663 research outputs found

    Design as a source of innovation to establish circular business models: how to prevent the single-use of plastic?

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    The current economy context moving from linear to circular models is establishing extraordinary parallelism between with design principles. Design solutions can support the transition of business to one which creates monetary and environmental benefits, increases resource efficiency, and maintains the value of products, materials, and waste. Recycling has been signaled as the main strategy for the plastics circular economy, but it presents itself as controversial since the industry’s demand is significantly lower than the recycled amount. The overall objective of this study is to explore when design principles, related to circular-economy concepts, become a source of innovation, in order to answer to the research question: “How can design be a source of innovation to transform businesses models accordingly to circular economy principles?”. The primary objective of this investigation is to develop our model resulting from reverse design and which is guided by the definition of a circular model strategy (System-Centered Circular-Design, SCCD) and the secondary objectives involve expanding the knowledge related to the various aspects of this model. A qualitative approach was chosen, to analyse the impact of the packaging design concepts along the definition of the business models and its circular loops. From the literature review ethnographic research is thus well suited to providing circular systems designers and companies decision-makers, with rich insights. WisePack design solution was selected to analyse the slowing and closing loop. The relevant insights to retain from the exploratory phase is that WisePack may have changed some of the assumptions made by the different stakeholders of the value chain. A SCCD toolbox is presented, to support designers identifying the requirements, constraints and opportunities of the circular approach. To prevent the single-use of plastic, scenarios were developed, taking into consideration users’ behaviour towards repair or reuse, taking-back products and their levels of engagement. Based on the results, it was concluded that the circular model strategy definition model (SCCD) is a valid tool. Confirming the primary and secondary objectives of this study. Showing that design principles, related to circular-economy concepts, become a source of innovation, and the SCCD model and toolbox, support the businesses models transformation.A relação entre o design e o aumento da competitividade económica pela criação de valor já tem sido abordada. Não obstante, no contexto atual em que a economia transita de modelos lineares para circulares está a estabelecer um paralelismo extraordinário entre os modelos económicos e os princípios de design. Novas soluções de design podem apoiar a transição de produtos, processos e modelos de negócios para um modelo que potencie a criação de benefícios monetários e ambientais,aumentea eficiência dos recursos pela minimização de desperdícios e recuperação de resíduos e, estimule de uma forma sustentável a cadeia de valor de produtos e serviços, matérias-primas e materiais. A reciclagem tem sido apontada como a principal estratégia para a economia circular do plástico, mas não deixa de ser um paradoxo, uma vez que a procura do setor é significativamente inferior à quantidade reciclada de acordo com a literatura analisada. O objetivo geral deste estudo, é explorar o modo como os princípios de design aplicados aosconceitos de economia circular fomentam a inovação e a transição de um modelo linear de gestão para um modelo económico regenerativo e restaurador. Donde, a seguinte pergunta de investigação: “Como pode o design ser uma fonte de inovação para transformar modelos de negócios de acordo com princípios da economia circular?”. O objetivo específico desta investigação é desenvolver o nosso modelo resultante do reverse design e que se pauta pela definição de uma estratégia de modelo circular (System-Centered Circular-Design, SCCD) e, em paralelo, aferir o conhecimento relacionado com as suas diferentes variáveis. Metodologicamente optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, para analisar o impacto dos conceitos de design de embalagens ao longo da definição dos modelos de negócio e dos seus ciclos. Neste âmbito, começou primeiramente, por se selecionar como caso de estudo, a solução de design WisePack para analisar o ciclo de desaceleração e fecho (slowing and closing loops). Esta solução de design para as embalagens plásticas, maximiza a funcionalidade do produto e do material, resultante