579,051 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Medical Data Management System

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    近年来,大数据的快速发展及落地,为各行各业带来了前所未有的冲击,为医疗行业的信息化带来了新的解决方案。目前,传统的医院在信息化系统及电子健康档案系统方面已远远不能满足海量医疗数据的存储处理、分析挖掘以及多元化医疗数据服务等方面的要求。医疗数据经过生成及采集后,如何将异构、海量、实时、多样的数据进行高效存储,以实现大规模复杂健康数据的快速查询和准确响应;如何通过数据挖掘手段,对海量医疗数据进行深度分析,快速有效为用户提供有价值的医疗数据服务,达到未病先防的效果,成为大数据时代医疗领域需要解决的问题。 针对个性化的健康照护计划以及疾病并发预测的需求,提出了医疗数据的关联性挖掘算法,包括基于贝叶斯...In recent years, the rapid development of large data and landing, for all walks of life has brought an unprecedented impact for the medical industry, the information technology has brought a new solution. At present, the traditional hospital information system and electronic health records system has been far from meeting the requirements of mass medical data storage, analysis and data services an...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323173

    Building a Database System for Electronic Medical Records to Ensure Efficient Data Management and Interpretation

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    This research presents the design and implementation of an e-database system of medical records. The system comprises various modules, including data entry, user login, data storage, data management, and query analysis. The data entry module enables the input of electronic medical record data, while the user login module provides secure access and identity authentication. The data storage module stores the medical records and user information, and the data management module handles data manipulation and user authorization. The query analysis module allows users to search and analyze medical records based on specified criteria. This system aims to enhance the management and analysis of electronic medical records, providing medical professionals with valuable insights for diagnosis and treatment

    Analisis Pengelolaan Data Rekam Medis Di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Udara (RSAU) Lanud Iswahyudi

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    Management of data in medical records in RSAU Iswahyudi Air Force Base still not coordinated and for some data processing such as assembling has not been implemented while the coding carried out by officers BPJS. The research objective is to analyze the coding, how to place the data management of patient registration at the Air Force Hospital (RSAU) Iswahyudi Air Force Base. Describe the management of medical patient data storage (filling), assembling, coding and reporting management in medical record Hospital Air Force (RSAU) Iswahjudi Air Force Base. This research uses descriptive qualitative research design. The population in this study medical records clerk. Sampling in this study conducted by purposive sampling. Validity test is done with tringulasi. The results showed there were shortcomings and weaknesses of the registration system, assembling implementation, implementation and implementation reporting coding

    Implementasi Analytical CRM pada Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Rehabilitasi Pasien Penyalahgunaan Narkoba (Studi Kasus: Yayasan Cipta Wening Kuningan)

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    Implementation of Analytical (Customer Relationship Management) CRM on Medical Record Information System Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Patient is a form of information technology strategy that can help perform data management of rehabilitation medical record, while its development model use Analytical CRM model. Analytical CRM is one part of the CRM method that involves customers directly and analyzes the customer's needs to make it easier and more efficient in terms of information delivery so that customers are more comfortable and trust to channel their patients. The design system used with waterfall method, the tool used to design the system in the form of flowmap, context diagram, DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Digram) and table relation, while data collection techniques using research methods by way of observation, interview and literature study. This application is built using PHP and MySQL programming languages. With this system is expected to facilitate the Foundation Cipta Wening Kuningan in managing patient medical record dat

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Using a Software as a Service (SaaS) with a Single Identity Number at the Polije Polyclinic

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    Manual management of medical records at the Polije Polyclinic causes long data retrieval time, misfiling, and requiring a lot of spaces for storage, thus hampering health services. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are one type of medical record management that can be used to solve the issue. EMR is built based on Software as a Service (SaaS) which enables it to be used by all healthcare providers with minimal infrastructure and optimal data integration. The application used a single identity number for each patient, and it caused less redundancy in patient registration data. Developed using the Waterfall method, it was processed at several stages: analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The EMR system had some features: recording history, diagnosis, and therapy. In the diagnosis section, the system had a disease code related to ICD-10. It can be concluded that the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is ready to be implemented in the POLIJE polyclinic. The implementation of EMR is important to reinforce the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Health Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records

    Pengembangan Profesional Keperawatan Berhubungan Dengan Kemampuan Perawat Dalam Mengatasi Nyeri Pasien

