3,719 research outputs found

    Relief network design problem (RNDP): A scoping review, challenges, and opportunities

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    The Relief Network Design Problem (RNDP) is particularly important in emergency management. Any uncertain factors caused by natural disasters, the equity measurement in network design, and the adequate analysis of relief behavior will affect the efficiency of the relief network. This paper provides a comprehensive basis to support this view. The scope of the review allowed for exploring all existing literature on RNDP, where screening for titles, abstracts, keywords, and main contents, a total of 629 relevant articles are preserved. To construct the review work, existing research perspectives on the Relief Logistics Network Design Problem (RLNDP) as well as the Relief Transport Network Design Problem (RTNDP) are addressed, and their research focus and main research approaches are discussed. The existing studies on RNDP seem to be reached a bottleneck on how to design a humanitarian relief network. Hence, this paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge by summarizing the literature in the field, identifying gaps, analyzing future challenges, and providing solutions for future research. Specifically, this review reveals that while a large number of studies have considered uncertainty in the network design, they have not considered it at both the management level and the residents' level. In addition, equity is often mentioned, but the definition of humanitarian equity is unclear, as most studies consider equity at the management level. In real disaster relief scenarios, people do not only wait for relief, but self-evacuation is also a main behavior in the relief process, yet there are few studies that consider it in the network design. This review also emphasizes the relief network design structure problem, and the interdependence and coupling of the relief infrastructure transport or logistics facility network with other networks, such as the electric network, energy network, etc., deserves to be focused. In summary, five valuable research highlights are proposed based on a review of the existing literature: (1) Explore uncertainties from both the government management and disaster victim perspectives and integrate them into network design approaches. (2) Define and consider relief equity from both the government management and disaster victim perspectives. (3) Analyze self-evacuation behavior in the emergency relief phase and explore how it affects RNDP. (4) Optimize the transfer point location and relief routing from the perspective of management and humanitarian equity. (5) Strengthen the resilience of disaster relief interdependent network

    Emergency Resource Layout with Multiple Objectives under Complex Disaster Scenarios

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    Effective placement of emergency rescue resources, particularly with joint suppliers in complex disaster scenarios, is crucial for ensuring the reliability, efficiency, and quality of emergency rescue activities. However, limited research has considered the interaction between different disasters and material classification, which are highly vital to the emergency rescue. This study provides a novel and practical framework for reliable strategies of emergency rescue under complex disaster scenarios. The study employs a scenario-based approach to represent complex disasters, such as earthquakes, mudslides, floods, and their interactions. In optimizing the placement of emergency resources, the study considers government-owned suppliers, framework agreement suppliers, and existing suppliers collectively supporting emergency rescue materials. To determine the selection of joint suppliers and their corresponding optimal material quantities under complex disaster scenarios, the research proposes a multi-objective model that integrates cost, fairness, emergency efficiency, and uncertainty into a facility location problem. Finally, the study develops an NSGA-II-XGB algorithm to solve a disaster-prone province example and verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed multi-objective model and solution methods. The results show that the methodology proposed in this paper can greatly reduce emergency costs, rescue time, and the difference between demand and suppliers while maximizing the coverage of rescue resources. More importantly, it can optimize the scale of resources by determining the location and number of materials provided by joint suppliers for various kinds of disasters simultaneously. This research represents a promising step towards making informed configuration decisions in emergency rescue work


