178 research outputs found


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    Universitas Galuh adalah perguruan tinggi swasta yang memiliki 7 Fakultas, 1 Program Pascasarjana, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Badan Penjaminan Mutu Internal (BPMI), Perpustakaan dan Kantor Kerjasama. Dari banyaknya tempat yang ada di Universitas Galuh itu menjadi permasalahan yang harus dihadapi dalam manajemen pengelolaan aset. Pengelolaan aset tersebut masih mengandalkan peran dari manusia yang tidak bisa melakukan pendataan aset yang sangatlah banyak. Jika orang tersebut lupa akan menjadi masalah apalagi terkait jenis aset yang melakukan pembayaran dan jika terlambat akan dikenakan sanksi ataupun denda. Penelitian ini untuk memudahkan dalam menghitung jumlah aset dan pencatatan perawatan aset tersebut. Aplikasi pengelolaan aset ini akan bebasis web-based  dengan menggunakan bahasa pemerograman php dan MySql sebagai basis datanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa desain basis data yang nantinya akan di implemtasikan pada website yang bisa diakses oleh pengelola aset yang akan melakukan pencatatan perawatan aset dan juga sebagai pengingat akan perawatan aset-aset yang berada di Universitas Galuh.   Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Pengelolaan Aset, ERD, Desain Basis Data Abstract Universitas Galuh is a private university that has 7 faculties, 1 Postgraduate Program, Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Internal Quality Assurance Agency (BPMI), Library and Cooperation Office. From the many places in Galuh University, it becomes a problem that must be faced in asset management. The management of these assets still relies on the role of human beings who can not do a lot of asset collection. If the person forgets it will be a problem especially related to the type of asset that made the payment and if it is too late will be subject to sanctions or fines. This research is to facilitate in calculating the number of assets and recording the maintenance of these assets. This asset management application will be web-based free by using php and MySql programming languages as its database. The result of this research is a database design that will be implemtasikan on the website that can be accessed by asset managers who will record asset maintenance and also as a reminder of the maintenance of assets located at the University of Galuh. Keywords :Information System, Asset Management, ERD, Database Desig


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    Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis akan membahas rancang bangun Aplikasi Pengajuan Anggaran dan Laporan Kegiatan (SIMPAKAT) berbasis Android pada Universitas Trilogi. Pembuatan sistem ini dilakukan karena proses pengajuan anggaran kegiatan, Laporan kegiatan, dan pengelolaan data unit kerja, pada Universitas Trilogi belum dilakukan secara konvensional alat bukti anggaran saat ini unit kerja mengajukan dan proses Laporan Kegiatan masih berupa kertas dan nota pembayaran saja. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menerapkan sistem Aplikasi Pengajuan Anggaran Kegiatan dan Laporan Kegiatan yang terdigitalisasi dengan baik. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan metode waterfall, mysql, dan menggunakan metode perancangan sistem Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) dan Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Aplikasi Pengajuan Anggaran dan Laporan Kegiatan berbasis Android ini di harapkan pengguna jadi lebih mudah dalam proses pengajuan anggaran dan laporan kegiatan. Aplikasi ini juga terdapat beberapa user level, yaitu Unit Kerja, Atasan Langsung (Dekan), Wakil Rektor 1 dan 2, Rektor dan Bagian Keuangan. Masing-masing aktor mempunyai hak akses yang berbeda dalam melakukan aktivitas di aplikasi tersebut

    IRDS prototyping with applications to the representation of EA/RA models

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    The requirements and system overview for the Information Resources Dictionary System (IRDS) are described. A formal design specification for a scaled down IRDS implementation compatible with the proposed FIPS IRDS standard is contained. The major design objectives for this IRDS will include a menu driven user interface, implementation of basic IRDS operations, and PC compatibility. The IRDS was implemented using Smalltalk/5 object oriented programming system and an ATT 6300 personal computer running under MS-DOS 3.1. The difficulties encountered in using Smalltalk are discussed


