136 research outputs found

    On Cropped versus Uncropped Training Sets in Tabular Structure Detection

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    Automated document processing for tabular information extraction is highly desired in many organizations, from industry to government. Prior works have addressed this problem under table detection and table structure detection tasks. Proposed solutions leveraging deep learning approaches have been giving promising results in these tasks. However, the impact of dataset structures on table structure detection has not been investigated. In this study, we provide a comparison of table structure detection performance with cropped and uncropped datasets. The cropped set consists of only table images that are cropped from documents assuming tables are detected perfectly. The uncropped set consists of regular document images. Experiments show that deep learning models can improve the detection performance by up to 9% in average precision and average recall on the cropped versions. Furthermore, the impact of cropped images is negligible under the Intersection over Union (IoU) values of 50%-70% when compared to the uncropped versions. However, beyond 70% IoU thresholds, cropped datasets provide significantly higher detection performance

    DORIS-MAE: Scientific Document Retrieval using Multi-level Aspect-based Queries

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    In scientific research, the ability to effectively retrieve relevant documents based on complex, multifaceted queries is critical. Existing evaluation datasets for this task are limited, primarily due to the high cost and effort required to annotate resources that effectively represent complex queries. To address this, we propose a novel task, Scientific DOcument Retrieval using Multi-level Aspect-based quEries (DORIS-MAE), which is designed to handle the complex nature of user queries in scientific research. We developed a benchmark dataset within the field of computer science, consisting of 100 human-authored complex query cases. For each complex query, we assembled a collection of 100 relevant documents and produced annotated relevance scores for ranking them. Recognizing the significant labor of expert annotation, we also introduce Anno-GPT, a scalable framework for validating the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) on expert-level dataset annotation tasks. LLM annotation of the DORIS-MAE dataset resulted in a 500x reduction in cost, without compromising quality. Furthermore, due to the multi-tiered structure of these complex queries, the DORIS-MAE dataset can be extended to over 4,000 sub-query test cases without requiring additional annotation. We evaluated 17 recent retrieval methods on DORIS-MAE, observing notable performance drops compared to traditional datasets. This highlights the need for better approaches to handle complex, multifaceted queries in scientific research. Our dataset and codebase are available at https://github.com/Real-Doris-Mae/Doris-Mae-Dataset.Comment: To appear in NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Trac

    Using Statistics, Computational Modelling and Artificial Intelligence Methods to Study and Strengthen the Link between Kinematic Impacts and mTBIs

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    Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) are frequently occurring, yet poorly understood, injuries in sports (e.g., ice hockey) and other physical recreation activities where head impacts occur. Helmets are essential pieces of equipment used to protect participants’ heads from mTBIs. Evaluating the performance of helmets to prevent mTBIs using simulations on anatomically accurate computational head finite element models is critically important for advancing the development of safer helmets. Advancing the level of detail in, and access to, such models, and their continued validation through state-of-the-art brain imaging methods and traditional head injury assessment procedures, is also essential to improve safety. The significant research contributions in this thesis involve evaluating the decrease in blunt impact-induced brain axon fiber tract strains that various helmets provide by studying outputs of existing finite element brain models and implementing open-source artificial intelligence technology to create a novel pipeline for predicting such strains

    Leveraging human-computer interaction and crowdsourcing for scholarly knowledge graph creation

