15 research outputs found

    Development and Testing of a Real-Time LoRawan Sniffer Based on GNU-Radio

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    En este documento se muestran las vulnerabilidades presentes en una red de sensores inalámbricas implementada sobre una red de área amplia de largo alcance (LoRaWAN por sus siglas en inglés) LoRaWAN y se identifican los posibles ataques que se podrían realizar a la red usando sniffing y/o replay. Los ataques a la red se realizaron implementando un analizador de protocolos (Sniffer) para capturar los paquetes. El Sniffer se implementó utilizando el hardware RTL2832U y se visualizó en Wireshark, a través de GNU-Radio. Las pruebas mostraron que se pueden amenazar la disponibilidad y confidencialidad de los datos a través de ataques de replay con verificación en el LoRa server utilizando hardware HackRF One y GNU-Radio. Aunque la especificación LoRaWAN tiene contadores para evitar ataques de replay, bajo condiciones adecuadas se lograría vulnerar la red llegando a realizar la denegación del servicio del nodo en el servidor.This paper shows the vulnerabilities present in a wireless sensor network implemented over a long-range wide area network (LoRaWAN) LoRaWAN, and identifies possible attacks that could be made to the network using sniffing and/or replay. Attacks on the network were performed by implementing a protocol analyzer (Sniffer) to capture packets. The Sniffer was implemented using the RTL2832U hardware and visualized in Wireshark, through GNU-Radio. Tests showed that data availability and confidentiality could be threatened through replay attacks with LoRa server verification using HackRF One and GNU-Radio hardware. Although the LoRaWAN specification has, frame counters to avoid replay attacks, under given the right conditions, this measure could be violated even deny service to the node on the server

    Rapid IoT Prototyping: A Visual Programming Tool and Hardware Solutions for LoRa-Based Devices

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    LoRa technology has gained popularity as one of the most widely used standards for device interconnection due to its ability to cover long distances and energy efficiency, making it a suitable choice for various Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring and control applications. In this sense, this work presents the development of a visual support tool for creating IoT devices with LoRa and LoRaWAN connectivity. This work significantly advances the state of the art in LoRa technology by introducing a novel visual support tool tailored for creating IoT devices with LoRa and LoRaWAN connectivity. By simplifying the development process and offering compatibility with multiple hardware solutions, this research not only facilitates the integration of LoRaWAN technology within educational settings but also paves the way for rapid prototyping of IoT nodes. The incorporation of block programming for LoRa and LoRaWAN using the Arduinoblocks framework as a graphical environment enhances the capabilities of the tool, positioning it as a comprehensive solution for efficient firmware generation. In addition to the visual tool for firmware generation, multiple compatible hardware solutions enable easy, economical, and stable development, offering a comprehensive hardware and software solution. The hardware proposal is based on an ESP32 microcontroller, known for its power and low cost, in conjunction with an RFM9x module that is based on SX127x LoRa transceivers. Finally, three successfully tested use cases and a discussion are presented

    Análisis del modelo de sombreado normal-logarítmico aplicado a un enlace LoRa punto a punto

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    LoRa is a low-power wireless technology and long range used in wide area network. In addition to LoRa, there are other wireless technologies for data transmission with several qualities. However, LoRa technology can be exploited in different applications such as Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), tracking and location. This is due to its great advantage to support a high number of communication devices. The LoRa technology is based on the Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation, this provides robustness to noise and other phenomena of degradation channel. In this work, it is presented the LoRa Technology performance in indoor and quasi-indoor environments with a point-to-point connection to estimate the distance based on the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI). The RSSI measurements, the estimating logarithmic function to compute distances and errors are shown in this manuscript. Finally, it can be concluded that the results are satisfactory, with an acceptable margin of error for indoor and quasi-indoor environments.LoRa es una tecnología inalámbrica de bajo consumo de potencia y largo alcance empleada en redes de área amplia. Además de LoRa, en el mercado existen otras tecnologías inalámbricas para transmisión de datos con diversas cualidades. Sin embargo, la tecnología LoRa se puede explotar en diferentes aplicaciones tales como redes de sensores inalámbricas (WSN, por sus siglas en inglés), rastreo y localización. Esto debido a su gran ventaja de soportar un gran número de dispositivos de comunicación. La tecnología LoRa está basada en la técnica de modulación Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS, por sus siglas en inglés), esto le proporciona robustez ante el ruido y otros fenómenos de degradación de canal. En el presente trabajo se presenta el desempeño de la tecnología LoRa en ambientes interiores y semi-interiores con una conexión punto a punto para estimar la distancia basado en el indicador de la intensidad de la señal recibida (RSSI, por sus siglas en inglés). Las mediciones de RSSI realizadas, la estimación de las funciones logarítmicas para calcular las distancias y los errores, son presentados en este documento. Finalmente, se puede concluir que los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, con un margen de error aceptable para ambientes interiores y semi-interiores

