221 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Trenchless Technology Piping (+Türkçe Özet)

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    The first reason for the preparation of this book is to share recent developments experienced in underground infrastructure technology with readers. It is the fact that innovative methods are becoming main route in underground piping constructions, renevations and rehabilitations. The second reason is to give awareness of trenchless technology in civil engineering and environmental engineering societies and world communities as well as the Turkish community. The development of new equipment and method and increased level of equipment sophistication and capabilities are driving forces of trenchless technology. A safe and successful trenchless project depends on skills, training and experience of operators, field personal and project inspectors. This book will be of use for all parties in a trenchless project as it provides planning, design, construction, inspection and project management concepts

    A Robust Localization System for Inspection Robots in Sewer Networks †

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    Sewers represent a very important infrastructure of cities whose state should be monitored periodically. However, the length of such infrastructure prevents sensor networks from being applicable. In this paper, we present a mobile platform (SIAR) designed to inspect the sewer network. It is capable of sensing gas concentrations and detecting failures in the network such as cracks and holes in the floor and walls or zones were the water is not flowing. These alarms should be precisely geo-localized to allow the operators performing the required correcting measures. To this end, this paper presents a robust localization system for global pose estimation on sewers. It makes use of prior information of the sewer network, including its topology, the different cross sections traversed and the position of some elements such as manholes. The system is based on a Monte Carlo Localization system that fuses wheel and RGB-D odometry for the prediction stage. The update step takes into account the sewer network topology for discarding wrong hypotheses. Additionally, the localization is further refined with novel updating steps proposed in this paper which are activated whenever a discrete element in the sewer network is detected or the relative orientation of the robot over the sewer gallery could be estimated. Each part of the system has been validated with real data obtained from the sewers of Barcelona. The whole system is able to obtain median localization errors in the order of one meter in all cases. Finally, the paper also includes comparisons with state-of-the-art Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems that demonstrate the convenience of the approach.Unión Europea ECHORD ++ 601116Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España RTI2018-100847-B-C2

    Investigation into the process of cured-in-place pipe sewer rehabilitation

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    Sewer networks affect the entire world with the ability to bring clean streets to cities which may otherwise be completely disease-ridden. Ageing sewer networks present a problem, but new technologies are paving the way for rehabilitation. Trenchless repair options such as CIPP (cured-in-place pipe) liners are one such option. This paper aims to evaluate the full process that precedes and proceeds the installation of a CIPP liner for the rehabilitation of a defective sewer with the aim of finding potential solutions to the current concerns and to streamline the full CIPP method. Further inspection was conducted into the testing practises for CIPP liners to see any fundamental failures and their impact on failure behaviours. Primarily thickness, flexural strength testing and electron microscopy imaging has been carried out with results showing a large range of differences between samples in all aspects of testing. The focus for improvement based off analysis of the testing leans toward creation of a data management tool which would make all sewer pipe data accessible from one source, helping streamline processes and ensuring the features of the pipe were up to-date alongside documenting and recording any work that has been completed

    The Impact of Occupational Safety on Logistics and Automation in Industrial Plants

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    Research on workplace health and safety analyses the integration of work practices with safety, health and wealth of people at work. The aim of occupational safety is to realize a safe and health work environment, eliminating or reducing the risks for workers' safety and health. The objective of this thesis is the study, integration, development and application of innovative approaches and models for decision-making support in the context of occupational safety in industrial plants and logistics. Such methodologies are expected to lead practitioners and decision-makers, in particular safety professionals and companies, in the management of occupational safety. In particular, this research focuses on the integration and application of ergonomics principles to reduce biomechanical overload of manual work, and methodologies and solutions to improve safety of confined space work in industrial plants. The study of biomechanical overload due to manual handling of loads and awkward postures is the object of several researches and publications addressing the ergonomic risk assessment and the ergonomic approach to remove or reduce the risk of manual handling injuries and disorders. Furthermore, when awkward postures are assumed in high-risk workplaces as confined spaces, the overall risk of work is extremely high. Confined space work is a high-risk activity, posing a significant hazard for both workers and rescuers involved in the emergency response. The leading cause of accidents and fatalities in confined spaces is atmospheric condition (Sahli & Armstrong 1992, Harris et al. 2005, Flynn & Susi, 2010, Meeker, Susi & Flynn 2010, Ye 2011, Bellamy 2015). Further common causes are fire, explosion, ignition of flammable contaminants, spontaneous combustion and contact with temperature extremes. Besides, work activities in confined spaces (e.g., welding and maintenance tasks) frequently require awkward and static postures, at high temperatures. This thesis stresses the importance of implementing health and safety interventions at workplace. These interventions have impact not only on enterprise level but also on individual and social levels. Furthermore, protection of human life is a matter of human rights and human life has an invaluable value. In this thesis, the role of occupational safety and safety strategy as means for the improvement of workers and companies’ performances clearly emerges. Two parallel research fields on occupational safety are investigated: ergonomics and confined spaces. Selected data are introduced related to occupational accidents and diseases due to biomechanical overload and work in confined spaces. The literature survey on controls for risk elimination and reduction shows that technology for safety is available. Nevertheless, injuries and accidents still occur, i.e. safety is frequently considered an expensive investment and a compliance obligation. Specifically, administrative and engineering controls for risk elimination and reduction are introduced for each research field. Administrative controls include work procedures and mathematical models for the design of safe work processes. Such control methods reduce the workers' exposure to occupational risk factors. The ergonomic analysis of manual handling activities drives the modelling by multi-objective optimisation problems in the design of administrative controls for the ergonomic risk reduction in different industries. Administrative controls for risks in confined spaces include work procedures, a multi-criteria decision tool and the analysis of the requirements of Internet of Things (IOT) technologies for reducing the risk of confined space work. The introduction of automation to replace manual work and engineering controls for confined space work are analysed for the risk elimination. Results show that the integration of ergonomics and safety principles in the industrial processes plays a leading role in the successful implementation of the overall strategy. Technologies for safe confined space work and technical solutions assisting workers during manual material handling tasks have been the focus of the Solutions Database Project, funded by the Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale of Bologna (AUSL), Italy. The study of such technological and technical solutions lead to the development of the Solutions Database, a free access database available online for researchers and practitioners (http://safetyengineering.din.unibo.it/en/banca-delle-soluzioni). The thesis ends with the recommendation that companies should integrate workplace health and safety principles to human resource management and work organisation. The management of health and safety issues should be considered to be crucial for workplace development, as a lever to increase performance and productivity. Finally, this research aims to support and reinforce the evolution of the concept of safety in industry, from ex post required obligation, to ex ante optimisation strategy

