27 research outputs found

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Design and development from single core reconfigurable accelerators to a heterogeneous accelerator-rich platform

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    The performance of a platform is evaluated based on its ability to deal with the processing of multiple applications of different nature. In this context, the platform under evaluation can be of homogeneous, heterogeneous or of hybrid architecture. The selection of an architecture type is generally based on the set of different target applications and performance parameters, where the applications can be of serial or parallel nature. The evaluation is normally based on different performance metrics, e.g., resource/area utilization, execution time, power and energy consumption. This process can also include high-level performance metrics, e.g., Operations Per Second (OPS), OPS/Watt, OPS/Hz, Watt/Area etc. An example of architecture selection can be related to a wireless communication system where the processing of computationally-intensive signal-processing algorithms has strict execution-time constraints and in this case, a platform with special-purpose accelerators is relatively more suitable than a typical homogeneous platform. A couple of decades ago, it was expensive to plant many special-purpose accelerators on a chip as the cost per unit area was relatively higher than today. The utilization wall is also becoming a limiting factor in homogeneous multicore scaling which means that all the cores on a platform cannot be operated at their maximum frequency due to a possible thermal meltdown. In this case, some of the processing cores have to be turned-off or to be operated at very low frequencies making most of the part of the chip to stay underutilized. A possible solution lies in the use of heterogeneous multicore platforms where many application-specific cores operate at lower frequencies, therefore reducing power dissipation density and increasing other performance parameters. However, to achieve maximum flexibility in processing, a general-purpose flavor can also be introduced by adding a few Reduced Instruction-Set Computing (RISC) cores. A power class of heterogeneous multicore platforms is an accelerator-rich platform where many application-specific accelerators are loosely connected with each other for work load distribution or to execute the tasks independently. This research work spans from the design and development of three different types of template-based Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs), i.e., CREMA, AVATAR and SCREMA to a Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform (HARP). The accelerators generated from the three CGRAs could perform different lengths and types of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), real and complex Matrix-Vector Multiplication (MVM) algorithms. CREMA and AVATAR were fixed CGRAs with eight and sixteen number of Processing Element (PE) columns, respectively. SCREMA could flex between four, eight, sixteen and thirty two number of PE columns. Many case studies were conducted to evaluate the performance of the reconfigurable accelerators generated from these CGRA templates. All of these CGRAs work in a processor/coprocessor model tightly integrated with a Direct Memory Access (DMA) device. Apart from these platforms, a reconfigurable Application-Specific Instruction-set Processor (rASIP) is also designed, tested for FFT execution under IEEE-802.11n timing constraints and evaluated against a processor/coprocessor model. It was designed by integrating AVATAR generated radix-(2, 4) FFT accelerator into the datapath of a RISC processor. The instruction set of the RISC processor was extended to perform additional operations related to AVATAR. As mentioned earlier, the underutilized part of the chip, now-a-days called Dark Silicon is posing many challenges for the designers. Apart from software optimizations, clock gating, dynamic voltage/frequency scaling and other high-level techniques, one way of dealing with this problem is to use many application-specific cores. In an effort to maximize the number of reconfigurable processing resources on a platform, the accelerator-rich architecture HARP was designed and evaluated in terms of different performance metrics. HARP is constructed on a Network-on-Chip (NoC) of 3x3 nodes where with every node, a CGRA of application-specific size is integrated other than the central node which is attached to a RISC processor. The RISC establishes synchronization between the nodes for data transfer and also performs the supervisory control. While using the NoC as the backbone of communication between the cores, it becomes possible for all the cores to address each other and also perform execution simultaneously and independently of each other. The performance of accelerators generated from CREMA, AVATAR and SCREMA templates were evaluated individually and also when attached to HARP's NoC nodes. The individual CGRAs show promising results in their own capacity but when integrated all together in the framework of HARP, interesting comparisons were established in terms of overall execution times, resource utilization, operating frequencies, power and energy consumption. In evaluating HARP, estimates and measurements were also made in some advanced performance metrics, e.g., in MOPS/mW and MOPS/MHz. The overall research work promotes the idea of heterogeneous accelerator-rich platform as a solution to current problems and future needs of industry and academia

    Exploration of communication strategies for computation intensive Systems-On-Chip

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    Are coarse-grained overlays ready for general purpose application acceleration on FPGAs?