do processo de design e manufatura.Apresentam-se os pressupostos dos modelos de negócios circulares WisePack, seguidos das entrevistas realizados às partes interessadas que orientam a análise do estudo de caso. O estudo de caso da WisePack descreve as questões mais importantes a ponderar na seleção dessas estratégias de design e define os modelos de negócios circulares num estágio inicial de design de produto e serviço. A natureza qualitativa da investigação visa obter informações de diferentes ângulos para compreender as restrições e os objetivos dos principais agentes envolvidos na cadeia de valor. Com base nos resultados das entrevistas semiestruturadas destacam-se quatro fatores com potencial de fomentar a transição de uma abordagem linear para uma circular, a saber: i) o design tem uma relação relevante com os seus modelos de negócio; ii) barreiras à implementação do design, podem impactar a geração de valor; iii) o design pode influenciar e alterar a apetência para a inovar; iv) a captura de valor do negócio está relacionada com a cultura de inovação nos modelos lineares de negócios em prática. De todo o modo, há a reter desta fase exploratória da investigação que a solução de design de embalagem apresentada durante as entrevistas - WisePack - pode ter alterado algumas das premissas feitas pelos representantes das diferentes partes interessadas da cadeia de valor. Posto isto, e com base na revisão da literatura e na experiência profissional, constatou-se que a investigação etnográfica revela ser adequada para fornecer aos designers de sistemas circulares e aos decisores das empresas, perceções valiosas. Em segundo lugar, e sob o intuito de testar o modelo System-Centered Circular-Design (SCCD) procurou-se compreender se o design pode condicionar os modelos de negócio das partes interessadas de toda a cadeia de valor. Daí, ser proposto um método com o objetivo de permitir que designers e gestores definam possíveis modelos de negócios circulares ajustados por princípios de design mais circulares - o SCCD. Expõe-se a ferramenta SCCD e da sua sistematização decorrem vários conceitos para a construção de novas e mais complexas colaborações na cadeia de valor. Essa relação no processo circular é definida em termos de atributos. Os atributos, características geométricas e funções são utilizados para facilitar a instrumentação deste processo inovador. Todas essas caracterizações de notação de SCCD parecem ser viáveis para a especificação do processo e fase de projeto. Este, suporta refinamento e abstração, tornando a estrutura SCCD fácil de entender e usar. As tabelas de diagnóstico do modelo, visam apoiar os designers na identificação dos requisitos, restrições e oportunidades da abordagem circular. No entanto, também orienta a comunicação entre o designer e os representantes de cada departamento envolvido no processo de transição do modelo de negócio linear para o circular. Com o objetivo de testar o modelo SCCD, cenários futuros foram desenvolvidos nesta investigação para poder ser estabelecida uma área de exploração e discussão sobre a adaptação do processo de design ao paradigma da economia circular. O foco tem por intuito facilitar a geração de ideias compartilhadas sobre a direção a tomar e as escolhas a fazer e promover soluções de design para a economia circular. Nesse sentido, é de extrema importância apresentar as tendências de contexto relevantes. Para o caso de prevenção do plástico de uso único, os cenários deverão levar em consideração as tendências futuras no comportamento dos utilizadores em relação ao reparo ou reutilização e devolução de produtos. Esses cenários também distinguem entre dois níveis diferentes de envolvimentodesses utilizadores. Como é expectável, algumas partes interessadas terão que atender a necessidades diferentes de outras em menos tempo, ou com diferentes níveis de risco e investimento. A finalizar, admite-se que novos testes piloto e trabalho de campo são recomendados para poderem ser validados os cenários futuros. Com efeito, e no decurso desta investigação, a complexidade da parceria e o investimento financeiro necessário, não possibilitaram a implementação do modelo. Daí que, se tenham construído duas narrativas a ilustrar os cenários futuros de prevenção à utilização do plástico de uso único, por meio do design. Por fim, e com base nos resultados, constata-se que o modelo de definição de estratégia de modelo circular (SCCD) constitui uma ferramenta válida na senda dos objetivos desta investigação. Pode assim concluir-se que, os princípios do design quando aplicados aos conceitos da economia circular, conseguem tornar-se fonte de inovação e, que o modelo SCCD consegue suportar a transição dos modelos de negócios

