180 research outputs found

    Bit-level pipelined digit-serial array processors

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    A new architecture for high performance digit-serial vector inner product (VIP) which can be pipelined to the bit-level is introduced. The design of the digit-serial vector inner product is based on a new systematic design methodology using radix-2n arithmetic. The proposed architecture allows a high level of bit-level pipelining to increase the throughput rate with minimum initial delay and minimum area. This will give designers greater flexibility in finding the best tradeoff between hardware cost and throughput rate. It is shown that sub-digit pipelined digit-serial structure can achieve a higher throughput rate with much less area consumption than an equivalent bit-parallel structure. A twin-pipe architecture to double the throughput rate of digit-serial multipliers and consequently that of the digit-serial vector inner product is also presented. The effect of the number of pipelining levels and the twin-pipe architecture on the throughput rate and hardware cost are discussed. A two's complement digit-serial architecture which can operate on both negative and positive numbers is also presented

    Radix-2n serial–serial multipliers

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    All serial–serial multiplication structures previously reported in the literature have been confined to bit serial–serial multipliers. An architecture for digit serial–serial multipliers is presented. A set of designs are derived from the radix-2n design procedure, which was first reported by the authors for the design of bit level pipelined digit serial–parallel structures. One significant aspect of the new designs is that they can be pipelined to the bit level and give the designer the flexibility to obtain the best trade-off between throughput rate and hardware cost by varying the digit size and the number of pipelining levels. Also, an area-efficient digit serial–serial multiplier is proposed which provides a 50% reduction in hardware without degrading the speed performance. This is achieved by exploiting the fact that some cells are idle for most of the multiplication operation. In the new design, the computations of these cells are remapped to other cells, which make them redundant. The new designs have been implemented on the S40BG256 device from the SPARTAN family to prove functionality and assess performance

    Design of approximate overclocked datapath

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    Embedded applications can often demand stringent latency requirements. While high degrees of parallelism within custom FPGA-based accelerators may help to some extent, it may also be necessary to limit the precision used in the datapath to boost the operating frequency of the implementation. However, by reducing the precision, the engineer introduces quantisation error into the design. In this thesis, we describe an alternative circuit design methodology when considering trade-offs between accuracy, performance and silicon area. We compare two different approaches that could trade accuracy for performance. One is the traditional approach where the precision used in the datapath is limited to meet a target latency. The other is a proposed new approach which simply allows the datapath to operate without timing closure. We demonstrate analytically and experimentally that for many applications it would be preferable to simply overclock the design and accept that timing violations may arise. Since the errors introduced by timing violations occur rarely, they will cause less noise than quantisation errors. Furthermore, we show that conventional forms of computer arithmetic do not fail gracefully when pushed beyond the deterministic clocking region. In this thesis we take a fresh look at Online Arithmetic, originally proposed for digit serial operation, and synthesize unrolled digit parallel online arithmetic operators to allow for graceful degradation. We quantify the impact of timing violations on key arithmetic primitives, and show that substantial performance benefits can be obtained in comparison to binary arithmetic. Since timing errors are caused by long carry chains, these result in errors in least significant digits with online arithmetic, causing less impact than conventional implementations.Open Acces

    Throughput/Area-efficient ECC Processor Using Montgomery Point Multiplication on FPGA

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    High throughput while maintaining low resource is a key issue for elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) hardware implementations in many applications. In this brief, an ECC processor architecture over Galois fields is presented, which achieves the best reported throughput/area performance on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to date. A novel segmented pipelining digit serial multiplier is developed to speed up ECC point multiplication. To achieve low latency, a new combined algorithm is developed for point addition and point doubling with careful scheduling. A compact and flexible distributed-RAM-based memory unit design is developed to increase speed while keeping area low. Further optimizations were made via timing constraints and logic level modifications at the implementation level. The proposed architecture is implemented on Virtex4 (V4), Virtex5 (V5), and Virtex7 (V7) FPGA technologies and, respectively, achieved throughout/slice figures of 19.65, 65.30, and 64.48 (106/(Seconds × Slices))

