16 research outputs found

    A Novel Internet-of-Things Infrastructure to Support Self-Healing Distribution Systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel distributed software infrastructure to foster new services in smart grids with particular emphasis on supporting self-healing distribution systems. This infrastructure exploits the rising Internet-of-Things paradigms to build and manage an interoperable peer-to-peer network of our prototype smart meters, also presented in this paper. The proposed three-phase smart meter, called 3-SMA, is a low cost and open-source Internet-connected device that provides features for self-configuration. In addition, it selectively run onboard-algorithms for smart grid management depending on its deployment on the distribution network. Finally, we present the experimental results of Hardware-In-the-Loop simulations we performed

    Cost-benefit analysis of integrated energy system planning considering demand response

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    The power-gas-coupling can realize the cascade utilization of energy in the integrated energy system, which is conducive to improving the utilization of energy and reducing pollution gases emissions. With the installation of smart metering, two-way communication between suppliers and consumers is feasible, which enables the implementation of demand response. A generic optimal planning model is proposed to assess the economic and environmental benefits of the capacity allocation of the grid-connected integrated energy system considering both price-based demand response and incentive-based demand response respectively. The optimal planning problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model with the objective to minimize the total annual cost. The results from three configuration modes are compared in the case study, which illustrate the economic and environmental benefits from demand response. In addition, the impact of the sales capacity constraint on the grid and the fluctuation of electricity and gas prices on the planning of the integrated energy system are also extensively studied considering demand response

    Cost-benefit analysis of integrated energy system planning considering demand response

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    The power-gas-coupling can realize the cascade utilization of energy in the integrated energy system, which is conducive to improving the utilization of energy and reducing pollution gases emissions. With the installation of smart metering, two-way communication between suppliers and consumers is feasible, which enables the implementation of demand response. A generic optimal planning model is proposed to assess the economic and environmental benefits of the capacity allocation of the grid-connected integrated energy system considering both price-based demand response and incentive-based demand response respectively. The optimal planning problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model with the objective to minimize the total annual cost. The results from three configuration modes are compared in the case study, which illustrate the economic and environmental benefits from demand response. In addition, the impact of the sales capacity constraint on the grid and the fluctuation of electricity and gas prices on the planning of the integrated energy system are also extensively studied considering demand response

    Perancangan Alat Manajemen Energi Listrik berbasis Fuzzy Logic

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    Peningkatan demand energi listrik dimasa yang akan datang perlu diimbangi dengan penyediaan energi listrik yang cukup. Ketidakseimbangan supply dan demand ini menyebabkan berbagai masalah di sisi konsumen seperti kualitas energi listrik yang rendah, maupun seringnya mengalami pemadaman listrik. Disamping peningkatan supply yang dapat dilakukan oleh energy distributor, pada sisi konsumen juga dapat menerapkan strategi demand side management yakni dengan menerapkan sebuah teknologi alat smart home energy management. Dalam perkembangannya, alat ini masih memerlukan banyak penyempurnaan, salah satunya dalam sisi algoritma pemrograman. Pengembangan algoritma machine learning berbasis fuzzy logic merupakan tujuan utama penelitian kali ini. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk mengatasi kelemahan sistem sebelumnya yakni sistem belum mampu secara cerdas menyesuaikan limitasi energi antara hari libur maupun hari kerja dimana memiliki pola konsumsi energi listrik yang berbeda. Disamping itu pengembangan juga akan dilakukan pada sisi hardware secara menyeluruh untuk memperoleh kinerja yang lebih optimal. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan perancangan sistem hardware yang berkaitan dengan integrasi komponen input, processing maupun output; pemrograman yakni menerapkan algoritma fuzzy logic untuk optimalisasi limit energi harian; pengujian, untuk memastikan sistem mampu bekerja dengan baik dengan hasil pengukuran yang akurat dan presisi; analisa data untuk melihat performa alat dan melakukan sejumlah penyempurnaan; hasil yakni sebuah prototipe alat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan konsumsi energi listrik rumah tangga skala lab, yang mampu bekerja dengan smart, yakni menerapkan prinsip machine learning dengan implementasi algoritma fuzzy logic. Pada akhirnya, alat ini diharapkan mampu mengoptimalisasi konsumsi energi listrik dengan meningkatkan efisiensi, tanpa mengabaikan kenyamanan penggunaPeningkatan demand energi listrik dimasa yang akan datang perlu diimbangi dengan penyediaan energi listrik yang cukup. Ketidakseimbangan supply dan demand ini menyebabkan berbagai masalah di sisi konsumen seperti kualitas energi listrik yang rendah, maupun seringnya mengalami pemadaman listrik. Disamping peningkatan supply yang dapat dilakukan oleh energy distributor, pada sisi konsumen juga dapat menerapkan strategi demand side management yakni dengan menerapkan sebuah teknologi alat smart home energy management. Dalam perkembangannya, alat ini masih memerlukan banyak penyempurnaan, salah satunya dalam sisi algoritma pemrograman. Pengembangan algoritma machine learning berbasis fuzzy logic merupakan tujuan utama penelitian kali ini. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk mengatasi kelemahan sistem sebelumnya yakni sistem belum mampu secara cerdas menyesuaikan limitasi energi antara hari libur maupun hari kerja dimana memiliki pola konsumsi energi listrik yang berbeda. Disamping itu pengembangan juga akan dilakukan pada sisi hardware secara menyeluruh untuk memperoleh kinerja yang lebih optimal. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan perancangan sistem hardware yang berkaitan dengan integrasi komponen input, processing maupun output; pemrograman yakni menerapkan algoritma fuzzy logic untuk optimalisasi limit energi harian; pengujian, untuk memastikan sistem mampu bekerja dengan baik dengan hasil pengukuran yang akurat dan presisi; analisa data untuk melihat performa alat dan melakukan sejumlah penyempurnaan; hasil yakni sebuah prototipe alat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan konsumsi energi listrik rumah tangga skala lab, yang mampu bekerja dengan smart, yakni menerapkan prinsip machine learning dengan implementasi algoritma fuzzy logic. Pada akhirnya, alat ini diharapkan mampu mengoptimalisasi konsumsi energi listrik dengan meningkatkan efisiensi, tanpa mengabaikan kenyamanan pengguna