    Agro-Meteorological data Collection using a LoRaWAN-Based IoTSensor Network

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    This research article was published by the International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2022Generally, the variation of meteorological conditions has a significant influence on the agriculture sector in general. In Tanzania, the study conducted in 2015 found most of the existing automatic meteorological stations are not working, and the surveyed manual meteorological stations record meteorological data in the cards daily, but cards are sent in a month to month time interval to the respective organs, this makesthe concept of early warning difficult. Therefore having near-real-time meteorological data will enable the crop monitoring and forecasting systems to monitor crop development and provide early warning to the farmers and the government. The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) offers possibilities for developing an integrated sensors network to collect meteorological data on a near-real-time basis. In this study, the developed integrated sensor network includes sensors, which record remote meteorological data such as rainfall, humidity and temperature, a communicationnetwork, and a web application thatenhance data visualization in both graphical and tabular format. In the communication system, the LoRa technology was used, which is more preferable compared to other Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies such as NB-IoT and Sigfox for this application. The developed system uses the LoRa Gateway Operating system which provides capabilities to build a private network, and make it more cost-efficient by reducing the operation cost for account subscription, in online platforms such as The Things Network (TTN), ThingPark, ThingSpeak, and Loriot to avoid free accounts limitations. Moreover, the developed system can work in remote areas with limited Internet access as the meteorological stations can communicate with the gateway at a distance of up to 25km

    Sensitive parameter analysis for solar irradiance short-term forecasting: application to LoRa-based monitoring technology

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    Due to the relevant penetration of solar PV power plants, an accurate power generation forecasting of these installations is crucial to provide both reliability and stability of current grids. At the same time, PV monitoring requirements are more and more demanded by different agents to provide reliable information regarding performances, efficiencies, and possible predictive maintenance tasks. Under this framework, this paper proposes a methodology to evaluate different LoRa-based PV monitoring architectures and node layouts in terms of short-term solar power generation forecasting. A random forest model is proposed as forecasting method, simplifying the forecasting problem especially when the time series exhibits heteroscedasticity, nonstationarity, and multiple seasonal cycles. This approach provides a sensitive analysis of LoRa parameters in terms of node layout, loss of data, spreading factor and short time intervals to evaluate their influence on PV forecasting accuracy. A case example located in the southeast of Spain is included in the paper to evaluate the proposed analysis. This methodology is applicable to other locations, as well as different LoRa configurations, parameters, and networks structures; providing detailed analysis regarding PV monitoring performances and short-term PV generation forecasting discrepancies.This research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018–099139–B–C21

    Survey Paper Artificial and Computational Intelligence in the Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this modern age, Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as its derivatives have become one of the most popular and important technological advancements. In IoT, all things and services in the real world are digitalized and it continues to grow exponentially every year. This growth in number of IoT device in the end has created a tremendous amount of data and new data services such as big data systems. These new technologies can be managed to produce additional value to the existing business model. It also can provide a forecasting service and is capable to produce decision-making support using computational intelligence methods. In this survey paper, we provide detailed research activities concerning Computational Intelligence methods application in IoT WSN. To build a good understanding, in this paper we also present various challenges and issues for Computational Intelligence in IoT WSN. In the last presentation, we discuss the future direction of Computational Intelligence applications in IoT WSN such as Self-Organizing Network (dynamic network) concept

    Sistema de monitoramento de faltas em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica utilizando rede SigFox.

