1,293 research outputs found

    Middleware-based Database Replication: The Gaps between Theory and Practice

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    The need for high availability and performance in data management systems has been fueling a long running interest in database replication from both academia and industry. However, academic groups often attack replication problems in isolation, overlooking the need for completeness in their solutions, while commercial teams take a holistic approach that often misses opportunities for fundamental innovation. This has created over time a gap between academic research and industrial practice. This paper aims to characterize the gap along three axes: performance, availability, and administration. We build on our own experience developing and deploying replication systems in commercial and academic settings, as well as on a large body of prior related work. We sift through representative examples from the last decade of open-source, academic, and commercial database replication systems and combine this material with case studies from real systems deployed at Fortune 500 customers. We propose two agendas, one for academic research and one for industrial R&D, which we believe can bridge the gap within 5-10 years. This way, we hope to both motivate and help researchers in making the theory and practice of middleware-based database replication more relevant to each other.Comment: 14 pages. Appears in Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Vancouver, Canada, June 200

    Efficient middleware for database replication

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaDatabase systems are used to store data on the most varied applications, like Web applications, enterprise applications, scientific research, or even personal applications. Given the large use of database in fundamental systems for the users, it is necessary that database systems are efficient e reliable. Additionally, in order for these systems to serve a large number of users, databases must be scalable, to be able to process large numbers of transactions. To achieve this, it is necessary to resort to data replication. In a replicated system, all nodes contain a copy of the database. Then, to guarantee that replicas converge, write operations must be executed on all replicas. The way updates are propagated leads to two different replication strategies. The first is known as asynchronous or optimistic replication, and the updates are propagated asynchronously after the conclusion of an update transaction. The second is known as synchronous or pessimistic replication, where the updates are broadcasted synchronously during the transaction. In pessimistic replication, contrary to the optimistic replication, the replicas remain consistent. This approach simplifies the programming of the applications, since the replication of the data is transparent to the applications. However, this approach presents scalability issues, caused by the number of exchanged messages during synchronization, which forces a delay to the termination of the transaction. This leads the user to experience a much higher latency in the pessimistic approach. On this work is presented the design and implementation of a database replication system, with snapshot isolation semantics, using a synchronous replication approach. The system is composed by a primary replica and a set of secondary replicas that fully replicate the database- The primary replica executes the read-write transactions, while the remaining replicas execute the read-only transactions. After the conclusion of a read-write transaction on the primary replica the updates are propagated to the remaining replicas. This approach is proper to a model where the fraction of read operations is considerably higher than the write operations, allowing the reads load to be distributed over the multiple replicas. To improve the performance of the system, the clients execute some operations speculatively, in order to avoid waiting during the execution of a database operation. Thus, the client may continue its execution while the operation is executed on the database. If the result replied to the client if found to be incorrect, the transaction will be aborted, ensuring the correctness of the execution of the transactions

    Diverse intrusion-tolerant database replication

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2012A combinação da replicação de bases de dados com mecanismos de tolerância a falhas bizantinas ainda é um campo de pesquisa recente com projetos a surgirem nestes últimos anos. No entanto, a maioria dos protótipos desenvolvidos ou se focam em problemas muito específicos, ou são baseados em suposições que são muito difíceis de garantir numa situação do mundo real, como por exemplo ter um componente confiável. Nesta tese apresentamos DivDB, um sistema de replicação de bases de dados diverso e tolerante a intrusões. O sistema está desenhado para ser incorporado dentro de um driver JDBC, o qual irá abstrair o utilizador de qualquer complexidade adicional dos mecanismos de tolerância a falhas bizantinas. O DivDB baseia-se na combinação de máquinas de estados replicadas com um algoritmo de processamento de transações, a fim de melhorar o seu desempenho. Para além disso, no DivDB é possível ligar cada réplica a um sistema de gestão de base de dados diferente, proporcionando assim diversidade ao sistema. Propusemos, resolvemos e implementamos três problemas em aberto, existentes na conceção de um sistema de gestão de base de dados replicado: autenticação, processamento de transações e transferência de estado. Estas características torna o DivDB exclusivo, pois é o único sistema que compreende essas três funcionalidades implementadas num sistema de base de dados replicado. A nossa implementação é suficientemente robusta para funcionar de forma segura num simples sistema de processamento de transações online. Para testar isso, utilizou-se o TPC-C, uma ferramenta de benchmarking que simula esse tipo de ambientes.The combination of database replication with Byzantine fault tolerance mechanism is a recent field of research with projects appearing in the last few years. However most of the prototypes produced are either focused on very specific problems or are based on assumptions that are very hard to accomplish in a real world scenario (e.g., trusted component). In this thesis we present DivDB, a Diverse Intrusion-Tolerant Database Replication system. It is designed to be incorporated inside a JDBC driver so that it abstracts the user from any added complexity from Byzantine Fault Tolerance mechanism. DivDB is based in State Machine Replication combined with a transaction handling algorithm in order to enhance its performance. DivDB is also able to have different database systems connected at each replica, enabling to achieve diversity. We proposed, solved and implemented three open problems in the design of a replicated database system: authentication, transaction handling and state-transfer. This makes DivDB unique since it is the only system that comprises all these three features in a single database replication system. Our implementation is robust enough to operate reliably in a simple Online Transaction Processing system. To test that, we used TPC-C, a benchmark tool that simulates that kind of environments