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    Combining processors with hardware accelerators has become a norm with systems-on-chip (SoCs) ever present in modern compute devices. Heterogeneous programmable system on chip platforms sometimes referred to as hybrid FPGAs, tightly couple general purpose processors with high performance reconfigurable fabrics, providing a more flexible alternative. We can now think of a software application with hardware accelerated portions that are reconfigured at runtime. While such ideas have been explored in the past, modern hybrid FPGAs are the first commercial platforms to enable this move to a more software oriented view, where reconfiguration enables hardware resources to be shared by multiple tasks in a bigger application. However, while the rapidly increasing logic density and more capable hard resources found in modern hybrid FPGA devices should make them widely deployable, they remain constrained within specialist application domains. This is due to both design productivity issues and a lack of suitable hardware abstraction to eliminate the need for working with platform-specific details, as server and desktop virtualization has done in a more general sense. To allow mainstream adoption of FPGA based accelerators in general purpose computing, there is a need to virtualize FPGAs and make them more accessible to application developers who are accustomed to software API abstractions and fast development cycles. In this paper, we discuss the role of overlay architectures in enabling general purpose FPGA application acceleration

    Domain-specific and reconfigurable instruction cells based architectures for low-power SoC

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    A Compiler Framework for a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array

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    The number of transistors on a chip is increasing with time giving rise to multiple design challenges. In this context, reconfigurable architectures have emerged to provide high flexibility, less power/energy consumption yet while delivering high performance levels. The success of an embedded architecture depends on powerful compiler support. Current studies are focused on developing compilers to reduce the designer’s effort by introducing many automation related features. In this thesis work, a compiler framework is presented for a scalable Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) called SCREMA. The compiler framework presented in this thesis replaces the exiting GUI compiler with an added feature of automatic placement and routing. The compiler receives a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) description of the target algorithm by the user. It extracts the computational information from the RPN description and performs placement and routing over the CGRA template. The first configuration stream generated by the compiler is the main processing context. Furthermore, if additional configuration patterns have to be designed, the compiler framework gives the possibility to implement them in two different design paradigms: a preprocessing context and a canonical context. Pre-processing context is used to align the data into a CGRA to facilitate post-processing. Canonical context allows the user to perform additions in sum-of-products related algorithms. The compiler framework has been tested by implementing real integer Matrix-Vector Multiplication (MVM) algorithms. Specifically, the tested MVM orders are 4th, 8th, 16th and 32nd on the CGRA sizes of 4x4, 4x8, 4x16 and 4x32 PEs, respectively. All the implementation are based on the RPN description of 4th-order MVM. Other than implementing 4th-order MVM, the rest of tested MVM algorithms need preprocessing and canonical contexts to be designed and implemented. The user effort which was needed to Place and Route (P&R) an algorithm manually on SCREMA is now reduced by using this compiler framework as it provides an automatic P&R mechanism


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    Application-specific optimization of embedded systems becomes inevitable to satisfy the market demand for designers to meet tighter constraints on cost, performance and power. On the other hand, the flexibility of a system is also important to accommodate the short time-to-market requirements for embedded systems. To compromise these incompatible demands, coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA) has emerged as a suitable solution. A typical CGRA requires many processing elements (PEs) and a configuration cache for reconfiguration of its PE array. However, such a structure consumes significant area and power. Therefore, designing cost-effective CGRA has been a serious concern for reliability of CGRA-based embedded systems. As an effort to provide such cost-effective design, the first half of this work focuses on reducing power in the configuration cache. For power saving in the configuration cache, a low power reconfiguration technique is presented based on reusable context pipelining achieved by merging the concept of context reuse into context pipelining. In addition, we propose dynamic context compression capable of supporting only required bits of the context words set to enable and the redundant bits set to disable. Finally, we provide dynamic context management capable of reducing reduce power consumption in configuration cache by controlling a read/write operation of the redundant context words In the second part of this dissertation, we focus on designing a cost-effective PE array to reduce area and power. For area and power saving in a PE array, we devise a costeffective array fabric addresses novel rearrangement of processing elements and their interconnection designs to reduce area and power consumption. In addition, hierarchical reconfigurable computing arrays are proposed consisting of two reconfigurable computing blocks with two types of communication structure together. The two computing blocks have shared critical resources and such a sharing structure provides efficient communication interface between them with reducing overall area. Based on the proposed design approaches, a CGRA combining the multiple design schemes is shown to verify the synergy effect of the integrated approach. Experimental results show that the integrated approach reduces area by 23.07% and power by up to 72% when compared with the conventional CGRA

