533 research outputs found

    A Semantic Hierarchy for Erasure Policies

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    We consider the problem of logical data erasure, contrasting with physical erasure in the same way that end-to-end information flow control contrasts with access control. We present a semantic hierarchy for erasure policies, using a possibilistic knowledge-based semantics to define policy satisfaction such that there is an intuitively clear upper bound on what information an erasure policy permits to be retained. Our hierarchy allows a rich class of erasure policies to be expressed, taking account of the power of the attacker, how much information may be retained, and under what conditions it may be retained. While our main aim is to specify erasure policies, the semantic framework allows quite general information-flow policies to be formulated for a variety of semantic notions of secrecy.Comment: 18 pages, ICISS 201

    Integration of Static and Dynamic Analysis Techniques for Checking Noninterference

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    In this article, we present an overview of recent combinations of deductive program verification and automatic test generation on the one hand and static analysis on the other hand, with the goal of checking noninterference. Noninterference is the non-functional property that certain confidential information cannot leak to certain public output, i.e., the confidentiality of that information is always preserved. We define the noninterference properties that are checked along with the individual approaches that we use in different combinations. In one use case, our framework for checking noninterference employs deductive verification to automatically generate tests for noninterference violations with an improved test coverage. In another use case, the framework provides two combinations of deductive verification with static analysis based on system dependence graphs to prove noninterference, thereby reducing the effort for deductive verification

    Information flow and declassification analysis for legacy and untrusted programs

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    Standard access control mechanisms are often insufficient to enforce compliance of programs with security policies. For this reason, information flow analysis has become a topic of increasing interest. In such type of analysis, the main property to be checked is called non-interference, which basically states that the publicly observable behaviour of a program is entirely independent of its secret, secure input values. However, simple non-interference is too restrictive for specifying and enforcing in- formation flow policies in most programs. Exceptions to non-interference are provided using declassification policies. Several approaches for enforcing declassification have been proposed in the literature. In most of these approaches, the declassification policies are embedded in the program itself or heavily tied to the variables in the program being analyzed, thereby providing at best little separation between the code and the policy. Consequently, the previous approaches essentially require that the code be trusted, since to trust that the correct policy is being enforced, we need to trust the source code. In this thesis, we propose a novel framework for information flow analysis, with support to declassification policies, related to the source code being analyzed via its I/O channels. The framework supports many of the of declassification policies identified in the literature. Based on flow-based static analysis, it represents a first step towards a new approach that can be applied to untrusted and legacy source code to automatically verify that the analyzed program complies with the specified declassification policies. We present a framework in which expressions over input channel values that could be output by the program are compared to a set of declassification requirements. We build an implementation of such framework, which works by constructing a conservative approximation of the such expressions, and by determining whether all of them satisfy the declassification requirements stated in the policy. We introduce a representation of such expressions that resembles tree automata. We prove that if a program is considered safe according to our analysis then it satisfies a property we call Policy Controlled Release, which formalizes information-flow correctness according to our notion of declassification policy. We demonstrate, through examples, that our approach works for several interesting and useful declassification policies, including one involving declassification of the average of several confidential values. Finally, we extend the static analyzer to build a practical hybrid static-runtime enforcement mechanism, consisting of 3 steps: static analysis, preload checking, and runtime enforcement. We demonstrate how the hybrid mechanism is able to enforce real-world policies which are unable to be treated by standard approaches from industry. Also, we show how this goal is achieved by keeping the static analysis step system independent, and the runtime enforcement with minimum runtime overhead

    Abstract interpretation-based approaches to Security - A Survey on Abstract Non-Interference and its Challenging Applications.

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    In this paper we provide a survey on the framework of abstract non-interference. In particular, we describe a general formalization of abstract non-interference by means of three dimensions (observation, protection and semantics) that can be instantiated in order to obtain well known or even new weakened non-interference properties. Then, we show that the notions of abstract non-interference introduced in language-based security are instances of this more general framework which allows to better understand the different components of a non-interference policy. Finally, we consider two challenging research fields concerning security where abstract non-interference seems a promising approach providing new perspectives and new solutions to open problems: Code injection and code obfuscation