1,216 research outputs found

    Data classification methodology for electronic noses using uniform manifold approximation and projection and extreme learning machine

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    The classification and use of robust methodologies in sensor array applications of electronic noses (ENs) remain an open problem. Among the several steps used in the developed methodologies, data preprocessing improves the classification accuracy of this type of sensor. Data preprocessing methods, such as data transformation and data reduction, enable the treatment of data with anomalies, such as outliers and features, that do not provide quality information; in addition, they reduce the dimensionality of the data, thereby facilitating the tasks of a machine learning classifier. To help solve this problem, in this study, a machine learning methodology is introduced to improve signal processing and develop methodologies for classification when an EN is used. The proposed methodology involves a normalization stage to scale the data from the sensors, using both the well-known min-max approach and the more recent mean-centered unitary group scaling (MCUGS). Next, a manifold learning algorithm for data reduction is applied using uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP). The dimensionality of the data at the input of the classification machine is reduced, and an extreme learning machine (ELM) is used as a machine learning classifier algorithm. To validate the EN classification methodology, three datasets of ENs were used. The first dataset was composed of 3600 measurements of 6 volatile organic compounds performed by employing 16 metal-oxide gas sensors. The second dataset was composed of 235 measurements of 3 different qualities of wine, namely, high, average, and low, as evaluated by using an EN sensor array composed of 6 different sensors. The third dataset was composed of 309 measurements of 3 different gases obtained by using an EN sensor array of 2 sensors. A 5-fold cross-validation approach was used to evaluate the proposed methodology. A test set consisting of 25% of the data was used to validate the methodology with unseen data. The results showed a fully correct average classification accuracy of 1 when the MCUGS, UMAP, and ELM methods were used. Finally, the effect of changing the number of target dimensions on the reduction of the number of data was determined based on the highest average classification accuracy.This work was funded in part with resources from the Fondo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FCTeI) del Sistema General de Regalías (SGR) from Colombia. The authors express their gratitude to the Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation–Colciencias with the grant 779–“Convocatoria para la Formación de Capital Humano de Alto Nivel para el Departamento de Boyacá 2017” for sponsoring the research presented herein. This study has been partially funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)-Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through research projects DPI2017-82930-C2-1-R and PGC2018-097257-B-C33; and by the Generalitat de Catalunya through research projects 2017-SGR-388 and 2017-SGR-1278.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Application of a Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Architecture to Odor Data Classification

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    Existing methods in neuromorphic olfaction mainly focus on implementing the data transformation based on the neurobiological architecture of the olfactory pathway. While the transformation is pivotal for the sparse spike-based representation of odor data, classification techniques based on the bio-computations of the higher brain areas, which process the spiking data for identification of odor, remain largely unexplored. This paper argues that brain-inspired spiking neural networks constitute a promising approach for the next generation of machine intelligence for odor data processing. Inspired by principles of brain information processing, here we propose the first spiking neural network method and associated deep machine learning system for classification of odor data. The paper demonstrates that the proposed approach has several advantages when compared to the current state-of-the-art methods. Based on results obtained using a benchmark dataset, the model achieved a high classification accuracy for a large number of odors and has the capacity for incremental learning on new data. The paper explores different spike encoding algorithms and finds that the most suitable for the task is the step-wise encoding function. Further directions in the brain-inspired study of odor machine classification include investigation of more biologically plausible algorithms for mapping, learning, and interpretation of odor data along with the realization of these algorithms on some highly parallel and low power consuming neuromorphic hardware devices for real-world applications

    Attention correlated appearance and motion feature followed temporal learning for activity recognition

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    Recent advances in deep neural networks have been successfully demonstrated with fairly good accuracy for multi-class activity identification. However, existing methods have limitations in achieving complex spatial-temporal dependencies. In this work, we design two stream fusion attention (2SFA) connected to a temporal bidirectional gated recurrent unit (GRU) one-layer model and classified by prediction voting classifier (PVC) to recognize the action in a video. Particularly in the proposed deep neural network (DNN), we present 2SFA for capturing appearance information from red green blue (RGB) and motion from optical flow, where both streams are correlated by proposed fusion attention (FA) as the input of a temporal network. On the other hand, the temporal network with a bi-directional temporal layer using a GRU single layer is preferred for temporal understanding because it yields practical merits against six topologies of temporal networks in the UCF101 dataset. Meanwhile, the new proposed classifier scheme called PVC employs multiple nearest class mean (NCM) and the SoftMax function to yield multiple features outputted from temporal networks, and then votes their properties for high-performance classifications. The experiments achieve the best average accuracy of 70.8% in HMDB51 and 91.9%, the second best in UCF101 in terms of 2DConvNet for action recognition

    Machine Learning: A Review

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    Due to the complexity of data, interpretation of pattern or extraction of information becomes difficult; therefore application of machine learning is used to teach machines how to handle data more efficiently. With the increase of datasets, various organizations now apply machine learning applications and algorithms. Many industries apply machine learning to extract relevant information for analysis purposes. Many scholars, mathematicians and programmers have carried out research and applied several machine learning approaches in order to find solution to problems. In this paper, we focus on general review of machine learning including various machine learning techniques. These techniques can be applied to different fields like image processing, data mining, predictive analysis and so on.The paper aims at reviewing machine learning techniques and algorithms.The research methodology is based on qualitative analysis where various literatures is being reviewed based on machine learning.