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação.Um dos principais problemas nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica é a ocorrência de faltas que geram prejuízos tanto para as concessionárias, quanto para os consumidores. Neste cenário, as agências reguladoras estabelecem indicadores de continuidade que levam em consideração informações sobre a frequência e a duração da interrupção e, a partir desse valores, aplicam penalidades às concessionárias. Os processos de correção e diagnóstico dessas faltas ainda apresentam abordagens tradicionais em grande parte das concessionárias, onde o processo inicia apenas a partir da ligação dos consumidores e é baseado nas estimações dos operadores. Com isso, técnicas de localização dessas faltas que visam a diminuição do tempo de restabelecimento do sistema vêm sendo pesquisadas e desenvolvidas baseadas em novas tendências tecnológicas. Neste trabalho é proposto um modelo de monitoramento de faltas baseado em uma rede de sensores sem fio, que utiliza a rede Sigfox como meio de comunicação e uma aplicação web como plataforma de visualização baseado em um diagrama dinâmico da rede analisada. A partir do sistema proposto, foi desenvolvido um protótipo do dispositivo de monitoramento e da aplicação, onde foram realizados testes para avaliação da comunicação a partir da taxa de sucesso na transmissão das mensagens de eventos gerados a partir da variação de uma grandeza elétrica e na análise dos índices de SNR e RSSI do sinal em diferentes distâncias. Além disso, foi avaliado o comportamento da aplicação web a partir de uma simulação em software utilizando o modelo de rede IEEE 37 Node Test Feeder e a partir das mensagens do dispositivo configurado

    Tecnologías aplicadas al sector agrícola.

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    El desperdicio de alimentos, la escasez de recursos naturales, el cambio climático y el crecimiento de la población son las cuatro piezas del rompecabezas que, cuando se juntan, nos dan una imagen general del papel que la agricultura juega y jugará en nuestras sociedades en el futuro (Figura 1). Los modelos demográficos predicen que en 2050 habrá que alimentar a casi 10,000 millones de personas en la Tierra. Los retos agrícolas y alimentarios son, por tanto, numerosos. Muchos empresarios famosos están invirtiendo fuertemente en la agricultura, con la esperanza de aprovechar estas oportunidades o con el deseo de perturbar los mercados. La agricultura inteligente es la nueva frontera del sector en respuesta a los retos que afronta nuestro planeta. Aunque todavía existe un verdadero escepticismo y una escasa inversión económica entre el mundo de los agricultores y el de la digitalización y la genómica, la agricultura de precisión (AP) está dando sus frutos en forma de técnicas optimizadas e innovadoras de producción de alimentos en muchas partes del mundo. En este libro, los autores buscaron facilitar las herramientas necesarias a la implementación de prácticas de AP. En el primer capítulo, se trató definir los conceptos claves de la AP y plantear sus contextos, características y aplicaciones. En el segundo capítulo, se desarrolló las particularidades de la inteligencia artificial y del machine learning, incluyendo un histórico, los diferentes tipos de aprendizaje y los aspectos de programación. El tercer capítulo se enfocó en la aplicación de estos métodos a la agricultura, particularmente detallando las especificaciones y diferencias entre la agricultura de precisión y la agricultura inteligente, el uso de las plataformas adecuadas de manera accesible a cualquier usuario interesado en desarrollar este tipo de tecnología. El cuarto capítulo expuso el caso particular de las enfermedades en plantas y de cómo la AP permite anticiparlas y/o detectarlas a tiempo. El quinto capítulo representa una apertura al mundo tecnológico de la AP, describiendo las evoluciones y las diferentes herramientas de la AP, sus usos y niveles de adopción a través de una amplia pero no exhaustiva presentación de casos internacionales

    Development of integrated sensor network for agro-meteorological data collection in Tanzania

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Information and Communication Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyGenerally, the variation of meteorological conditions has a significant influence on the agriculture sector. In Tanzania, most of the existing automatic meteorological stations are not working, and during the data collection the surveyed manual meteorological stations record meteorological data in the cards daily, but cards are sent in a month to month time interval to the respective organs, this makes the concept of early warning difficult. Therefore, having near-real-time meteorological data will enable crop monitoring and forecasting systems to monitor crop development and provide early warning to the farmers and the government. The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) offers possibilities for developing an integrated sensors network to collect meteorological data on a near real-time basis. In his study, the developed integrated sensor network includes sensors, which record remote meteorological data such as rainfall, humidity and temperature, a communication network, and a web application that enhance data visualisation in both graphical and tabular format. In the communication system, the LoRa technology was used, which is preferable compared to other Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN), technologies such as NB-IoT and SigFox for this application. The developed system uses the LoRa Gateway Operating system which provides capabilities to build a private network, and make it more cost-efficient by reducing the operation cost for account subscription, in online platforms such as The Things Network (TTN), ThingPark, ThingSpeak, and Loriot to avoid free accounts limitations. Moreover, the developed system can work in remote areas with limited Internet access as the meteorological stations can communicate with the gateway at a distance of up to 25 km