    Power and Energy Aware Heterogeneous Computing Platform

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    During the last decade, wireless technologies have experienced significant development, most notably in the form of mobile cellular radio evolution from GSM to UMTS/HSPA and thereon to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) for increasing the capacity and speed of wireless data networks. Considering the real-time constraints of the new wireless standards and their demands for parallel processing, reconfigurable architectures and in particular, multicore platforms are part of the most successful platforms due to providing high computational parallelism and throughput. In addition to that, by moving toward Internet-of-Things (IoT), the number of wireless sensors and IP-based high throughput network routers is growing at a rapid pace. Despite all the progression in IoT, due to power and energy consumption, a single chip platform for providing multiple communication standards and a large processing bandwidth is still missing.The strong demand for performing different sets of operations by the embedded systems and increasing the computational performance has led to the use of heterogeneous multicore architectures with the help of accelerators for computationally-intensive data-parallel tasks acting as coprocessors. Currently, highly heterogeneous systems are the most power-area efficient solution for performing complex signal processing systems. Additionally, the importance of IoT has increased significantly the need for heterogeneous and reconfigurable platforms.On the other hand, subsequent to the breakdown of the Dennardian scaling and due to the enormous heat dissipation, the performance of a single chip was obstructed by the utilization wall since all cores cannot be clocked at their maximum operating frequency. Therefore, a thermal melt-down might be happened as a result of high instantaneous power dissipation. In this context, a large fraction of the chip, which is switched-off (Dark) or operated at a very low frequency (Dim) is called Dark Silicon. The Dark Silicon issue is a constraint for the performance of computers, especially when the up-coming IoT scenario will demand a very high performance level with high energy efficiency. Among the suggested solution to combat the problem of Dark-Silicon, the use of application-specific accelerators and in particular Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) are the main motivation of this thesis work.This thesis deals with design and implementation of Software Defined Radio (SDR) as well as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) application-specific accelerators for computationally intensive kernels and data-parallel tasks. One of the most important data transmission schemes in SDR due to its ability of providing high data rates is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This research work focuses on the evaluation of Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform (HARP) by implementing OFDM receiver blocks as designs for proof-of-concept. The HARP template allows the designer to instantiate a heterogeneous reconfigurable platform with a very large amount of custom-tailored computational resources while delivering a high performance in terms of many high-level metrics. The availability of this platform lays an excellent foundation to investigate techniques and methods to replace the Dark or Dim part of chip with high-performance silicon dissipating very low power and energy. Furthermore, this research work is also addressing the power and energy issues of the embedded computing systems by tailoring the HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing models. In this context, the instantaneous power dissipation and therefore the heat dissipation of HARP are mitigated on FPGA/ASIC by using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to minimize the dark/dim part of the chip. Upgraded HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing can be utilized as an energy-efficient general-purpose transceiver platform that is cognitive to many radio standards and can provide high throughput while consuming as little energy as possible. The evaluation of HARP has shown promising results, which makes it a suitable platform for avoiding Dark Silicon in embedded computing platforms and also for diverse needs of IoT communications.In this thesis, the author designed the blocks of OFDM receiver by crafting templatebased CGRA devices and then attached them to HARP’s Network-on-Chip (NoC) nodes. The performance of application-specific accelerators generated from templatebased CGRAs, the performance of the entire platform subsequent to integrating the CGRA nodes on HARP and the NoC traffic are recorded in terms of several highlevel performance metrics. In evaluating HARP on FPGA prototype, it delivers a performance of 0.012 GOPS/mW. Because of the scalability and regularity in HARP, the author considered its value as architectural constant. In addition to showing the gain and the benefits of maximizing the number of reconfigurable processing resources on a platform in comparison to the scaled performance of several state-of-the-art platforms, HARP’s architectural constant ensures application-independent figure of merit. HARP is further evaluated by implementing various sizes of Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and Discrete Sine Transform (DST) dedicated for HEVC standard, which showed its ability to sustain Full HD 1080p format at 30 fps on FPGA. The author also integrated self-aware computing model in HARP to mitigate the power dissipation of an OFDM receiver. In the case of FPGA implementation, the total power dissipation of the platform showed 16.8% reduction due to employing the Feedback Control System (FCS) technique with Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Furthermore, by moving to ASIC technology and scaling both frequency and voltage simultaneously, significant dynamic power reduction (up to 82.98%) was achieved, which proved the DFS/DVFS techniques as one step forward to mitigate the Dark Silicon issue