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    This dissertation addresses three important optimization problems arising during the phases of pre-disaster emergency preparedness and post-disaster response in time-dependent, stochastic and dynamic environments. The first problem studied is the building evacuation problem with shared information (BEPSI), which seeks a set of evacuation routes and the assignment of evacuees to these routes with the minimum total evacuation time. The BEPSI incorporates the constraints of shared information in providing on-line instructions to evacuees and ensures that evacuees departing from an intermediate or source location at a mutual point in time receive common instructions. A mixed-integer linear program is formulated for the BEPSI and an exact technique based on Benders decomposition is proposed for its solution. Numerical experiments conducted on a mid-sized real-world example demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The second problem addressed is the network resilience problem (NRP), involving an indicator of network resilience proposed to quantify the ability of a network to recover from randomly arising disruptions resulting from a disaster event. A stochastic, mixed integer program is proposed for quantifying network resilience and identifying the optimal post-event course of action to take. A solution technique based on concepts of Benders decomposition, column generation and Monte Carlo simulation is proposed. Experiments were conducted to illustrate the resilience concept and procedure for its measurement, and to assess the role of network topology in its magnitude. The last problem addressed is the urban search and rescue team deployment problem (USAR-TDP). The USAR-TDP seeks an optimal deployment of USAR teams to disaster sites, including the order of site visits, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the expected number of saved lives over the search and rescue period. A multistage stochastic program is proposed to capture problem uncertainty and dynamics. The solution technique involves the solution of a sequence of interrelated two-stage stochastic programs with recourse. A column generation-based technique is proposed for the solution of each problem instance arising as the start of each decision epoch over a time horizon. Numerical experiments conducted on an example of the 2010 Haiti earthquake are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    A memetic algorithm for location-routing problem with time windows for the attention of seismic disasters a case study from Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Introduction− In recent years, a great part of the population has been affected by natural and man-caused disasters. Hence, evacua-tion planning has an important role in the reduction of the number of victims during a natural disaster. Objective−In order to contribute to current studies of operations research in disaster management, this paper addresses evacuation planning of urban areas by using buses to pick up affected people after an earthquake.Methodology−The situation is modeled using Location-Routing Problem with Time Windows (LRPTW) to locate emergency shelters and identify evacuation routes that meet attention time constraints. To solve the LRPTW problem, a memetic algorithm (MA) is de-signed to minimize the total response time during an evacuation. The algorithm is not only validated using instances of literature, but also with the assessment of a case study of a seismic event in Bucaramanga, Colombia.Results and conclusions− The main contribution of this article is the development of a memetic algorithm for the solution of the proposed model that allows to solve real-size instances. The hybrid initialization of the MA prevents an early convergence by combin-ing randomness and a heuristic technique. Computational results indicate that the MA is a viable approach for the LRPTW solution. Likewise, a case study is presented for the city of Bucaramanga in order to validate the proposed model. Two scenarios are simulated showing that the management of the time windows (homogeneous or random) directly influences the solution and affects the objec-tive function. From a practical perspective, the location-routing problem must consider other criteria such as the cost of evacua-tion, including the attention delay cost, and the cost of opening shelters and routing.Introducción− En años recientes gran parte de la población ha sido afectada por desastres tanto naturales como antrópicos. Por esto, la planificación de la evacuación juega un papel importante en la reduc-ción del número de víctimas ante un desastre natural. Objetivo− Con el propósito de contribuir a los estudios actuales desde la investigación de operaciones en gestión de desastres, esta inves-tigación aborda la planificación de la evacuación de áreas urbanas usando buses para recoger afectados.Metodología− El problema se modela mediante un problema de localización-ruteo con ventanas de tiempo (LRPTW) para determinar el número y la ubicación de los albergues las y rutas de recolección para evacuación, cumpliendo restricciones en tiempo de atención. Para solucionar el LRPTW, se diseña un algoritmo memético (MA) que minimiza el tiempo total de respuesta en la evacuación. El algo-ritmo es validado en instancias de la literatura y mediante un caso de estudio de un evento sísmico en Bucaramanga (Colombia).Resultados y conclusiones− La contribución principal de este ar-tículo es el desarrollo de un MA para solucionar el modelo propuesto, que permite resolver instancias de tamaño real. La inicialización híbrida del MA evita una convergencia temprana, combinando alea-toriedad con una técnica heurística. Los resultados computacionales indican que el MA es un enfoque viable para solucionar el LRPTW. Así mismo, se presenta un caso de estudio en Bucaramanga para validar el modelo propuesto. Se plantean dos escenarios de desastre, evidenciando que el tratamiento que se da a las ventanas de tiempo (homogénea o aleatoria) influye directamente en la solución y afec-ta la función objetivo. Desde un enfoque práctico, el problema debe considerar otros criterios que pueden influir en la planificación de la evacuación, como el costo de la evacuación, costo de la demora en la atención, costo de apertura y de ruteo

    Communication and Control in Collaborative UAVs: Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    The recent progress in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology has significantly advanced UAV-based applications for military, civil, and commercial domains. Nevertheless, the challenges of establishing high-speed communication links, flexible control strategies, and developing efficient collaborative decision-making algorithms for a swarm of UAVs limit their autonomy, robustness, and reliability. Thus, a growing focus has been witnessed on collaborative communication to allow a swarm of UAVs to coordinate and communicate autonomously for the cooperative completion of tasks in a short time with improved efficiency and reliability. This work presents a comprehensive review of collaborative communication in a multi-UAV system. We thoroughly discuss the characteristics of intelligent UAVs and their communication and control requirements for autonomous collaboration and coordination. Moreover, we review various UAV collaboration tasks, summarize the applications of UAV swarm networks for dense urban environments and present the use case scenarios to highlight the current developments of UAV-based applications in various domains. Finally, we identify several exciting future research direction that needs attention for advancing the research in collaborative UAVs

    GUARDIANS final report

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    Emergencies in industrial warehouses are a major concern for firefghters. The large dimensions together with the development of dense smoke that drastically reduces visibility, represent major challenges. The Guardians robot swarm is designed to assist fire fighters in searching a large warehouse. In this report we discuss the technology developed for a swarm of robots searching and assisting fire fighters. We explain the swarming algorithms which provide the functionality by which the robots react to and follow humans while no communication is required. Next we discuss the wireless communication system, which is a so-called mobile ad-hoc network. The communication network provides also one of the means to locate the robots and humans. Thus the robot swarm is able to locate itself and provide guidance information to the humans. Together with the re ghters we explored how the robot swarm should feed information back to the human fire fighter. We have designed and experimented with interfaces for presenting swarm based information to human beings