    Tracing the evolution of service robotics : Insights from a topic modeling approach

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Helmholtz Association (HIRG-0069)Altres ajuts: Russian Science Foundation (RSF grant number 19-18-00262)Taking robotic patents between 1977 and 2017 and building upon the topic modeling technique, we extract their latent topics, analyze how important these topics are over time, and how they are related to each other looking at how often they are recombined in the same patents. This allows us to differentiate between more and less important technological trends in robotics based on their stage of diffusion and position in the space of knowledge represented by a topic graph, where some topics appear isolated while others are highly interconnected. Furthermore, utilizing external reference texts that characterize service robots from a technical perspective, we propose and apply a novel approach to match the constructed topics to service robotics. The matching procedure is based on frequency and exclusivity of words overlapping between the patents and the reference texts. We identify around 20 topics belonging to service robotics. Our results corroborate earlier findings, but also provide novel insights on the content and stage of development of application areas in service robotics. With this study we contribute to a better understanding of the highly dynamic field of robotics as well as to new practices of utilizing the topic modeling approach, matching the resulting topics to external classifications and applying to them metrics from graph theory

    Tracing the evolution of service robotics : Insights from a topic modeling approach

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Helmholtz Association (HIRG-0069)Altres ajuts: Russian Science Foundation (RSF grant number 19-18-00262)Taking robotic patents between 1977 and 2017 and building upon the topic modeling technique, we extract their latent topics, analyze how important these topics are over time, and how they are related to each other looking at how often they are recombined in the same patents. This allows us to differentiate between more and less important technological trends in robotics based on their stage of diffusion and position in the space of knowledge represented by a topic graph, where some topics appear isolated while others are highly interconnected. Furthermore, utilizing external reference texts that characterize service robots from a technical perspective, we propose and apply a novel approach to match the constructed topics to service robotics. The matching procedure is based on frequency and exclusivity of words overlapping between the patents and the reference texts. We identify around 20 topics belonging to service robotics. Our results corroborate earlier findings, but also provide novel insights on the content and stage of development of application areas in service robotics. With this study we contribute to a better understanding of the highly dynamic field of robotics as well as to new practices of utilizing the topic modeling approach, matching the resulting topics to external classifications and applying to them metrics from graph theory

    A vision-based system for internal pipeline inspection

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    The internal inspection of large pipeline infrastructures, such as sewers and waterworks, is a fundamental task for the prevention of possible failures. In particular, visual inspection is typically performed by human operators on the basis of video sequences either acquired on-line or recorded for further off-line analysis. In this work, we propose a vision-based software approach to assist the human operator by conveniently showing the acquired data and by automatically detecting and highlighting the pipeline sections where relevant anomalies could occur

