261 research outputs found

    Spoken content retrieval: A survey of techniques and technologies

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    Speech media, that is, digital audio and video containing spoken content, has blossomed in recent years. Large collections are accruing on the Internet as well as in private and enterprise settings. This growth has motivated extensive research on techniques and technologies that facilitate reliable indexing and retrieval. Spoken content retrieval (SCR) requires the combination of audio and speech processing technologies with methods from information retrieval (IR). SCR research initially investigated planned speech structured in document-like units, but has subsequently shifted focus to more informal spoken content produced spontaneously, outside of the studio and in conversational settings. This survey provides an overview of the field of SCR encompassing component technologies, the relationship of SCR to text IR and automatic speech recognition and user interaction issues. It is aimed at researchers with backgrounds in speech technology or IR who are seeking deeper insight on how these fields are integrated to support research and development, thus addressing the core challenges of SCR

    Classification of Under-Resourced Language Documents Using English Ontology

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    Automatic documents classification is an important task due to the rapid growth of the number of electronic documents, which aims automatically assign the document to a predefined category based on its contents. The use of automatic document classification has been plays an important role in information extraction, summarization, text retrieval, question answering, e-mail spam detection, web page content filtering, automatic message routing , etc.Most existing methods and techniques in the field of document classification are keyword based, but due to lack of semantic consideration of this technique, it incurs low performance. In contrast, documents also be classified by taking their semantics using ontology as a knowledge base for classification; however, it is very challenging of building ontology with under-resourced language. Hence, this approach is only limited to resourced language (i.e. English) support. As a result, under-resourced language written documents are not benefited such ontology based classification approach. This paper describes the design of automatic document classification of under-resourced language written documents. In this work, we propose an approach that performs classification of under-resourced language written documents on top of English ontology. We used a bilingual dictionary with Part of Speech feature for word-by-word text translation to enable the classification of document without any language barrier. The design has a concept-mapping component, which uses lexical and semantic features to map the translated sense along the ontology concepts. Beside this, the design also has a categorization component, which determines a category of a given document based on weight of mapped concept. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach 20-test documents for Amharic and Tigrinya and 15-test document for Afaan Oromo in each news category used. In order to observe the effect of incorporated features (i.e. lemma based index term selection, pre-processing strategies during concept mapping, lexical and semantics based concept mapping) five experimental techniques conducted. The experimental result indicated that the proposed approach with incorporation of all features and components achieved an average F-measure of 92.37%, 86.07% and 88.12% for Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Tigrinya documents respectively. Keywords: under-resourced language, Multilingual, Documents or text Classification, knowledge base, Ontology based text categorization, multilingual text classification, Ontology. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/10-6-02 Publication date:July 31st 201

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Semantic approaches to domain template construction and opinion mining from natural language

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    Most of the text mining algorithms in use today are based on lexical representation of input texts, for example bag of words. A possible alternative is to first convert text into a semantic representation, one that captures the text content in a structured way and using only a set of pre-agreed labels. This thesis explores the feasibility of such an approach to two tasks on collections of documents: identifying common structure in input documents (»domain template construction«), and helping users find differing opinions in input documents (»opinion mining«). We first discuss ways of converting natural text to a semantic representation. We propose and compare two new methods with varying degrees of target representation complexity. The first method, showing more promise, is based on dependency parser output which it converts to lightweight semantic frames, with role fillers aligned to WordNet. The second method structures text using Semantic Role Labeling techniques and aligns the output to the Cyc ontology.\ud Based on the first of the above representations, we next propose and evaluate two methods for constructing frame-based templates for documents from a given domain (e.g. bombing attack news reports). A template is the set of all salient attributes (e.g. attacker, number of casualties, \ldots). The idea of both methods is to construct abstract frames for which more specific instances (according to the WordNet hierarchy) can be found in the input documents. Fragments of these abstract frames represent the sought-for attributes. We achieve state of the art performance and additionally provide detailed type constraints for the attributes, something not possible with competing methods. Finally, we propose a software system for exposing differing opinions in the news. For any given event, we present the user with all known articles on the topic and let them navigate them by three semantic properties simultaneously: sentiment, topical focus and geography of origin. The result is a dynamically reranked set of relevant articles and a near real time focused summary of those articles. The summary, too, is computed from the semantic text representation discussed above. We conducted a user study of the whole system with very positive results