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    The number of scholarly publications continues to grow each year, as well as the number of journals and active researchers. Therefore, methods and tools to organize scholarly knowledge are becoming increasingly important. Without such tools, it becomes increasingly difficult to conduct research in an efficient and effective manner. One of the fundamental issues scholarly communication is facing relates to the format in which the knowledge is shared. Scholarly communication relies primarily on narrative document-based formats that are specifically designed for human consumption. Machines cannot easily access and interpret such knowledge, leaving machines unable to provide powerful tools to organize scholarly knowledge effectively. In this thesis, we propose to leverage knowledge graphs to represent, curate, and use scholarly knowledge. The systematic knowledge representation leads to machine-actionable knowledge, which enables machines to process scholarly knowledge with minimal human intervention. To generate and curate the knowledge graph, we propose a machine learning assisted crowdsourcing approach, in particular Natural Language Processing (NLP). Currently, NLP techniques are not able to satisfactorily extract high-quality scholarly knowledge in an autonomous manner. With our proposed approach, we intertwine human and machine intelligence, thus exploiting the strengths of both approaches. First, we discuss structured scholarly knowledge, where we present the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). Specifically, we focus on the design and development of the ORKG user interface (i.e., the frontend). One of the key challenges is to provide an interface that is powerful enough to create rich knowledge descriptions yet intuitive enough for researchers without a technical background to create such descriptions. The ORKG serves as the technical foundation for the rest of the work. Second, we focus on comparable scholarly knowledge, where we introduce the concept of ORKG comparisons. ORKG comparisons provide machine-actionable overviews of related literature in a tabular form. Also, we present a methodology to leverage existing literature reviews to populate ORKG comparisons via a human-in-the-loop approach. Additionally, we show how ORKG comparisons can be used to form ORKG SmartReviews. The SmartReviews provide dynamic literature reviews in the form of living documents. They are an attempt address the main weaknesses of the current literature review practice and outline how the future of review publishing can look like. Third, we focus designing suitable tasks to generate scholarly knowledge in a crowdsourced setting. We present an intelligent user interface that enables researchers to annotate key sentences in scholarly publications with a set of discourse classes. During this process, researchers are assisted by suggestions coming from NLP tools. In addition, we present an approach to validate NLP-generated statements using microtasks in a crowdsourced setting. With this approach, we lower the barrier to entering data in the ORKG and transform content consumers into content creators. With the work presented, we strive to transform scholarly communication to improve machine-actionability of scholarly knowledge. The approaches and tools are deployed in a production environment. As a result, the majority of the presented approaches and tools are currently in active use by various research communities and already have an impact on scholarly communication.Die Zahl der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen nimmt jedes Jahr weiter zu, ebenso wie die Zahl der Zeitschriften und der aktiven Forscher. Daher werden Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Organisation von wissenschaftlichem Wissen immer wichtiger. Ohne solche Werkzeuge wird es immer schwieriger, Forschung effizient und effektiv zu betreiben. Eines der grundlegenden Probleme, mit denen die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation konfrontiert ist, betrifft das Format, in dem das Wissen publiziert wird. Die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation beruht in erster Linie auf narrativen, dokumentenbasierten Formaten, die speziell für Experten konzipiert sind. Maschinen können auf dieses Wissen nicht ohne weiteres zugreifen und es interpretieren, so dass Maschinen nicht in der Lage sind, leistungsfähige Werkzeuge zur effektiven Organisation von wissenschaftlichem Wissen bereitzustellen. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir vor, Wissensgraphen zu nutzen, um wissenschaftliches Wissen darzustellen, zu kuratieren und zu nutzen. Die systematische Wissensrepräsentation führt zu maschinenverarbeitbarem Wissen. Dieses ermöglicht es Maschinen wissenschaftliches Wissen mit minimalem menschlichen Eingriff zu verarbeiten. Um den Wissensgraphen zu generieren und zu kuratieren, schlagen wir einen Crowdsourcing-Ansatz vor, der durch maschinelles Lernen unterstützt wird, insbesondere durch natürliche Sprachverarbeitung (NLP). Derzeit sind NLP-Techniken nicht in der Lage, qualitativ hochwertiges wissenschaftliches Wissen auf autonome Weise zu extrahieren. Mit unserem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz verknüpfen wir menschliche und maschinelle Intelligenz und nutzen so die Stärken beider Ansätze. Zunächst erörtern wir strukturiertes wissenschaftliches Wissen, wobei wir den Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) vorstellen.Insbesondere konzentrieren wir uns auf das Design und die Entwicklung der ORKG-Benutzeroberfläche (das Frontend). Eine der größten Herausforderungen besteht darin, eine Schnittstelle bereitzustellen, die leistungsfähig genug ist, um umfangreiche Wissensbeschreibungen zu erstellen und gleichzeitig intuitiv genug ist für Forscher ohne technischen Hintergrund, um solche Beschreibungen zu erstellen. Der ORKG dient als technische Grundlage für die Arbeit. Zweitens konzentrieren wir uns auf vergleichbares wissenschaftliches Wissen, wofür wir das Konzept der ORKG-Vergleiche einführen. ORKG-Vergleiche bieten maschinell verwertbare Übersichten über verwandtes wissenschaftliches Wissen in tabellarischer Form. Außerdem stellen wir eine Methode vor, mit der vorhandene Literaturübersichten genutzt werden können, um ORKG-Vergleiche mit Hilfe eines Human-in-the-Loop-Ansatzes zu erstellen. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, wie ORKG-Vergleiche verwendet werden können, um ORKG SmartReviews zu erstellen. Die SmartReviews bieten dynamische Literaturübersichten in Form von lebenden Dokumenten. Sie stellen einen Versuch dar, die Hauptschwächen der gegenwärtigen Praxis des Literaturreviews zu beheben und zu skizzieren, wie die Zukunft der Veröffentlichung von Reviews aussehen kann. Drittens konzentrieren wir uns auf die Gestaltung geeigneter Aufgaben zur Generierung von wissenschaftlichem Wissen in einer Crowdsourced-Umgebung. Wir stellen eine intelligente Benutzeroberfläche vor, die es Forschern ermöglicht, Schlüsselsätze in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen mittles Diskursklassen zu annotieren. In diesem Prozess werden Forschende mit Vorschlägen von NLP-Tools unterstützt. Darüber hinaus stellen wir einen Ansatz zur Validierung von NLP-generierten Aussagen mit Hilfe von Mikroaufgaben in einer Crowdsourced-Umgebung vor. Mit diesem Ansatz senken wir die Hürde für die Eingabe von Daten in den ORKG und setzen Inhaltskonsumenten als Inhaltsersteller ein. Mit der Arbeit streben wir eine Transformation der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation an, um die maschinelle Verwertbarkeit von wissenschaftlichem Wissen zu verbessern. Die Ansätze und Werkzeuge werden in einer Produktionsumgebung eingesetzt. Daher werden die meisten der vorgestellten Ansätze und Werkzeuge derzeit von verschiedenen Forschungsgemeinschaften aktiv genutzt und haben bereits einen Einfluss auf die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation.EC/ERC/819536/E