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    Warna Warni Autobody merupakan bengkel mobil yang bergerak di bidang pengecatan, perbaikan, dan perawatan mobil. Sebagai penyedia jasa perbaikan mobil, Warna Warni Autobody sering mengalami kesulitan dalam proses pencatatan dan perincian transaksi karena pencatatan berulang, maka dari itu dibutuhkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen yang akurat sehingga proses bisnis Warna Warni Autobody dapat berjalan dengan lebih baik lagi. Tujuan penyusunan skripsi ini adalah bagaimana membuat suatu sistem informasi manajemen berbasis dekstop dengan memberikan informasi mengenai informasi yang diperlukan oleh pimpinan berkaitan dengan kegiatan service yang ada di Warna Warni Autobody. Proses pengembangan sistem ini dalam skripsi menggunakan metodologi iterasi yaitu dengan melakukan fase perencanaan, fase analisis masalah, tahapan perancangan, dan tahapan implementasi. Sedangkan dalam penerapan sistem penulis menggunakan bahasa pemograman adalah Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 dan Microsoft SQL Server 2008 sebagai databasenya. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan adanya sebuah Sistem Informasi Manajemen ini, diharapkan dapat lebih memudahkan dalam memberikan informasi perbaikan service kepada pimpinan dan mengahasilkan laporan biaya bulanan yang akurat

    Sistem Informasi Inventory Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus : Pada Toko Obyth)

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    Inventory data on Obyth Store is still made in the big agenda book, so store owners and cashiers have difficulty when viewing the inventory data information of existing goods. Therefore, it takes a system of information on inventory of goods using the Reorder point method. This method helps the shop owner to check the inventory quantity of goods without having to go around first, and avoid running out of stock the amount of inventory and the store owner can know the point of time when to rebook. This system uses 2 methods namely waterfall as a software development method and Re Order Point method as a method in the inventory information system created. Re order point has 3 factors to get the result of its re order point, namely lead time, average usage, and safety stock. Based on the waterfall method stage there are several stages namely requirement definition, system and software design, implemetation and unit testing, integration and system testing and operation. The software used in building this website is Sublime, MySQL, and XAMP

    Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerima Bantuan Program Sembako

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    Pahandut Seberang Village has an average middle to the lower level of economy in the community, so most of the people still need assistance from the government. In Pahandut Seberang Village, the selection of recipients of the Smbako program assistance is still the old way by using from paper. The assessment process is still not transparent in nature and the selection process is very slow and receipt of Sembako programs assistance are not being on target. Therefore, to overcome this problem, a Decision Support System (SPK) is created to help the Pahandut Seberang Village in selecting the recipients prospective of Sembako program assistance In designing and building the system are using 2 development methods, namely the Waterfall method as a software development method and the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as a decision support system method in its calculations. Where the saw method has 4 stages, namely determining the criteria, determining the suitability, making a decision matrix based on the criteria and normalizing the. The final result is obtained from the ranking, namely the sum of the normalized matrix multiplication R with the weight vector so that the largest value sas a solution. This system testing uses a Black-box testing system. The test results show that the system created has been running according to the expectations of the researcher. This research produces a decision support system for selection of the recipients prospective that can provide recommendations for the recipients prospective the Pahandut Seberang village