    Memory hierarchy and data communication in heterogeneous reconfigurable SoCs

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    The miniaturization race in the hardware industry aiming at continuous increasing of transistor density on a die does not bring respective application performance improvements any more. One of the most promising alternatives is to exploit a heterogeneous nature of common applications in hardware. Supported by reconfigurable computation, which has already proved its efficiency in accelerating data intensive applications, this concept promises a breakthrough in contemporary technology development. Memory organization in such heterogeneous reconfigurable architectures becomes very critical. Two primary aspects introduce a sophisticated trade-off. On the one hand, a memory subsystem should provide well organized distributed data structure and guarantee the required data bandwidth. On the other hand, it should hide the heterogeneous hardware structure from the end-user, in order to support feasible high-level programmability of the system. This thesis work explores the heterogeneous reconfigurable hardware architectures and presents possible solutions to cope the problem of memory organization and data structure. By the example of the MORPHEUS heterogeneous platform, the discussion follows the complete design cycle, starting from decision making and justification, until hardware realization. Particular emphasis is made on the methods to support high system performance, meet application requirements, and provide a user-friendly programmer interface. As a result, the research introduces a complete heterogeneous platform enhanced with a hierarchical memory organization, which copes with its task by means of separating computation from communication, providing reconfigurable engines with computation and configuration data, and unification of heterogeneous computational devices using local storage buffers. It is distinguished from the related solutions by distributed data-flow organization, specifically engineered mechanisms to operate with data on local domains, particular communication infrastructure based on Network-on-Chip, and thorough methods to prevent computation and communication stalls. In addition, a novel advanced technique to accelerate memory access was developed and implemented

    Description and Specialization of Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architectures

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    The functionality of electronic embedded systems, such as mobile phones and digital cameras, becomes more complex at each product generation. This increasing complexity implies great challenges at the design phase of these devices, as designers have to deal with high performance and low energy requirements at a low production budget. In the last years, coarse-grained, dynamically reconfigurable computer systems have increasingly gain in importance as an alternative to cope with these challenges because they provide an optimal trade-off between flexibility-after-production and performance. Like generic purpose processors, coarse-grained reconfigurable systems can be quickly reprogrammed to perform new tasks, but they keep their performance and energy consumption near to ASIC standards. The design of coarse-grained reconfigurable processors is the main theme in this work. In the first part of this dissertation, I present a new architecture description language that was designed for the description of coarse-grained, reconfigurable systems. This language allows an efficient specification of processor arrays and the description of scalable interconnection networks. The second part of this dissertation investigates the specialization of coarse-grained reconfigurable processors towards an application domain by using custom instruction sets. This work presents methods, techniques, and tools to recognize and extract clusters of operations from a set of application. These clusters serve as patterns for the design of an optimal custom instruction set. Experiments and results are presented, which analyze and assess the impact of custom instructions on coarse-grained processor arrays.Die Funktionalität eingebetteter Systeme wie Mobiltelefone und digitale Foto-Kameras wird zunehmend umfangreicher und bürdet dem Entwurf dieser Geräte hohe Herausforderungen auf, wie z.B. hohe Ausführungsgeschwindigkeit, niedrige Herstellungskosten und geringeren Energieverbrauch. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, gewinnen grobgranulare dynamische rekonfigurierbare Rechnersysteme schnell an Bedeutung, denn sie bieten einen optimalen trade-off zwischen Flexibilität nach der Herstellung und Performanz. Wie allgemeine Prozessoren, können grobgranulare rekonfigurierbare Systeme während der Ausführungszeit schnell umprogrammiert werden, um neue Funktionalitäten auszuführen, behalten aber immer noch eine ASIC-ähnliche Performanz und Verlustleistungsverbrauch. Der Entwurf grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Bausteine ist das Thema dieser Dissertation. Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation wird eine Sprache vorgestellt, die für die Beschreibung grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Systeme entwickelt wurde. Diese Sprache ermöglicht eine effiziente Spezifikation von Prozessoren-Arrays und die Beschreibung skalierbarer Netzwerkverbindungen. Der zweite Teil untersucht die Anpassung grobgranularer rekonfigurierbarer Bausteine an Anwendungssätze mittels spezialisierter Befehle. Methoden werden vorgestellt zur Erkennung und Extraktion von Operationsmustern aus einem Anwendungssatz. Diese Operationsmuster dienen dann zum Entwurf eines optimalen spezialisierten Befehlsatzes. Als Ergebnisse werden die Wirkungen von spezialisierten Befehlsätzen in grobgranularen Arrays analysiert und bewertet