions with ease

    Virtuaalse proovikabiini 3D kehakujude ja roboti juhtimisalgoritmide uurimine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVirtuaalne riiete proovimine on üks põhilistest teenustest, mille pakkumine võib suurendada rõivapoodide edukust, sest tänu sellele lahendusele väheneb füüsilise töö vajadus proovimise faasis ning riiete proovimine muutub kasutaja jaoks mugavamaks. Samas pole enamikel varem välja pakutud masinnägemise ja graafika meetoditel õnnestunud inimkeha realistlik modelleerimine, eriti terve keha 3D modelleerimine, mis vajab suurt kogust andmeid ja palju arvutuslikku ressurssi. Varasemad katsed on ebaõnnestunud põhiliselt seetõttu, et ei ole suudetud korralikult arvesse võtta samaaegseid muutusi keha pinnal. Lisaks pole varasemad meetodid enamasti suutnud kujutiste liikumisi realistlikult reaalajas visualiseerida. Käesolev projekt kavatseb kõrvaldada eelmainitud puudused nii, et rahuldada virtuaalse proovikabiini vajadusi. Välja pakutud meetod seisneb nii kasutaja keha kui ka riiete skaneerimises, analüüsimises, modelleerimises, mõõtmete arvutamises, orientiiride paigutamises, mannekeenidelt võetud 3D visuaalsete andmete segmenteerimises ning riiete mudeli paigutamises ja visualiseerimises kasutaja kehal. Selle projekti käigus koguti visuaalseid andmeid kasutades 3D laserskannerit ja Kinecti optilist kaamerat ning koostati nendest andmebaas. Neid andmeid kasutati välja töötatud algoritmide testimiseks, mis peamiselt tegelevad riiete realistliku visuaalse kujutamisega inimkehal ja suuruse pakkumise süsteemi täiendamisega virtuaalse proovikabiini kontekstis.Virtual fitting constitutes a fundamental element of the developments expected to rise the commercial prosperity of online garment retailers to a new level, as it is expected to reduce the load of the manual labor and physical efforts required. Nevertheless, most of the previously proposed computer vision and graphics methods have failed to accurately and realistically model the human body, especially, when it comes to the 3D modeling of the whole human body. The failure is largely related to the huge data and calculations required, which in reality is caused mainly by inability to properly account for the simultaneous variations in the body surface. In addition, most of the foregoing techniques cannot render realistic movement representations in real-time. This project intends to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings so as to satisfy the requirements of a virtual fitting room. The proposed methodology consists in scanning and performing some specific analyses of both the user's body and the prospective garment to be virtually fitted, modeling, extracting measurements and assigning reference points on them, and segmenting the 3D visual data imported from the mannequins. Finally, superimposing, adopting and depicting the resulting garment model on the user's body. The project is intended to gather sufficient amounts of visual data using a 3D laser scanner and the Kinect optical camera, to manage it in form of a usable database, in order to experimentally implement the algorithms devised. The latter will provide a realistic visual representation of the garment on the body, and enhance the size-advisor system in the context of the virtual fitting room under study

    Memos : On Fashion in This Millennium

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    \uabMemos. On Fashion in This Millennium\ubb is a reflection on design, a reactivation of repetitions, a stratification of temporalities, a constellation of arguments and theses, an incomplete list, a series of notes, digressions and scribbles, a map of allusions and obstacles. An inventory of oversights. A work in progress. A notebook that takes the form of an exhibition, along with a book that is offered as a summary of attitudes and methods, of conversations, memories and researches that are still under way. The project stems from a recent reassessment of Italo Calvino stimulated by a general revival of interest in his work, and more precisely from an illuminating rereading of the "Six Memos for the Next Millennium", the series of lectures that the writer was supposed to give for the Charles Eliot Norton Poetry Lectures at Harvard University in the academic year 1985/86

    Fashion, History, Museums

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    The last decade has seen the growing popularity and visibility of fashion as a cultural product, including its growing presence in museum exhibitions. This book explores the history of fashion curating and exhibitions, highlighting the continuity of past and present curatorial practices. Comparing and contrasting exhibitions from different museums and decades – from the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900 to the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2011 – it makes connections between museum fashion and the wider fashion industry. By critically analyzing trends in fashion exhibition practice over the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Julia Petrov defines and describes the varied representations of historical fashion within British and North American museum exhibitions

    Real time physics-based augmented fitting room using time-of-flight cameras

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 63-72.This thesis proposes a framework for a real-time physically-based augmented cloth tting environment. The required 3D meshes for the human avatar and apparels are modeled with speci c constraints. The models are then animated in real-time using input from a user tracked by a depth sensor. A set of motion lters are introduced in order to improve the quality of the simulation. The physical e ects such as inertia, external and forces and collision are imposed on the apparel meshes. The avatar and the apparels can be customized according to the user. The system runs in real-time on a high-end consumer PC with realistic rendering results.Gültepe, UmutM.S

    Bimanual robot skills: MP encoding, dimensionality reduction and reinforcement learning