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     ABSTRAK PERANCANGAN APLIKASI RAPOR DENGAN FRAMEWORK CODEIGNITER BERBASIS WEB PADA SMK TECHNO MEDIA MENGGUNAKAN METODE SPIRAL. Rapor adalah laporan hasil belajar siswa berupa buku yang berisi nilai kepandaian dan prestasi belajar selama disekolah, fungsi rapor sendiri yaitu sebagai laporan guru untuk orang tua siswa. Didalam rapor tersebut, guru memberikan rincian nilai setiap mata pelajaran yang telah diikuti oleh siswa disekolah, kemudian ada juga nilai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, nilai kepribadian siswa, serta absensi harian siswa. Oleh karena itu, perlu dirancang aplikasi rapor online berbasis web dengan framework codeigniter. Tujuan perancangan aplikasi rapor online berbasis web ini adalah untuk memudahkan pembuatan rapor siswa dari yang masih menggunakan media kertas ke cara yang lebih elektronik atau berbasis web. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan didalam perancangan aplikasi rapor online berbasis web ini adalah metode spiral. Digunakannya metode spiral karena langkah-langkah pengembangan dalam metode spiral ini lebih sesuai  digunakan didalam perancangan aplikasi  rapor  online  berbasis  web.  Berdasarkan hasil  yang diperoleh pada perancangan aplikasi ini, dapat diberikan saran sebagai berikut. Untuk kepala sekolah, wali kelas, guru, siswa, dan orang tua siswa diharapkan aplikasi rapor online berbasis web ini dapat dijadikan pertimbangan sebagai aplikasi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah dalam proses pembuatan atau pengerjaan rapor. Kemudian aplikasi rapor online ini dibuat dengan tampilan user friendly agar pengguna dapat lebih mudah menggunakannya dan merasa lebih nyaman. Kata kunci: Aplikasi Rapor Online, Framework Codeigniter, Metode Spiral, Siswa, Website.  ABSTRACT Report card is a report on student learning outcomes in the form of a book containing the value of intelligence and learning achievement during school, the report card function itself is as a teacher report for students' parents. In the report card, the teacher gives details of the value of each subject that has been followed by students in the school, then there is also the value of extracurricular activities, student personality values, and daily attendance of students. Therefore, need to design a web-based online report card application with a framework codeigniter. The purpose of designing a web-based online report card application is to facilitate the making of student report cards from those who still use paper media to a more electronic or web-based way. The development method used in designing web-based online report cards is the spiral method. The use of the spiral method because the development steps in the spiral method are more suitable for use in designing web-based online report cards. Based on the results obtained in the design of this application, advice can be given as follows. For the principal, homeroom teacher, teacher, student, and parents of students are expected to web-based online report card application can be considered as an alternative application that can be used to facilitate the process of making or working report cards. Then this online report card application is made with a user friendly display so users can more easily use it and feel more comfortable. Keywords: Online Report Card Application, Framework Codeigniter, spiral method, Students, Website

    Standard Information Model for Meta-Data

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    This document provides a detailed and explanatory description of the Standard Information Model for Meta-Data (SIM) which constitutes an intrinsic part of the Spatial Information Platform (SIP) of the EU FP7 project SWITCH-ON (Sharing Water-related Information to Tackle Changes in the Hydrosphere – for Operational Needs). Although widely adopted information models for the description of data and services do exist (e.g. ISO19115 (2003) and ISO 19119 (2005), the Standard Information Model of the SIP is not solely based on one of these standards. Instead of defining one fixed information model that is based on a selection of particular meta(data) standards or profiles, the Standard Information Model of the SIP has been tailored to the actual information needs of the SIP, auxiliary services, and tools as well as its end users (product developers and researchers working in the virtual water-science lab). Thereby, the concepts of the CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) domain model as well as support for meta- (data) standards like Dublin Core, ISO 19115, etc., have been considered in the design of the SIM. The design of the SIM follows therefore a graduated approach with the following three different levels of increasing extensibility and flexibility: Relational Model The relational model defines the outline for an object relational database model and supports the core business processes of the SIP. Dynamic Tag Extensions Dynamic tag extensions augment the relational model by user definable code lists and thus provide a simple yet powerful extension mechanism. Dynamic Content Extensions Dynamic Content Extensions form a mechanism to dynamically inject complex structured or semi-structured content in the SIM without the need to change the relational model

    Aplikasi Pencatatan Pelanggaran Siswa melalui Whatsapp Gateway berbasis Web

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    In MTs Negeri 5 Klaten, recording violations committed by students is still recorded manually in a book, and reporting violations to parents is still printed on paper. For this reason, a system is needed that can assist in recording and reporting violations by building the system into a web. This study aims to build an application for recording student violations through a web-based WhatsApp gateway. The method used in this study uses prototyping. The data collection phase starts with problem identification by collecting data through observation and interviews. The prototyping phase is a temporary design of the software using context diagrams, data flow diagrams, and entity-rational diagrams. The stage of coding the system using the PHP programming language with the bootstrap framework and MySQL database. The data analysis techniques used are qualitative. Qualitative analysis in the form of data collection is conducted through observation and interviews Application testing is carried out by Blackbox testing, which aims to determine whether the functions, inputs, and outputs of the system are built by the required system specifications. The findings are in the form of a student violation recording application through the web-based WhatsApp gateway, which shows that the application is running well, is feasible to use, and can help schools convey student violation report information to parents quickly and accurately