24 research outputs found

    Semantic and organization considerations in database conceptual modelling : the Semantic Conceptual Organizational Model (SECOM)

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    This thesis presents a new approach to designing large organizational databases. The approach emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to the design process. The development of the proposed approach was based on a comprehensive examination of the issues of relevance to the design and utilization of databases. Such issues include conceptual modelling, organization theory, and semantic theory. The conceptual modelling approach presented in this thesis is developed over three design stages, or model perspectives. In the semantic perspective, concept definitions were developed based on established semantic principles. Such definitions rely on meaning - provided by intension and extension - to determine intrinsic conceptual definitions. A tool, called meaning-based classification (MBC), is devised to classify concepts based on meaning. Concept classes are then integrated using concept definitions and a set of semantic relations which rely on concept content and form. In the application perspective, relationships are semantically defined according to the application environment. Relationship definitions include explicit relationship properties and constraints. The organization perspective introduces a new set of relations specifically developed to maintain conformity of conceptual abstractions with the nature of information abstractions implied by user requirements throughout the organization. Such relations are based on the stratification of work hierarchies, defined elsewhere in the thesis. Finally, an example of an application of the proposed approach is presented to illustrate the applicability and practicality of the modelling approach

    Integrating intelligent methodological and tutoring assistance in a CASE platform: The PANDORA experience

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    Database Design discipline involves so different aspects as conceptual and logical modelling knowledge or domain understanding. That implies a great effort to carry out the real world abstraction task and represent it through a data model. CASE tools emerge in order to automating the database development process. These platforms try to help to the database designer in different database design phases. Nevertheless, this tools are frequently mere diagrammers and do not carry completely out the design methodology that they are supposed to support; furthermore, they do not offer intelligent methodological advice to novice designers. This paper introduces the PANDORA tool (acronym of Platform for Database Development and Learning via Internet) that is being developed in a research project which tries to mitigate some of the deficiencies observed in several CASE tools, defining methods and techniques for database development which are useful for students and practitioners. Specifically, this work is focused on two PANDORA components: Conceptual Modelling and Learning Support subsystems

    Semantic analysis in the automation of ER modelling through natural language processing

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    Designing as Construction of Representations: A Dynamic Viewpoint in Cognitive Design Research

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    This article presents a cognitively oriented viewpoint on design. It focuses on cognitive, dynamic aspects of real design, i.e., the actual cognitive activity implemented by designers during their work on professional design projects. Rather than conceiving de-signing as problem solving - Simon's symbolic information processing (SIP) approach - or as a reflective practice or some other form of situated activity - the situativity (SIT) approach - we consider that, from a cognitive viewpoint, designing is most appropriately characterised as a construction of representations. After a critical discussion of the SIP and SIT approaches to design, we present our view-point. This presentation concerns the evolving nature of representations regarding levels of abstraction and degrees of precision, the function of external representations, and specific qualities of representation in collective design. Designing is described at three levels: the organisation of the activity, its strategies, and its design-representation construction activities (different ways to generate, trans-form, and evaluate representations). Even if we adopt a "generic design" stance, we claim that design can take different forms depending on the nature of the artefact, and we propose some candidates for dimensions that allow a distinction to be made between these forms of design. We discuss the potential specificity of HCI design, and the lack of cognitive design research occupied with the quality of design. We close our discussion of representational structures and activities by an outline of some directions regarding their functional linkages

    Educational experiences detecting, using, and representing ternary relationships in database design

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    Conceptual models are applied as the first step in software design methodologies for collecting the semantics involved in the universe of discourse. Nevertheless, the abstraction process creates some misunderstandings for novice designers, such as difficulties in modeling some constructs and in understanding the semantics that they represent. This paper presents a thorough study of errors detected among Database Design students in Computer Science Engineering when they apply the abstraction process to generate a conceptual schema using a specific model. Specifically, the paper focuses on errors made in the design of ternary relationships. Some heuristics are proposed in order to help novice designers avoid these common errors, and an experimental study is presented to compare the number of errors made by the students before and after applying these heuristics. (Contains 10 figures, 2 tables, and 3 footnotes.)This work was supported in part by the Software Process Management platform project Modeling, Reuse and Measurement (TIN2004/07083), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, which supports the APEINTA research and innovation project.Publicad

