679 research outputs found


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    The explosion in processing power of embedded systems has enabled distributed embedded networks to perform more complicated tasks. Middleware are sets of encapsulations of common and network/operating system-specific functionality into generic, reusable frameworks to manage such distributed networks. This thesis will survey and categorize popular middleware implementations into three adapted layers: host-infrastructure, distribution, and common services. This thesis will then apply a quantitative approach to grading and proposing a single middleware solution from all layers for two target platforms: CubeSats and autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). CubeSats are 10x10x10cm nanosatellites that are popular university-level space missions, and impose power and volume constraints. Autonomous UAVs are similarly-popular hobbyist-level vehicles that exhibit similar power and volume constraints. The MAVLink middleware from the host-infrastructure layer is proposed as the middleware to manage the distributed embedded networks powering these platforms in future projects. Finally, this thesis presents a performance analysis on MAVLink managing the ARM Cortex-M 32-bit processors that power the target platforms

    GPU Accelerated protocol analysis for large and long-term traffic traces

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    This thesis describes the design and implementation of GPF+, a complete general packet classification system developed using Nvidia CUDA for Compute Capability 3.5+ GPUs. This system was developed with the aim of accelerating the analysis of arbitrary network protocols within network traffic traces using inexpensive, massively parallel commodity hardware. GPF+ and its supporting components are specifically intended to support the processing of large, long-term network packet traces such as those produced by network telescopes, which are currently difficult and time consuming to analyse. The GPF+ classifier is based on prior research in the field, which produced a prototype classifier called GPF, targeted at Compute Capability 1.3 GPUs. GPF+ greatly extends the GPF model, improving runtime flexibility and scalability, whilst maintaining high execution efficiency. GPF+ incorporates a compact, lightweight registerbased state machine that supports massively-parallel, multi-match filter predicate evaluation, as well as efficient arbitrary field extraction. GPF+ tracks packet composition during execution, and adjusts processing at runtime to avoid redundant memory transactions and unnecessary computation through warp-voting. GPF+ additionally incorporates a 128-bit in-thread cache, accelerated through register shuffling, to accelerate access to packet data in slow GPU global memory. GPF+ uses a high-level DSL to simplify protocol and filter creation, whilst better facilitating protocol reuse. The system is supported by a pipeline of multi-threaded high-performance host components, which communicate asynchronously through 0MQ messaging middleware to buffer, index, and dispatch packet data on the host system. The system was evaluated using high-end Kepler (Nvidia GTX Titan) and entry level Maxwell (Nvidia GTX 750) GPUs. The results of this evaluation showed high system performance, limited only by device side IO (600MBps) in all tests. GPF+ maintained high occupancy and device utilisation in all tests, without significant serialisation, and showed improved scaling to more complex filter sets. Results were used to visualise captures of up to 160 GB in seconds, and to extract and pre-filter captures small enough to be easily analysed in applications such as Wireshark

    Evaluation of Tracking Regimes for, and Security of, PLI Systems

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    In the area of computer and network security, due to the insufficiency, high costs, and user-unfriendliness of existing defending methods against a number of cyber attacks, focus for developing new security improvement methods has shifted from the digital to analog domain. In the analog domain, devices are distinguished based on the present variations and characteristics in their physical signals. In fact, each device has unique features in its signal that can be used for identification and monitoring purposes. In this regard, the term physical layer identification (PLI) or device fingerprinting refers to the process of classifying different electronic devices based on their analog identities that are created by employment of signal processing and data analysis methods. Due to the fact that a device behavior undergoes changes due to variations in external and internal conditions, the available PLI techniques might not be able to identify the device reliably. Therefore, a tracking system that is capable of extracting and explaining the present variations in the electrical signals is required to be developed. In order to achieve the best possible tracking system, a number of prediction models are designed using certain statistical techniques. In order to evaluate the performance of these models, models are run on the acquired data from five different fabrications of the same device in four distinct experiments. The results of performance evaluation show that the surrounding temperature of a device is the best option for predicting its signal. The last part of this research project belongs to the security evaluation of a PLI system. The leveraged security examination technique exposes the PLI system to different types of attacks and evaluates its defending strength accordingly. Based on the mechanism of the employed attack in this work, the forged version of a device’s signal is generated using an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) and is sent to the PLI system. The outcomes of this experiment indicate that the leveraged PLI technique is strong enough in defeating this attack