    Detecting Periods of Eating in Everyday Life by Tracking Wrist Motion — What is a Meal?

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    Eating is one of the most basic activities observed in sentient animals, a behavior so natural that humans often eating without giving the activity a second thought. Unfortunately, this often leads to consuming more calories than expended, which can cause weight gain - a leading cause of diseases and death. This proposal describes research in methods to automatically detect periods of eating by tracking wrist motion so that calorie consumption can be tracked. We first briefly discuss how obesity is caused due to an imbalance in calorie intake and expenditure. Calorie consumption and expenditure can be tracked manually using tools like paper diaries, however it is well known that human bias can affect the accuracy of such tracking. Researchers in the upcoming field of automated dietary monitoring (ADM) are attempting to track diet using electronic methods in an effort to mitigate this bias. We attempt to replicate a previous algorithm that detects eating by tracking wrist motion electronically. The previous algorithm was evaluated on data collected from 43 subjects using an iPhone as the sensor. Periods of time are segmented first, and then classified using a naive Bayesian classifier. For replication, we describe the collection of the Clemson all-day data set (CAD), a free-living eating activity dataset containing 4,680 hours of wrist motion collected from 351 participants - the largest of its kind known to us. We learn that while different sensors are available to log wrist acceleration data, no unified convention exists, and this data must thus be transformed between conventions. We learn that the performance of the eating detection algorithm is affected due to changes in the sensors used to track wrist motion, increased variability in behavior due to a larger participant pool, and the ratio of eating to non-eating in the dataset. We learn that commercially available acceleration sensors contain noise in their reported readings which affects wrist tracking specifically due to the low magnitude of wrist acceleration. Commercial accelerometers can have noise up to 0.06g which is acceptable in applications like automobile crash testing or pedestrian indoor navigation, but not in ones using wrist motion. We quantify linear acceleration noise in our free-living dataset. We explain sources of noise, a method to mitigate it, and also evaluate the effect of this noise on the eating detection algorithm. By visualizing periods of eating in the collected dataset we learn that that people often conduct secondary activities while eating, such as walking, watching television, working, and doing household chores. These secondary activities cause wrist motions that obfuscate wrist motions associated with eating, which increases the difficulty of detecting periods of eating (meals). Subjects reported conducting secondary activities in 72% of meals. Analysis of wrist motion data revealed that the wrist was resting 12.8% of the time during self-reported meals, compared to only 6.8% of the time in a cafeteria dataset. Walking motion was found during 5.5% of the time during meals in free-living, compared to 0% in the cafeteria. Augmenting an eating detection classifier to include walking and resting detection improved the average per person accuracy from 74% to 77% on our free-living dataset (t[353]=7.86, p\u3c0.001). This suggests that future data collections for eating activity detection should also collect detailed ground truth on secondary activities being conducted during eating. Finally, learning from this data collection, we describe a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect periods of eating by tracking wrist motion during everyday life. Eating uses hand-to-mouth gestures for ingestion, each of which lasts appx 1-5 sec. The novelty of our new approach is that we analyze a much longer window (0.5-15 min) that can contain other gestures related to eating, such as cutting or manipulating food, preparing foods for consumption, and resting between ingestion events. The context of these other gestures can improve the detection of periods of eating. We found that accuracy at detecting eating increased by 15% in longer windows compared to shorter windows. Overall results on CAD were 89% detection of meals with 1.7 false positives for every true positive (FP/TP), and a time weighted accuracy of 80%


