340 research outputs found

    Robust and simple database evolution

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    Software developers adapt to the fast-moving nature of software systems with agile development techniques. However, database developers lack the tools and concepts to keep the pace. Whenever the current database schema is evolved, the already existing data needs to be evolved as well. This is usually realized with manually written SQL scripts, which is error-prone and explains significant costs in software projects. A promising solution are declarative database evolution languages, which couple both schema and data evolution into intuitive operations. Existing database evolution languages focus on usability but do not strive for completeness. However, this is an inevitable prerequisite to avoid complex and error-prone workarounds. We present CODEL which is based on an existing language but is relationally complete. We precisely define its semantic using relational algebra, propose a syntax, and formally validate its relational completeness. Having a complete and comprehensive database evolution language facilitates valuable support throughout the whole evolution of a database. As an instance, we present VACO, a tool supporting developers with variant co-evolution. Given a variant schema derived from a core schema, VACO uses the richer semantics of CODEL to semi-automatically co-evolve this variant with the core

    CoDEL - A Relationally Complete Language for Database Evolution

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    Software developers adapt to the fast-moving nature of software systems with agile development techniques. However, database developers lack the tools and concepts to keep pace. Data, already existing in a running product, needs to be evolved accordingly, usually by manually written SQL scripts. A promising approach in database research is to use a declarative database evolution language, which couples both schema and data evolution into intuitive operations. Existing database evolution languages focus on usability but did not aim for completeness. However, this is an inevitable prerequisite for reasonable database evolution to avoid complex and error-prone workarounds. We argue that relational completeness is the feasible expressiveness for a database evolution language. Building upon an existing language, we introduce CoDEL. We define its semantic using relational algebra, propose a syntax, and show its relational completeness

    Towards a flexible and transparent database evolution

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    Applications refactorings that imply the schema evolution are common activities in programming practices. Although modern object-oriented databases provide transparent schema evolution mechanisms, those refactorings continue to be time consuming tasks for programmers. In this paper we address this problem with a novel approach based on aspect-oriented programming and orthogonal persistence paradigms, as well as our meta-model. An overview of our framework is presented. This framework, a prototype based on that approach, provides applications with aspects of persistence and database evolution. It also provides a new pointcut/advice language that enables the modularization of the instance adaptation crosscutting concern of classes, which were subject to a schema evolution. We also present an application that relies on our framework. This application was developed without any concern regarding persistence and database evolution. However, its data is recovered in each execution, as well as objects, in previous schema versions, remain available, transparently, by means of our framework

    Efficient Database Evolution in Digital Library Reengineering

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    Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] With the advancement of internet applications, extensive information systems were created to effectively manage and provide easy access to documents, which coincided with a global initiative to convert physical documents into digital format, making them accessible through the internet. After two decades, these databases are well-structured and organized, although the software used to manage them is gradually becoming outdated. Additionally, once the initial digitization and creation of metadata are completed, it is sensible to enhance the metadata further to provide more detailed information about the documents. In this article we propose a tool to facilitate the evolution of large documentary databasesXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/53CITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional e Universidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS), and by PRE2021-099351, MCIN/AEI+”FSE+”;GRC[ED431C 2021/53]: GAIN/Xunta de Galicia; TED2021-129245B-C21(PLAGEMIS): MCIN/AEI+”NextGenerationEU“/PRTR; PID2020-114635RB-I00(EXTRACompact): MCIN/AEI; PID2021-122554OB-C33 (OASSIS): MCIN/AEI+EU/ERDF A way of making Europe; PDC2021-120917-C21 (SIGTRANS): MCIN/AEI+“NextGenerationEU”/PRT

    Modularizing application and database evolution - an aspect-oriented framework for orthogonal persistence

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    In the maintenance of software applications, database evolution is one common difficulty. In object‐oriented databases, this process comprises schema evolution and instance adaptation. Both tasks usually require significant effort from programmers and database administrators. In this paper, we propose orthogonal persistence and aspect‐oriented programming to support semi‐transparent database evolution. A default mechanism for instance evolution is defined, but the user may provide modularized solutions using the aspect‐oriented paradigm. We present our framework AOF4OOP to test the feasibility of our proposed approach. This prototype allows programmes to transparently access data in other versions of the database schema. We evaluate our framework, comparing it to related approaches using two real applications and measuring the improvement of the productivity of the programmer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Service Late Binding Enabled Solution for Data Integration from Autonomous and Evolving Databases

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    Integrating data from autonomous, distributed and heterogeneous data sources to provide a unified vision is a common demand for many businesses. Since the data sources may evolve frequently to satisfy their own independent business needs, solutions which use hard coded queries to integrate participating databases may cause high maintenance costs when evolution occurs. Thus a new solution which can handle database evolution with lower maintenance effort is required. This thesis presents a new solution: Service Late binding Enabled Data Integration (SLEDI) which is set into a framework modeling the essential processes of the data integration activity. It integrates schematic heterogeneous relational databases with decreased maintenance costs for handling database evolution. An algorithm, named Information Provision Unit Describing (IPUD) is designed to describe each database as a set of Information Provision Units (IPUs). The IPUs are represented as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structured data instead of hard coded queries, and further realized as data services. Hence the data integration is achieved through service invocations. Furthermore, a set of processes is defined to handle the database evolution through automatically identifying and modifying the IPUs which are affected by the evolution. An extensive evaluation based on a case study is presented. The result shows that the schematic heterogeneities defined in this thesis can be solved by IPUD except the relation isomorphism discrepancy. Ten out of thirteen types of schematic database evolution can be automatically handled by the evolution handling processes as long as the evolution is represented by the designed data model. The computational costs of the automatic evolution handling show a slow linear growth with the number of participating databases. Other characteristics addressed include SLEDI’s scalability, independence of application domain and databases model. The descriptive comparison with other data integration approaches shows that although the Data as a Service approach may result in lower performance under some circumstances, it supports better flexibility for integrating data from autonomous and evolving data sources

    XTCE and XML Database Evolution and Lessons from JWST, LandSat, and Constellation

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    The database organizations within three different NASA projects have advanced current practices by creating database synergy between the various spacecraft life cycle stakeholders and educating users in the benefits of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) XML Telemetry and Command Exchange (XTCE) format. The combination of XML for managing program data and CCSDS XTCE for exchange is a robust approach that will meet all user requirements using Standards and Non proprietary tools. COTS tools for XTCEKML are very wide and varied. To combine together various low cost and free tools can be more expensive in the long run than choosing a more expensive COTS tool that meets all the needs. This was especially important when deploying in 32 remote sites with no need for licenses. A common mission XTCEKML format between dissimilar systems is possible and is not difficult. Command XMLKTCE is more complex than telemetry and the use of XTCEKML metadata to describe pages and scripts is needed due to the proprietary nature of most current ground systems. Other mission and science products such as spacecraft loads, science image catalogs, and mission operation procedures can all be described with XML as well to increase there flexibility as systems evolve and change. Figure 10 is an example of a spacecraft table load. The word is out and the XTCE community is growing, The f ~ sXt TCE user group was held in October and in addition to ESAESOC, SC02000, and CNES identified several systems based on XTCE. The second XTCE user group is scheduled for March 10, 2008 with LDMC and others joining. As the experience with XTCE grows and the user community receives the promised benefits of using XTCE and XML the interest is growing fast

    The Mental Database

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    This article uses database, evolution and physics considerations to suggest how the mind stores and processes its data. Its innovations in its approach lie in:- A) The comparison between the capabilities of the mind to those of a modern relational database while conserving phenomenality. The strong functional similarity of the two systems leads to the conclusion that the mind may be profitably described as being a mental database. The need for material/mental bridging and addressing indexes is discussed. B) The consideration of what neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) between sensorimotor data and instrumented observation one can hope to obtain using current biophysics. It is deduced that what is seen using the various brain scanning methods reflects only that part of current activity transactions (e.g. visualizing) which update and interrogate the mind, but not the contents of the integrated mental database which constitutes the mind itself. This approach yields reasons why there is much neural activity in an area to which a conscious function is ascribed (e.g. the amygdala is associated with fear), yet there is no visible part of its activity which can be clearly identified as phenomenal. The concept is then situated in a Penrosian expanded physical environment, requiring evolutionary continuity, modularity and phenomenality.Several novel Darwinian advantages arising from the approach are described

    Database evolution on an orthogonal persistent programming system: A semi-transparent approach

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    In this paper the problem of the evolution of an object-oriented database in the context of orthogonal persistent programming systems is addressed. We have observed two characteristics in that type of systems that offer particular conditions to implement the evolution in a semi-transparent fashion. That transparency can further be enhanced with the obliviousness provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques. Was conceived a meta-model and developed a prototype to test the feasibility of our approach. The system allows programs, written to a schema, access semi-transparently to data in other versions of the schema