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins 1/7/2018Premio a la mejor Tesis Doctoral sobre Robótica, Edición 2017, atorgat pel Comité Español de Automática.Finalista del 2018 George Girault PhD Award, from EuRoboticsIn our culture, robots have been in novels and cinema for a long time, but it has been specially in the last two decades when the improvements in hardware - better computational power and components - and advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), have allowed robots to start sharing spaces with humans. Such situations require, aside from ethical considerations, robots to be able to move with both compliance and precision, and learn at different levels, such as perception, planning, and motion, being the latter the focus of this work. The first issue addressed in this thesis is inverse kinematics for redundant robot manipulators, i.e: positioning the robot joints so as to reach a certain end-effector pose. We opt for iterative solutions based on the inversion of the kinematic Jacobian of a robot, and propose to filter and limit the gains in the spectral domain, while also unifying such approach with a continuous, multipriority scheme. Such inverse kinematics method is then used to derive manipulability in the whole workspace of an antropomorphic arm, and the coordination of two arms is subsequently optimized by finding their best relative positioning. Having solved the kinematic issues, a robot learning within a human environment needs to move compliantly, with limited amount of force, in order not to harm any humans or cause any damage, while being as precise as possible. Therefore, we developed two dynamic models for the same redundant arm we had analysed kinematically: The first based on local models with Gaussian projections, and the second characterizing the most problematic term of the dynamics, namely friction. Such models allowed us to implement feed-forward controllers, where we can actively change the weights in the compliance-precision tradeoff. Moreover, we used such models to predict external forces acting on the robot, without the use of force sensors. Afterwards, we noticed that bimanual robots must coordinate their components (or limbs) and be able to adapt to new situations with ease. Over the last decade, a number of successful applications for learning robot motion tasks have been published. However, due to the complexity of a complete system including all the required elements, most of these applications involve only simple robots with a large number of high-end technology sensors, or consist of very simple and controlled tasks. Using our previous framework for kinematics and control, we relied on two types of movement primitives to encapsulate robot motion. Such movement primitives are very suitable for using reinforcement learning. In particular, we used direct policy search, which uses the motion parametrization as the policy itself. In order to improve the learning speed in real robot applications, we generalized a policy search algorithm to give some importance to samples yielding a bad result, and we paid special attention to the dimensionality of the motion parametrization. We reduced such dimensionality with linear methods, using the rewards obtained through motion repetition and execution. We tested such framework in a bimanual task performed by two antropomorphic arms, such as the folding of garments, showing how a reduced dimensionality can provide qualitative information about robot couplings and help to speed up the learning of tasks when robot motion executions are costly.A la nostra cultura, els robots han estat presents en novel·les i cinema des de fa dècades, però ha sigut especialment en les últimes dues quan les millores en hardware (millors capacitats de còmput) i els avenços en intel·ligència artificial han permès que els robots comencin a compartir espais amb els humans. Aquestes situacions requereixen, a banda de consideracions ètiques, que els robots siguin capaços de moure's tant amb suavitat com amb precisió, i d'aprendre a diferents nivells, com són la percepció, planificació i moviment, essent l'última el centre d'atenció d'aquest treball. El primer problema adreçat en aquesta tesi és la cinemàtica inversa, i.e.: posicionar les articulacions del robot de manera que l'efector final estigui en una certa posició i orientació. Hem estudiat el camp de les solucions iteratives, basades en la inversió del Jacobià cinemàtic d'un robot, i proposem un filtre que limita els guanys en el seu domini espectral, mentre també unifiquem tal mètode dins un esquema multi-prioritat i continu. Aquest mètode per a la cinemàtica inversa és usat a l'hora d'encapsular tota la informació sobre l'espai de treball d'un braç antropomòrfic, i les capacitats de coordinació entre dos braços són optimitzades, tot trobant la seva millor posició relativa en l'espai. Havent resolt les dificultats cinemàtiques, un robot que aprèn en un entorn humà necessita moure's amb suavitat exercint unes forces limitades per tal de no causar danys, mentre es mou amb la màxima precisió possible. Per tant, hem desenvolupat dos models dinàmics per al mateix braç robòtic redundant que havíem analitzat des del punt de vista cinemàtic: El primer basat en models locals amb projeccions de Gaussianes i el segon, caracteritzant el terme més problemàtic i difícil de representar de la dinàmica, la fricció. Aquests models ens van permetre utilitzar controladors coneguts com "feed-forward", on podem canviar activament els guanys buscant l'equilibri precisió-suavitat que més convingui. A més, hem usat aquests models per a inferir les forces externes actuant en el robot, sense la necessitat de sensors de força. Més endavant, ens hem adonat que els robots bimanuals han de coordinar els seus components (braços) i ser capaços d'adaptar-se a noves situacions amb facilitat. Al llarg de l'última dècada, diverses aplicacions per aprendre tasques motores robòtiques amb èxit han estat publicades. No obstant, degut a la complexitat d'un sistema complet que inclogui tots els elements necessaris, la majoria d'aquestes aplicacions consisteixen en robots més aviat simples amb costosos sensors d'última generació, o a resoldre tasques senzilles en un entorn molt controlat. Utilitzant el nostre treball en cinemàtica i control, ens hem basat en dos tipus de primitives de moviment per caracteritzar la motricitat robòtica. Aquestes primitives de moviment són molt adequades per usar aprenentatge per reforç. En particular, hem usat la búsqueda directa de la política, un camp de l'aprenentatge per reforç que usa la parametrització del moviment com la pròpia política. Per tal de millorar la velocitat d'aprenentatge en aplicacions amb robots reals, hem generalitzat un algoritme de búsqueda directa de política per a donar importància a les mostres amb mal resultat, i hem donat especial atenció a la reducció de dimensionalitat en la parametrització dels moviments. Hem reduït la dimensionalitat amb mètodes lineals, utilitzant les recompenses obtingudes EN executar els moviments. Aquests mètodes han estat provats en tasques bimanuals com són plegar roba, usant dos braços antropomòrfics. Els resultats mostren com la reducció de dimensionalitat pot aportar informació qualitativa d'una tasca, i al mateix temps ajuda a aprendre-la més ràpid quan les execucions amb robots reals són costoses.Award-winningPostprint (published version