11 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre algunas nuevas clases de conectividad condicional en grafos dirigidos

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    La conectividad condicional, definida por Harary en 1983, mide el mínimo número de vértices (o ramas) que hay que eliminar de un grafo o digrafo de forma que todas las componentes conexas resultantes tengan una propiedad prefijada de antemano. La importancia de los diferentes tipos de conectividad condicional está unida al concepto de supervivencia de las componentes que se determinan cuando la red se interrumpe, lo que se expresa especificando las propiedades de estas componentes. Engloban tanto la conectividad estándar como la superconectividad ya que pueden ser interpretadas como conectividades condicionales con respecto a la propiedad que consiste en tener más de cero vértices o un vértice respectivamente.En esta tesis presentamos condiciones suficientes de dos tipos que garantizan altas conectividades condicionales: cotas superiores sobre diámetro y cotas inferiores sobre el orden, ambas formuladas en términos del girth en el caso de grafos, o bien en función del semigirth l en el caso de digrafos.El primer tipo de conectividad condicional abordada es la t-distancia conectividad que juega un papel importante a la hora de medir la fiabilidad de la red como una función de la distancia entre los nodos que queremos comunicar. En este caso se requiere que los conjuntos desconectadotes separen vértices que estaban suficientemente alejados en el (di)grafo original. Se define el t-grado y se muestra que los parámetros que miden la t-distancia conectividad la arco t-distancia conectividad y el t-grado están relacionados por desigualdades que generalizan las desigualdades conocidas para las conectividades estándar. Además, se prueba que otra de las propiedades que estos nuevos parámetros mantienen es la independencia.El trabajo realizado previamente permite profundizar en el estudio de la superconectividad de (di)grafos y de digrafos bipartitos. Se aborda el problema de desconectar de manera no trivial un digrafo superconectado, centrándonos en calcular la máxima distancia a la que se encuentra alejado un vértice de un conjunto desconectador no trivial de cardinal relativamente pequeño. Se introducen los parámetros que miden la superconectividad de un digrafo superconectado, y se estudian condiciones suficientes sobre el diámetro y el orden para obtener cotas inferiores sobre estas medidas de superconectividad. Por último se desarrolla un estudio en el caso de grafos, paralelo al realizado en el caso dirigido. Se expone una tabla en cuyas entradas figuran los órdenes de los grafos con el mayor número de vértices que se conocen hasta el momento junto con sus conectividades respectivas.La última parte de la tesis está dedicado al estudio de grafos que modelan redes conectadas de forma óptima con respecto a la siguiente propiedad de tolerancia a fallos: Cuando algunos nodos o uniones fallan, se exige que en las componentes que se determinan en la red haya un número mínimo de nodos conectados entre sí. Esta conectividad condicional se denomina extraconectividad, que corresponde con la propiedad consistente en tener al menos un cierto número de vértices. Desde este punto de vista, tanto la conectividad estándar como la superconectividad, constituyen medidas de conectividad condicional. El trabajo llevado a cabo mejora sustancialmente las primeras condiciones suficientes sobre el diámetro dadas por Fiol y Fàbrega quienes ya habían conjeturado que la cota superior sobre el diámetro que se había encontrado era posible mejorarla.The conditional connectivity defined by Harary in 1983, gives the minimum number of vertices or edges which have to be eliminated from a graph or a digraph in such a way all the resulting connected components satisfy a determined property The importance of the different types of conditional connectivity is linked to the concept of survival of the components that determine when the network is interrupted, which is expressed by specifying the properties of these components. They include both connectivity standard as superconectividad as they can be interpreted as a conditional connectivities with respect to the property that is to have more than zero points or a vertex respectively.In this thesis we present sufficient conditions of two types that guarantee high conditional connectivities: upper bounds on diameter and lower bounds on the order, both in terms of girth made in the case graph, or in terms of semigirth l in the directed case.The first type of conditional connectivity addressed is the t-distance connectivity that plays an important role in measuring the reliability of the network as a function of the distance between the nodes that we want to communicate. In this case disconnecting sets are required to separate vertices that were sufficiently distant in the original (di)graph. The t-degree is defined and it is shown that the parameters that measure the t-distance connectivity the arc t-distance connectivity and t-degree inequalities are related by the same inequalities known for standard connectivities. In addition, it is proved that another of the properties that these new parameters keep is the independence.The work done previously allows to study in depth the superconectivity of digraphs and bipartite digraphs. It addresses the problem of disconnecting in a non-trivial way a superconnected digraph, focusing on calculating the maximum distance that is a remote vertex from a non-trivial disconnecting set of cardinality relatively small. The superconnectivity parameters are introduced and sufficient conditions on the diameter and on the order to obtain good measures of superconnectivity are given. Finally, there has been a case study in graphs, conducted in parallel to the directed case addressed. A table whose entries include orders of the graph with the largest number of vertices that are known so far along with their respective connectivities is exposed.The last part of the thesis is devoted to the study of connected graphs modeling networks in an optimal way with respect to the following property of fault tolerance: When some nodes or links fail, it is required that all the components that are determined by the network have a minimum number of nodes connected to each other.This kind of conditional connectivity is called extraconectivity, and corresponds to the property of having at least a certain number of vertices. From this point of view, both as the standard connectivity and superconectivity constitute measures of conditional connectivity. The work carried out substantially improves the early sufficient conditions on the diameter given by Fiol and Fàbrega who had already conjetured that the upper bound on the diameter, which they had been found could be improved

