177 research outputs found

    A fully on-chip LDO voltage regulator with 37 dB PSRR at 1 MHz for remotely powered biomedical implants

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    This article presents a fully on-chip low-power LDO voltage regulator dedicated to remotely powered wireless cortical implants. This regulator is stable over the full range of alternating load current and provides fast load regulation achieved by applying a time-domain design methodology. Moreover, a new compensation technique is proposed and implemented to improve PSRR beyond the performance levels which can be obtained using the standard cascode compensation technique. Measurement results show that the regulator has a load regulation of 0.175 V/A, a line regulation of 0.024%, and a PSRR of 37 dB at 1MHz power carrier frequency. The output of the regulator settles within 10-bit accuracy of the nominal voltage (1.8 V) within 1.6μs, at full load transition. The total ground current including the bandgap reference circuit is 28μA and the active chip area measures 290μm×360μm in a 0.18μm CMOS technolog

    Design consideration in low dropout voltage regulator for batteryless power management unit

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    Harvesting energy from ambient Radio Frequency (RF) source is a great deal toward batteryless Internet of Thing (IoT) System on Chip (SoC) application as green technology has become a future interest. However, the harvested energy is unregulated thus it is highly susceptible to noise and cannot be used efficiently. Therefore, a dedicated low noise and high Power Supply Ripple Rejection (PSRR) of Low Dropout (LDO) voltage regulator are needed in the later stages of system development to supply the desired load voltage. Detailed analysis of the noise and PSRR of an LDO is not sufficient. This work presents a design of LDO to generate a regulated output voltage of 1.8V from 3.3V input supply targeted for 120mA load application. The performance of LDO is evaluated and analyzed. The PSRR and noise in LDO have been investigated by applying a low-pass filter. The proposed design achieves the design specification through the simulation results by obtaining 90.85dB of open-loop gain, 76.39º of phase margin and 63.46dB of PSRR respectively. The post-layout simulation shows degradation of gain and maximum load current due to parasitic issue. The measurement of maximum load regulation is dropped to 96mA compared 140mA from post-layout. The proposed LDO is designed using 180nm Silterra CMOS process technology

    128 mA CMOS LDO with 108 db PSRR at 2.4 MHz frequency

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    A low dropout (LDO) voltage regulator with high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) and low temperature coefficient (TC) is presented in this paper. Large 1µF off-chip load capacitor is used to achieve the high PSRR. However, this decreases the gain and pushes the LDO’s output pole to lower frequency causing the circuit to become unstable. The proposed LDO uses rail-to-rail folded cascode amplifier to compensate the gain and stability problems. 2nd order curvature characteristic is used in bandgap voltage reference circuit that is applied at the input of the amplifier to minimize the TC. The characteristic is achieved by implementing MOSFET transistors operate in weak and strong inversions. The LDO is designed using 0.18µm CMOS technology and achieves a constant 1.8V output voltage for input voltages from 3.2V to 5V and load current up to a 128mA at temperature between -40°C to 125°C. The proposed LDO is targeted for RF application which has stringent requirement on noise rejection over a broad range of frequency

    An area and power optimization technique for CMOS bandgap voltage references

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    This article explores the main tradeoffs in design of power and area efficient bandgap voltage reference (BGR) circuits. A structural design methodology for optimizing the silicon area and power dissipation of CMOS BGRs will be introduced. For this purpose, basic equations of the bandgap circuit have been adapted such that can simply be applied in the optimization process. To improve the reliability of the designed circuit, the effect of amplifier offset has been also included in the optimization process. It is also shown that the minimum achievable power consumption and area are highly depending on the fabrication process parameters especially sheet resistivity of the available resistors in the technology and also the area of bipolar transistors. The proposed technique does not depend on a special process and can be applied for designing bandgap reference circuits with different topologie

    A simple bandgap reference based on VGO extraction with single-temperature trimming