    Efficient Floating-Point Representation for Balanced Codes for FPGA Devices

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    Trabajo premiado con Best paper AwardWe propose a floating–point representation to deal efficiently with arithmetic operations in codes with a balanced number of additions and multiplications for FPGA devices. The variable shift operation is very slow in these devices. We propose a format that reduces the variable shifter penalty. It is based on a radix–64 representation such that the number of the possible shifts is considerably reduced. Thus, the execution time of the floating–point addition is highly optimized when it is performed in an FPGA device, which compensates for the multiplication penalty when a high radix is used, as experimental results have shown. Consequently, the main problem of previous specific highradix FPGA designs (no speedup for codes with a balanced number of multiplications and additions) is overcome with our proposal. The inherent architecture supporting the new format works with greater bit precision than the corresponding single precision (SP) IEEE–754 standard.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. IEEE, IEEE Computer Societ


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    A novel method develops a built-in self-detection and correction (BISDC) architecture for motion estimation computing arrays(MECAs).Based on the error detection & correction concepts of biresidue codes, any single error in each processing element in an MECA can be effectively detected and corrected online using the proposed BISD and built-in selfcorrection circuits. Performance analysis and evaluation demonstrate that the proposed BISDC architecture performs well in error detection and correction with minor area i.e single error bit detection and correction . An advanced model has been proposed for multi bit detection using efficient adder implementation .a comparision is performed between efficient adder and processing element resultant

    Research and implementation of parallel artificial bee colony algorithm based on ternary optical computer

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    The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a widely used algorithm in the field of function optimization problems. The traditional ABC algorithm has long search time, slow convergence speed and easy to fall into local optimum at the end of the search. In this paper, the design scheme and method of implementing parallel ABC algorithm are studied, which makes use of the characteristics of many data bits and easy expansion of data bits of the ternary optical computer (TOC). First, by analysing the traditional ABC algorithm, we can find the parallel parts and parallel design. Then the detailed algorithm implementation flow is given and the clock cycle of the algorithm is analysed. Finally, the correctness of the parallel scheme is verified by experiments. Compared with the ABC algorithm and parallel ABC algorithms based on computer (PABC), the ABC algorithm based on TOC (TOC-PABC) effectively shortens the search time, improves the optimization performance of complex multimodal function optimization problems and obtains a higher speedup

    Design and implementation of high-radix arithmetic systems based on the SDNR/RNS data representation

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    This project involved the design and implementation of high-radix arithmetic systems based on the hybrid SDNRIRNS data representation. Some real-time applications require a real-time arithmetic system. An SDNR/RNS arithmetic system provides parallel, real-time processing. The advantages and disadvantages of high-radix SDNR/RNS arithmetic, and the feasibility of implementing SDNR/RNS arithmetic systems in CMOS VLSI technology, were investigated in this project. A common methodological model, which included the stages of analysis, design, implementation, testing, and simulation, was followed. The combination of the SDNR and RNS transforms potential complex logic networks into simpler logic blocks. It was found that when constructing a SDNRIRNS adder, factors such as the radix, digit set, and moduli must be taken into account. There are many avenues still to explore. For example, implementing other arithmetic systems in the same CMOS VLSI technology used in this project and comparing them to equivalent SDNR/RNS systems would provide a set of benchmarks. These benchmarks would be useful in addressing issues relating to relative performance

    architect: Arbitrary-precision Constant-hardware Iterative Compute

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    Many algorithms feature an iterative loop that converges to the result of interest. The numerical operations in such algorithms are generally implemented using finite-precision arithmetic, either fixed or floating point, most of which operate least-significant digit first. This results in a fundamental problem: if, after some time, the result has not converged, is this because we have not run the algorithm for enough iterations or because the arithmetic in some iterations was insufficiently precise? There is no easy way to answer this question, so users will often over-budget precision in the hope that the answer will always be to run for a few more iterations. We propose a fundamentally new approach: armed with the appropriate arithmetic able to generate results from most-significant digit first, we show that fixed compute-area hardware can be used to calculate an arbitrary number of algorithmic iterations to arbitrary precision, with both precision and iteration index increasing in lockstep. Thus, datapaths constructed following our principles demonstrate efficiency over their traditional arithmetic equivalents where the latter’s precisions are either under- or over-budgeted for the computation of a result to a particular accuracy. For the execution of 100 iterations of the Jacobi method, we obtain a 1.60x increase in frequency and 15.7x LUT and 50.2x flip-flop reductions over a 2048-bit parallel-in, serial-out traditional arithmetic equivalent, along with 46.2x LUT and 83.3x flip-flop decreases versus the state-of-the-art online arithmetic implementation