5,390 research outputs found

    Comparative study on the detection of early dental caries using thermo-photonic lock-in imaging and optical coherence tomography

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    Early detection of dental caries is known to be the key to the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive approaches in dentistry. However, existing clinical detection techniques, such as radiographs, are not sufficiently sensitive to detect and monitor the progression of caries at early stages. As such, in recent years, several optics-based imaging modalities have been proposed for the early detection of caries. The majority of these techniques rely on the enhancement of light scattering in early carious lesions, while a few of them are based on the enhancement of light absorption at early caries sites. In this paper, we report on a systemic comparative study on the detection performances of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and thermophotonic lock-in imaging (TPLI) as representative early caries detection modalities based on light scattering and absorption, respectively. Through controlled demineralization studies on extracted human teeth and µCT validation experiments, several detection performance parameters of the two modalities such as detection threshold, sensitivity and specificity have been qualitatively analyzed and discussed. Our experiment results suggests that both modalities have sufficient sensitivity for the detection of well-developed early caries on occlusal and smooth surfaces; however, TPLI provides better sensitivity and detection threshold for detecting very early stages of caries formation, which is deemed to be critical for the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive approaches in dentistry. Moreover, due to the more specific nature of the light absorption contrast mechanism over light scattering, TPLI exhibits better detection specificity, which results in less false positive readings and thus allows for the proper differentiation of early caries regions from the surrounding intact areas. The major shortcoming of TPLI is its inherent depth-integrated nature, prohibiting the production of depth-resolved/B-mode like images. The outcomes of this research justify the need for a light-absorption based imaging modality with the ability to produce tomographic and depth-resolved images, combining the key advantages of OCT and TPLI.York University Librarie

    Structural validation of oral mucosal tissue using optical coherence tomography

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    Background: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive optical technology using near-infrared light to produce cross-sectional tissue images with lateral resolution. Objectives: The overall aims of this study was to generate a bank of normative and pathological OCT data of the oral tissues to allow identification of cellular structures of normal and pathological processes with the aim to create a diagnostic algorithm which can be used in the early detection of oral disorders. Material and methods: Seventy-three patients with 78 suspicious oral lesions were referred for further management to the UCLH Head and Neck Centre, London. The entire cohort had their lesions surgically biopsied (incisional or excisional). The immediate ex vivo phase involved scanning the specimens using optical coherence tomography. The specimens were then processed by a histopathologist. Five tissue structures were evaluated as part of this study, including: keratin cell layer, epithelial layer, basement membrane, lamina propria and other microanatomical structures. Two independent assessors (clinician and pathologist trained to use OCT) assessed the OCT images and were asked to comment on the cellular structures and changes involving the five tissue structures in non-blind fashion. Results: Correct identification of the keratin cell layer and its structural changes was achieved in 87% of the cohort; for the epithelial layer it reached 93.5%, and 94% for the basement membrane. Microanatomical structures identification was 64% for blood vessels, 58% for salivary gland ducts and 89% for rete pegs. The agreement was “good” between the clinician and the pathologist. OCT was able to differential normal from pathological tissue and pathological tissue of different entities in this immediate ex vivo study. Unfortunately, OCT provided inadequate cellular and subcellular information to enable the grading of oral premalignant disorders. Conclusion: This study enabled the creation of OCT bank of normal and pathological oral tissues. The pathological changes identified using OCT enabled differentiation between normal and pathological tissues, and identification of different tissue pathologies. Further studies are required to assess the accuracy of OCT in identification of various pathological processes involving the oral tissues

    GPU accelerated real-time multi-functional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm.

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    We present a GPU accelerated multi-functional spectral domain optical coherence tomography system at 1300 nm. The system is capable of real-time processing and display of every intensity image, comprised of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines acquired at 20 frames per second. The update rate for all four images with size of 512 pixels by 2048 A-lines simultaneously (intensity, phase retardation, flow and en face view) is approximately 10 frames per second. Additionally, we report for the first time the characterization of phase retardation and diattenuation by a sample comprised of a stacked set of polarizing film and wave plate. The calculated optic axis orientation, phase retardation and diattenuation match well with expected values. The speed of each facet of the multi-functional OCT CPU-GPU hybrid acquisition system, intensity, phase retardation, and flow, were separately demonstrated by imaging a horseshoe crab lateral compound eye, a non-uniformly heated chicken muscle, and a microfluidic device. A mouse brain with thin skull preparation was imaged in vivo and demonstrated the capability of the system for live multi-functional OCT visualization

    In vivo detection of cortical optical changes associated with seizure activity with optical coherence tomography.