    GraftThis: Modernizing Organic Farming

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    Traditional plant characteristic improvement techniques are accompanied by certain disadvantages. Most notably, it takes several seasons in order to breed for favorable characteristics such as crop yield and disease resistance via deliberate selection. In order to expedite this improvement process, grafting - a method in which two separate plants with individual, desirable qualities are physically combined, may be used. This report explores the development of a regulated environment as a solution to many of the problems associated with the grafting of plants during their recovery stage. The grafting chamber model necessitates: (1) an ability to maintain the specific temperature, humidity and ambient light necessary to produce healthy grafts, (2) ease of use including setup and operation, (3) system portability and an extended lifetime. A review of scientific literature discussing the current state of typical grafting processes yields multiple requirements. The first of these requirements is a regulated environment that maintains a temperature between 72°F and 85 °F and a humidity between 85% and 95%. Also, the environment must be very dark and gradually increase to ambient conditions. The light, temperature, and humidity need to slowly taper to ambient conditions over the ten-day healing period in order to match the external environment. Due to the specificity of these conditions, grafting has historically been a labor-intensive process. Small-scale agricultural operations, those with less than 10,000 USD in annual sales, are impacted most severely by these constraints. The agricultural industry is often space-sensitive so collapsibility and portability are significant concerns. Here, the proof of concept of a grafting chamber capable of satisfying the market need defined by the above, is developed and presented. Stages of the product design process are evaluated individually within the scope of the project

    Accommodation requirements for microgravity science and applications research on space station

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    Scientific research conducted in the microgravity environment of space represents a unique opportunity to explore and exploit the benefits of materials processing in the virtual abscence of gravity induced forces. NASA has initiated the preliminary design of a permanently manned space station that will support technological advances in process science and stimulate the development of new and improved materials having applications across the commercial spectrum. A study is performed to define from the researchers' perspective, the requirements for laboratory equipment to accommodate microgravity experiments on the space station. The accommodation requirements focus on the microgravity science disciplines including combustion science, electronic materials, metals and alloys, fluids and transport phenomena, glasses and ceramics, and polymer science. User requirements have been identified in eleven research classes, each of which contain an envelope of functional requirements for related experiments having similar characteristics, objectives, and equipment needs. Based on these functional requirements seventeen items of experiment apparatus and twenty items of core supporting equipment have been defined which represent currently identified equipment requirements for a pressurized laboratory module at the initial operating capability of the NASA space station

    Exploring structure sharing in services and using the principles of product design to conceptualise modular workstations

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    The object of this thesis is to explore the design requirements of a modular and automated mobile workstation, and conceptualise it by exploring product design principles. During the thesis, a dynamic market survey has been conducted to explore existing competition and understand the user requirements for such a product. A thorough study was conducted to understand the rise and fall of open offices in the professional work environment and its relation to individual productivity. Engineering design principles such as Structure Sharing and Modularisation were effectively explored and utilised during this thesis. Structure sharing as a concept was used to explore sharing that occurs in the organisational structure of an industry providing shared services to the customers. AirBnB, a global shared-hospitality service provider, was used as the primary case-study for this purpose. An approach has been made to understand modularity and inclusive design, and find a common ground to apply the concepts of product development in the field of large-scale distributed construction. The results of this research can now be used for the conceptual design of a workstation for diverse users, by applying structure sharing at an organisational level, as studied for case specific services in this thesis. This design can then be evaluated for resource effectiveness using existing design methodologies or can be used to develop new methodologies

    Lightweight Tennis Ball Pick Up & Hopper

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    Within this document, the “Pursuit of Hoppiness” team will clarify some of the details associated with completing this design project. The project is focused on designing a mechanism for tennis players and coaches of all ages that is able to collect tennis balls around a tennis court, specifically around the net and fence. The goal is to make the final product lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to use. With multiple ideation sessions, the team was able to brainstorm several ideas that serve the above functions and constraints. The initial process began with choosing two different ideas that followed through until the beginning of the final phase of our senior project timeframe. The two prototypes were built to show the functions of gathering and collecting tennis balls. At this point, both prototypes were presented to our sponsor so that as a team, one prototype was chosen to move forward with. The Paddlewheel mechanism was chosen as the final product to build and deliver. There were multiple tests performed on the Paddlewheel mechanism to ensure the intended goals were met. This project includes a functionality of a four-bar linkage system that incorporates a locking component that locks the linkage system and bin at different positions. For the second iteration of this project, there will be a cable-locking system implemented on the handle that will allow the user to pull a smaller handle that will disengage the locking pin for ease of rotating the four-bar linkage system