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    Bandgap references are widely used in analog and mixed-signal systems to provide temperature-independent voltage or current reference. In traditional bandgap structure, the base-emitter voltage VBE of a diode is used to generate a complementary to absolute temperature (CTAT) voltage, which reduces as temperature increases. The base-emitter voltage difference ∆VBE between two diodes with the same current but different emitter areas supplies a proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) voltage. With the proper adjustment of the coefficients of VBE and ∆VBE in a voltage summer, the temperature dependency of the summed voltage can be mostly canceled out and the output voltage can achieve a relative temperature-constant property. However, even though the linear terms of temperature-dependent components in PTAT and CTAT expressions can be canceled out, there are still some high order terms left, which still affect temperature dependency. For this reason, a first-order bandgap reference with only PTAT and CTAT linear term compensation cannot achieve a sufficiently low temperature coefficient (TC), normally ranging from 10ppm/°C to over 100ppm/°C. To achieve higher precision and lower TC, the high order terms also need to be considered and compensated by some techniques. This thesis study describes the development of a high order bandgap structure, including the initial thinking, design flow, equation derivation, circuit implementation, and simulation result

    Best usage of free-space capacitors in ASIC regulators

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    In this work we examine how to improve the performance of voltage regulators in application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) by placing capacitors into free layout space. The problem arising after layout, when there are areas not covered by functional elements, is where to connect the free-space capacitors (FSCs), as they can be connected to the input or the output net of a voltage regulator. Therefore we designed a testbench for mathematical calculations and one for simulations to identify the influence of a capacitance connected at these certain positions. We mainly focused on PSR analysis while not losing sight of transient effects. The results of calculation and simulation illustrate that the best solution is to split the capacitance half by half to both possible nets if no output capacitance was installed during design. Otherwise a ratio of one to one for input capacitance to output capacitance has to be set up for best performance

    MOSFET zero-temperature-coefficient (ZTC) effect modeling anda analysis for low thermal sensitivity analog applications