    Large (d, D, D′, s)-bipartite digraphs

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    AbstractA (d, D, D′, s)-digraph is a directed graph with diameter D and maximum out-degree d such that after the deletion of any s of its vertices the resulting digraph has diameter at most D′. Our concern is to find large, i.e. with order as large as possible, (d, D, D′, s)-bipartite digraphs. To this end, it is proved that some members of a known family of large bipartite digraphs satisfy a Menger-type condition. Namely, between any pair of non-adjacent vertices they have s + 1 internally disjoint paths of length at most D′. Then, a new family of (d, D, D′, s)-bipartite digraphs with order very close to the upper bound is obtained

    Path and cycle decompositions of graphs and digraphs

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    In this thesis, we make progress on five long standing conjectures on path and cycle decompositions of graphs and digraphs. Firstly, we confirm a conjecture of Jackson from 1981 by showing that the edges of any sufficiently large regular bipartite tournament can be decomposed into Hamilton cycles. Along the way, we also prove several further results, including a conjecture of Liebenau and Pehova on Hamilton decompositions of dense bipartite digraphs. Secondly, we determine the minimum number of paths required to decompose the edges of any sufficiently large tournament of even order, thus resolving a conjecture of Alspach, Mason, and Pullman from 1976. We also prove an asymptotically optimal result for tournaments of odd order. Finally, we give asymptotically best possible upper bounds on the minimum number of paths, cycles, and cycles and edges required to decompose the edges of any sufficiently large dense graph. This makes progress on three famous conjectures from the 1960s: Gallai's conjecture, Hajós' conjecture, and the Erdős-Gallai conjecture, respectively. This includes joint work with António Girão, Daniela Kühn, Allan Lo, and Deryk Osthus

    On the acyclic disconnection and the girth

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    The acyclic disconnection, (omega) over right arrow (D), of a digraph D is the maximum number of connected components of the underlying graph of D - A(D*), where D* is an acyclic subdigraph of D. We prove that (omega) over right arrow (D) >= g - 1 for every strongly connected digraph with girth g >= 4, and we show that (omega) over right arrow (D) = g - 1 if and only if D congruent to C-g for g >= 5. We also characterize the digraphs that satisfy (omega) over right arrow (D) = g - 1, for g = 4 in certain classes of digraphs. Finally, we define a family of bipartite tournaments based on projective planes and we prove that their acyclic disconnection is equal to 3. Then, these bipartite tournaments are counterexamples of the conjecture (omega) over right arrow (T) = 3 if and only if T congruent to (C) over right arrow (4) posed for bipartite tournaments by Figueroa et al. (2012). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Bus interconnection networks

