24 research outputs found

    Defining the nature of blended learning through its depiction in current research

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    © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupBlended learning has been a feature of higher education practice and research for almost two decades. This article takes stock of current blended learning research, contributing to the growing number of meta-analyses of higher education and blended learning research more generally, through a review of ninety-seven articles relating to blended learning in higher education published in fifteen journals between 2012 and mid-2017. The review focused on where and when the articles were published; their provenance, scale, scope; methodological approach; the broad research themes; and definition of blended learning used. The review shows that despite its ubiquity, blended learning’s definition is all-encompassing; its spread is global but research is dominated by key players; it is of technical interest; and its research is small-scale, individually focused, seeking to evidence the benefits of blended learning. The article concludes with recommendations of how higher education research could provide institutions with evidence to ensure their ‘best of blends’.Peer reviewe

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Berbasis Android Menggunakan Teknologi Cloud pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Web

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    Submission of monotonous material (always the same) at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo is one of the reasons for making this mobile application. Learning that still uses conventional methods, both in the delivery of material and the collection of tasks is also a factor in the need for changes in the learning process. Therefore, researchers combine learning that is done directly in the classroom with learning through application media (online) so that learning can be realized that is not limited by space and time. Based on these problems, researchers design and build android-based applications using cloud technology in web programming subjects. The development model used by researchers to improve the quality of its products is to use the 4D development model, namely: define (analysis of teaching materials, curriculum and users), design (product design), develop (assessment and improvement), and disseminate (trials). The subjects of this experiment were students of class XI Department of Software Engineering (RPL) 2 at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sukoharjo. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, questionnaire and student test. The data analysis technique was obtained by calculating the percentage of eligibility from the results of the questionnaire and the results of assessments from experts and students showing that the mobile application was suitable for use in learning

    Successful Mobile Application Development: Towards a Taxonomy of Domain-Specific Process Models and Methodologies

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    Mobile applications and mobile application development issues receive an increasing attention for practitioners and academics. The development of mobile applications is connected with a number of domain-specific issues and challenges (e.g., fulfilment of customer requirements or the prevention of high development costs). Consequently, the decision of the most effective process model to develop a mobile application plays a crucial role for software and mobile application development teams. With the help of a structured taxonomy-building methodology, we contribute to the extant literature by creating and presenting a taxonomy for process models and methodologies in software engineering and the mobile application development domain. The taxonomy enrich the existing knowledge base and can help mobile application developers to choose the most suitable process model or methodology. Based on our examination, our results indicate new directions for mobile application research and implications for mobile application development

    Pedagogical agents: Influences of artificially generated instructor personas on taking chances

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    Educational institutes are currently facing the new normality that an ongoing pandemic situation has brought to teaching and learning. Distributed learning with content that blends over several platforms and locations needs to be created with didactic expertise in a feasible manner. At the same time, the possibilities for creating and distributing digital content have developed rapidly. Advanced computing supports the creation of artificial images, natural speech, and even natural-looking but non-existent persons. Since such generative content is often also published under a Creative Commons license, it presents as viable option for designing learning content, assignments, or instructions for tasks. However, there is still limited evidence on how, for example, generated pedagogical agents (tutors) influence behaviour and decisions. This study investigated the influences of artificially generated tutor personas in a decision-making task distributed internationally on the Google Play store. The field experiment extended the balloon analogue risk task (BART) with instructions from generated persona photographs to evaluate potential influences on risk-taking behaviour. In a between-subject design, either a female tutor, a male tutor, or no tutor picture at all was presented during the task. The results (N=74) show a higher risk propensity when displaying a male artificial instructor compared to a female instructor. Participants also proceed with greater caution when instructed by a female tutor as they reflect longer before initiating the next step to pump up the balloon. Further lines of research and experiences from the distribution of an investigative instruction app on Google Play are summarised in the conclusive implications


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    Resumo: O objetivo do presente estudo é sistematizar o conhecimento das principais abordagens utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis para gestão da educação, utilizando como método uma revisão integrativa da literatura de estudos publicados nas bases de dados Scielo, ACM DL e IEEE Xplore, no período de 2014 a 2019. Através desse foram selecionados para análise 337 artigos. Como resultados foram identificadas as principais abordagens para desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis na área de gestão da educação descritos nos artigos foram: abordagens para desenvolvimento nativo, Web e híbrida, concluindo-se um significativo aumento no número de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis desenvolvidos utilizando abordagem híbrida em detrimento da abordagem nativa. Palavras-Chave: Aplicativos móveis. Aplicação de informática educacional. Gestão Educacional. Tecnologia da informação