    Design characteristics of a pipe crawling robot

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    This thesis deals with the design characteristics of a pipe crawling vehicle which utilises a unique, innovative and patented drive system. The principle of the drive system is simple. That is, if a brush is inserted into a pipe and its bristles are swept back at an angle, then, it is easier to push the brush forwards through the pipe than it is to pull it backwards. Thus, if two brushes are interconnected by a reciprocating cylinder, then, by cycling the cylinder, it is possible for the vehicle to "crawl" through the pipe. The drive mechanism has two main advantages. The first is the ability of the bristles to deflect over or around obstacles, thus, the vehicles can be used in severely damaged pipes. Secondly, the drive mechanism is able to generate extremely high "grip" forces, thus, the vehicle has a high payload to weight ratio. This "simple" traction mechanism has subsequently been proven to be extremely capable in significantly hostile environments, for example, nuclear plants and sewers. The development of the vehicle has resulted in brushes being considered as "engineering" components. This thesis considers the forces present when a brush moves forward through a pipe, further, it also considers the forces present if the brush is required to grip the walls of the pipe. A "simple" cantilever model has been developed which predicts the force required to push a brush forwards through the pipe. A second model has been developed which predicts the forward to reverse or "slip" to "grip" ratio of a brush, for given functional conditions. This model is deemed satisfactory up to the onset of bristle buckling. The experimental program determined three factors, they were, the force required to load a brush into a pipe, the force required to push a brush forward through a pipe and the reverse force a brush could support prior to failure. It can be concluded that this vehicle, through its tractive capability arid environmental compliance, is able to traverse irregularly shaped pipes. Ultimately, this allows tooling to be transported and used at previously unobtainable positions within such pipes

    Integrated, multi-attribute decision support system for the evaluation of underground utility construction methods

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    The dissertation research work described herein is comprised of three primary objectives: (1) the development of a rehabilitation method selection software (TAG-R) for the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) and its subsequent validation and combination with TAG (a sister decision support system (DSS) software developed by the author in an earlier work); (2) the development of a social cost calculator (SCC) and its validation; and (3) the development of a proposed framework for multi-segment optimization for construction methods selection using the tools developed in the first two objectives as well as additional project related data. The selection of a construction method involves many factors, which should be considered each time a new pipe segment needs to be addressed. This creates the need for a localized database containing technical data for the construction methods that are available for installation, replacement and rehabilitation of buried utilities. In addition to the database, a fully automated algorithm is needed for processing the project data, comparing it to the construction method databases, and identifying technically viable construction methods for the specific pipe segment under consideration. Each of these was accomplished with the developments of TAG-R, originally made commercially available through NASSCO on CD and now also being available through the TTC website in its full form, combined with TAG (a sister software developed in earlier work) at the web address . The study of social costs and the benefit offered by trenchless technologies when compared with open cut construction methods has been investigated over the past 25 years by many researchers, with methodologies for estimating social cost elements and incorporating them in the bid process being examined. However, there is no algorithm that combined this work into a single, generic approach in the public domain. This created the need for a software capable of evaluating alternative construction methods based on project input and providing reliable calculations for multiple social cost categories including, (1) traffic delays and vehicle operating costs; (2) pedestrian delays; (3) noise pollution; (4) dust pollution; (5) air pollution; (6) loss of parking revenues; and, (7) pavement restoration. This was accomplished by codifying an algorithm, which uses established calculation methods, into a standalone software called Social Cost Calculator (SCC), which can evaluate up to two competing construction methods at a time. Once all methods deemed technically viable for a pipe segment were identified and their social costs determined, the most economical method can be selected by including the direct construction costs. However, there is a need to be able to evaluate multiple segments, since most utility projects involve more than a single pipe segment. This necessitated to the development of a framework for optimizing the method selection process for multiple segments. Once a method selection evaluation has been conducted for all of the segments on a given project, their direct cost and social costs are calculated for each combination of methods. The multi-segment analysis include additional parameters such as perceived risk, adjustment of the direct cost for the method service life and mobilization/demobilization cost, to determine the most economical method solution set for the project at hand

    Tracing the Evolution of Service Robotics: Insights from a Topic Modeling Approach

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    Taking robotic patents between 1977 and 2017 and building upon the topic modeling technique, we extract their latent topics, analyze how important these topics are over time, and how they are related to each other looking at how often they are recombined in the same patents. This allows us to differentiate between more and less important technological trends in robotics based on their stage of diffusion and position in the space of knowledge represented by a topic graph, where some topics appear isolated while others are highly interconnected. Furthermore, utilizing external reference texts that characterize service robots from a technical perspective, we propose and apply a novel approach to match the constructed topics to service robotics. The matching procedure is based on frequency and exclusivity of words overlapping between the patents and the reference texts. We identify around 20 topics belonging to service robotics. Our results corroborate earlier findings, but also provide novel insights on the content and stage of development of application areas in service robotics. With this study we contribute to a better understanding of the highly dynamic field of robotics as well as to new practices of utilizing the topic modeling approach, matching the resulting topics to external classifications and applying to them metrics from graph theory. © 2021 The Author(s).Financial support from the Helmholtz Association (HIRG-0069) is gratefully acknowledged. Ivan Savin acknowledges support from the Russian Science Foundation [RSF grant number 19-18-00262]. This work has benefited from presentations at workshops in Kiel, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, the EMAEE conference in Brighton and the EAEPE conference in Bilbao. All remaining shortcomings are our responsibility