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    The effect of continuous professional development to the implementation of pain managment by nurses in hospital. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a component of a career ladder system which its planning and implementation can affect in a nurse\u27s life process. In some hospitals, the nursing career ladder system were not associated with recruitment, rotation, continuous professional development and promotion process. This study aimed to identify the effect of CPD to the implementation of pain management in a hospital. The design research was descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. Data were collected through primary data as much as 121 nurses and also secondary data from patient medical records related to pain management nursing documentation included assessment, intervention, and re-evaluation. The sampling technique was simple random sampling. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The result showed that the variables of the career ladder system implementation that most affected on the pain management implementation by clinical nurses is continuing professional development (CPD)(p= 0.027). It is recommended to make structured planning through training needs analysis for each nurse

    Implementasi Sistem Jenjang Karir Dalam Pelaksanaan Discharge Planning

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    Discharge planning can reduce patient readmission. This study aimed to identify relationship of implementation nursing career ladder system and management function to the implementation of discharge planning. Design research was descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. Data were collected through primary data as much as 121 nurses and also secondary data from patient medical records related to discharge planning documentation. The sampling technique was simple random sampling and proportional sampling. Data were analyzed by spearman correlation. The result showed a significant correlation between implementation of career ladder system (p=0,001), competency assessment (p=0,001), clinical privileges (p=0,001), continuing professional development (p=0,001) and management function (p=0,001) and the implementation of discharge planning. It is recommended to the need for discharge planning training for nurse to improve the competency of nurses in implementing discharge planning

    Rekam Medis Elektronik sebagai Pendukung Manajemen Pelayanan Pasien di RS Universitas Gadjah Mada

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    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a digital repository of administrative and medical data to support integrated health services. EMR can be used to support case management activities such as identification, care coordination, patient progress monitoring, and provide cost-effective interventions. One of main factor in information system implementation is users. Based on users’ perceptions, recommendations can be made. It’s used to maximize the adoption and development of EMR. The purpose of this study to explore the users’ perceived benefits of EMR implementation to support case management. This research is a qualitative research with a case study design. Informants were EMR users, namely doctors, nurse, pharmacist, medical record officer, and laboratory assistant. They were selected through purposive sampling technique. We conducted face-to-face semi-structured interviews and observation. This research used an interview guide with open-ended questions and an observation guide. Results showed benefits of EMR were support patient safety, reduce duplicate examinations, continuity of care, patient care efficiency, and collaboration among health professionals. It is suggested to develop a patient reminder feature and periodic staff training

    Implementation and evaluation of the VA DPP clinical demonstration: protocol for a multi-site non-randomized hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial.

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    BackgroundThe Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study showed that lifestyle intervention resulted in a 58% reduction in incidence of type 2 diabetes among individuals with prediabetes. Additional large randomized controlled trials have confirmed these results, and long-term follow-up has shown sustained benefit 10-20 years after the interventions ended. Diabetes is a common and costly disease, especially among Veterans, and despite strong evidence supporting the feasibility of type 2 diabetes prevention, the DPP has not been widely implemented. The first aim of this study will evaluate implementation of the Veterans Affairs (VA) DPP in three VA medical centers. The second aim will assess weight and hemoglobin A1c (A1c) outcomes, and the third aim will determine the cost-effectiveness and budget impact of implementation of the VA DPP from a health system perspective.Methods/designThis partnered multi-site non-randomized systematic assignment study will use a highly pragmatic hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III mixed methods study design. The implementation and administration of the VA DPP will be funded by clinical operations while the evaluation of the VA DPP will be funded by research grants. Seven hundred twenty eligible Veterans will be systematically assigned to the VA DPP clinical demonstration or the usual care VA MOVE!® weight management program. A multi-phase formative evaluation of the VA DPP implementation will be conducted. A theoretical program change model will be used to guide the implementation process and assess applicability and feasibility of the DPP for VA. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) will be used to guide qualitative data collection, analysis, and interpretation of barriers and facilitators to implementation. The RE-AIM framework will be used to assess Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance of the VA DPP. Twelve-month weight and A1c change will be evaluated for the VA DPP compared to the VA MOVE!ProgramMediation analyses will be conducted to identify whether program design differences impact outcomes.DiscussionFindings from this pragmatic evaluation will be highly applicable to practitioners who are tasked with implementing the DPP in clinical settings. In addition, findings will determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the VA DPP in the Veteran population