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    A non-invasive system has been developed at the University of Maryland Space System Laboratory with the goal of providing a new capability for quantifying the motion of the human inside a space suit. Based on an array of six microprocessors and eighteen microelectromechanical (MEMS) inertial measurement units (IMUs), the Body Pose Measurement System (BPMS) allows the monitoring of the kinematics of the suit occupant in an unobtrusive, self-contained, lightweight and compact fashion, without requiring any external equipment such as those necessary with modern optical motion capture systems. BPMS measures and stores the accelerations, angular rates and magnetic fields acting upon each IMU, which are mounted on the head, torso, and each segment of each limb. In order to convert the raw data into a more useful form, such as a set of body segment angles quantifying pose and motion, a series of geometrical models and a non-linear complimentary filter were implemented. The first portion of this works focuses on assessing system performance, which was measured by comparing the BPMS filtered data against rigid body angles measured through an external VICON optical motion capture system. This type of system is the industry standard, and is used here for independent measurement of body pose angles. By comparing the two sets of data, performance metrics such as BPMS system operational conditions, accuracy, and drift were evaluated and correlated against VICON data. After the system and models were verified and their capabilities and limitations assessed, a series of pressure suit evaluations were conducted. Three different pressure suits were used to identify the relationship between usable range of motion and internal suit pressure. In addition to addressing range of motion, a series of exploration tasks were also performed, recorded, and analysed in order to identify different motion patterns and trajectories as suit pressure is increased and overall suit mobility is reduced. The focus of these evaluations was to quantify the reduction in mobility when operating in any of the evaluated pressure suits. This data should be of value in defining new low cost alternatives for pressure suit performance verification and evaluation. This work demonstrates that the BPMS technology is a viable alternative or companion to optical motion capture; while BPMS is the first motion capture system that has been designed specifically to measure the kinematics of a human in a pressure suit, its capabilities are not constrained to just being a measurement tool. The last section of the manuscript is devoted to future possible uses for the system, with a specific focus on pressure suit applications such in the use of BPMS as a master control interface for robot teleoperation, as well as an input interface for future robotically augmented pressure suits

    Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    [ES] El síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) es un trastorno de dolor crónico debilitante que suele afectar a una extremidad, y se caracteriza por su compleja e incomprendida fisiopatología subyacente, lo que supone un reto para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Para evitar el deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes, la consecución de un diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos marca un punto de inflexión. Entre los diferentes tratamientos, los bloqueos simpáticos lumbares (BSLs) tienen como objetivo aliviar el dolor y reducir algunos signos simpáticos de la afección. Este procedimiento intervencionista se lleva a cabo inyectando anestesia local alrededor de los ganglios simpáticos y, hasta ahora, se realiza frecuentemente bajo el control de diferentes técnicas de imagen, como los ultrasonidos o la fluoroscopia. Dado que la termografía infrarroja (TIR) ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para evaluar la temperatura de la piel, y teniendo en cuenta el efecto vasodilatador que presentan los anestésicos locales inyectados, se ha considerado el uso de la IRT para la evaluación de los BSLs. El objetivo de esta tesis es, estudiar la capacidad de la TIR como una técnica complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia en la ejecución de los BSLs. Para cumplir este objetivo, se han realizado tres estudios implementando la TIR en pacientes diagnosticados de SDRC de miembros inferiores sometidos a BSLs. El primer estudio se centra en la viabilidad de la TIR como herramienta complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia ejecución de los BSLs. Cuando se realizan los BSLs, la colocación correcta de la aguja es crítica para llevar realizar el procedimiento técnicamente correcto y, en consecuencia, para lograr los resultados clínicos deseados. Para verificar la posición de la aguja, tradicionalmente se han utilizado técnicas de imagen, sin embargo, los BSLs bajo control fluoroscópico no siempre aseguran su exacta ejecución. Por este motivo, se han aprovechado las alteraciones térmicas inducidas por los anestésicos locales y se han evaluado mediante la TIR. Así, cuando en las imágenes infrarrojas se observaron cambios térmicos en la planta del pie afectado tras la inyección de lidocaína, se consideró que el BSL era exitoso. El segundo estudio trata del análisis cuantitativo de los datos térmicos recogidos en el entorno clínico a partir de diferentes parámetros basados en las temperaturas extraídas de ambos pies. Según los resultados, para predecir adecuadamente los BSLs exitosos, se deberían analizar las temperaturas de las plantas de los pies durante los primeros cuatro minutos tras la inyección del anestésico local. Así, la aplicación de la TIR en el entorno clínico podría ser de gran ayuda para evaluar la eficacia de ejecución de los BSLs mediante la evaluación de las temperaturas de los pies en tiempo real. Por último, el tercer estudio aborda el análisis cuantitativo mediante la implementación de herramientas de machine learning (ML) para evaluar su capacidad de clasificar automáticamente los BSLs. En este estudio se han utilizado una serie de características térmicas extraídas de las imágenes infrarrojas para evaluar cuatro algoritmos de ML para tres momentos diferentes después del instante de referencia (inyección de lidocaína). Los resultados indican que los cuatro modelos evaluados presentan buenos rendimientos para clasificar automáticamente los BSLs entre exitosos y fallidos. Por lo tanto, la combinación de parámetros térmicos junto con de clasificación ML muestra ser eficaz para la clasificación automática de los procedimientos de BSLs. En conclusión, el uso de la TIR como técnica complementaria en la práctica clínica diaria para la evaluación de los BSLs ha demostrado ser totalmente eficaz. Dado que es un método objetivo y relativamente sencillo de implementar, puede permitir que los médicos especialistas en dolor identifiquen los bloqueos realizados fallidos y, en consecuencia, puedan revertir esta situación.[CA] La síndrome de dolor regional complex (SDRC) és un trastorn de dolor crònic debilitant que sol afectar una extremitat, i es caracteritza per la seua complexa i incompresa fisiopatologia subjacent, la qual cosa suposa un repte per al seu diagnòstic i tractament. Per a evitar la deterioració de la qualitat de vida dels pacients, la consecució d'un diagnòstic i tractament primerencs marca un punt d'inflexió. Entre els diferents tractaments , els bloquejos simpàtics lumbars (BSLs) tenen com a objectiu alleujar el dolor i reduir alguns signes simpàtics de l'afecció. Aquest procediment intervencionista es duu a terme injectant anestèsia local al voltant dels ganglis simpàtics i, fins ara, es realitza freqüentment sota el control de diferents tècniques d'imatge, com els ultrasons o la fluoroscopia. Atés que la termografia infraroja (TIR) ha demostrat ser una eina eficaç per a avaluar la temperatura de la pell, i tenint en compte l'efecte vasodilatador que presenten els anestèsics locals injectats, s'ha considerat l'ús de la TIR per a l'avaluació dels BSLs. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és, estudiar la capacitat de la TIR com una tècnica complementària per a l'avaluació de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Per a complir aquest objectiu, s'han realitzat tres estudis implementant la TIR en pacients diagnosticats de SDRC de membres inferiors sotmesos a BSLs. El primer estudi avalua la viabilitat de la TIR com a eina complementària per a l'analisi de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Quan es realitzen els BSLs, la col·locació correcta de l'agulla és crítica per a dur a terme el procediment tècnicament correcte i, en conseqüència, per a aconseguir els resultats clínics desitjats. Per a verificar la posició de l'agulla, tradicionalment s'han utilitzat tècniques d'imatge, no obstant això, els BSLs baix control fluoroscòpic no sempre asseguren la seua exacta execució. Per aquest motiu, s'han aprofitat les alteracions tèrmiques induïdes pels anestèsics locals i s'han avaluat mitjançant la TIR. Així, quan en les imatges infraroges es van observar canvis tèrmics en la planta del peu afectat després de la injecció de lidocaIna, es va considerar que el BSL era exitós. El segon estudi tracta de l'anàlisi quantitativa de les dades tèrmiques recollides en l'entorn clínic a partir de diferents paràmetres basats en les temperatures extretes d'ambdós peus. Segons els resultats, per a predir adequadament l'execució exitosa d'un BSL, s'haurien d'analitzar les temperatures de les plantes dels peus durant els primers quatre minuts després de la injecció de l'anestèsic local. Així, l'implementació de la TIR en l'entorn clínic podria ser de gran ajuda per a avaluar l'eficàcia d'execució dels BSLs mitjançant l'avaluació de les temperatures dels peus en temps real. El tercer estudi aborda l'anàlisi quantitativa mitjançant la implementació d'eines machine learning (ML) per a avaluar la seua capacitat de classificar automàticament els BSLs. En aquest estudi s'han utilitzat una sèrie de característiques tèrmiques extretes de les imatges infraroges per a avaluar quatre algorismes de ML per a tres moments diferents després de l'instant de referència (injecció de lidocaïna). Els resultats indiquen que els quatre models avaluats presenten bons rendiments per a classificar automàticament els BSLs en exitosos i fallits. Per tant, la combinació de paràmetres tèrmics juntament amb models de classificació ML mostra ser eficaç per a la classificació automàtica dels procediments de BSLs. En conclusió, l'ús de la TIR com a tècnica complementària en la pràctica clínica diària per a l'avaluació dels BSLs ha demostrat ser totalment eficaç. Atés que és un mètode objectiu i relativament senzill d'implementar, pot ajudar els metges especialistes en dolor a identificar els bloquejos realitzats fallits i, en conseqüència, puguen revertir aquesta situació.[EN] Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating chronic pain condition that usually affects one limb, and it is characterized by its misunderstood underlying pathophysiology, resulting in both challenging diagnosis and treatment. To avoid the patients' impairment quality of life, the achievement of both an early diagnosis and treatment marks a turning point. Among the different treatment approaches, lumbar sympathetic blocks (LSBs) are addressed to alleviate the pain and reduce some sympathetic signs of the condition. This interventional procedure is performed by injecting local anaesthetic around the sympathetic ganglia and, until now, it has been performed under different imaging techniques, including the ultrasound or the fluoroscopy approaches. Since infrared thermography (IRT) has proven to be a powerful tool to evaluate skin temperatures and taking into account the vasodilatory effects of the local anaesthetics injected in the LSB, the use of IRT has been considered for the LSBs assessment. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the capability of IRT as a complementary assessment technique for the LSBs procedures performance. To fulfil this aim, three studies have been conducted implementing the IRT in patients diagnosed with lower limbs CRPS undergoing LSBs. The first study focuses on the feasibility of IRT as a complementary assessment tool for LSBs performance, that is, for the confirmation of the proper needle position. When LSBs are performed, the correct needle placement is critical to carry out the procedure technically correct and, consequently, to achieve the desired clinical outcomes. To verify the needle placement position, imaging techniques have traditionally been used, however, LSBs under radioscopic guidance do not always ensure an exact performance. For this reason, the thermal alterations induced by the local anaesthetics, have been exploited and assessed by means of IRT. Thus, the LSB procedure was considered successfully performed when thermal changes within the affected plantar foot were observed in the infrared images after the lidocaine injection. The second study deals with the quantitative analysis of the thermal data collected in the clinical setting through the evaluation of different temperature-based parameters extracted from both feet. According to the results, the proper LSB success prediction could be achieved in the first four minutes after the block through the evaluation of the feet skin temperatures. Therefore, the implementation of IRT in the clinical setting might be of great help in assessing the LSBs performance by evaluating the plantar feet temperatures in real time. Finally, the third study addresses the quantitative analysis by implementing machine learning (ML) tools to assess their capability to automatically classify LSBs. In this study, a set of thermal features retrieved from the infrared images have been used to evaluate four ML algorithms for three different moments after the baseline time (lidocaine injection). The results indicate that all four models evaluated present good performance metrics to automatically classify LSBs into successful and failed. Therefore, combining infrared features with ML classification models shows to be effective for the LSBs procedures automatic classification. In conclusion, the use of IRT as a complementary technique in daily clinical practice for LSBs assessment has been evidenced entirely effective. Since IRT is an objective method and it is not very demanding to perform, it is of great help for pain physicians to identify failed procedures, and consequently, it allow them to reverse this situation.Cañada Soriano, M. (2022). Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181699TESI