    Mobile Applications in Supporting Open and Distance Learning Students’ Research

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    Honours students, who are mostly new to research, require support in finding, selecting and sharing information resources to conduct research. Providing students with access to information resources becomes problematic in Open and Distance Learning (ODL), especially in developing countries due to constraints that are introduced by distance among the students, and between students and the supervisors. The constraints include isolation, lack of peer collaboration, the cost of Internet facilities, and time management for working students. Mobile applications could offer solutions, but the extant literature offers little guidance on the functional design of such applications. This design science research study presents a mobile tool with an interface for information access, information sharing and collaboration. The evaluation results show that the tool supports collaboration effectively by allowing students to access and share information. Besides the proof of concept, the theoretical contribution also lies in sharing the recommendations for improving the functionality of similar applications

    Mobil Öğrenmenin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarısı, Motivasyonu ve Tutumları Üzerine Etkisi: Bir Meta Analiz Çalışması

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    DergiPark: 581539tredYapılan bu araştırmada mobil öğrenme uygulamalarının öğrencilerin başarısı,motivasyonu ve tutumları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Buamaçla veri tabanlarında yapılan tarama sonucunda ulaşılan 66 deneyselaraştırma ile meta analiz çalışması yürütülmüştür. Analiz sürecinde öncelikleyapılacak meta analiz yöntemini belirlemek adına homojenlik testi yapılmış veçalışmaların heterojen olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu nedenle analizlerderastgele erişim modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada her bir değişken ve her biraraştırma için ayrı olarak Hedge’s g etki düzeyi hesaplanmış, ardından geneletki düzeyleri ve anlamlılık değerleri belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analizlerdenelde edilen verilere göre mobil öğrenmenin öğrencilerin başarısını geniş orandaartırdığı (Hedge’s g=0,882 p lt;0,01), motivasyon (Hedge’s g=0,541 p lt;0,01)ve tutumlarını (Hedge’s g=0,515 p lt;0,01) ise orta düzeyde artırdığı sonucunaulaşılmıştır. Böylece mobil öğrenmenin öğrenmeye katkı sağlayan, öğrencilerinmotivasyonunu artıran bir ortam olarak eğitimde kullanılmasının oldukça yararlıolduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.

    Development of e-learning, mobile apps, character building, and outdoor study (emco learning model) to improve geography outcomes in the 21st century

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    This development study aims to 1) create a learning model that fuses e-learning, a mobile app, character building, and outdoor study and 2) determine the effectiveness of the EMCO learning model on student learning outcomes. This study uses a research and development design with the model of Dick and Carey. A product feasibility test is performed by the learning, media, and materials expert validators, and the product’s effectiveness is tested by students. The data analysis includes descriptive statistics to determine the product feasibility and an independent sample t-test to determine the effectiveness of the learning model. The results of the expert validation show that the EMCO model is in the very good category and does not need revision. The EMCO model has a learning syntax with four phases: LKPD (student worksheet), assessment instrument, learning media, and teaching materials. Results indicate that the EMCO learning model is effective in improving geography learning outcomes. The model has the advantages of 1) effective and innovative material delivery; 2) easy-to-use navigation keys to access the material; 3) attractive design; 4) availability of CBT (computer-based test); and 5) online learning media that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and under any conditions. The research has a positive impact on students and is able to transform them into 21st-century learning agents

    Factors affecting university students switching intention to mobile learning: a push-pull-mooring theory perspective

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    Adopting technology by its intended users is one of the most important contributors to that technology’s success. Therefore, the success of mobile learning (ML) depends on the students’ acceptance of the method. Regarding this point, this quantitative research aims to identify factors that affect switching intention to adopt ML among university students in Indonesia based on migration theory, Push-PullMooring (PPM) framework. A theoretical model was developed to examine the determinants that affect students’ decision to use ML platforms. This study used an online survey questionnaire to obtain 616 valid responses. A comprehensive analysis of the influence factors of users switching behavior, including the moderating factors, was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Amos software. The results confirmed that the push factor (learning convenience), pull factors (learning autonomy and enjoyment), and mooring factor (student innovativeness) are perceived as significant factors for accepting ML. Concerning the moderating factor, this study also revealed the significance of moderating factor experience in two causal effects of enjoyment and student innovativeness on the students’ intention to switch using ML. Furthermore, based on the findings, several recommendations were suggested for the university policy-makers to develop effective strategic plans to get a competitive advantage