    Testing communication reliability with fault injection : Implementation using Robot Framework and SoC-FPGA

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    Taajuusmuuttajia käytetään teollisuudessa laajasti, sillä merkittävän osan teollisuuden sähkönkulutuksesta muodostavat oikosulkumoottorit, joita ajetaan taajuusmuuttajien avulla. Taajuusmuuttajiin on mahdollista kytkeä optiokortteja, jotka lisäävät taajuusmuuttajaan valvonta-, ohjaus- ym. toiminnallisuuksia. Nämä kortit kommunikoivat sarjaliikenneväylän kautta taajuusmuuttajan pääyksikön kanssa. Sarjaliikennelinkissä, kuten taajuusmuuttajan väylällä, voi syntyä virheitä, jotka häiritsevät tietoliikennettä. Sen takia sarjaliikenneprotokolliin on luotu virheentunnistus- ja -korjausmekanismeja, joilla pyritään varmistamaan virheetön tiedon kuljettaminen. Luotettavuutta testaamaan voidaan väylälle generoida virheitä siihen tarkoitetulla laitteella. Tässä diplomityössä luotiin taajuusmuuttajia valmistavan yrityksen, Danfoss Drivesin (aik. Vacon), pyynnöstä häiriögeneraattorijärjestelmä. Järjestelmä koostuu SoC-FPGA-piirillä luodusta virheitä syöttävästä laitteesta, PC-työkalulle luodusta testirajapinnasta sekä Ethernet-kommunikaatiosta niiden välillä. Laite kytketään väylään, ja testirajapinta tekee testaajalle mahdolliseksi luoda mukautettavia testejä ja ajaa testejä käyttäen Robot Framework -testiympäristöä. Diplomityössä tutkittiin ensin sarjakommunikointiväylien yleisimpiä virheentunnistus- ja korjauskeinoja sekä SoC-FPGA-piirien sekä työssä käytetyn Robot Frameworkin ominaisuuksia. Järjestelmä suunniteltiin ylhäältä-alas-periaatteella ensin tunnistamalla kolmen edellä mainitun komponentin päärakenne päätyen lopulta yksittäisten ohjelmafunktioiden logiikan suunnitteluun. Tämän jälkeen laite ja testirajapinta toteutettiin C- ja Python-ohjelmointikielillä käyttäen suunnitellun kaltaista kommunikaatiota näiden kahden komponentin välillä. Lopulta järjestelmä testattiin kaikki komponentit yhteen kytkettynä. Varsinainen injektorilogiikka, joka luo virheitä väylään, ei ollut työn loppuun mennessä vielä toimittavan tahon puolelta valmis, joten järjestelmää ei voitu testata todellisessa ympäristössä. Työssä luodut osuudet voidaan kuitenkin myöhemmin kytkeä kokonaiseen järjestelmään. Työn tärkeimpänä johtopäätöksenä on, että tavoitteiden mukainen järjestelmä saatiin luotua ja testattua toimivaksi mahdollisin osin. Jatkokehityskohteeksi jäi mm. kokonaisen järjestelmän luonti ja testaus oikeaan kommunikaatioväylään kytkettynä.Frequency converters are widely used in industry because a notable part of the industrial electricity consumption is by electrical induction motors driven by frequency converters. It is possible to connect option boards into a frequency converter to add monitoring and control features. These option boards communicate with the main control unit of the frequency converter over a serial communication link. In a serial communication link, e.g. in a frequency converter, it can occur faults that interfere with the transfer. Hence, error handling mechanisms are used to secure transmission of the data without errors. A fault injector device, which generates errors into the data travelling in the link, can be used to test the communication reliability. In this master’s thesis, an error generator system was created for a company, Danfoss Drives (previously Vacon), manufacturing frequency converters. The system consists of a fault injector device created with a SoC-FPGA, a testing interface for a PC tool, and an Ethernet-based communication between these two. The device is connected to a serial communication link, and the testing interface makes it easy for a tester to create and run modifiable fault injection tests using a Robot Framework test environment. At the beginning of the thesis, the most common error detection and correction mechanisms in serial communication and properties of SoC-FPGAs, and Robot Framework were studied. Following this, the system was designed with top-down approach, first identifying the main structure of the components, and finally ending up in designing the logic of individual functions. After this, the device and the testing interface were implemented in C and Python using the designed Ethernet communication between them. After the implementation, the system was tested with all the components combined. The actual fault injection logic was not ready by the end of the thesis, so the tests were not run in a real environment. However, the work is done so that the implemented parts can be later used in a complete system. The most important conclusion is that the system was created and tested to meet the requirements with applicable parts. Further development includes creating a complete system and testing it with a real communication link

