3,315,832 research outputs found

    MisPred: a resource for identification of erroneous protein sequences in public databases

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    Correct prediction of the structure of protein-coding genes of higher eukaryotes is still a difficult task; therefore, public databases are heavily contaminated with mispredicted sequences. The high rate of misprediction has serious consequences because it significantly affects the conclusions that may be drawn from genome-scale sequence analyses of eukaryotic genomes. Here we present the MisPred database and computational pipeline that provide efficient means for the identification of erroneous sequences in public databases. The MisPred database contains a collection of abnormal, incomplete and mispredicted protein sequences from 19 metazoan species identified as erroneous by MisPred quality control tools in the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL, NCBI/RefSeq and EnsEMBL databases. Major releases of the database are automatically generated and updated regularly. The database (http://www.mispred.com) is easily accessible through a simple web interface coupled to a powerful query engine and a standard web service. The content is completely or partially downloadable in a variety of formats

    Overview of the gene ontology task at BioCreative IV

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    Gene Ontology (GO) annotation is a common task among model organism databases (MODs) for capturing gene function data from journal articles. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, and is thus often considered as one of the bottlenecks in literature curation. There is a growing need for semiautomated or fully automated GO curation techniques that will help database curators to rapidly and accurately identify gene function information in full-length articles. Despite multiple attempts in the past, few studies have proven to be useful with regard to assisting real-world GO curation. The shortage of sentence-level training data and opportunities for interaction between text-mining developers and GO curators has limited the advances in algorithm development and corresponding use in practical circumstances. To this end, we organized a text-mining challenge task for literature-based GO annotation in BioCreative IV. More specifically, we developed two subtasks: (i) to automatically locate text passages that contain GO-relevant information (a text retrieval task) and (ii) to automatically identify relevant GO terms for the genes in a given article (a concept-recognition task). With the support from five MODs, we provided teams with >4000 unique text passages that served as the basis for each GO annotation in our task data. Such evidence text information has long been recognized as critical for text-mining algorithm development but was never made available because of the high cost of curation. In total, seven teams participated in the challenge task. From the team results, we conclude that the state of the art in automatically mining GO terms from literature has improved over the past decade while much progress is still needed for computer-assisted GO curation. Future work should focus on addressing remaining technical challenges for improved performance of automatic GO concept recognition and incorporating practical benefits of text-mining tools into real-world GO annotation

    Driver behaviour with adaptive cruise control

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    This paper reports on the evaluation of adaptive cruise control (ACC) from a psychological perspective. It was anticipated that ACC would have an effect upon the psychology of driving, i.e. make the driver feel like they have less control, reduce the level of trust in the vehicle, make drivers less situationally aware, but workload might be reduced and driving might be less stressful. Drivers were asked to drive in a driving simulator under manual and ACC conditions. Analysis of variance techniques were used to determine the effects of workload (i.e. amount of traffic) and feedback (i.e. degree of information from the ACC system) on the psychological variables measured (i.e. locus of control, trust, workload, stress, mental models and situation awareness). The results showed that: locus of control and trust were unaffected by ACC, whereas situation awareness, workload and stress were reduced by ACC. Ways of improving situation awareness could include cues to help the driver predict vehicle trajectory and identify conflicts

    Database integrated analytics using R : initial experiences with SQL-Server + R

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Most data scientists use nowadays functional or semi-functional languages like SQL, Scala or R to treat data, obtained directly from databases. Such process requires to fetch data, process it, then store again, and such process tends to be done outside the DB, in often complex data-flows. Recently, database service providers have decided to integrate “R-as-a-Service” in their DB solutions. The analytics engine is called directly from the SQL query tree, and results are returned as part of the same query. Here we show a first taste of such technology by testing the portability of our ALOJA-ML analytics framework, coded in R, to Microsoft SQL-Server 2016, one of the SQL+R solutions released recently. In this work we discuss some data-flow schemes for porting a local DB + analytics engine architecture towards Big Data, focusing specially on the new DB Integrated Analytics approach, and commenting the first experiences in usability and performance obtained from such new services and capabilities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Benchmarking database systems for Genomic Selection implementation

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    Motivation: With high-throughput genotyping systems now available, it has become feasible to fully integrate genotyping information into breeding programs. To make use of this information effectively requires DNA extraction facilities and marker production facilities that can efficiently deploy the desired set of markers across samples with a rapid turnaround time that allows for selection before crosses needed to be made. In reality, breeders often have a short window of time to make decisions by the time they are able to collect all their phenotyping data and receive corresponding genotyping data. This presents a challenge to organize information and utilize it in downstream analyses to support decisions made by breeders. In order to implement genomic selection routinely as part of breeding programs, one would need an efficient genotyping data storage system. We selected and benchmarked six popular open-source data storage systems, including relational database management and columnar storage systems. Results: We found that data extract times are greatly influenced by the orientation in which genotype data is stored in a system. HDF5 consistently performed best, in part because it can more efficiently work with both orientations of the allele matrix

    decodeRNA-predicting non-coding RNA functions using guilt-by-association

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    Although the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) landscape is expanding rapidly, only a small number of lncRNAs have been functionally annotated. Here, we present decodeRNA (http://www.decoderna.org), a database providing functional contexts for both human lncRNAs and microRNAs in 29 cancer and 12 normal tissue types. With state-of-the-art data mining and visualization options, easy access to results and a straightforward user interface, decodeRNA aims to be a powerful tool for researchers in the ncRNA field
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