    Taxonomy of datasets in graph learning : a data-driven approach to improve GNN benchmarking

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    The core research of this thesis, mostly comprising chapter four, has been accepted to the Learning on Graphs (LoG) 2022 conference for a spotlight presentation as a standalone paper, under the title "Taxonomy of Benchmarks in Graph Representation Learning", and is to be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR) series. As a main author of the paper, my specific contributions to this paper cover problem formulation, design and implementation of our taxonomy framework and experimental pipeline, collation of our results and of course the writing of the article.L'apprentissage profond sur les graphes a atteint des niveaux de succès sans précédent ces dernières années grâce aux réseaux de neurones de graphes (GNN), des architectures de réseaux de neurones spécialisées qui ont sans équivoque surpassé les approches antérieurs d'apprentissage définies sur des graphes. Les GNN étendent le succès des réseaux de neurones aux données structurées en graphes en tenant compte de leur géométrie intrinsèque. Bien que des recherches approfondies aient été effectuées sur le développement de GNN avec des performances supérieures à celles des modèles références d'apprentissage de représentation graphique, les procédures d'analyse comparative actuelles sont insuffisantes pour fournir des évaluations justes et efficaces des modèles GNN. Le problème peut-être le plus répandu et en même temps le moins compris en ce qui concerne l'analyse comparative des graphiques est la "couverture de domaine": malgré le nombre croissant d'ensembles de données graphiques disponibles, la plupart d'entre eux ne fournissent pas d'informations supplémentaires et au contraire renforcent les biais potentiellement nuisibles dans le développement d’un modèle GNN. Ce problème provient d'un manque de compréhension en ce qui concerne les aspects d'un modèle donné qui sont sondés par les ensembles de données de graphes. Par exemple, dans quelle mesure testent-ils la capacité d'un modèle à tirer parti de la structure du graphe par rapport aux fonctionnalités des nœuds? Ici, nous développons une approche fondée sur des principes pour taxonomiser les ensembles de données d'analyse comparative selon un "profil de sensibilité" qui est basé sur la quantité de changement de performance du GNN en raison d'une collection de perturbations graphiques. Notre analyse basée sur les données permet de mieux comprendre quelles caractéristiques des données de référence sont exploitées par les GNN. Par conséquent, notre taxonomie peut aider à la sélection et au développement de repères graphiques adéquats et à une évaluation mieux informée des futures méthodes GNN. Enfin, notre approche et notre implémentation dans le package GTaxoGym (https://github.com/G-Taxonomy-Workgroup/GTaxoGym) sont extensibles à plusieurs types de tâches de prédiction de graphes et à des futurs ensembles de données.Deep learning on graphs has attained unprecedented levels of success in recent years thanks to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), specialized neural network architectures that have unequivocally surpassed prior graph learning approaches. GNNs extend the success of neural networks to graph-structured data by accounting for their intrinsic geometry. While extensive research has been done on developing GNNs with superior performance according to a collection of graph representation learning benchmarks, current benchmarking procedures are insufficient to provide fair and effective evaluations of GNN models. Perhaps the most prevalent and at the same time least understood problem with respect to graph benchmarking is "domain coverage": Despite the growing number of available graph datasets, most of them do not provide additional insights and on the contrary reinforce potentially harmful biases in GNN model development. This problem stems from a lack of understanding with respect to what aspects of a given model are probed by graph datasets. For example, to what extent do they test the ability of a model to leverage graph structure vs. node features? Here, we develop a principled approach to taxonomize benchmarking datasets according to a "sensitivity profile" that is based on how much GNN performance changes due to a collection of graph perturbations. Our data-driven analysis provides a deeper understanding of which benchmarking data characteristics are leveraged by GNNs. Consequently, our taxonomy can aid in selection and development of adequate graph benchmarks, and better informed evaluation of future GNN methods. Finally, our approach and implementation in the GTaxoGym package (https://github.com/G-Taxonomy-Workgroup/GTaxoGym) are extendable to multiple graph prediction task types and future datasets

    Vessel identification in diabetic retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy is the single largest cause of sight loss and blindness in 18 to 65 year olds. Screening programs for the estimated one to six per- cent of the diabetic population have been demonstrated to be cost and sight saving, howeverthere are insufficient screening resources. Automatic screen-ing systems may help solve this resource short fall. This thesis reports on research into an aspect of automatic grading of diabetic retinopathy; namely the identification of the retinal blood vessels in fundus photographs. It de-velops two vessels segmentation strategies and assess their accuracies. A literature review of retinal vascular segmentation found few results, and indicated a need for further development. The two methods for vessel segmentation were investigated in this thesis are based on mathematical morphology and neural networks. Both methodologies are verified on independently labeled data from two institutions and results are presented that characterisethe trade off betweenthe ability to identify vesseland non-vessels data. These results are based on thirty five images with their retinal vessels labeled. Of these images over half had significant pathology and or image acquisition artifacts. The morphological segmentation used ten images from one dataset for development. The remaining images of this dataset and the entire set of 20 images from the seconddataset were then used to prospectively verify generaliastion. For the neural approach, the imageswere pooled and 26 randomly chosenimageswere usedin training whilst 9 were reserved for prospective validation. Assuming equal importance, or cost, for vessel and non-vessel classifications, the following results were obtained; using mathematical morphology 84% correct classification of vascular and non-vascular pixels was obtained in the first dataset. This increased to 89% correct for the second dataset. Using the pooled data the neural approach achieved 88% correct identification accuracy. The spread of accuracies observed varied. It was highest in the small initial dataset with 16 and 10 percent standard deviation in vascular and non-vascular cases respectively. The lowest variability was observed in the neural classification, with a standard deviation of 5% for both accuracies. The less tangible outcomes of the research raises the issueof the selection and subsequent distribution of the patterns for neural network training. Unfortunately this indication would require further labeling of precisely those cases that were felt to be the most difficult. I.e. the small vessels and border conditions between pathology and the retina. The more concrete, evidence based conclusions,characterise both the neural and the morphological methods over a range of operating points. Many of these operating points are comparable to the few results presented in the literature. The advantage of the author's approach lies in the neural method's consistent as well as accurate vascular classification

