32 research outputs found

    Explaining Query Answers under Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics over Description Logic Knowledge Bases (Extended Abstract)

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    The problem of querying description logic (DL) knowledge bases (KBs) using database-style queries (in particular, conjunctive queries) has been a major focus of recent DL research. Since scalability is a key concern, much of the work has focused on lightweight DLs for which query answering can be performed in polynomial time w.r.t. the size of the ABox. The DL-Lite family of lightweight DLs [10] is especially popular due to the fact that query answering can be reduced, via query rewriting, to the problem of standard database query evaluation. Since the TBox is usually developed by experts and subject to extensive debugging, it is often reasonable to assume that its contents are correct. By contrast, the ABox is typically substantially larger and subject to frequent modifications, making errors almost inevitable. As such errors may render the KB inconsistent, several inconsistency-tolerant semantics have been introduced in order to provide meaningful answers to queries posed over inconsistent KBs. Arguably the most well-known is the AR semantics [17], inspired by work on consistent query answering in databases (cf. [4] for a survey). Query answering under AR semantics amounts to considering those answers (w.r.t. standard semantics) that can be obtained from every repair, the latter being defined as an inclusion-maximal subset of the ABox that is consistent with the TBox. A more cautious semantics, called IAR semantics The need to equip reasoning systems with explanation services is widely acknowledged by the DL community. Indeed, there have been numerous works on axiom pinpointing, in which the objective is to identify (minimal) subsets of a KB that entail a given TBox axiom (or ABox assertion

    SPARQL-DL queries for antipattern detection

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    Ontology antipatterns are structures that reflect ontology modelling problems, they lead to inconsistencies, bad reasoning performance or bad formalisation of domain knowledge. Antipatterns normally appear in ontologies developed by those who are not experts in ontology engineering. Based on our experience in ontology design, we have created a catalogue of such antipatterns in the past, and in this paper we describe how we can use SPARQL-DL to detect them. We conduct some experiments to detect them in a large OWL ontology corpus obtained from the Watson ontology search portal. Our results show that each antipattern needs a specialised detection method

    Implementación de operadores de consolidación de ontologías en Datalog +/-

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    En los últimos tiempos, la colaboración y el intercambio de información se han vuelto aspectos cruciales de muchos sistemas. En estos entornos es de vital importancia definir métodos automáticos para resolver conflictos entre el conocimiento compartido por distintos sistemas. Este conocimiento es frecuentemente expresado a través de ontologías que pueden ser compartidas por los sistemas que utilizan el mismo. Dentro de las diferentes posibilidades para expresar conocimiento en los últimos tiempos un lenguaje que ha recibido cada vez más atención es Datalog+/-; debido a ser un lenguaje que ofrece un alto nivel de expresividad por construir reglas en fragmentos de Lógica de Primer Orden, permitiendo su compresión natural en la forma de esquemas de lógica clásica. Por otro lado, Datalog+/- como máquina de inferencia, tiene la propiedad de ser decidible, y (en la mayoría de los casos) tratable permitiendo manejar volúmenes masivos de datos de entornos reales. Sin embargo, el uso del conocimiento, especialmente compartido, suele traer aparejados conflictos en el mismo que dificulta su explotación por procesos automatizados. Es decir, aceptar nuevas observaciones y datos suele traer aparejados violaciones a la integridad y consistencia del cuerpo de conocimiento. En este sentido, el principal desafío es eliminar los conflictos la inconsistencias e incoherencias que puedan surgir en el conocimiento expresado. En la presente investigación se busca comprobar empíricamente la correctitud, computabilidad y eficiencia de operadores de contracción de kernel y de cluster para manejo de inconsistencias e incoherencias en ontologías Datalog+/- a través de la implementación de los mismos. Para esto, se analizará el disenño teórico de los operadores de contracción de kernel y cluster y su aplicación práctica para eliminar conflictos. A partir de un proyecto de software que implementa un intérprete Datalog+/-, se codificará las funcionalidades requeridas e implementarán los citados operadores.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An Ontology Driven ESCO LOD Quality Enhancement

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    ORE - A Tool for Repairing and Enriching Knowledge Bases

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    Get my pizza right: Repairing missing is-a relations in ALC ontologies (extended version)

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    With the increased use of ontologies in semantically-enabled applications, the issue of debugging defects in ontologies has become increasingly important. These defects can lead to wrong or incomplete results for the applications. Debugging consists of the phases of detection and repairing. In this paper we focus on the repairing phase of a particular kind of defects, i.e. the missing relations in the is-a hierarchy. Previous work has dealt with the case of taxonomies. In this work we extend the scope to deal with ALC ontologies that can be represented using acyclic terminologies. We present algorithms and discuss a system

    Persuasive Explanation of Reasoning Inferences on Dietary Data

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    Explainable AI aims at building intelligent systems that are able to provide a clear, and human understandable, justification of their decisions. This holds for both rule-based and data-driven methods. In management of chronic diseases, the users of such systems are patients that follow strict dietary rules to manage such diseases. After receiving the input of the intake food, the system performs reasoning to understand whether the users follow an unhealthy behaviour. Successively, the system has to communicate the results in a clear and effective way, that is, the output message has to persuade users to follow the right dietary rules. In this paper, we address the main challenges to build such systems: i) the natural language generation of messages that explain the reasoner inconsistency; ii) the effectiveness of such messages at persuading the users. Results prove that the persuasive explanations are able to reduce the unhealthy users’ behaviours

    Logic-based assessment of the compatibility of UMLS ontology sources

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    Background: The UMLS Metathesaurus (UMLS-Meta) is currently the most comprehensive effort for integrating independently-developed medical thesauri and ontologies. UMLS-Meta is being used in many applications, including PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov. The integration of new sources combines automatic techniques, expert assessment, and auditing protocols. The automatic techniques currently in use, however, are mostly based on lexical algorithms and often disregard the semantics of the sources being integrated. Results: In this paper, we argue that UMLS-Meta’s current design and auditing methodologies could be significantly enhanced by taking into account the logic-based semantics of the ontology sources. We provide empirical evidence suggesting that UMLS-Meta in its 2009AA version contains a significant number of errors; these errors become immediately apparent if the rich semantics of the ontology sources is taken into account, manifesting themselves as unintended logical consequences that follow from the ontology sources together with the information in UMLS-Meta. We then propose general principles and specific logic-based techniques to effectively detect and repair such errors. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the methodologies employed in the design of UMLS-Meta are not only very costly in terms of human effort, but also error-prone. The techniques presented here can be useful for both reducing human effort in the design and maintenance of UMLS-Meta and improving the quality of its contents

    Axiom Pinpointing

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    Axiom pinpointing refers to the task of finding the specific axioms in an ontology which are responsible for a consequence to follow. This task has been studied, under different names, in many research areas, leading to a reformulation and reinvention of techniques. In this work, we present a general overview to axiom pinpointing, providing the basic notions, different approaches for solving it, and some variations and applications which have been considered in the literature. This should serve as a starting point for researchers interested in related problems, with an ample bibliography for delving deeper into the details