    Modeling and prototyping of composite products

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    Nowadays, the technology of life cycle assessment of industrial products passes through the stage of changing the stage of existence in the market - from innovations to industrial application. In a couple of years ago there were practically no examples of projects using information models on the broad market, today the situation is changing, including because information modeling was noticed at the state level. The need to produce non-existent products inside the country stimulates investments in new production and re-equipment of existing facilities, and such projects must be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible. The main task is to accelerate the implementation of the investment and construction project, reduce costs and increase the profitability of construction. The theme of the thesis corresponds to the branch program of the Republic of Belarus on the development and implementation of information technologies for integrated automation of design and life cycle assessment of buildings and structures. Master's work is an integral part of the state budget issue No. 2916 of the department of construction production "Development and research of innovative energy- and resource-saving materials, technologies using raw materials of the Polotsk region". The results of the work represent the possibility of modeling and introducing new types of periodic profiles, creation of 3D-printing technology for structures reinforced with composite reinforcement of periodic profile, creation of reusable end clamps of reusable use for testing composite reinforcement of various periodic profiles

    Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) system concept and technology definition study. Volume 2: Technology assessment and technology development plan

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    A study was conducted to define reasonable and representative LDR system concepts for the purpose of defining a technology development program aimed at providing the requisite technological capability necessary to start LDR development by the end of 1991. This volume presents thirteen technology assessments and technology development plans, as well as an overview and summary of the LDR concepts. Twenty-two proposed augmentation projects are described (selected from more than 30 candidates). The five LDR technology areas most in need of supplementary support are: cryogenic cooling; astronaut assembly of the optically precise LDR in space; active segmented primary mirror; dynamic structural control; and primary mirror contamination control. Three broad, time-phased, five-year programs were synthesized from the 22 projects, scheduled, and funding requirements estimated

    From BPMN Models to Labelled Property Graphs

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    There\u27s a growing interest in leveraging the structured and formal nature of business process modeling languages in order to make them available not only for human analysis but also to machine-readable knowledge representation. Standard serializations of the past were predominantly XML based, with some of them seemingly discontinued, e.g., XPDL after the dissolution of the Workflow Management Coalition. Recent research has been investigating the interplay between knowledge representation and business process modeling, with the focus typically placed on standards such as RDF and OWL. In this paper we introduce a converter that translates the standards-compliant BPMN XML format to Neo4J labelled property graphs (LPG) thus providing an alternative to both traditional XML-based serialization and to more recent experimental RDF solutions, while ensuring conceptual alignment with the standard serialization of BPMN 2.0. A demonstrator was built to highlight the benefits of having such a parser and the completeness of coverage for BPMN models. The proposal facilitates graph-based processing of business process models in a knowledge intensive context, where procedural knowledge available as BPMN diagrams must be exposed to machines and LPG-driven applications

    Adaptive Eating Device

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    Visualization and user interactions in RDF data representation

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    The spreading of linked data in digital technologies creates the need to develop new approaches to handle this kind of data. The modern trends in the information technology encourage usage of human-friendly interfaces and graphical tools, which helps users to understand the system and speeds up the work processes. In this study my goal is to develop a set of best practices for solving the problem of visualizations and interactions with linked data and to create a working prototype based on this practices. My work is a part of a project developed by Fail-Safe IT Solutions Oy. During the research process I study various existing products that try to solve the problem of human-friendly interactions with linked data, compare them and based on the comparison develop my own approach for solving the problem in the given environment, which satisfies the provided specifications. The key findings of the research can be grouped in two categories. The first category of findings is based on the existing solution examinations and is related to the features I find beneficial to the project. The second category is based on the experience acquired during the project development and includes environment-specific and project-related findings