    Novel Approaches to Pervasive and Remote Sensing in Cardiovascular Disease Assessment

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 45% of all deaths. Nevertheless, their mortality is decreasing in the last decade due to better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment resources. An important medical instrument for the latter processes is the Electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG is a versatile technique used worldwide for its ease of use, low cost, and accessibility, having evolved from devices that filled up a room, to small patches or wrist- worn devices. Such evolution allowed for more pervasive and near-continuous recordings. The analysis of an ECG allows for studying the functioning of other physiological systems of the body. One such is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), responsible for controlling key bodily functions. The ANS can be studied by analyzing the characteristic inter-beat variations, known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Leveraging this relation, a pilot study was developed, where HRV was used to quantify the contribution of the ANS in modulating cardioprotection offered by an experimental medical procedure called Remote Ischemic Conditioning (RIC), offering a more objective perspective. To record an ECG, electrodes are responsible for converting the ion-propagated action potential to electrons, needed to record it. They are produced from different materials, including metal, carbon-based, or polymers. Also, they can be divided into wet (if an elec- trolyte gel is used) or dry (if no added electrolyte is used). Electrodes can be positioned either inside the body (in-the-person), attached to the skin (on-the-body), or embedded in daily life objects (off-the-person), with the latter allowing for more pervasive recordings. To this effect, a novel mobile acquisition device for recording ECG rhythm strips was developed, where polymer-based embedded electrodes are used to record ECG signals similar to a medical-grade device. One drawback of off-the-person solutions is the increased noise, mainly caused by the intermittent contact with the recording surfaces. A new signal quality metric was developed based on delayed phase mapping, a technique that maps time series to a two-dimensional space, which is then used to classify a segment into good or noisy. Two different approaches were developed, one using a popular image descriptor, the Hu image moments; and the other using a Convolutional Neural Network, both with promising results for their usage as signal quality index classifiers.As doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, res- ponsáveis por 45% de todas estas. No entanto, a sua mortalidade tem vindo a diminuir na última década, devido a melhores recursos na prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento. Um instrumento médico importante para estes recursos é o Eletrocardiograma (ECG). O ECG é uma técnica versátil utilizada em todo o mundo pela sua facilidade de uso, baixo custo e acessibilidade, tendo evoluído de dispositivos que ocupavam uma sala inteira para pequenos adesivos ou dispositivos de pulso. Tal evolução permitiu aquisições mais pervasivas e quase contínuas. A análise de um ECG permite estudar o funcionamento de outros sistemas fisiológi- cos do corpo. Um deles é o Sistema Nervoso Autônomo (SNA), responsável por controlar as principais funções corporais. O SNA pode ser estudado analisando as variações inter- batidas, conhecidas como Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca (VFC). Aproveitando essa relação, foi desenvolvido um estudo piloto, onde a VFC foi utilizada para quantificar a contribuição do SNA na modulação da cardioproteção oferecida por um procedimento mé- dico experimental, denominado Condicionamento Isquêmico Remoto (CIR), oferecendo uma perspectiva mais objetiva. Na aquisição de um ECG, os elétrodos são os responsáveis por converter o potencial de ação propagado por iões em eletrões, necessários para a sua recolha. Estes podem ser produzidos a partir de diferentes materiais, incluindo metal, à base de carbono ou polímeros. Além disso, os elétrodos podem ser classificados em húmidos (se for usado um gel eletrolítico) ou secos (se não for usado um eletrólito adicional). Os elétrodos podem ser posicionados dentro do corpo (dentro-da-pessoa), colocados em contacto com a pele (na-pessoa) ou embutidos em objetos da vida quotidiana (fora-da-pessoa), sendo que este último permite gravações mais pervasivas . Para este efeito, foi desenvolvido um novo dispositivo de aquisição móvel para gravar sinal de ECG, onde elétrodos embutidos à base de polímeros são usados para recolher sinais de ECG semelhantes a um dispositivo de grau médico. Uma desvantagem das soluções onde os elétrodos estão embutidos é o aumento do ruído, causado principalmente pelo contato intermitente com as superfícies de aquisição. Uma nova métrica de qualidade de sinal foi desenvolvida com base no mapeamento de fase atrasada, uma técnica que mapeia séries temporais para um espaço bidimensional, que é então usado para classificar um segmento em bom ou ruidoso. Duas abordagens diferentes foram desenvolvidas, uma usando um popular descritor de imagem, e outra utilizando uma Rede Neural Convolucional, com resultados promissores para o seu uso como classificadores de qualidade de sinal