235 research outputs found

    Reliability evaluation of a multi-state system with dependent components and imprecise parameters: A structural reliability treatment

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    Reliability evaluation of a multi-state system (MSS) with dependent components makes much practical sense because the independent identical assumption (i.i.d.) assumption between different components is sometimes impractical in the context of real engineering cases. The task becomes more challenging if imprecision gets involved due to the pervasive uncertainty. The loss of monotony resulting from the introduction of imprecise parameters makes many analytical reliability methods not applied. To address this challenge, in this paper, we develop a survival signature-based reliability framework for an MSS taking into account both dependence and uncertainty. In our framework, the survival function is derived through some unique structural reliability treatments. Vine copula and imprecise probability are integrated and embedded within the framework to address the case that dependence and imprecision simultaneously appear. Implementation-wise, two numerical simulation algorithms are developed to address some complicated cases in which the analytical solution is not available. For demonstration and validation, both the numerical case and application examples are presented. The results show the superiority of the proposed method and its potential in real engineering use

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation aims to develop an innovative and improved paradigm for real-time large-scale traffic system estimation and mobility optimization. To fully utilize heterogeneous data sources in a complex spatial environment, this dissertation proposes an integrated and unified estimation-optimization framework capable of interpreting different types of traffic measurements into various decision-making processes. With a particular emphasis on the end-to-end travel time prediction problem, this dissertation proposes an information-theoretic sensor location model that aims to maximize information gains from a set of point, point-to-point and probe sensors in a traffic network. After thoroughly examining a number of possible measures of information gain, this dissertation selects a path travel time prediction uncertainty criterion to construct a joint sensor location and travel time estimation/prediction framework. To better measure the quality of service for ransportation systems, this dissertation investigates the path travel time reliability from two perspectives: variability and robustness. Based on calibrated travel disutility functions, the path travel time variability in this research is represented by its standard deviation in addition to the mean travel time. To handle the nonlinear and nonadditive cost functions introduced by the quadratic forms of the standard deviation term, a novel Lagrangian substitution approach is introduced to estimate the lower bound of the most reliable path solution through solving a sequence of standard shortest path problems. To recognize the asymmetrical and heavy-tailed travel time distributions, this dissertation proposes Lagrangian relaxation based iterative search algorithms for finding the absolute and percentile robust shortest paths. Moreover, this research develops a sampling-based method to dynamically construct a proxy objective function in terms of travel time observations from multiple days. Comprehensive numerical experiment results with real-world travel time measurements show that 10-20 iterations of standard shortest path algorithms for the reformulated models can offer a very small relative duality gap of about 2-6%, for both reliability measure models. This broadly-defined research has successfully addressed a number of theoretically challenging and practically important issues for building the next-generation Advanced Traveler Information Systems, and is expected to offer a rich foundation beneficial to the model and algorithmic development of sensor network design, traffic forecasting and personalized navigation

    Optimization of vehicle routing and scheduling with travel time variability - application in winter road maintenance

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    This study developed a mathematical model for optimizing vehicle routing and scheduling, which can be used to collect travel time information, and also to perform winter road maintenance operations (e.g., salting, plowing). The objective of this research was to minimize the total vehicle travel time to complete a given set of service tasks, subject to resource constraints (e.g., truck capacity, fleet size) and operational constraints (e.g., service time windows, service time limit). The nature of the problem is to design vehicle routes and schedules to perform the required service on predetermined road segments, which can be interpreted as an arc routing problem (ARP). By using a network transformation technique, an ARP can be transformed into a well-studied node routing problem (NRP). A set-partitioning (SP) approach was introduced to formulate the problem into an integer programming problem (I PP). To solve this problem, firstly, a number of feasible routes were generated, subject to resources and operational constraints. A genetic algorithm based heuristic was developed to improve the efficiency of generating feasible routes. Secondly, the corresponding travel time of each route was computed. Finally, the feasible routes were entered into the linear programming solver (CPL EX) to obtain final optimized results. The impact of travel time variability on vehicle routing and scheduling for transportation planning was also considered in this study. Usually in the concern of vehicle and pedestrian\u27s safety, federal, state governments and local agencies are more leaning towards using a conservative approach with constant travel time for the planning of winter roadway maintenance than an aggressive approach, which means that they would rather have a redundancy of plow trucks than a shortage. The proposed model and solution algorithm were validated with an empirical case study of 41 snow sections in the northwest area of New Jersey. Comprehensive analysis based on a deterministic travel time setting and a time-dependent travel time setting were both performed. The results show that a model that includes time dependent travel time produces better results than travel time being underestimated and being overestimated in transportation planning. In addition, a scenario-based analysis suggests that the current NJDOT operation based on given snow sector design, service routes and fleet size can be improved by the proposed model that considers time dependent travel time and the geometry of the road network to optimize vehicle routing and scheduling. In general, the benefit of better routing and scheduling design for snow plowing could be reflected in smaller minimum required fleet size and shorter total vehicle travel time. The depot location and number of service routes also have an impact on the final optimized results. This suggests that managers should consider the depot location, vehicle fleet sizing and the routing design problem simultaneously at the planning stage to minimize the total cost for snow plowing operations

    "Rotterdam econometrics": publications of the econometric institute 1956-2005

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    This paper contains a list of all publications over the period 1956-2005, as reported in the Rotterdam Econometric Institute Reprint series during 1957-2005.