    Developing Lean – EMS Integration Database for Sustaining ISO 14000 Certification

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    This paper highlights a methodology to implement Lean-EMS integration system in the case study company. Lean manufacturing is a concept widely applied in industries to eliminate wastes and achieve high business efficiency. The concept implemented through five principles which is called a self-sustaining cycle. EMS on the other side is an international standard for environmental management. It guides organizations through compliance requirements to reduce environmental impacts from business activities and boost up operating efficiency. Researches on EMS implementation have revealed that the system has similarity with Lean Principles. Hence, researchers had integrated both systems to attain both lean and EMS goals. This integration required a management system for continuous improvement. This paper focuses on design, and development of database system to manage the integration of Lean Principles and Environmental Management System (EMS) to aid employees in problem solving through visual indicators for continuous improvement and sustain the certification. The methodology adapted for the study is using the database development steps with Microsoft Access 2010 software. The database which is comprised of five performance measures (each reflects a lean principle and selected EMS clause) from integration framework specially designed and developed for the case study company. The results of the study validated the use of developed database system for continuous improvement. The study is indeed very useful to the company because the developed system is a comprehensive tool, where it can visualize problems in operations that might affect the production flow and EMS compliance. As the problem visualized, immediate problem solving can be done to continuously improve the conditions and sustain EMS certification

    Development methods for quality measurement tools enabled by Open Source Software

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    The Free and Open Source Software Movement is currently the most interesting and influential trend in software industry as it enables nearly boundless access to software. On the other side future generations of engineers will need more and more profound software knowledge. The article describes a new education level for engineers in quality assurance developed and applied at the Technische Universität Ilmenau. Through broad application of Open Source Software students without any previous knowledge are enabled to develop a customised multi-layer software system to specific problems of practical relevance. The software system is based on an Office client whether from Microsoft Office or OpenOffice connected with a SQL database server. The paper details which difficulties occurred most often during development and to what extent the developed software solutions could be deployed in industry as a cost efficient alternative

    The use of spatial information systems in the management of HIV/AIDS: A study of Gugulethu

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    Bibliography: leaves 79-94.South Africa is experiencing an HIV/AIDS pandemic of shattering dimensions. The availability and provision of antiretroviral drugs could bring relief to the situation. Different patients use different antiretroviral therapies that vary in complexity of dosage and administering and monitoring the patient-medication related data are complicated tasks. The lack of physical infrastructure, lack of reliable statistics and the lack of adequate resources hinder the efficient management of HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the study is to design and develop an HlV/AIDS database, which is embedded in a Spatial Information Management System. The functions of the system are to properly collect and administer HIV/AIDS related information and locate the HIV/AIDS patients and the proximity of these patients to existing infrastructure in view of providing a spur to improve health care service and delivery. The pilot study area is the Gugulethu township in Cape Town where more than 27% of the 325 000 residents are HIV+. Microsoft® Access is the chosen software for the design of the HIV/AIDS database. Interfaces are customized where the user can view, sort, manipulate and retrieve accurate information on all patients, which has been collected by therapeutic counsellors. By integrating the database within a spatial information system it is also possible to combine patient information with geographic information such as the location of various health care centres and existing infrastructure. It is shown that the implementation of the HIV/AIDS database and the Spatial Information Management System can play a critical role in determining where and when to intervene, improving the quality of care for HIV+ patients, increasing accessibility of service and delivering a cost-effective mode of information

    RETOO: Translating relational to object-oriented database conceptual schema

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    The existence of multiple, hete rogeneous and autonomous databases within an organization means the globally important information exists in separate local database management systems (DBMSs), thus making the existing data inaccessible to remote users.One solution is to integrate these databases in order to form a single cohesive definition of a multi-database.Most of the integration is done by translating one database conceptual schema into another.In this paper, we will discuss a set of translation rules proposed to translate relational database conceptual schema into object-oriented database conceptual schema.A prototype called RElational-To-Object-Oriented (RETOO) has been developed based on our translation rules

    Data description and manipulation in persistent programming languages

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