    Semantic approaches to domain template construction and opinion mining from natural language

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    Most of the text mining algorithms in use today are based on lexical representation of input texts, for example bag of words. A possible alternative is to first convert text into a semantic representation, one that captures the text content in a structured way and using only a set of pre-agreed labels. This thesis explores the feasibility of such an approach to two tasks on collections of documents: identifying common structure in input documents (»domain template construction«), and helping users find differing opinions in input documents (»opinion mining«). We first discuss ways of converting natural text to a semantic representation. We propose and compare two new methods with varying degrees of target representation complexity. The first method, showing more promise, is based on dependency parser output which it converts to lightweight semantic frames, with role fillers aligned to WordNet. The second method structures text using Semantic Role Labeling techniques and aligns the output to the Cyc ontology. Based on the first of the above representations, we next propose and evaluate two methods for constructing frame-based templates for documents from a given domain (e.g. bombing attack news reports). A template is the set of all salient attributes (e.g. attacker, number of casualties, \ldots). The idea of both methods is to construct abstract frames for which more specific instances (according to the WordNet hierarchy) can be found in the input documents. Fragments of these abstract frames represent the sought-for attributes. We achieve state of the art performance and additionally provide detailed type constraints for the attributes, something not possible with competing methods. Finally, we propose a software system for exposing differing opinions in the news. For any given event, we present the user with all known articles on the topic and let them navigate them by three semantic properties simultaneously: sentiment, topical focus and geography of origin. The result is a dynamically reranked set of relevant articles and a near real time focused summary of those articles. The summary, too, is computed from the semantic text representation discussed above. We conducted a user study of the whole system with very positive results

    Ontology-driven urban issues identification from social media.

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    As cidades em todo o mundo enfrentam muitos problemas diretamente relacionados ao espaço urbano, especialmente nos aspectos de infraestrutura. A maioria desses problemas urbanos geralmente afeta a vida de residentes e visitantes. Por exemplo, as pessoas podem relatar um carro estacionado em uma calçada que está forçando os pedestres a andar na via, ou um enorme buraco que está causando congestionamento. Além de estarem relacionados com o espaço urbano, os problemas urbanos geralmente demandam ações das autoridades municipais. Existem diversas Redes Sociais Baseadas em Localização (LBSN, em inglês) no domínio das cidades inteligentes em todo o mundo, onde as pessoas relatam problemas urbanos de forma estruturada e as autoridades locais tomam conhecimento para então solucioná-los. Com o advento das redes sociais como Facebook e Twitter, as pessoas tendem a reclamar de forma não estruturada, esparsa e imprevisível, sendo difícil identificar problemas urbanos eventualmente relatados. Dados de mídia social, especialmente mensagens do Twitter, fotos e check-ins, tem desempenhado um papel importante nas cidades inteligentes. Um problema chave é o desafio de identificar conversas específicas e relevantes ao processar dados crowdsourcing ruidosos. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa investiga métodos computacionais a fim de fornecer uma identificação automatizada de problemas urbanos compartilhados em mídias sociais. A maioria dos trabalhos relacionados depende de classificadores baseados em técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, como SVM, Naïve Bayes e Árvores de Decisão; e enfrentam problemas relacionados à representação do conhecimento semântico, legibilidade humana e capacidade de inferência. Com o objetivo de superar essa lacuna semântica, esta pesquisa investiga a Extração de Informação baseada em ontologias, a partir da perspectiva de problemas urbanos, uma vez que tais problemas podem ser semanticamente interligados em plataformas LBSN. Dessa forma, este trabalho propõe uma ontologia no domínio de Problemas Urbanos (UIDO) para viabilizar a identificação e classificação dos problemas urbanos em uma abordagem automatizada que foca principalmente nas facetas temática e geográfica. Uma avaliação experimental demonstra que o desempenho da abordagem proposta é competitivo com os algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina mais utilizados, quando aplicados a este domínio em particular.The cities worldwide face with many issues directly related to the urban space, especially in the infrastructure aspects. Most of these urban issues generally affect the life of both resident and visitant people. For example, people can report a car parked on a footpath which is forcing pedestrians to walk on the road or a huge pothole that is causing traffic congestion. Besides being related to the urban space, urban issues generally demand actions from city authorities. There are many Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) in the smart cities domain worldwide where people complain about urban issues in a structured way and local authorities are aware to fix them. With the advent of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, people tend to complain in an unstructured, sparse and unpredictable way, being difficult to identify urban issues eventually reported. Social media data, especially Twitter messages, photos, and check-ins, have played an important role in the smart cities. A key problem is the challenge in identifying specific and relevant conversations on processing the noisy crowdsourced data. In this context, this research investigates computational methods in order to provide automated identification of urban issues shared in social media streams. Most related work rely on classifiers based on machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes and Decision Trees; and face problems concerning semantic knowledge representation, human readability and inference capability. Aiming at overcoming this semantic gap, this research investigates the ontology-driven Information Extraction (IE) from the perspective of urban issues; as such issues can be semantically linked in LBSN platforms. Therefore, this work proposes an Urban Issues Domain Ontology (UIDO) to enable the identification and classification of urban issues in an automated approach that focuses mainly on the thematic and geographical facets. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the proposed approach performance is competitive with most commonly used machine learning algorithms applied for that particular domain.CNP