    Vehicle routing on real road networks

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    The vehicle routing problem (VRP) has received particular attention, in the field of transportation and logistics. Producing good solutions for the problem is of interest both commercially and theoretically. Reliable solutions to real life applications require an approach based on realistic assumptions that resemble real-world conditions. In that respects, this thesis studies vehicle routing problems on real road networks addressing aspects of the problem that need to be modelled on the original road network graph and aims to provide appropriate modelling techniques for solving them. As a preliminary step, chapter 2 studies the travelling salesman problem (TSP) on real road networks, referred to as the Steiner TSP (STSP) and proposes alternative integer programming formulations for the problem and some other related routing problems. The performances of formulations is examined both theoretically and computationally. Chapter 3 highlights the fact that travel speeds on road networks are correlated and uses a real traffic dataset to explore the structure of this correlation. In conclusion, it is shown that there is still significant spatial correlations between speeds on roads that are up to twenty links apart, in our congested road network. Chapter 4 extends chapter 2 and incorporates the findings of chapter 3 into a modelling framework for VRP. The STSP with correlated costs is defined as a potentially useful variant of VRP that considers the costs in the STSP to be stochastic random variables with correlation. The problem is then formulated as a single-objective problem with eight different integer programming formulations presented. It is then shown how to account for three different correlation structures in each of the formulations. Chapter 5 considers the VRPs with time windows and shows how most of the exact algorithms proposed for them, might not be applicable if the problem is defined on the original road network graph due to the underlying assumption of these algorithms that the cheapest path between a pair of customers is the same as the quickest path. This assumption is not always true on a real road network. Instead some alternative pricing routines are proposed that can solve the problem directly on the original graph

    Commercial Helicopter Services: Toward Quantitative Solutions for Understanding Industry Phenomena and Achieving Stakeholder Optimization

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    An understanding of industry phenomena and optimization techniques within the upstream energy industry’s transportation sector is markedly absent in the extant literature and suitable for rigorous investigation. This manuscript presents analyses related to the optimization of offshore worker transportation and econometric analyses of factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns, which are represented throughout the manuscript as Part I and Part II, respectively. The global energy industry transports supplies and personnel via helicopter to offshore locations and has been increasingly focusing on optimizing upstream logistics. Using a unique sample of deepwater and ultra-deepwater permanent offshore locations in the Gulf of Mexico, transportation networks consisting of 58 locations operated by 19 firms are optimized via a randomized greedy algorithm. The model developed in Part I has been found to effectively solve the complex transportation problem and simulation results show the potential advantages of alternative clustered and integrated network structures, as compared to an independent firm-level structure. The evaluation of clustered and integrated network structures, which allow ride sharing via energy firm cooperation, provides evidence that such network structures may yield cost reductions for participating firms. The extent to which commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns are related to commodity prices and other relevant industry variables is absent in the extant literature. Often, firms attribute favorable results to internal factors whereas unfavorable results are attributed to external factors. Using a unique data set from 2013-2018, the current research identifies structural relationships between crude oil prices, natural gas prices, the rotary rig count, a subset of the overall market, firms’ degree of diversification and stock returns of commercial helicopter operators. Empirical analyses developed in Part II show that the prevalent price of crude oil and the overall market environment possess explanatory power of commercial helicopter firms’ stock returns, ceteris paribus. Specifically, 10% increases in the crude oil price and the S&P 500 index yield a 2.7% and 8.0% increase in stock returns, respectively. Collectively, the abovementioned parts of this manuscript provide rigorous, quantitative analyses of topics unrepresented within the extant literature, which are foundational for future practice and research. Specifically, new knowledge regarding a practical approach to model development and solution deliverance for the transportation of offshore workers to their respective locations and factors influencing commercial helicopter operators’ stock returns has been appropriately designed and empirically evaluated

    Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems Including the Effects of Hurricanes

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    Adverse weather such as hurricanes can significantly affect the reliability of composite power systems. Predicting the impact of hurricanes can help utilities for better preparedness and make appropriate restoration arrangements. In this dissertation, the impact of hurricanes on the reliability of composite power systems is investigated. Firstly, the impact of adverse weather on the long-term reliability of composite power systems is investigated by using Markov cut-set method. The Algorithms for the implementation is developed. Here, two-state weather model is used. An algorithm for sequential simulation is also developed to achieve the same goal. The results obtained by using the two methods are compared. The comparison shows that the analytical method can obtain comparable results and meantime it can be faster than the simulation method. Secondly, the impact of hurricanes on the short-term reliability of composite power systems is investigated. A fuzzy inference system is used to assess the failure rate increment of system components. Here, different methods are used to build two types of fuzzy inference systems. Considering the fact that hurricanes usually last only a few days, short-term minimal cut-set method is proposed to compute the time-specific system and nodal reliability indices of composite power systems. The implementation demonstrates that the proposed methodology is effective and efficient and is flexible in its applications. Thirdly, the impact of hurricanes on the short-term reliability of composite power systems including common-cause failures is investigated. Here, two methods are proposed to archive this goal. One of them uses a Bayesian network to alleviate the dimensionality problem of conditional probability method. Another method extends minimal cut-set method to accommodate common-cause failures. The implementation results obtained by using the two methods are compared and their discrepancy is analyzed. Finally, the proposed methods in this dissertation are also applicable to other applications in power systems