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    The most common technology for seizure detection is with electroencephalography (EEG), which has low spatial resolution and minimal depth discrimination. Optical techniques using near-infrared (NIR) light have been used to improve upon EEG technology and previous research has suggested that optical changes, specifically changes in near-infrared optical scattering, may precede EEG seizure onset in in vivo models. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a high resolution, minimally invasive imaging technique, which can produce depth resolved cross-sectional images. In this study, OCT was used to detect changes in optical properties of cortical tissue in vivo in mice before and during the induction of generalized seizure activity. We demonstrated that a significant decrease (P < 0.001) in backscattered intensity during seizure progression can be detected before the onset of observable manifestations of generalized (stage-5) seizures. These results indicate the feasibility of minimally-invasive optical detection of seizures with OCT

    Surface imaging of metallic material fractures using optical coherence tomography

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    We demonstrate the capability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to perform topography of metallic surfaces after being subjected to ductile or brittle fracturing. Two steel samples, OL 37 and OL 52, and an antifriction Sn-Sb-Cu alloy were analyzed. Using an in-house-built swept source OCT system, height profiles were generated for the surfaces of the two samples. Based on such profiles, it can be concluded that the first two samples were subjected to ductile fracture, while the third one was subjected to brittle fracture. The OCT potential for assessing the surface state of materials after fracture was evaluated by comparing OCT images with images generated using an established method for such investigations, scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Analysis of cause of fracture is essential in response to damage of machinery parts during various accidents. Currently the analysis is performed using SEM, on samples removed from the metallic parts, while OCT would allow in situ imaging using mobile units. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the OCT capability to replace SEM has been demonstrated. SEM is a more costly and time-consuming method to use in the investigation of surfaces of microstructures of metallic materials. © 2014 Optical Society of America

    The Use of Optical Coherence Tomography in Dental Diagnostics: a State-of-the-Art Review

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    Optical coherence tomography provides sections of tissues in a noncontact and noninvasive manner. The device measures the time delay and intensity of the light scattered or reflected from biological tissues, which results in tomographic imaging of their internal structure. This is achieved by scanning tissues at a resolution ranging from 1 to 15 μm. OCT enables real-time in situ imaging of tissues without the need for biopsy, histological procedures, or the use of X-rays, so it can be used in many fields of medicine. Its properties are not only particularly used in ophthalmology, in the diagnosis of all layers of the retina, but also increasingly in cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, oncology, and dermatology. The basic properties of OCT, that is, noninvasiveness and low wattage of the used light, have also been appreciated in analytical technology by conservators, who use it to identify the quality and age of paintings, ceramics, or glass. Recently, the OCT technique of visualization is being tested in different fields of dentistry, which is depicted in the article

    Optical coherence tomography in the detection and diagnosis of dental enamel demineralisation areas

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    A cárie dentária e a erosão dentária são os principais problemas em odontologia. O diagnóstico correto, especialmente em lesões precoces, é vital para o plano de tratamento adequado. O exame visual-tátil e a radiografia dentária são os métodos mais utilizados para esse fim. A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) é outro método imagiológico capaz de melhorar o exame visual-tátil no diagnóstico de lesões em esmalte. A sensibilidade do instrumento é muito alta, geralmente mais de 90% e a especificidade normalmente acima de 95%. Utiliza o princípio da interferometria óptica com uma fonte de luz a emitir no infravermelho próximo (comprimento de onda na região de 1300 nm). Um software de processamento de imagens adequado pode melhorar a produção de imagens, incluir zonas colorimétricas e produzir uma imagem-3D, reduzindo a subjetividade na interpretação. Por não utilizar radiação ionizante e obter uma imagem nítida em tempo real, pode ser um bom substituto para a radiografia dentária em caso de avaliação diagnóstica de esmalte e dentina dentários.The dental caries and dental erosion are the major dental problems in dentistry. The correct diagnosis, especially in early lesions, is vital for the proper treatment plan. Visualtactile examination and dental radiography are the most used methods for this purpose. The optical coherence tomography (OCT) is another imaging tool with the capability to improve the visual-tactile examination in enamel diagnostic. The instrument sensitivity is very high, usually more than 90% as the specificity is usually higher than 95%. It uses the principle of optical interferometry with an optical source emitting in the near-infrared (wavelength close to 1300 nm). Proper processing image software can improve the imaging production and present a 3D-image as reduces subjectivity with a colorimetric presentation. As it not use ionising radiation and offers a clear image production in real time, can be a good substitute to dental radiography in case of enamel and outer dentin diagnostic assessment