    Attention-based Approaches for Text Analytics in Social Media and Automatic Summarization

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    [ES] Hoy en día, la sociedad tiene acceso y posibilidad de contribuir a grandes cantidades de contenidos presentes en Internet, como redes sociales, periódicos online, foros, blogs o plataformas de contenido multimedia. Todo este tipo de medios han tenido, durante los últimos años, un impacto abrumador en el día a día de individuos y organizaciones, siendo actualmente medios predominantes para compartir, debatir y analizar contenidos online. Por este motivo, resulta de interés trabajar sobre este tipo de plataformas, desde diferentes puntos de vista, bajo el paraguas del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural. En esta tesis nos centramos en dos áreas amplias dentro de este campo, aplicadas al análisis de contenido en línea: análisis de texto en redes sociales y resumen automático. En paralelo, las redes neuronales también son un tema central de esta tesis, donde toda la experimentación se ha realizado utilizando enfoques de aprendizaje profundo, principalmente basados en mecanismos de atención. Además, trabajamos mayoritariamente con el idioma español, por ser un idioma poco explorado y de gran interés para los proyectos de investigación en los que participamos. Por un lado, para el análisis de texto en redes sociales, nos enfocamos en tareas de análisis afectivo, incluyendo análisis de sentimientos y detección de emociones, junto con el análisis de la ironía. En este sentido, se presenta un enfoque basado en Transformer Encoders, que consiste en contextualizar \textit{word embeddings} pre-entrenados con tweets en español, para abordar tareas de análisis de sentimiento y detección de ironía. También proponemos el uso de métricas de evaluación como funciones de pérdida, con el fin de entrenar redes neuronales, para reducir el impacto del desequilibrio de clases en tareas \textit{multi-class} y \textit{multi-label} de detección de emociones. Adicionalmente, se presenta una especialización de BERT tanto para el idioma español como para el dominio de Twitter, que tiene en cuenta la coherencia entre tweets en conversaciones de Twitter. El desempeño de todos estos enfoques ha sido probado con diferentes corpus, a partir de varios \textit{benchmarks} de referencia, mostrando resultados muy competitivos en todas las tareas abordadas. Por otro lado, nos centramos en el resumen extractivo de artículos periodísticos y de programas televisivos de debate. Con respecto al resumen de artículos, se presenta un marco teórico para el resumen extractivo, basado en redes jerárquicas siamesas con mecanismos de atención. También presentamos dos instancias de este marco: \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks} y \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders}. Estos sistemas han sido evaluados en los corpora CNN/DailyMail y NewsRoom, obteniendo resultados competitivos en comparación con otros enfoques extractivos coetáneos. Con respecto a los programas de debate, se ha propuesto una tarea que consiste en resumir las intervenciones transcritas de los ponentes, sobre un tema determinado, en el programa "La Noche en 24 Horas". Además, se propone un corpus de artículos periodísticos, recogidos de varios periódicos españoles en línea, con el fin de estudiar la transferibilidad de los enfoques propuestos, entre artículos e intervenciones de los participantes en los debates. Este enfoque muestra mejores resultados que otras técnicas extractivas, junto con una transferibilidad de dominio muy prometedora.[CA] Avui en dia, la societat té accés i possibilitat de contribuir a grans quantitats de continguts presents a Internet, com xarxes socials, diaris online, fòrums, blocs o plataformes de contingut multimèdia. Tot aquest tipus de mitjans han tingut, durant els darrers anys, un impacte aclaparador en el dia a dia d'individus i organitzacions, sent actualment mitjans predominants per compartir, debatre i analitzar continguts en línia. Per aquest motiu, resulta d'interès treballar sobre aquest tipus de plataformes, des de diferents punts de vista, sota el paraigua de l'Processament de el Llenguatge Natural. En aquesta tesi ens centrem en dues àrees àmplies dins d'aquest camp, aplicades a l'anàlisi de contingut en línia: anàlisi de text en xarxes socials i resum automàtic. En paral·lel, les xarxes neuronals també són un tema central d'aquesta tesi, on tota l'experimentació s'ha realitzat utilitzant enfocaments d'aprenentatge profund, principalment basats en mecanismes d'atenció. A més, treballem majoritàriament amb l'idioma espanyol, per ser un idioma poc explorat i de gran interès per als projectes de recerca en els que participem. D'una banda, per a l'anàlisi de text en xarxes socials, ens enfoquem en tasques d'anàlisi afectiu, incloent anàlisi de sentiments i detecció d'emocions, juntament amb l'anàlisi de la ironia. En aquest sentit, es presenta una aproximació basada en Transformer Encoders, que consisteix en contextualitzar \textit{word embeddings} pre-entrenats amb tweets en espanyol, per abordar tasques d'anàlisi de sentiment i