    Un algoritmo memético para el problema de localización-ruteo con ventanas de tiempo para la atención de desastres sísmicos: un caso de estudio de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Introduction: In recent years, a great part of the population has been affected by natural and man-caused disasters. Hence, evacuation planning has an important role in the reduction of the number of victims during a natural disaster. Objective: In order to contribute to current studies of operations research in disaster management, this paper addresses evacuation planning of urban areas by using buses to pick up affected people after an earthquake. Methodology: The situation is modeled using Location-Routing Problem with Time Windows (LRPTW) to locate emergency shelters and identify evacuation routes that meet attention time constraints. To solve the LRPTW problem, a memetic algorithm (MA) is designed to minimize the total response time during an evacuation. The algorithm is not only validated using instances of literature but also with the assessment of a case study of a seismic event in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Results and conclusions: The main contribution of this article is the development of a memetic algorithm for the solution of the proposed model that allows to solve real-size instances. The hybrid initialization of the MA prevents an early convergence by combining randomness and a heuristic technique. Computational results indicate that the MA is a viable approach for the LRPTW solution. Likewise, a case study is presented for the city of Bucaramanga in order to validate the proposed model. Two scenarios are simulated showing that the management of the time windows (homogeneous or random) directly influences the solution and affects the objective function. From a practical perspective, the location-routing problem must consider other criteria such as the cost of evacuation, including the attention delay cost, and the cost of opening shelters and routing.Introducción: En años recientes gran parte de la población ha sido afectada por desastres tanto naturales como antrópicos. Por esto, la planificación de la evacuación juega un papel importante en la reducción del número de víctimas ante un desastre natural. Objetivo: Con el propósito de contribuir a los estudios actuales desde la investigación de operaciones en gestión de desastres, esta investigación aborda la planificación de la evacuación de áreas urbanas usando buses para recoger afectados. Metodología: El problema se modela mediante un problema de localización-ruteo con ventanas de tiempo (LRPTW) para determinar el número y la ubicación de los albergues las y rutas de recolección para evacuación, cumpliendo restricciones en tiempo de atención. Para solucionar el LRPTW, se diseña un algoritmo memético (MA) que minimiza el tiempo total de respuesta en la evacuación. El algoritmo es validado en instancias de la literatura y mediante un caso de estudio de un evento sísmico en Bucaramanga (Colombia). Resultados y conclusiones: La contribución principal de este artículo es el desarrollo de un MA para solucionar el modelo propuesto, que permite resolver instancias de tamaño real. La inicialización híbrida del MA evita una convergencia temprana, combinando aleatoriedad con una técnica heurística. Los resultados computacionales indican que el MA es un enfoque viable para solucionar el LRPTW. Así mismo, se presenta un caso de estudio en Bucaramanga para validar el modelo propuesto. Se plantean dos escenarios de desastre, evidenciando que el tratamiento que se da a las ventanas de tiempo (homogénea o aleatoria) influye directamente en la solución y afecta la función objetivo. Desde un enfoque práctico, el problema debe considerar otros criterios que pueden influir en la planificación de la evacuación, como el costo de la evacuación, costo de la demora en la atención, costo de apertura y de ruteo

    Online Optimisation of Casualty Processing in Major Incident Response

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    Recent emergency response operations to Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) have been criticised for a lack of coordination, implying that there is clear potential for response operations to be improved and for corresponding benefits in terms of the health and well-being of those affected by such incidents. In this thesis, the use of mathematical modelling, and in particular optimisation, is considered as a means with which to help improve the coordination of MCI response. Upon reviewing the nature of decision making in MCIs and other disaster response operations in practice, this work demonstrates through an in-depth review of the available academic literature that an important problem has yet to be modelled and solved using an optimisation methodology. This thesis involves the development of such a model, identifying an appropriate task scheduling formulation of the decision problem and a number of objective functions corresponding to the goals of the MCI response decision makers. Efficient solution methodologies are developed to allow for solutions to the model, and therefore to the MCI response operation, to be found in a timely manner. Following on from the development of the optimisation model, the dynamic and uncertain nature of the MCI response environment is considered in detail. Highlighting the lack of relevant research considering this important aspect of the problem, the optimisation model is extended to allow for its use in real-time. In order to allow for the utility of the model to be thoroughly examined, a complementary simulation is developed and an interface allowing for its communication with the optimisation model specified. Extensive computational experiments are reported, demonstrating both the danger of developing and applying optimisation models under a set of unrealistic assumptions, and the potential for the model developed in this work to deliver improvements in MCI response operations