    Economic opportunities of AMI implementation : a review

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    Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is rapidly becoming a key element for the modernization and disruption of power grids, generating benefits and opportunities to all actors involved in its implementation. In order to guarantee a correct deployment of AMI, a wide knowledge of its advantages and challenges is needed, that takes into account previous experiences and latest advances that have been made in the field. In this paper, a review of literature is used as a mean to collect the relevant information concerning AMI, so as to conclude which are the opportunities that AMI provides to all parties involved. This is achieved by searching in the most important data bases and specialized sources such as IEEE and IEA. It was found that this infrastructure, does indeed help improve efficiency and leads to positive economic effects impacting variables like costs and prices

    An on-premises IoT platform for gas smart meter's management based on DLMS protocol

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    The thesis is considering the problem of connecting smart meters (for water, gas, electricity, but with special emphasis on gas) to a central system in a private or public data center, where the data are used for various purposes, including diagnostics, billing, etc. Smart meters need a globally accepted standard that ensures security, interoperability, and efficiency. DLMS/COSEM is the most widespread standard for this, and it is described in detail in this thesis. An on-premises IoT platform for smart gas metering management based on DLMS/COSEM has been developed. It demonstrates data exchange between a smart gas meter and a data acquisition system to manage and control the end customer's gas consumption. Smart meters are installed at the end customer's premises and send data to the IoT platform to which gas suppliers have access. This IoT platform reports data received from the meters such as consumption, real-time alarms (e.g., failed clock synchronization, software errors, flow errors, valve errors, tampering, memory errors), valve status, and battery charge level. These collected data are COSEM objects stored in the local database. The IoT platform developed in this project is user-friendly, extensible, has flexible user access management, and meets customer needs. It helps gas utilities use consumption data to manage bills, and end customers can monitor their gas consumption to offset higher gas bills. Gas utilities using this real-time data collection-based platform can take some necessary actions, such as closing the customer's gas valve in case of unpaid bills and customer relocation. By developing an on-site IoT platform and storing the data on the company's local server, the owner also has complete control over all the data and its security. Therefore, another important measure considered in the development of this platform is the application of high-level security procedures in the exchange of information.The thesis is considering the problem of connecting smart meters (for water, gas, electricity, but with special emphasis on gas) to a central system in a private or public data center, where the data are used for various purposes, including diagnostics, billing, etc. Smart meters need a globally accepted standard that ensures security, interoperability, and efficiency. DLMS/COSEM is the most widespread standard for this, and it is described in detail in this thesis. An on-premises IoT platform for smart gas metering management based on DLMS/COSEM has been developed. It demonstrates data exchange between a smart gas meter and a data acquisition system to manage and control the end customer's gas consumption. Smart meters are installed at the end customer's premises and send data to the IoT platform to which gas suppliers have access. This IoT platform reports data received from the meters such as consumption, real-time alarms (e.g., failed clock synchronization, software errors, flow errors, valve errors, tampering, memory errors), valve status, and battery charge level. These collected data are COSEM objects stored in the local database. The IoT platform developed in this project is user-friendly, extensible, has flexible user access management, and meets customer needs. It helps gas utilities use consumption data to manage bills, and end customers can monitor their gas consumption to offset higher gas bills. Gas utilities using this real-time data collection-based platform can take some necessary actions, such as closing the customer's gas valve in case of unpaid bills and customer relocation. By developing an on-site IoT platform and storing the data on the company's local server, the owner also has complete control over all the data and its security. Therefore, another important measure considered in the development of this platform is the application of high-level security procedures in the exchange of information

    State-of-the-Art Renewable Energy in Korea

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    Nowadays, renewable energy plays an important role in our daily lives. This Special Issue addresses the current trend in the use of renewable energy in South Korea. The first aspect is a renewable-based power system, where both main and ancillary supplies are sourced from renewable energies; the second aspect is a distribution network for renewable energy; and the last aspect is a nanogrid network technology. Renewable energy requires many innovations over existing power infrastructure and regulation. These articles show the changing trend in various sectors in Korea