detecció d'ironia. També proposem l'ús de mètriques d'avaluació com a funcions de pèrdua, per tal d'entrenar xarxes neuronals, per reduir l'impacte de l'desequilibri de classes en tasques \textit{multi-class} i \textit{multi-label} de detecció d'emocions. Addicionalment, es presenta una especialització de BERT tant per l'idioma espanyol com per al domini de Twitter, que té en compte la coherència entre tweets en converses de Twitter. El comportament de tots aquests enfocaments s'ha provat amb diferents corpus, a partir de diversos \textit{benchmarks} de referència, mostrant resultats molt competitius en totes les tasques abordades. D'altra banda, ens centrem en el resum extractiu d'articles periodístics i de programes televisius de debat. Pel que fa a l'resum d'articles, es presenta un marc teòric per al resum extractiu, basat en xarxes jeràrquiques siameses amb mecanismes d'atenció. També presentem dues instàncies d'aquest marc: \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks} i \textit{Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders}. Aquests sistemes s'han avaluat en els corpora CNN/DailyMail i Newsroom, obtenint resultats competitius en comparació amb altres enfocaments extractius coetanis. Pel que fa als programes de debat, s'ha proposat una tasca que consisteix a resumir les intervencions transcrites dels ponents, sobre un tema determinat, al programa "La Noche en 24 Horas". A més, es proposa un corpus d'articles periodístics, recollits de diversos diaris espanyols en línia, per tal d'estudiar la transferibilitat dels enfocaments proposats, entre articles i intervencions dels participants en els debats. Aquesta aproximació mostra millors resultats que altres tècniques extractives, juntament amb una transferibilitat de domini molt prometedora.[EN] Nowadays, society has access, and the possibility to contribute, to large amounts of the content present on the internet, such as social networks, online newspapers, forums, blogs, or multimedia content platforms. These platforms have had, during the last years, an overwhelming impact on the daily life of individuals and organizations, becoming the predominant ways for sharing, discussing, and analyzing online content. Therefore, it is very interesting to work with these platforms, from different points of view, under the umbrella of Natural Language Processing. In this thesis, we focus on two broad areas inside this field, applied to analyze online content: text analytics in social media and automatic summarization. Neural networks are also a central topic in this thesis, where all the experimentation has been performed by using deep learning approaches, mainly based on attention mechanisms. Besides, we mostly work with the Spanish language, due to it is an interesting and underexplored language with a great interest in the research projects we participated in. On the one hand, for text analytics in social media, we focused on affective analysis tasks, including sentiment analysis and emotion detection, along with the analysis of the irony. In this regard, an approach based on Transformer Encoders, based on contextualizing pretrained Spanish word embeddings from Twitter, to address sentiment analysis and irony detection tasks, is presented. We also propose the use of evaluation metrics as loss functions, in order to train neural networks for reducing the impact of the class imbalance in multi-class and multi-label emotion detection tasks. Additionally, a specialization of BERT both for the Spanish language and the Twitter domain, that takes into account inter-sentence coherence in Twitter conversation flows, is presented. The performance of all these approaches has been tested with different corpora, from several reference evaluation benchmarks, showing very competitive results in all the tasks addressed. On the other hand, we focused on extractive summarization of news articles and TV talk shows. Regarding the summarization of news articles, a theoretical framework for extractive summarization, based on siamese hierarchical networks with attention mechanisms, is presented. Also, we present two instantiations of this framework: Siamese Hierarchical Attention Networks and Siamese Hierarchical Transformer Encoders. These systems were evaluated on the CNN/DailyMail and the NewsRoom corpora, obtaining competitive results in comparison to other contemporary extractive approaches. Concerning the TV talk shows, we proposed a text summarization task, for summarizing the transcribed interventions of the speakers, about a given topic, in the Spanish TV talk shows of the ``La Noche en 24 Horas" program. In addition, a corpus of news articles, collected from several Spanish online newspapers, is proposed, in order to study the domain transferability of siamese hierarchical approaches, between news articles and interventions of debate participants. This approach shows better results than other extractive techniques, along with a very promising domain transferability.González Barba, JÁ. (2021). Attention-based Approaches for Text Analytics in Social Media and Automatic Summarization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172245TESI

