128 research outputs found

    Formal Methods in Factory Automation

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    Supervisory machine control by predictive-reactive scheduling

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    Energy-Efficient Technologies for High-Performance Manufacturing Industries

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    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Towards a new methodology for design, modelling, and verification of reconfigurable distributed control systems based on a new extension to the IEC 61499 standard

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    In order to meet user requirements and system environment changes, reconfigurable control systems must dynamically adapt their structure and behaviour without disrupting system operation. IEC 61499 standard provides limited support for the design and verification of such systems. In fact, handling different reconfiguration scenarios at runtime is difficult since function blocks in IEC 61499 cannot be changed at run-time. Hence, this thesis promotes an IEC 61499 extension called reconfigurable function block (RFB) that increases design readability and smoothly switches to the most appropriate behaviour when a reconfiguration event occurs. To ensure system feasibility after reconfiguration, in addition to the qualitative verification, quantitative verification based on probabilistic model checking is addressed in a new RFBA approach. The latter aims to transform the designed RFB model automatically into a generalised reconfigurable timed net condition/event system model (GRTNCES) using a newly developed environment called RFBTool. The GR-TNCES fits well with RFB and preserves its semantic. Using the probabilistic model checker PRISM, the generated GR-TNCES model is checked using defined properties specified in computation tree logic. As a result, an evaluation of system performance and an estimation of reconfiguration risks are obtained. The RFBA methodology is applied on a distributed power system case study.Dynamische Anforderungen und Umgebungen erfordern rekonfigurierbare Anlagen und Steuerungssysteme. Rekonfiguration ermöglicht es einem System, seine Struktur und sein Verhalten an interne oder externe Änderungen anzupassen. Die Norm IEC 61499 wurde entwickelt, um (verteilte) Steuerungssysteme auf Basis von Funktionsbausteinen zu entwickeln. Sie bietet jedoch wenig Unterstützung für Entwurf und Verifikation. Die Tatsache, dass eine Rekonfiguration das System-Ausführungsmodell verändert, erschwert die Entwicklung in IEC 61499 zusätzlich. Daher schlägt diese Dissertation rekonfigurierbare Funktionsbausteine (RFBs) als Erweiterung der Norm vor. Ein RFB verarbeitet über einen Master-Slave-Automaten Rekonfigurationsereignisse und löst das entsprechende Verhalten aus. Diese Hierarchie trennt das Rekonfigurationsmodell vom Steuerungsmodell und vereinfacht so den Entwurf. Die Funktionalität des Entwurfs muss verifiziert werden, damit die Ausführbarkeit des Systems nach einer Rekonfiguration gewährleistet ist. Hierzu wird das entworfene RFB-Modell automatisch in ein generalised reconfigurable timed net condition/event system übersetzt. Dieses wird mit dem Model-Checker PRISM auf qualitative und quantitative Eigenschaften überprüft. Somit wird eine Bewertung der Systemperformanz und eine Einschätzung der Rekonfigurationsrisiken erreicht. Die RFB-Methodik wurde in einem Softwarewerkzeug umgesetzt und in einer Fallstudie auf ein dezentrales Stromnetz angewendet

    Formal Modelling of Complex Event Processing and its Application to a Manufacturing Line

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    Identifying the significant and most needed information in huge enterprises at the right time not only helps in decision making, but also plays an important role in overall performance and profit making of enterprises. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a developing method of processing different events from multiple sources and filtering them to produce complex events. This thesis provides a methodology to model CEP using Timed Net Condition Event System (TNCES), a Petri Nets derived formalism. Petri Nets is a graphical, mathematical modelling language used to analyze and describe discrete-event dynamic systems. The biggest advantage of representing CEP in TNCES is that it opens paths to the validation of the events filtering and decision making in different level of enterprise. /Kir1

    Enhancing the performance of automated guided vehicles through reliability, operation and maintenance assessment