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    AbstractIn bus interconnection networks every bus provides a communication medium between a set of processors. These networks are modeled by hypergraphs where vertices represent the processors and edges represent the buses. We survey the results obtained on the construction methods that connect a large number of processors in a bus network with given maximum processor degree Δ, maximum bus size r, and network diameter D. (In hypergraph terminology this problem is known as the (Δ,D, r)-hypergraph problem.)The problem for point-to-point networks (the case r = 2) has been extensively studied in the literature. As a result, several families of networks have been proposed. Some of these point-to-point networks can be used in the construction of bus networks. One approach is to consider the dual of the network. We survey some families of bus networks obtained in this manner. Another approach is to view the point-to-point networks as a special case of the bus networks and to generalize the known constructions to bus networks. We provide a summary of the tools developed in the theory of hypergraphs and directed hypergraphs to handle this approach

    Multipartite Moore digraphs

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    We derive some Moore-like bounds for multipartite digraphs, which extend those of bipartite digraphs, under the assumption that every vertex of a given partite set is adjacent to the same number δ\delta of vertices in each of the other independent sets. We determine when a Moore multipartite digraph is weakly distance-regular. Within this framework, some necessary conditions for the existence of a Moore rr-partite digraph with interpartite outdegree δ>1\delta>1 and diameter k=2mk=2m are obtained. In the case δ=1\delta=1, which corresponds to almost Moore digraphs, a necessary condition in terms of the permutation cycle structure is derived. Additionally, we present some constructions of dense multipartite digraphs of diameter two that are vertex-transitive

    Hamilton decompositions of regular bipartite tournaments

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    A regular bipartite tournament is an orientation of a complete balanced bipartite graph K2n,2nK_{2n,2n} where every vertex has its in- and outdegree both equal to nn. In 1981, Jackson conjectured that any regular bipartite tournament can be decomposed into Hamilton cycles. We prove this conjecture for all sufficiently large bipartite tournaments. Along the way, we also prove several further results, including a conjecture of Liebenau and Pehova on Hamilton decompositions of dense bipartite digraphs.Comment: 119 pages, 4 figure

    Mathematical model of interactions immune system with Micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem in the world, because of the increasing prevalence and treatment outcomes are less satisfactory. About 3 million people die each year and an estimated one third of the world's population infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (M.tb) is latent. This is apparently related to incomplete understanding of the immune system in infection M.tb. When this has been known that immune responses that play a role in controlling the development of M.tb is Macrophages, T Lymphocytes and Cytokines as mediators. However, how the interaction between the two populations and a variety of cytokines in suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ is still unclear. To be able to better understand the dynamics of infection with M tuberculosis host immune response is required of a model.One interesting study on the interaction of the immune system with M.tb mulalui mathematical model approach. Mathematical model is a good tool in understanding the dynamic behavior of a system. With the mediation of mathematical models are expected to know what variables are most responsible for suppressing the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ that can be a more appropriate approach to treatment and prevention target is to develop a vaccine. This research aims to create dynamic models of interaction between macrophages (Macrophages resting, macrophages activated and macrophages infected), T lymphocytes (CD4 + T cells and T cells CD8 +) and cytokine (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10,IL-12,IFN-dan TNF-) on TB infection in the lung. To see the changes in each variable used parameter values derived from experimental literature. With the understanding that the variable most responsible for defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis germs, it can be used as the basis for the development of a vaccine or drug delivery targeted so hopefully will improve the management of patients with tuberculosis. Mathematical models used in building Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) in the form of differential equation systems Non-linear first order, the equation contains the functions used in biological systems such as the Hill function, Monod function, Menten- Kinetic Function. To validate the system used 4th order Runge Kutta method with the help of software in making the program Matlab or Maple to view the behavior and the quantity of cells of each population