    Enriching unstructured media content about events to enable semi-automated summaries, compilations, and improved search by leveraging social networks

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    (i) Mobile devices and social networks are omnipresent Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or digital cameras together with social networks enable people to create, share, and consume enormous amounts of media items like videos or photos both on the road or at home. Such mobile devices "by pure definition" accompany their owners almost wherever they may go. In consequence, mobile devices are omnipresent at all sorts of events to capture noteworthy moments. Exemplary events can be keynote speeches at conferences, music concerts in stadiums, or even natural catastrophes like earthquakes that affect whole areas or countries. At such events" given a stable network connection" part of the event-related media items are published on social networks both as the event happens or afterwards, once a stable network connection has been established again. (ii) Finding representative media items for an event is hard Common media item search operations, for example, searching for the official video clip for a certain hit record on an online video platform can in the simplest case be achieved based on potentially shallow human-generated metadata or based on more profound content analysis techniques like optical character recognition, automatic speech recognition, or acoustic fingerprinting. More advanced scenarios, however, like retrieving all (or just the most representative) media items that were created at a given event with the objective of creating event summaries or media item compilations covering the event in question are hard, if not impossible, to fulfill at large scale. The main research question of this thesis can be formulated as follows. (iii) Research question "Can user-customizable media galleries that summarize given events be created solely based on textual and multimedia data from social networks?" (iv) Contributions In the context of this thesis, we have developed and evaluated a novel interactive application and related methods for media item enrichment, leveraging social networks, utilizing the Web of Data, techniques known from Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) and Content-based Video Retrieval (CBVR), and fine-grained media item addressing schemes like Media Fragments URIs to provide a scalable and near realtime solution to realize the abovementioned scenario of event summarization and media item compilation. (v) Methodology For any event with given event title(s), (potentially vague) event location(s), and (arbitrarily fine-grained) event date(s), our approach can be divided in the following six steps. 1) Via the textual search APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) of different social networks, we retrieve a list of potentially event-relevant microposts that either contain media items directly, or that provide links to media items on external media item hosting platforms. 2) Using third-party Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, we recognize and disambiguate named entities in microposts to predetermine their relevance. 3) We extract the binary media item data from social networks or media item hosting platforms and relate it to the originating microposts. 4) Using CBIR and CBVR techniques, we first deduplicate exact-duplicate and near-duplicate media items and then cluster similar media items. 5) We rank the deduplicated and clustered list of media items and their related microposts according to well-defined ranking criteria. 6) In order to generate interactive and user-customizable media galleries that visually and audially summarize the event in question, we compile the top-n ranked media items and microposts in aesthetically pleasing and functional ways


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