    Context Sensor Data on Demand for Mobile Users Supported by XMPP

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    Tänapäeval võimaldavad tehnoloogilised edusammud kasutaja käitumise seiremeetodites automatiseerida teatud arvutusülesandeid, mis täidetakse kasutaja kavatsust prognoosides. Nutitelefonid rikastavad mobiilseid rakendusi prognoosiva käitumisega kasutatavuses, mis võimaldab käitumismustritega sammu pidada. Üldiselt on sellist käitumist võimalik saavutada nutitelefoni enda vahenditega, kasutades telefoni sisse ehitatud mikromehaanilisi seadmeid, mis võimaldavad keskkonda tajuda. Lisaks võivad mobiilsed rakendused kasutaja mobiilse kogemuse rikastamiseks lõigata kasu keskkonda integreeritud hajuslausteenustest, nagu näiteks ümbrustundlike mängude, kodu automatiseerimise tarkvara jms puhul. Ent mobiilikasutajatele suunatud lausteenuseid pakkuvatel elektroonilistel seadmetel, mis koguvad sensorite abi keskkonnast informatsiooni, on teatavad riistvaralised piirangud (arvutusjõudlus, mälu, salvestusmeedia, energiatarbimine jne). Seega, lausüsteemid ei ole võimelised nõudluse suurenemisel skaleeruma ega rakendama suurt arvutusjõudlust. Töö eesmärgiks on pakkuda lahendus ületamaks skaleeruvuse, andmete terviklikkuse säilitamise ja vähese arvutusjõudluse probleeme ning rikastada nutitelefoni rakendusi detailsete kasutajapõhiste andmetega. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks transporditakse sensoritelt kogutud informatsioon optimiseeritud XMPP protokolli abiga Arduino mikrokontrollerist pilvesüsteemi. Süsteemi ehitamiseks kasutatakse Arduino poolt pakutavat odavat riistvara, samas kui pilvesüsteemi usaldusväärset ja kõrge kättesaadavusega vahendeid kasutatakse mikrokontrollerist saadetud andmete salvestamiseks ja edaspidiseks töötlemiseks. Töö käigus testiti mikrokontrolleri energia nõudlust, kasutades 9V patareid, nii juhtme kui ka juhtmevaba liidesega. Tulemused tõestasid eeldustele vastupidiselt, et juhtmevaba süsteemi energia nõudlus on suurem. Lisaks testiti vabavara XMPP serveri jõudlust pilvesüsteemi keskkonnas ning tulemused näitasid, et XMPP võimaldab üheaegselt serveerida suure hulga kasutajaid

    An investigation into the hardware abstraction layer of the plural node architecture for IEEE 1394 audio devices