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    Continuing scaling of Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technologies brings more integration and consequently temperature variation has become more aggressive into a single die. Besides, depending on the application, room ambient temperature may also vary. Therefore, procedures to decrease thermal dependencies of eletronic circuit performances become an important issue to include in both digital and analog Integrated Circuits (IC) design flow. The main purpose of this thesis is to present a design methodology for a typical CMOS Analog design flow to make circuits as insensitivity as possible to temperature variation. MOSFET Zero Temperature Coefficient (ZTC) and Transconductance Zero Temperature Coefficient (GZTC) bias points are modeled to support it. These are used as reference to deliver a set of equations that explains to analog designers how temperature will change transistor operation and hence the analog circuit behavior. The special bias conditions are analyzed using a MOSFET model that is continuous from weak to strong inversion, and both are proven to occur always from moderate to strong inversion operation in any CMOS fabrication process. Some circuits are designed using proposed methodology: two new ZTC-based current references, two new ZTC-based voltage references and four classical Gm-C circuits biased at GZTC bias point (or defined here as GZTC-C filters). The first current reference is a Self-biased CMOS Current Reference (ZSBCR), which generates a current reference of 5 A. It is designed in an 180 nm process, operating with a supply voltage from 1.4V to 1.8 V and occupying around 0:010mm2 of silicon area. From circuit simulations the reference shows an effective temperature coefficient (TCeff ) of 15 ppm/oC from 45 to +85oC, and a fabrication process sensitivity of = = 4:5%, including average process and local mismatch. Simulated power supply sensitivity is estimated around 1%/V. The second proposed current reference is a Resistorless Self-Biased ZTC Switched Capacitor Current Reference (ZSCCR). It is also designed in an 180 nm process, resulting a reference current of 5.88 A under a supply voltage of 1.8 V, and occupying a silicon area around 0:010mm2. Results from circuit simulation show an TCeff of 60 ppm/oC from -45 to +85 oC and a power consumption of 63 W. The first proposed voltage reference is an EMI Resisting MOSFET-Only Voltage Reference (EMIVR), which generates a voltage reference of 395 mV. The circuit is designed in a 130 nm process, occupying around 0.0075 mm2 of silicon area while consuming just 10.3 W. Post-layout simulations present a TCeff of 146 ppm/oC, for a temperature range from 55 to +125oC. An EMI source of 4 dBm (1 Vpp amplitude) injected into the power supply of circuit, according to Direct Power Injection (DPI) specification results in a maximum DC Shift and Peak-to-Peak ripple of -1.7 % and 35.8m Vpp, respectively. The second proposed voltage reference is a 0.5V Schottky-based Voltage Reference (SBVR). It provides three voltage reference outputs, each one utilizing different threshold voltage MOSFETs (standard-VT , low-VT , and zero-VT ), all available in adopted 130 nm CMOS process. This design results in three different and very low reference voltages: 312, 237, and 51 mV, presenting a TCeff of 214, 372, and 953 ppm/oC in a temperature range from -55 to 125oC, respectively. It occupies around 0.014 mm2 of silicon area for a total power consumption of 5.9 W. Lastly, a few example Gm-C circuits are designed using GZTC technique: a single-ended resistor emulator, an impedance inverter, a first order and a second order filter. These circuits are simulated in a 130 nm CMOS commercial process, resulting improved thermal stability in the main performance parameters, in the range from 27 to 53 ppm/°C.A contínua miniaturização das tecnologias CMOS oferece maior capacidade de integração e, consequentemente, as variações de temperatura dentro de uma pastilha de silício têm se apresentado cada vez mais agressivas. Ademais, dependendo da aplicação, a temperatura ambiente a qual o CHIP está inserido pode variar. Dessa maneira, procedimentos para diminuir o impacto dessas variações no desempenho do circuito são imprescindíveis. Tais métodos devem ser incluídos em ambos fluxos de projeto CMOS, analógico e digital, de maneira que o desempenho do sistema se mantenha estável quando a temperatura oscilar. A ideia principal desta dissertação é propor uma metodologia de projeto CMOS analógico que possibilite circuitos com baixa dependência térmica. Como base fundamental desta metodologia, o efeito de coeficiente térmico nulo no ponto de polarização da corrente de dreno (ZTC) e da transcondutância (GZTC) do MOSFET são analisados e modelados. Tal modelamento é responsável por entregar ao projetista analógico um conjunto de equações que esclarecem como a temperatura influencia o comportamento do transistor e, portanto, o comportamento do circuito. Essas condições especiais de polarização são analisadas usando um modelo de MOSFET que é contínuo da inversão fraca para forte. Além disso, é mostrado que as duas condições ocorrem em inversão moderada para forte em qualquer processo CMOS. Algumas aplicações são projetadas usando a metodologia proposta: duas referências de corrente baseadas em ZTC, duas referências de tensão baseadas em ZTC, e quatro circuitos gm-C polarizados em GZTC. A primeira referência de corrente é uma Corrente de Referência CMOS Auto-Polarizada (ZSBCR), que gera uma referência de 5uA. Projetada em CMOS 180 nm, a referência opera com uma tensão de alimentação de 1.4 à 1.8 V, ocupando uma área em torno de 0:010mm2. Segundo as simulações, o circuito apresenta um coeficiente de temperatura efetivo (TCeff ) de 15 ppm/oC para -45 à +85 oC e uma sensibilidade à variação de processo de = = 4:5% incluindo efeitos de variabilidade dos tipos processo e descasamento local. A sensibilidade de linha encontrada nas simulações é de 1%=V . A segunda referência de corrente proposta é uma Corrente de Referência Sem Resistor Auto-Polarizada com Capacitor Chaveado (ZSCCR). O circuito é projetado também em 180 nm, resultando em uma corrente de referência de 5.88 A, para uma tensão de alimentação de 1.8 V, e ocupando uma área de 0:010mm2. Resultados de simulações mostram um TCeff de 60 ppm/oC para um intervalo de temperatura de -45 à +85 oC e um consumo de potência de 63 W. A primeira referência de tensão proposta é uma Referência de Tensão resistente à pertubações eletromagnéticas contendo apenas MOSFETs (EMIVR), a qual gera um valor de referência de 395 mV. O circuito é projetado no processo CMOS 130 nm, ocupando em torno de 0.0075 mm2 de área de silício, e consumindo apenas 10.3 W. Simulações pós-leiaute apresentam um TCeff de 146 ppm/oC, para um intervalo de temperatura de 55 à +125oC. Uma fonte EMI de 4 dBm (1 Vpp de amplitude) aplicada na alimentação do circuito, de acordo com o padrão Direct Power Injection (DPI), resulta em um máximo de desvio DC e ondulação Pico-à-Pico de -1.7 % e 35.8m Vpp, respectivamente. A segunda referência de tensão é uma Tensão de Referência baseada em diodo Schottky com 0.5V de alimentação (SBVR). Ela gera três saídas, cada uma utilizando MOSFETs com diferentes tensões de limiar (standard-VT , low-VT , e zero-VT ). Todos disponíveis no processo adotado CMOS 130 nm. Este projeto resulta em três diferentes voltages de referências: 312, 237, e 51 mV, apresentando um TCeff de 214, 372, e 953 ppm/oC no intervalo de temperatura de -55 à 125oC, respectivamente. O circuito ocupa em torno de 0.014 mm2, consumindo um total de 5.9 W. Por último, circuitos gm-C são projetados usando o conceito GZTC: um emulador de resistor, um inversor de impedância, um filtro de primeira ordem e um filtro de segunda ordem. Os circuitos também são simulados no processo CMOS 130 nm, resultando em uma melhora na estabilidade térmica dos seus principais parâmetros, indo de 27 à 53 ppm/°C

    Integrated circuit & system design for concurrent amperometric and potentiometric wireless electrochemical sensing

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    Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) biosensor platforms have steadily grown in healthcare and commerial applications. This technology has shown potential in the field of commercial wearable technology, where CMOS sensors aid the development of miniaturised sensors for an improved cost of production and response time. The possibility of utilising wireless power and data transmission techniques for CMOS also allows for the monolithic integration of the communication, power and sensing onto a single chip, which greatly simplifies the post-processing and improves the efficiency of data collection. The ability to concurrently utilise potentiometry and amperometry as an electrochemical technique is explored in this thesis. Potentiometry and amperometry are two of the most common transduction mechanisms for electrochemistry, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Concurrently applying both techniques will allow for real-time calibration of background pH and for improved accuracy of readings. To date, developing circuits for concurrently sensing potentiometry and amperometry has not been explored in the literature. This thesis investigates the possibility of utilising CMOS sensors for wireless potentiometric and amperometric electrochemical sensing. To start with, a review of potentiometry and amperometry is evaluated to understand the key factors behind their operation. A new configuration is proposed whereby the reference electrode for both electrochemistry techniques are shared. This configuration is then compared to both the original configurations to determine any differences in the sensing accuracy through a novel experiment that utilises hydrogen peroxide as a measurement analyte. The feasibility of the configuration with the shared reference electrode is proven and utilised as the basis of the electrochemical configuration for the front end circuits. A unique front-end circuit named DAPPER is developed for the shared reference electrode topology. A review of existing architectures for potentiometry and amperometry is evaluated, with a specific focus on low power consumption for wireless applications. In addition, both the electrochemical sensing outputs are mixed into a single output data channel for use with a near-field communication (NFC). This mixing technique is also further analysed in this thesis to understand the errors arising due to various factors. The system is fabricated on TSMC 180nm technology and consumes 28µW. It measures a linear input current range from 250pA - 0.1µW, and an input voltage range of 0.4V - 1V. This circuit is tested and verified for both electrical and electrochemical tests to showcase its feasibility for concurrent measurements. This thesis then provides the integration of wireless blocks into the system for wireless powering and data transmission. This is done through the design of a circuit named SPACEMAN that consists of the concurrent sensing front-end, wireless power blocks, data transmission, as well as a state machine that allows for the circuit to switch between modes: potentiometry only, amperometry only, concurrent sensing and none. The states are switched through re-booting the circuit. The core size of the electronics is 0.41mm² without the coil. The circuit’s wireless powering and data transmission is tested and verified through the use of an external transmitter and a connected printed circuit board (PCB) coil. Finally, the future direction for ongoing work to proceed towards a fully monolithic electrochemical technique is discussed through the next development of a fully integrated coil-on-CMOS system, on-chip electrodes with the electroplating and microfludics, the development of an external transmitter for powering the device and a test platform. The contributions of this thesis aim to formulate a use for wireless electrochemical sensors capable of concurrent measurements for use in wearable devices.Open Acces