    Semantic reliability on the database state machine

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    Database replication protocols based on group communication primitives have recently been the subject of a considerable body of research [1, 11, 13, 6, 8, 4]. The reason for this stems from the adequacy of the order and atomicity properties of group communication primitives to implement synchronous replication (i.e., strong consistent) strategies. Unlike database replication schemes based on traditional transactional

    Database Replication applied to Network Management

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a recent approach used to manage networks. Most of the time it is paired with OpenFlow, a low-level communication protocol used by controlling and switching devices to communicate. Since it is low-level, it does not grant the possibility to explore all the switching functionalities, especially as they get extended with more and more features. It is therefore required to find alternative ways of coordinating controlling and switching devices without resorting to low-level protocols to be able to access those functionalities. One of the possible approaches, which was recently implemented in a data center, uses databases and its respective replication to store and exchange information between the devices. Applying the same approach to manage wide area networks would provide a more flexible way to control them. The goal of this work consists of improving an existing prototype that simulates a small network. It was built originally using a SQL database and an asynchronous external replication software. We replace them with a NoSQL database that natively supports replication, which enables us to remove unnecessary software from the prototype while taking advantage of the database features. Some of the features, the more notable being non-uniform replication with the help of CRDTs, are used to improve network monitoring, which is a recent addition to the prototype. Network monitoring is a highly important component of network management that facilitates decision making processes. We evaluate the new version of the prototype by comparing with directly with the old version. We collect the convergence time of the network after an event on a device triggers a modification in its state to help with the comparison. By splinting the convergence time into a sum of smaller actions, we take conclusions regarding different moments of the convergence process

    GORDA: an open architecture for database replication

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    Database replication has been a common feature in database management systems (DBMSs) for a long time. In particular, asynchronous or lazy propagation of updates provides a simple yet efficient way of increasing performance and data availability and is widely available across the DBMS product spectrum. High end systems additionally offer sophisticated conflict resolution and data propagation options as well as, synchronous replication based on distributed locking and two-phase commit protocols. This paper presents GORDA architecture and programming interface (GAPI), that enables different replication strategies to be implemented once and deployed in multiple DBMSs. This is achieved by proposing a reflective interface to transaction processing instead of relying on-client interfaces or ad-hoc server extensions. The proposed approach is thus cost-effective, in enabling reuse of replication protocols or components in multiple DBMSs, as well as potentially efficient, as it allows close coupling with DBMS internals.(undefined

