6 research outputs found

    Impact of Air Pollution on Property Values: a Hedonic Price Study

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    The main purpose of this study is the calculation of implicit prices of the environmental level of air quality in Yogyakarta on the basis of housing property prices. By means of Geographical Information System, the housing property prices characterized from the area which have highest air pollution level in province of Yogyakarta. Carbon monoxide is used as the pollution variable. The methodological framework for estimation is based on a hedonic price model. This approach establishes a relationship between the price of a marketable good (e.g. housing) and the amenities and characteristics this good contains. Therefore, if variations in air pollution levels occur, then households would change their behavior in an economic way by offering more money for housing located in highly improved environmental areas. The hedonic regression results that the housing price decrease while increasing the level of air contamination such substance as carbon monoxide

    GIS Databases: From Multiscale to MultiRepresentation

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    Cartography is one of the major application areas using geographical databases. Whether it is for the business of producing paper maps for sale, or whether it is for displaying maps on a screen to visualize the result of a query, we need computer systems that know how to represent the same geographical area at different scales. The concept of multiscale database has become popular in the GIS domain as a way to enforce consistency between representations and reduce the global update load. Scaling, however, is just one of the facets that may lead to keeping several representations for the same real-world object. Viewpoint and classification are two major abstracttractions in the design process that also generate multiple representations. This paper investigates the generic issues and solutions to achieve flexible support of multiple representation in a GIS database

    MurMur: A Research Agenda on MultipleRepresentations

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    One of the most publicized goals of modern computer society is to provide flexible access to information for everybody, anywhere, anytime. To make data management systems successful in satisfying user quest for information, an abstractolute requirement is the capability of tailoring the information to the peculiar needs of the targeted user. Unfortunately, this is a domain where current technology fails to support adequate functionality. Basically, existing approaches to such versatility rely on the idea that all possible views of a piece of information can be derived from a single ultimate representation. This may work in a centralized setting, but it is definitely unlikely to provide a sufficient framework in distributed, interoperable environments. This paper presents a research and development project that intends to explore the issue related to representation and management of multiple representations of the same reality. A specific focus of the project is spatio-temporal information and the support of multi-scale geographic databases, where objects are represented at many different resolution levels

    Topological Equivalence and Similarity in Multi-Representation Geographic Databases

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    Geographic databases contain collections of spatial data representing the variety of views for the real world at a specific time. Depending on the resolution or scale of the spatial data, spatial objects may have different spatial dimensions, and they may be represented by point, linear, or polygonal features, or combination of them. The diversity of data that are collected over the same area, often from different sources, imposes a question of how to integrate and to keep them consistent in order to provide correct answers for spatial queries. This thesis is concerned with the development of a tool to check topological equivalence and similarity for spatial objects in multi-representation databases. The main question is what are the components of a model to identify topological consistency, based on a set of possible transitions for the different types of spatial representations. This work develops a new formalism to model consistently spatial objects and spatial relations between several objects, each represented at multiple levels of detail. It focuses on the topological consistency constraints that must hold among the different representation of objects, but it is not concerned about generalization operations of how to derive one representation level from another. The result of this thesis is a?computational tool to evaluate topological equivalence and similarity across multiple representations. This thesis proposes to organize a spatial scene -a set of spatial objects and their embeddings in space- directly as a relation-based model that uses a hierarchical graph representation. The focus of the relation-based model is on relevant object representations. Only the highest-dimensional object representations are explicitly stored, while their parts are not represented in the graph

    Геоінформаційні системи і бази даних : монографія. Кн. 2

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    У монографії проаналізовано й узагальнено досвід геоінформаційного картографування та моделювання просторових і атрибутивних об'єктів. Досліджено можливості використання різного програмного забезпечення ГІС. Висвітлено можливості і підходи щодо класифікації та кластеризації просторових об'єктів, побудови тривимірних моделей. Розглянуто сучасні технології обробки геопросторової інформації, моделі, що лежать у їх основі, сучасні напрями застосування ГІС і перспективи їх розвитку. Монографія містить графічні ілюстрації, що пояснюють роботу ГІС. Книга може бути корисною для науковців, керівників державних установ, викладачів вищої школи, аспірантів і студентів

    Advanced techniques for the management of geological mapping

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    This research is deemed of importance in the solution of one of the main complex problems in geological map production, the transfer from the 1:25.000 geologic data base, that has a resolution corresponding to that at which data are gathered in the field, to the printing of 1:50.000 geological maps. The problems relate mainly to the greater detail of information contained in the database and the smaller printing scale. They can be classified into the design of a geological database scheme that allows the generalization process based on the rules relating the geological objects to one another, symbol overcrowding, and symbol overlapping. The challenge is to specify and implement a digital version of the decision rules used by geologists and cartographers to generate the final map. Often in practice these rules tend to be highly ambiguous, subjective, and inadequate in view of the modern need of automated generalization of geological information for land-use planning. The proposed system is based on the application of conventional and artificial intelligence computer techniques to the production of digital geological cartography, from the gathering of geologic data in the field to some printed product of wide usability. The objectives can be summarised as follows: 1 A support system for the iterative identification and characterization of geological objects based on an ad hoc geological and stratigraphic dictionary; 2 The identification and implementation of a hierarchical geological database schema for the automated reclassification or generalization of a geological database; 3 A hierarchical expert system for the automated revision and multiple representation of a geological database in view of new interpretation criteria of the geological information or for the production of maps on demand; 4 A system for avoiding symbol overcrowding or overlapping during the production of a geological map, which identifies the geological rules interacting between the geological objects represented in a map