    Diagnostic classification of Parkinson’s disease based on non-motor manifestations and machine learning strategies

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    Non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease (PD) appear early and have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients, but few studies have evaluated their predictive potential with machine learning algorithms. We evaluated 9 algorithms for discriminating PD patients from controls using a wide collection of non-motor clinical PD features from two databases: Biocruces (96 subjects) and PPMI (687 subjects). In addition, we evaluated whether the combination of both databases could improve the individual results. For each database 2 versions with different granularity were created and a feature selection process was performed. We observed that most of the algorithms were able to detect PD patients with high accuracy (>80%). Support Vector Machine and Multi-Layer Perceptron obtained the best performance, with an accuracy of 86.3% and 84.7%, respectively. Likewise, feature selection led to a significant reduction in the number of variables and to better performance. Besides, the enrichment of Biocruces database with data from PPMI moderately benefited the performance of the classification algorithms, especially the recall and to a lesser extent the accuracy, while the precision worsened slightly. The use of interpretable rules obtained by the RIPPER algorithm showed that simply using two variables (autonomic manifestations and olfactory dysfunction), it was possible to achieve an accuracy of 84.4%. Our study demonstrates that the analysis of non-motor parameters of PD through machine learning techniques can detect PD patients with high accuracy and recall, and allows us to select the most discriminative non-motor variables to create potential tools for PD screening.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was partially funded by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (ADIAN, IT-980-16); by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - National Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund - ERDF (PhysComp, TIN2017-85409-P), and from the State Research Agency (AEI, Spain) under grant agreement No RED2018-102312-T (IA-Biomed); by Michael J. Fox Foundation [RRIA 2014 (Rapid Response Innovation Awards) Program (Grant ID: 10189)]; by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project “PI14/00679” and “PI16/00005”, the Juan Rodes grant “JR15/00008” (IG) (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund - “Investing in your future”); and by the Department of Health of the Basque Government through the projects “2016111009” and “2019111100”

    Electronic sensor technologies in monitoring quality of tea: A review

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    Tea, after water, is the most frequently consumed beverage in the world. The fermentation of tea leaves has a pivotal role in its quality and is usually monitored using the laboratory analytical instruments and olfactory perception of tea tasters. Developing electronic sensing platforms (ESPs), in terms of an electronic nose (e-nose), electronic tongue (e-tongue), and electronic eye (e-eye) equipped with progressive data processing algorithms, not only can accurately accelerate the consumer-based sensory quality assessment of tea, but also can define new standards for this bioactive product, to meet worldwide market demand. Using the complex data sets from electronic signals integrated with multivariate statistics can, thus, contribute to quality prediction and discrimination. The latest achievements and available solutions, to solve future problems and for easy and accurate real-time analysis of the sensory-chemical properties of tea and its products, are reviewed using bio-mimicking ESPs. These advanced sensing technologies, which measure the aroma, taste, and color profiles and input the data into mathematical classification algorithms, can discriminate different teas based on their price, geographical origins, harvest, fermentation, storage times, quality grades, and adulteration ratio. Although voltammetric and fluorescent sensor arrays are emerging for designing e-tongue systems, potentiometric electrodes are more often employed to monitor the taste profiles of tea. The use of a feature-level fusion strategy can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of prediction models, accompanied by the pattern recognition associations between the sensory properties and biochemical profiles of tea


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    E-noses that combine machine learning and gas sensor arrays (GSAs) are widely used for the detection and identification of various gases. GSAs produce signals that provide vital information about the exposed gases for the machine learning algorithms, rendering them indispensable within the smart-gas sensing arena. In this work, we present a detailed assessment of several machine learning techniques employed for the detection of gases and estimation of their concentrations. The modeling and predictive analysis conducted in this paper are based on kNN, ANN, Decision Trees, Random Forests, SVM and other ensembling-based techniques. Predictive models are implemented and tested on three different MoX gas sensor-based experimental datasets as reported in the literature. The assessment includes a delineated analysis of the different models’ performance followed by a detailed comparison against results found in the literature. It highlights factors that play a pivotal role in machine learning for gas sensing and sheds light on the predictive capability of different machine learning approaches applied on experimental GSA datasets