    Practical database replication

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformáticaSoftware-based replication is a cost-effective approach for fault-tolerance when combined with commodity hardware. In particular, shared-nothing database clusters built upon commodity machines and synchronized through eager software-based replication protocols have been driven by the distributed systems community in the last decade. The efforts on eager database replication, however, stem from the late 1970s with initial proposals designed by the database community. From that time, we have the distributed locking and atomic commitment protocols. Briefly speaking, before updating a data item, all copies are locked through a distributed lock, and upon commit, an atomic commitment protocol is responsible for guaranteeing that the transaction’s changes are written to a non-volatile storage at all replicas before committing it. Both these processes contributed to a poor performance. The distributed systems community improved these processes by reducing the number of interactions among replicas through the use of group communication and by relaxing the durability requirements imposed by the atomic commitment protocol. The approach requires at most two interactions among replicas and disseminates updates without necessarily applying them before committing a transaction. This relies on a high number of machines to reduce the likelihood of failures and ensure data resilience. Clearly, the availability of commodity machines and their increasing processing power makes this feasible. Proving the feasibility of this approach requires us to build several prototypes and evaluate them with different workloads and scenarios. Although simulation environments are a good starting point, mainly those that allow us to combine real (e.g., replication protocols, group communication) and simulated-code (e.g., database, network), full-fledged implementations should be developed and tested. Unfortunately, database vendors usually do not provide native support for the development of third-party replication protocols, thus forcing protocol developers to either change the database engines, when the source code is available, or construct in the middleware server wrappers that intercept client requests otherwise. The former solution is hard to maintain as new database releases are constantly being produced, whereas the latter represents a strenuous development effort as it requires us to rebuild several database features at the middleware. Unfortunately, the group-based replication protocols, optimistic or conservative, that had been proposed so far have drawbacks that present a major hurdle to their practicability. The optimistic protocols make it difficult to commit transactions in the presence of hot-spots, whereas the conservative protocols have a poor performance due to concurrency issues. In this thesis, we propose using a generic architecture and programming interface, titled GAPI, to facilitate the development of different replication strategies. The idea consists of providing key extensions to multiple DBMSs (Database Management Systems), thus enabling a replication strategy to be developed once and tested on several databases that have such extensions, i.e., those that are replication-friendly. To tackle the aforementioned problems in groupbased replication protocols, we propose using a novel protocol, titled AKARA. AKARA guarantees fairness, and thus all transactions have a chance to commit, and ensures great performance while exploiting parallelism as provided by local database engines. Finally, we outline a simple but comprehensive set of components to build group-based replication protocols and discuss key points in its design and implementation.A replicação baseada em software é uma abordagem que fornece um bom custo benefício para tolerância a falhas quando combinada com hardware commodity. Em particular, os clusters de base de dados “shared-nothing” construídos com hardware commodity e sincronizados através de protocolos “eager” têm sido impulsionados pela comunidade de sistemas distribuídos na última década. Os primeiros esforços na utilização dos protocolos “eager”, decorrem da década de 70 do século XX com as propostas da comunidade de base de dados. Dessa época, temos os protocolos de bloqueio distribuído e de terminação atómica (i.e. “two-phase commit”). De forma sucinta, antes de actualizar um item de dados, todas as cópias são bloqueadas através de um protocolo de bloqueio distribuído e, no momento de efetivar uma transacção, um protocolo de terminação atómica é responsável por garantir que as alterações da transacção são gravadas em todas as réplicas num sistema de armazenamento não-volátil. No entanto, ambos os processos contribuem para um mau desempenho do sistema. A comunidade de sistemas distribuídos melhorou esses processos, reduzindo o número de interacções entre réplicas, através do uso da comunicação em grupo e minimizando a rigidez os requisitos de durabilidade impostos pelo protocolo de terminação atómica. Essa abordagem requer no máximo duas interacções entre as réplicas e dissemina actualizações sem necessariamente aplicá-las antes de efectivar uma transacção. Para funcionar, a solução depende de um elevado número de máquinas para reduzirem a probabilidade de falhas e garantir a resiliência de dados. Claramente, a disponibilidade de hardware commodity e o seu poder de processamento crescente tornam essa abordagem possível. Comprovar a viabilidade desta abordagem obriga-nos a construir vários protótipos e a avaliálos com diferentes cargas de trabalho e cenários. Embora os ambientes de simulação sejam um bom ponto de partida, principalmente aqueles que nos permitem combinar o código real (por exemplo, protocolos de replicação, a comunicação em grupo) e o simulado (por exemplo, base de dados, rede), implementações reais devem ser desenvolvidas e testadas. Infelizmente, os fornecedores de base de dados, geralmente, não possuem suporte nativo para o desenvolvimento de protocolos de replicação de terceiros, forçando os desenvolvedores de protocolo a mudar o motor de base de dados, quando o código fonte está disponível, ou a construir no middleware abordagens que interceptam as solicitações do cliente. A primeira solução é difícil de manter já que novas “releases” das bases de dados estão constantemente a serem produzidas, enquanto a segunda representa um desenvolvimento árduo, pois obriga-nos a reconstruir vários recursos de uma base de dados no middleware. Infelizmente, os protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo, optimistas ou conservadores, que foram propostos até agora apresentam inconvenientes que são um grande obstáculo à sua utilização. Com os protocolos optimistas é difícil efectivar transacções na presença de “hot-spots”, enquanto que os protocolos conservadores têm um fraco desempenho devido a problemas de concorrência. Nesta tese, propomos utilizar uma arquitetura genérica e uma interface de programação, intitulada GAPI, para facilitar o desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias de replicação. A ideia consiste em fornecer extensões chaves para múltiplos SGBDs (Database Management Systems), permitindo assim que uma estratégia de replicação possa ser desenvolvida uma única vez e testada em várias bases de dados que possuam tais extensões, ou seja, aquelas que são “replicationfriendly”. Para resolver os problemas acima referidos nos protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo, propomos utilizar um novo protocolo, intitulado AKARA. AKARA garante a equidade, portanto, todas as operações têm uma oportunidade de serem efectivadas, e garante um excelente desempenho ao tirar partido do paralelismo fornecido pelos motores de base de dados. Finalmente, propomos um conjunto simples, mas abrangente de componentes para construir protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo e discutimos pontoschave na sua concepção e implementação