92 research outputs found

    Teachers at faith schools in England and Wales : state of research

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    This study begins by distinguishing between three kinds of ‘faith schools’ (known as schools with a religious character) within England and Wales: faith schools that operate within the state-maintained sector and had their origin in voluntary church-related initiatives prior to the Education Act 1870; ‘traditional’ independent faith schools, many of which had their roots in or before the nineteenth century; and ‘new’ independent faith schools, particularly Christian and Muslim schools, following the Rochester initiative in 1969. Second, this study draws attention to and summarises a quantitative research tradition established in 1982 concerned with identifying the attitudes and values of teachers working specifically within Anglican faith schools within the state-maintained sector, and with modelling the influence of personal and religious factors in shaping their attitudes. Third, this study reanalyses a new database profiling the views of subject leaders in religious education across a broad range of primary schools with a religious character in England. These new analyses demonstrate the different priorities given to different aims of religious education by teachers in this sector, and illustrates the relative influence of personal factors (age, sex and church attendance), professional factors (years teaching, qualifications, and continuing professional development) and contextual factors (type of school)

    A call for resilience index for health and social systems in Africa

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    This repository item contains a single issue of Issues in Brief, a series of policy briefs that began publishing in 2008 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This paper is part of the Africa 2060 Project, a Pardee Center program of research, publications and symposia exploring African futures in various aspects related to development on continental and regional scales. The views expressed in this paper are strictly those of the author and should not be assumed to represent the views of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future or of Boston University.This policy brief explores the concept of resilience as it applies to health and social systems in Africa, and suggests that development of a multi-dimensional resilience index may help to understand and formulate policy in settings of complex emergencies. This paper is part of the Africa 2060 Project, a Pardee Center program of research, publications and symposia exploring African futures in various aspects related to development on continental and regional scales

    From Victimization to a Culture of Peace: Applying a hybrid conceptual framework to theorize California's victim service organizations as a potential arena for positive peace

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    Every day in American society, acts of violence are committed in the form of trauma, injustice and inequality. Within each victimization looms the potential for further destruction, but also lies an opportunity for healing and a pathway to peace. This thesis considers victim services as the frontline in encountering all forms of latent and overt violence—direct, structural and cultural. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the capacity of victim service organizations in fostering positive peace by treating direct violence, overcoming structural violence and challenging cultural violence through their services. This inquiry entails a close examination of the services available to victims of violent crime in California, analyzed for patterns and trends reflecting current State and community approaches to victimization. A mixed methods approach is employed for this purpose, producing an exhaustive database profiling all victim service organizations in the state of California for analysis through descriptive statistics and content analysis. A hybrid conceptual framework of peace and victimization studies is applied to the findings of the database in order to theorize victim service organizations as potential positive peacebuilding forums

    Enriching information extraction pipelines in clinical decision support systems

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] Os estudos sanitarios de múltiples centros son importantes para aumentar a repercusión dos resultados da investigación médica debido ao número de suxeitos que poden participar neles. Para simplificar a execución destes estudos, o proceso de intercambio de datos debería ser sinxelo, por exemplo, mediante o uso de bases de datos interoperables. Con todo, a consecución desta interoperabilidade segue sendo un tema de investigación en curso, sobre todo debido aos problemas de gobernanza e privacidade dos datos. Na primeira fase deste traballo, propoñemos varias metodoloxías para optimizar os procesos de estandarización das bases de datos sanitarias. Este traballo centrouse na estandarización de fontes de datos heteroxéneas nun esquema de datos estándar, concretamente o OMOP CDM, que foi desenvolvido e promovido pola comunidade OHDSI. Validamos a nosa proposta utilizando conxuntos de datos de pacientes con enfermidade de Alzheimer procedentes de distintas institucións. Na seguinte etapa, co obxectivo de enriquecer a información almacenada nas bases de datos de OMOP CDM, investigamos solucións para extraer conceptos clínicos de narrativas non estruturadas, utilizando técnicas de recuperación de información e de procesamento da linguaxe natural. A validación realizouse a través de conxuntos de datos proporcionados en desafíos científicos, concretamente no National NLP Clinical Challenges(n2c2). Na etapa final, propuxémonos simplificar a execución de protocolos de estudos provenientes de múltiples centros, propoñendo solucións novas para perfilar, publicar e facilitar o descubrimento de bases de datos. Algunhas das solucións desenvolvidas están a utilizarse actualmente en tres proxectos europeos destinados a crear redes federadas de bases de datos de saúde en toda Europa.[Resumen] Los estudios sanitarios de múltiples centros son importantes para aumentar la repercusión de los resultados de la investigación médica debido al número de sujetos que pueden participar en ellos. Para simplificar la ejecución de estos estudios, el proceso de intercambio de datos debería ser sencillo, por ejemplo, mediante el uso de bases de datos interoperables. Sin embargo, la consecución de esta interoperabilidad sigue siendo un tema de investigación en curso, sobre todo debido a los problemas de gobernanza y privacidad de los datos. En la primera fase de este trabajo, proponemos varias metodologías para optimizar los procesos de estandarización de las bases de datos sanitarias. Este trabajo se centró en la estandarización de fuentes de datos heterogéneas en un esquema de datos estándar, concretamente el OMOP CDM, que ha sido desarrollado y promovido por la comunidad OHDSI. Validamos nuestra propuesta utilizando conjuntos de datos de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer procedentes de distintas instituciones. En la siguiente etapa, con el objetivo de enriquecer la información almacenada en las bases de datos de OMOP CDM, hemos investigado soluciones para extraer conceptos clínicos de narrativas no estructuradas, utilizando técnicas de recuperación de información y de procesamiento del lenguaje natural. La validación se realizó a través de conjuntos de datos proporcionados en desafíos científicos, concretamente en el National NLP Clinical Challenges (n2c2). En la etapa final, nos propusimos simplificar la ejecución de protocolos de estudios provenientes de múltiples centros, proponiendo soluciones novedosas para perfilar, publicar y facilitar el descubrimiento de bases de datos. Algunas de las soluciones desarrolladas se están utilizando actualmente en tres proyectos europeos destinados a crear redes federadas de bases de datos de salud en toda Europa.[Abstract] Multicentre health studies are important to increase the impact of medical research findings due to the number of subjects that they are able to engage. To simplify the execution of these studies, the data-sharing process should be effortless, for instance, through the use of interoperable databases. However, achieving this interoperability is still an ongoing research topic, namely due to data governance and privacy issues. In the first stage of this work, we propose several methodologies to optimise the harmonisation pipelines of health databases. This work was focused on harmonising heterogeneous data sources into a standard data schema, namely the OMOP CDM which has been developed and promoted by the OHDSI community. We validated our proposal using data sets of Alzheimer’s disease patients from distinct institutions. In the following stage, aiming to enrich the information stored in OMOP CDM databases, we have investigated solutions to extract clinical concepts from unstructured narratives, using information retrieval and natural language processing techniques. The validation was performed through datasets provided in scientific challenges, namely in the National NLP Clinical Challenges (n2c2). In the final stage, we aimed to simplify the protocol execution of multicentre studies, by proposing novel solutions for profiling, publishing and facilitating the discovery of databases. Some of the developed solutions are currently being used in three European projects aiming to create federated networks of health databases across Europe

