1,097 research outputs found

    Mechanical Description of a Hyper-Redundant Robot Joint Mechanism Used for a Design of a Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    A biologically inspired robot in the form of fish (mackerel) model using rubber (as the biomimetic material) for its hyper-redundant joint is presented in this paper. Computerized simulation of the most critical part of the model (the peduncle) shows that the rubber joints will be able to take up the stress that will be created. Furthermore, the frequency-induced softening of the rubber used was found to be critical if the joints are going to oscillate at frequency above 25 Hz. The robotic fish was able to attain a speed of 0.985 m/s while the tail beats at a maximum of 1.7 Hz when tested inside water. Furthermore, a minimum turning radius of 0.8 m (approximately 2 times the fish body length) was achieved

    Sound source localization through shape reconfiguration in a snake robot

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    This paper describes a snake robot system that uses sound source localization. We show in this paper as to how we can localize a sound source in 3D and solve the classic forward backward problem in sound source localization using minimum number of audio sensors by using the multiple degrees of freedom of the snake robot. We describe the hardware and software architecture of the robot and show the results of several sound tracking experiments we did with our snake robot. We also present biologically inspired sound tracking behavior in different postures of a biological snake robot as "Digital Snake Charming"

    Hypermobile Robots

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    Mobile-manipulating UAVs for Sensor Installation, Bridge Inspection and Maintenance

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    Mobile manipulating UAVs have great potential for bridge inspection and maintenance. Since 2002, the PI has developed UAVs that could fly through in-and-around buildings and tunnels. Collision avoidance in such cluttered near-Earth environments has been a key challenge. The advent of light-weight, computationally powerful cameras led to breakthroughs in SLAM even though SLAM-based autonomous aerial navigation around bridges remains an unsolved problem. In 2007, the PI integrated a mobile manipulation function into UAVs, greatly extending the capabilities of UAVs from passive survey of environments with cameras to active interaction with environments using limbs. Mobile-manipulating UAVs have since been demonstrated to successfully turn valves, install sensors, open doors, and drag ropes. Their research and development face several challenges. First, limbs add weight to aircraft. Second, rotorcraft, like a quadcopter, is an under-actuated system whose stability can be easily affected by limb motions. Third, when performing a task like turning a valve, limbs demand compensation for torque-force interactions. Thus, even if battery technologies afford the additional payload of limbs, current knowledge for manipulation with under-actuated systems remains sparse. This project aims to develop and prototype a mobile-manipulating UAV for bridge maintenance and disaster cleanup through further study on SLAM technology for robust navigation, impedance controllers to ensure UAV’s stability with limb motion, and coordinated and cooperative motions of multiple limbs to perform simple tasks like bearings cleaning and crack sealing in concrete bridges. Two strategies will be explored for bridge maintenance: (a) A UAV brings and uses a can of compressed air for bridge cleaning, and (2) Two UAVs airlift, position, and operate hoses from ground, and clean bridges with air or water. The latter can be potentially implemented by including a station-keeping, lighter-than-air UAV like blimp that can airlift a hose and remain airborne for extended periods. The mobile-limbed UAVs can then pull-and-drag the hose into areas that need to be cleaned. The blimp-based approach is attractive because it is easier for a UAV to drop hose lengths rather than pull the hose up in air

    Operational Strategies for Continuum Manipulators

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    We introduce a novel, intuitive user interface for continuum manipulators through the use of various joystick mappings. This user interface allows for the effective use of continuum manipulators in the lab and in the field. A novel geometric approach is developed to produce a more intuitive understanding of continuum manipulator kinematics. Using this geometric approach we derive the first closed-form solution to the inverse kinematics problem for continuum robots. Using the derived inverse kinematics to convert from workspace coordinates to configuration space coordinates we develop a potential-field path planner for continuum manipulators

    Shape-based compliance control for snake robots

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    I serpenti robot sono una classe di meccanismi iper-ridondanti che appartiene alla robotica modulare. Grazie alla loro forma snella ed allungata e all'alto grado di ridondanza possono muoversi in ambienti complessi con elevata agilità. L'abilità di spostarsi, manipolare e adattarsi efficientemente ad una grande varietà di terreni li rende ideali per diverse applicazioni, come ad esempio attività di ricerca e soccorso, ispezione o ricognizione. I robot serpenti si muovono nello spazio modificando la propria forma, senza necessità di ulteriori dispositivi quali ruote od arti. Tali deformazioni, che consistono in movimenti ondulatori ciclici che generano uno spostamento dell'intero meccanismo, vengono definiti andature. La maggior parte di esse sono ispirate al mondo naturale, come lo strisciamento, il movimento laterale o il movimento a concertina, mentre altre sono create per applicazioni specifiche, come il rotolamento o l'arrampicamento. Un serpente robot con molti gradi di libertà deve essere capace di coordinare i propri giunti e reagire ad ostacoli in tempo reale per riuscire a muoversi efficacemente in ambienti complessi o non strutturati. Inoltre, aumentare la semplicità e ridurre il numero di controllori necessari alla locomozione alleggerise una struttura di controllo che potrebbe richiedere complessità per ulteriori attività specifiche. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è ottenere un comportamento autonomo cedevole che si adatti alla conformazione dell'ambiente in cui il robot si sta spostando, accrescendo le capacità di locomozione del serpente robot. Sfruttando la cedevolezza intrinseca del serpente robot utilizzato in questo lavoro, il SEA Snake, e utilizzando un controllo che combina cedevolezza attiva ad una struttura di coordinazione che ammette una decentralizzazione variabile del robot, si dimostra come tre andature possano essere modificate per ottenere una locomozione efficiente in ambienti complessi non noti a priori o non modellabili

    A Mechatronic Perspective on Robotic Arms and End-Effectors

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    Design, Analysis, and Fabrication of a Snake-Inspired Robot with a Rectilinear Gait

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    Snake-inspired robots display promise in areas such as search, rescue and reconnaissance due to their ability to locomote through tight spaces. However, several specific issues regarding the design and analysis must be addressed in order to better design them. This thesis develops kinematic and dynamic models for a class of snake-inspired gait known as a rectilinear gait, where mechanism topology changes over the course of the gait. A model using an Eulerian framework and Coulomb friction yields torque expressions for the joints of the robot. B-spline curves are then used to generate a parametric optimization formulation for joint trajectory generation. Exact gradient computation of the torque functions is presented. A parametric model is used to describe the performance effects of changing system parameters such as mass, length, and motor speed. Finally, a snake-inspired robot is designed and fabricated in order to demonstrate both the vertical rectilinear gait and a modular, molded design aimed at reducing the cost of fabrication

    Design, Analysis, and Fabrication of a Snake-Inspired Robot with a Rectilinear Gait

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    Snake-inspired robots display promise in areas such as search, rescue and reconnaissance due to their ability to locomote through tight spaces. However, several specific issues regarding the design and analysis must be addressed in order to better design them. This thesis develops kinematic and dynamic models for a class of snake-inspired gait known as a rectilinear gait, where mechanism topology changes over the course of the gait. A model using an Eulerian framework and Coulomb friction yields torque expressions for the joints of the robot. B-spline curves are then used to generate a parametric optimization formulation for joint trajectory generation. Exact gradient computation of the torque functions is presented. A parametric model is used to describe the performance effects of changing system parameters such as mass, length, and motor speed. Finally, a snake-inspired robot is designed and fabricated in order to demonstrate both the vertical rectilinear gait and a modular, molded design aimed at reducing the cost of fabrication
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