2,820 research outputs found

    Formal and Informal Methods for Multi-Core Design Space Exploration

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    We propose a tool-supported methodology for design-space exploration for embedded systems. It provides means to define high-level models of applications and multi-processor architectures and evaluate the performance of different deployment (mapping, scheduling) strategies while taking uncertainty into account. We argue that this extension of the scope of formal verification is important for the viability of the domain.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2014, arXiv:1406.156

    Formal and Fault Tolerant Design

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    Software quality and reliability were verified for a long time at the post-implementation level (test, fault sce-nario ...). The design of embedded systems and digital circuits is more and more complex because of inte-gration density, heterogeneity. Now almost Âľ of the digital circuits contain at least one processor, that is, can execute software code. In other words, co-design is the most usual case and traditional verification by simu-lation is no more practical. Moreover, the increase in integration density comes with a decrease in the reliabil-ity of the components. So fault detection, diagnostics techniques, introspection are essential for defect toler-ance, fault tolerance and self repair of safety-critical systems. The use of a formal specification language is considered as the foundation of a real validation. What we would like to emphasize is that refinement (from an abstract model to the point where the system will be implemented) could be and should be formal too in order to ensure the traceability of requirements, to man-age such development projects and so to design fault-tolerant systems correct by proven construction. Such a thorough approach can be achieved by the automation or semi-automation of the refinement process. We have studied how to ensure the traceability of these requirements in a component-based approach. Re-liability, fault tolerance can be seen here as particular refinement steps. For instance, a given formal specifi-cation of a system/component may be refined by adding redundancy (data, computation, component) and be verified to be fault-tolerant w.r.t. some given fault scenarios. A self-repair component can be defined as the refinement of its original form enhanced with error detection. We describe in this paper the PCSI project (Zero Defect Systems) based on B Method, VHDL and PSL. The three modeling approaches can collaborate together and guarantee the codesign of embedded systems for which the requirements and the fault-tolerant aspects are taken into account for the beginning and formally verified all along the implementation process

    A Language and Hardware Independent Approach to Quantum-Classical Computing

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    Heterogeneous high-performance computing (HPC) systems offer novel architectures which accelerate specific workloads through judicious use of specialized coprocessors. A promising architectural approach for future scientific computations is provided by heterogeneous HPC systems integrating quantum processing units (QPUs). To this end, we present XACC (eXtreme-scale ACCelerator) --- a programming model and software framework that enables quantum acceleration within standard or HPC software workflows. XACC follows a coprocessor machine model that is independent of the underlying quantum computing hardware, thereby enabling quantum programs to be defined and executed on a variety of QPUs types through a unified application programming interface. Moreover, XACC defines a polymorphic low-level intermediate representation, and an extensible compiler frontend that enables language independent quantum programming, thus promoting integration and interoperability across the quantum programming landscape. In this work we define the software architecture enabling our hardware and language independent approach, and demonstrate its usefulness across a range of quantum computing models through illustrative examples involving the compilation and execution of gate and annealing-based quantum programs

    Extended Model driven Architecture to B Method

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    International audienceModel Driven Architecture (MDA) design approach proposes to separate design into two stages: implementation independent stage then an implementation-dependent one. This improves the reusability, the reusability, the standability, the maintainability, etc. Here we show how MDA can be augmented using a formal refinement approach: B method. Doing so enables to gradually refine the development from the abstract specification to the executing implementation; furthermore it permits to prove the coherence between components in low levels even if they are implemented in different technologies

    Data-driven and Model-based Verification: a Bayesian Identification Approach

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    This work develops a measurement-driven and model-based formal verification approach, applicable to systems with partly unknown dynamics. We provide a principled method, grounded on reachability analysis and on Bayesian inference, to compute the confidence that a physical system driven by external inputs and accessed under noisy measurements, verifies a temporal logic property. A case study is discussed, where we investigate the bounded- and unbounded-time safety of a partly unknown linear time invariant system

    AndroShield:automated Android applications vulnerability detection, a hybrid static and dynamic analysis approach

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    The security of mobile applications has become a major research field which is associated with a lot of challenges. The high rate of developing mobile applications has resulted in less secure applications. This is due to what is called the “rush to release” as defined by Ponemon Institute. Security testing—which is considered one of the main phases of the development life cycle—is either not performed or given minimal time; hence, there is a need for security testing automation. One of the techniques used is Automated Vulnerability Detection. Vulnerability detection is one of the security tests that aims at pinpointing potential security leaks. Fixing those leaks results in protecting smart-phones and tablet mobile device users against attacks. This paper focuses on building a hybrid approach of static and dynamic analysis for detecting the vulnerabilities of Android applications. This approach is capsuled in a usable platform (web application) to make it easy to use for both public users and professional developers. Static analysis, on one hand, performs code analysis. It does not require running the application to detect vulnerabilities. Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, detects the vulnerabilities that are dependent on the run-time behaviour of the application and cannot be detected using static analysis. The model is evaluated against different applications with different security vulnerabilities. Compared with other detection platforms, our model detects information leaks as well as insecure network requests alongside other commonly detected flaws that harm users’ privacy. The code is available through a GitHub repository for public contribution

    A Hybrid Communications Network Simulation-Independent Toolkit

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    Net-centric warfare requires information superiority to enable decision superiority, culminating in insurmountable combat power against our enemies on the battlefield. Information superiority must be attained and retained for success in today’s joint/coalition battlespace. To accomplish this goal, our combat networks must reliably, expediently and completely deliver over a wide range of mobile and fixed assets. Furthermore, each asset must be given special consideration for the sensitivity, priority and volume of information required by the mission. Evolving a grand design of the enabling network will require a flexible evaluation platform to try and select the right combination of network strategies and protocols in the realms of topology control and routing. This research will result in a toolkit for ns2 that will enable rapid interfacing and evaluation of new networking algorithms and/or protocols. The toolkit will be the springboard for development of an optimal, multi-dimensional and flexible network for linking combat entities in the battlespace

    A New View on Classification of Software Vulnerability Mitigation Methods

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    Software vulnerability mitigation is a well-known research area and many methods have been proposed for it Some papers try to classify these methods from different specific points of views In this paper we aggregate all proposed classifications and present a comprehensive classification of vulnerability mitigation methods We define software vulnerability as a kind of software fault and correspond the classes of software vulnerability mitigation methods accordingly In this paper the software vulnerability mitigation methods are classified into vulnerability prevention vulnerability tolerance vulnerability removal and vulnerability forecasting We define each vulnerability mitigation method in our new point of view and indicate some methods for each class Our general point of view helps to consider all of the proposed methods in this review We also identify the fault mitigation methods that might be effective in mitigating the software vulnerabilities but are not yet applied in this area Based on that new directions are suggested for the future researc

    SIMPEL: Circuit model for photonic spike processing laser neurons

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    We propose an equivalent circuit model for photonic spike processing laser neurons with an embedded saturable absorber---a simulation model for photonic excitable lasers (SIMPEL). We show that by mapping the laser neuron rate equations into a circuit model, SPICE analysis can be used as an efficient and accurate engine for numerical calculations, capable of generalization to a variety of different laser neuron types found in literature. The development of this model parallels the Hodgkin--Huxley model of neuron biophysics, a circuit framework which brought efficiency, modularity, and generalizability to the study of neural dynamics. We employ the model to study various signal-processing effects such as excitability with excitatory and inhibitory pulses, binary all-or-nothing response, and bistable dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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