    Pemetaan Potensi UMKM Desa Kucur dan Pendampingan Strategi Pemasaran Produk di Komunitas Klinik Usaha Desa Kucur

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki kontribusi besar dalam menopang perekonomian daerah di Indonesia. Salah satu daerah yang menjadi fokus pengabdian adalah Desa Kucur di Kabupaten Malang karena berdasarkan RPJM-DES, kondisi UMKM di Desa Kucur membutuhkan pendampingan, pengembangan dan pemberian pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas operasional UMKM. Tahun 2021 Desa Kucur membentuk komunitas pelaku usaha yang disebut Klinik Usaha dengan tujuan agar warga Desa Kucur dapat memperoleh pelatihan dan pendampingan pengembangan UMKM. Pada kesempatan ini, tim abdimas berkolaborasi dengan komunitas Klinik Usaha membuat pemetaan potensi usaha Desa Kucur dan sosialisasi teknik pemasaran bagi pelaku UMKM di sana. Diawali dengan forum group discussion (FGD) secara mendalam dengan Ibu Wiwin selaku Ketua Komunitas Klinik Usaha Desa Kucur kemudian dilakukan profiling peserta komunitas dan diketahui terdapat 11 UMKM dari perwakilan dusun Klaseman, Klampok, dan Krajan di komunitas Klinik Usaha Desa Kucur dengan kondisi 90% UMKM tergolong industri Mikro, 50% belum memiliki ijin legalitas usaha, dan pemenuhan sumber daya produksi dan permodalan berasal dari lingkungan setempat. Dari 11 UMKM tersebut hanya 27% yang memperluas pasar ke luar kota serta hanya 18% yang melakukan pencatatan keuangan secara rutin. Pengetahuan tentang strategi pemasaran terutama mengenai e-marketing juga lemah. Dengan permasalahan tersebut diperlukan pelatihan dan pendampingan lanjutan tentang pengelolaan usaha UMKM khususnya dari bidang yang menjadi kelemahan pelaku UMKM di Desa Kucur saat ini, seperti tentang literasi keuangan, strategi penetapan harga, serta aplikasi digital marketing

    Visual Analysis of Engineers' Biographies and Engineering Branches

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    The Prosopographic Database of German Engineers 1825–1970 contains a multitude of biographical information. Given a set of research interests by collaborating historians, this paper discusses the steps undertaken (1) to extract engineering subjects from unstructured text entries in the database accompanied with geospatial and temporal information, (2) to adapt existing visual representations to facilitate exploratory analyses, and (3) to design a visual interface to support the interactive composition of engineering branches from engineering subjects to enable the comparative analysis of geospatial-temporal developments in engineering. Usage scenarios outline the benefit of the proposed visualizations for modern prosopography research

    Research on conceptual modeling: Themes, topics, and introduction to the special issue

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    Conceptual modeling continues to evolve as researchers and practitioners reflect on the challenges of modeling and implementing data-intensive problems that appear in business and in science. These challenges of data modeling and representation are well-recognized in contemporary applications of big data, ontologies, and semantics, along with traditional efforts associated with methodologies, tools, and theory development. This introduction contains a review of some current research in conceptual modeling and identifies emerging themes. It also introduces the articles that comprise this special issue of papers from the 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2013).This article was supported, in part, by the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at the Georgia State University, the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University (EB-201313), and by the GEODAS-BI (TIN2012-37493-C03-03) project from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitivity