9 research outputs found

    Disk-directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors

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    Many scientific applications that run on today\u27s multiprocessors are bottlenecked by their file I/O needs. Even if the multiprocessor is configured with sufficient I/O hardware, the file-system software often fails to provide the available bandwidth to the application. Although libraries and improved file-system interfaces can make a significant improvement, we believe that fundamental changes are needed in the file-server software. We propose a new technique, disk-directed I/O, that flips the usual relationship between server and client to allow the disks (actually, disk servers) to determine the flow of data for maximum performance. Our simulations show that tremendous performance gains are possible. Indeed, disk-directed I/O provided consistent high performance that was largely independent of data distribution, and close to the maximum disk bandwidth

    PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output

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    We are developing a software system called PASSION: Parallel And Scalable Software for Input-Output which provides software support for high performance parallel I/O. PASSION provides support at the language, compiler, runtime as well as file system level. PASSION provides runtime procedures for parallel access to files (read/write), as well as for out-of-core computations. These routines can either be used together with a compiler to translate out-of-core data parallel programs written in a language like HPF, or used directly by application programmers. A number of optimizations such as Two-Phase Access, Data Sieving, Data Prefetching and Data Reuse have been incorporated in the PASSION Runtime Library for improved performance. PASSION also provides an initial framework for runtime support for out-of-core irregular problems. The goal of the PASSION compiler is to automatically translate out- of-core data parallel programs to node programs for distributed memory machines, with calls to the PASSION Runtime Library. At the language level, PASSION suggests extensions to HPF for out-of-core programs. At the file system level, PASSION provides support for buffering and prefetching data from disks. A portable parallel file system is also being developed as part of this project, which can be used across homogeneous or heterogeneous networks of workstations. PASSION also provides support for integrating data and task parallelism using parallel I/O techniques. We have used PASSION to implement a number of out-of-core applications such as a Laplace\u27s equation solver, 2D FFT, Matrix Multiplication, LU Decomposition, image processing applications as well as unstructured mesh kernels in molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. We are currently in the process of using PASSION in applications in CFD (3D turbulent flows), molecular structure calculations, seismic computations, and earth and space science applications such as Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation. PASSION is currently available on the Intel Paragon, Touchstone Delta and iPSC/860. Efforts are underway to port it to the IBM SP-1 and SP-2 using the Vesta Parallel File System

    An evaluation of Java's I/O capabilities for high-performance computing

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    Java is quickly becoming the preferred language for writing distributed applications because of its inherent support for programming on distributed platforms. In particular, Java provides compile-time and run-time security, automatic garbage collection, inherent support for multithreading, support for persistent objects and object migration, and portability. Given these significant advantages of Java, there is a growing interest in using Java for high-performance computing applications. To be successful in the high-performance computing domain, however, Java must have the capability to efficiently handle the significant I/O requirements commonly found in high-performance computing applications. While there has been significant research in high-performance I/O using languages such as C, C++, and Fortran, there has been relatively little research into the I/O capabilities of Java. In this paper, we evaluate the I/O capabilities of Java for high-performance computing. We examine several approaches that attempt to provide high-performance I/O--many of which are not obvious at first glance--and investigate their performance in both parallel and multithreaded environments. We also provide suggestions for expanding the I/O capabilities of Java to better support the needs of high-performance computing applications

    Compiler and runtime support for out-of-core HPF programs

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    Efficient Interaction between High-Speed Networks and Distributed Storage in Clusters

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    Parallel applications running on clusters require both high-performance communications between nodes and efficient access to the storage system. We propose to improve the performance of distributed storage systems in clusters by efficiently using the underlying high-performance network to access distant storage systems. We show that storage requirements are very different from those of parallel computation and that a modification of the network programming interface is required. We detail several propositions for these interfaces which make their utilization easier in the context of distributed storage. Performance evaluations show that their integration makes it easy to use and very efficient in the context of storage

    Cooperative caching and prefetching in parallel/distributed file systems

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    If we examine the structure of the applications that run on parallel machines, we observe that their I/O needs increase tremendously every day. These applications work with very large data sets which, in most cases, do not fit in memory and have to be kept in the disk. The input and output data files are also very large and have to be accessed very fast. These large applications also want to be able to checkpoint themselves without wasting too much time. These facts constantly increase the expectations placed on parallel and distributed file systems. Thus, these file systems have to improve their performance to avoid becoming the bottleneck in parallel/distributed environments. On the other hand, while the performance of the new processors, interconnection networks and memory increases very rapidly, no such thing happens with the disk performance. This lack of improvement is due to the mechanical parts used to build the disks. These components are slow and limit both the latency and t..