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    Digital audio network technologies are becoming more prevalent in audio related environments. Yamaha Corporation has created a digital audio network solution, named mLAN (music Local Area Network), that uses IEEE 1394 as its underlying network technology. IEEE 1394 is a digital network technology that is specifically designed for real-time multimedia data transmission. The second generation of mLAN is based on the Plural Node Architecture, where the control of audio and MIDI routings between IEEE 1394 devices is split between two node types, namely an Enabler and a Transporter. The Transporter typically resides in an IEEE 1394 device and is solely responsible for transmission and reception of audio or MIDI data. The Enabler typically resides in a workstation and exposes an abstract representation of audio or MIDI plugs on each Transporter to routing control applications. The Enabler is responsible for configuring audio and MIDI routings between plugs on different Transporters. A Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) within the Enabler allows it to uniformly communicate with Transporters that are created by various vendors. A plug-in mechanism is used to provide this capability. When vendors create Transporters, they also create device-specific plug-ins for the Enabler. These plug-ins are created against a Transporter HAL Application Programming Interface (API) that defines methods to access the capabilities of Transporters. An Open Generic Transporter (OGT) guideline document which models all the capabilities of Transporters has been produced. These guidelines make it possible for manufacturers to create Transporters that make use of a common plug-in, although based on different hardware architectures. The introduction of the OGT concept has revealed additional Transporter capabilities that are not incorporated in the existing Transporter HAL API. This has led to the underutilisation of OGT capabilities. The main goals of this investigation have been to improve the Enabler’s plug-in mechanism, and to incorporate the additional capabilities that have been revealed by the OGT into the Transporter HAL API. We propose a new plug-in mechanism, and a new Transporter HAL API that fully utilises both the additional capabilities revealed by the OGT and the capabilities of existing Transporters

    A Framework for Constraint-Programming based Configuration

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    System architecture and hardware implementations for a reconfigurable MPLS router

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    With extremely wide bandwidth and good channel properties, optical fibers have brought fast and reliable data transmission to today’s data communications. However, to handle heavy traffic flowing through optical physical links, much faster processing speed is required or else congestion can take place at network nodes. Also, to provide people with voice, data and all categories of multimedia services, distinguishing between different data flows is a requirement. To address these router performance, Quality of Service /Class of Service and traffic engineering issues, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) was proposed for IP-based Internetworks. In addition, routers flexible in hardware architecture in order to support ever-evolving protocols and services without causing big infrastructure modification or replacement are also desirable. Therefore, reconfigurable hardware implementation of MPLS was proposed in this project to obtain the overall fast processing speed at network nodes. The long-term goal of this project is to develop a reconfigurable MPLS router, which uniquely integrates the best features of operations being conducted in software and in run-time-reconfigurable hardware. The scope of this thesis includes system architecture and service algorithm considerations, Verilog coding and testing for an actual device. The hardware and software co-design technique was used to partition and schedule the protocol code for execution on both a general-purpose processor and stream-based hardware. A novel RPS scheme that is practically easy to build and can realize pipelined packet-by-packet data transfer at each output was proposed to take the place of the traditional crossbar switching. In RPS, packets with variable lengths can be switched intelligently without performing packet segmentation and reassembly. Primary theoretical analysis of queuing issues was discussed and an improved multiple queue service scheduling policy UD-WRR was proposed, which can reduce packet-waiting time without sacrificing the performance. In order to have the tests carried out appropriately, dedicated circuitry for the MPLS functional block to interface a specific MAC chip was implemented as well. The hardware designs for all functions were realized with a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device in this project. The main result presented in this thesis was the MPLS function implementation realizing a major part of layer three routing at the reconfigurable hardware level, which advanced a great step towards the goal of building a router that is both fast and flexible

    A framework for network traffic analysis using GPUs

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    During the last years the computer networks have become an important part of our society. Networks have kept growing in size and complexity, making more complex its management and traffic monitoring and analysis processes, due to the huge amount of data and calculations involved. In the last decade, several researchers found effective to use graphics processing units (GPUs) rather than a traditional processors (CPU) to boost the execution of some algorithms not related to graphics (GPGPU). In 2006 the GPU chip manufacturer NVIDIA launched CUDA, a library that allows software developers to use their GPUs to perform general purpose algorithm calculations, using the C programming language. This thesis presents a framework which tries to simplify the task of programming network traffic analysis with CUDA to software developers. The objectives of the framework have been abstracting the task of obtaining network packets, simplify the task of creating network analysis programs using CUDA and offering an easy way to reuse the analysis code. Several network traffic analysis have also been developed