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    Automated guided vehicles (AGVs), a type of unmanned moving robots that move along fixed routes or are directed by laser navigation systems, are increasingly used in modern society to improve efficiency and lower the cost of production. A fleet of AGVs operate together to form a fully automatic transport system, which is known as an AGV system. To date, their added value in efficiency improvement and cost reduction has been sufficiently explored via conducting in-depth research on route optimisation, system layout configuration, and traffic control. However, their safe application has not received sufficient attention although the failure of AGVs may significantly impact the operation and efficiency of the entire system. This issue becomes more markable today particularly in the light of the fact that the size of AGV systems is becoming much larger and their operating environment is becoming more complex than ever before. This motivates the research into AGV reliability, availability and maintenance issues in this thesis, which aims to answer the following four fundamental questions: (1) How could AGVs fail? (2) How is the reliability of individual AGVs in the system assessed? (3) How does a failed AGV affect the operation of the other AGVs and the performance of the whole system? (4) How can an optimal maintenance strategy for AGV systems be achieved? In order to answer these questions, the method for identifying the critical subsystems and actions of AGVs is studied first in this thesis. Then based on the research results, mathematical models are developed in Python to simulate AGV systems and assess their performance in different scenarios. In the research of this thesis, Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) was adopted first to analyse the failure modes and effects of individual AGV subsystems. The interactions of these subsystems were studied via performing Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Then, a mathematical model was developed to simulate the operation of a single AGV with the aid of Petri Nets (PNs). Since most existing AGV systems in modern industries and warehouses consist of multiple AGVs that operate synchronously to perform specific tasks, it is necessary to investigate the interactions between different AGVs in the same system. To facilitate the research of multi-AGV systems, the model of a three-AGV system with unidirectional paths was considered. In the model, an advanced concept PN, namely Coloured Petri Net (CPN), was creatively used to describe the movements of the AGVs. Attributing to the application of CPN, not only the movements of the AGVs but also the various operation and maintenance activities of the AGV systems (for example, item delivery, corrective maintenance, periodic maintenance, etc.) can be readily simulated. Such a unique technique provides us with an effective tool to investigate larger-scale AGV systems. To investigate the reliability, efficiency and maintenance of dynamic AGV systems which consist of multiple single-load and multi-load AGVs traveling along different bidirectional routes in different missions, an AGV system consisting of 9 stations was simulated using the CPN methods. Moreover, the automatic recycling of failed AGVs is studied as well in order to further reduce human participation in the operation of AGV systems. Finally, the simulation results were used to optimise the design, operation and maintenance of multi-AGV systems with the consideration of the throughputs and corresponding costs of them.The research reported in this thesis contributes to the design, reliability, operation, and maintenance of large-scale AGV systems in the modern and rapidly changing world.</div

    Novel methodology for optimising the design, operation and maintenance of a multi-AGV system

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    Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) have long been identified as a potential driver to improve system efficiency and lower labour costs in material handling systems. Accordingly, the reliability and availability of AGV systems is crucial to assure the stability and efficiency of these systems. However, the reliability issues and maintenance strategies of AGVs have not previously been studied sufficiently. This is even more marked in the case of multi-AGV systems that consist of fleets of AGVs. To fill this knowledge gap, research is conducted considering a multi-AGV system, consisting of three AGVs, in order to develop a scientific methodology for optimising the layout design, operation and maintenance of a multi-AGV system. Once an AGV is failed, it will be towed to the maintenance site for repair by a recycle vehicle to prevent deadlock and conflict. The efficiency of the recycling process of failed AGVs in a multi-AGV system, with respect to the change of location of the maintenance site, is analysed by the approach of coloured Petri nets (CPNs). A CPN model simulating the corrective and periodic preventive maintenance processes of failed AGVs is also developed in order to investigate the impact of different AGV maintenance strategies on the operation efficiency of the multi-AGV system. The simulation results obtained clearly show that the location of maintenance sites and maintenance strategies do have significant influence on the performance of a multi-AGV system, where corrective maintenance is an effective measure to maintain the long-term reliability and stability of the system

    Scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems integrating petri nets and artificial intelligence methods.

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    The work undertaken in this thesis is about the integration of two well-known methodologies: Petri net (PN) model Ii ng/analysis of industrial production processes and Artificial Intelligence (AI) optimisation search techniques. The objective of this integration is to demonstrate its potential in solving a difficult and widely studied problem, the scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FIVIS). This work builds on existing results that clearly show the convenience of PNs as a modelling tool for FIVIS. It addresses the problem of the integration of PN and Al based search methods. Whilst this is recognised as a potentially important approach to the scheduling of FIVIS there is a lack of any clear evidence that practical systems might be built. This thesis presents a novel scheduling methodology that takes forward the current state of the art in the area by: Firstly presenting a novel modelling procedure based on a new class of PN (cb-NETS) and a language to define the essential features of basic FIVIS, demonstrating that the inclusion of high level FIVIS constraints is straight forward. Secondly, we demonstrate that PN analysis is useful in reducing search complexity and presents two main results: a novel heuristic function based on PN analysis that is more efficient than existing methods and a novel reachability scheme that avoids futile exploration of candidate schedules. Thirdly a novel scheduling algorithm that overcomes the efficiency drawbacks of previous algorithms is presented. This algorithm satisfactorily overcomes the complexity issue while achieving very promising results in terms of optimality. Finally, this thesis presents a novel hybrid scheduler that demonstrates the convenience of the use of PN as a representation paradigm to support hybridisation between traditional OR methods, Al systematic search and stochastic optimisation algorithms. Initial results show that the approach is promising