7,049 research outputs found

    Data-driven interpretation on interactive and nonlinear effects of the correlated built environment on shared mobility

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    Understanding the usage demand of shared mobility systems in different areas of a city and its determinants is crucial for planning, operation and management of the systems. This study leverages an unbiased data-driven approach called accumulated effect analysis for examining the complex (nonlinear and interactive) effects of correlated built environment factors on the usage of shared mobility. Special research emphasis is given to unraveling the complex effects using an unbiased and data-driven approach that can overcome the impacts of correlations among built environment factors. Based on empirical analysis of synthetic data and a field dataset about dockless bike sharing systems (DLBS), results demonstrate that the method of partial dependency analysis prevalent in the relevant literature, will result in biases when investigating the effects of correlated built environment factors. In comparison, accumulated local effect analysis can appropriately interpret the effects of correlated built environment factors. The main effects of many built environment factors on the usage of DLBS present nonlinear and threshold patterns, quantitively revealed by accumulated local analysis. The approach can reveal complex interaction effects between different built environment factors (e.g., commercial service and education facility, and metro station coverage and living facility) on the usage of DLBS as well. The interactions among two built environment factors could even change with the values of the factors rather than invariant. The outcomes offer a new approach for revealing complex influences of different built environment factors with correlations as well as in-depth empirical understandings regarding the usage of DLBS

    Transportation System Performance Measures Using Internet of Things Data

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    The transportation system is undergoing a rapid change with innovative and promising technologies that provide real-time data for a variety of applications. As we transition into a technology-driven era and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where everything is connected via a network of smart sensors and cloud computing, there will be an increasing amount of real-time data that will allow a better understanding of the transportation system. Devices emerging as a part of this connected environment can provide new and valuable data sources in a variety of transportation areas including safety, mobility, operations and intelligent transportation systems. Agencies and transportation professionals require effective performance measures and visualization tools to mine this big data to make design, operation, maintenance and investment decisions to improve the overall system performance. This dissertation discusses the development and demonstration of performance measures that leverage data from these emerging IoT devices to support analysis and guide investment decisions. Selected case studies are presented that demonstrate the impact of these new data sources on design, operation, and maintenance decisions. Performance measures such as vibration, noise levels and retroreflectivity were used to conduct a comprehensive assessment of different rumble strip configurations in the roadway and aviation environment. The results indicated that the 12 in sinusoidal wavelength satisfied the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) recommendations and reduced the noise exposure to adjacent homeowners. The application of low-cost rumble strips to mitigate runway incursions at general aviation airports was evaluated using the accelerations on the airframe. Although aircraft are designed for significant g-forces on landing, the results of analyzing accelerometers installed on airframes showed that long-term deployment of rumble strips is a concern for aircraft manufacturers as repeated traversal on the rumble strips may lead to excessive airframe fatigue. A suite of web dashboards and performance measures were developed to evaluate the impact of signal upgrades, signal retiming and maintenance activities on 138 arterials in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For five corridors analyzed before and after an upgrade, the study found a reduction of 1.2 million veh-hours of delay, 10,000 tons of CO2 and an economic benefit of $32 million. Several billion dollars per year is expended upon security checkpoint screening at airports. Using wait time data from consumer electronic devices over a one-year period, performance dashboards identified periods of the day with high median wait times. The performance measures outlined in this study provided scalable techniques to analyze operating irregularities and identify opportunities for improving service. Reliability and median wait times were also used as performance measures to compare the standard and expedited security screening. The results found that the expedited screening was highly reliable than the standard screening and had a median wait time savings of 5.5 minutes. Bike sharing programs are an eco-friendly mode of transportation gaining immense popularity all over the world. Several performance measures are discussed which analyze the usage patterns, user behaviors and effect of weather on a bike sharing program initiated at Purdue University. Of the 1626 registered users, nearly 20% of them had at least one rental and around 6% had more than 100 rentals, with four of them being greater than 500 rentals. Bikes were rented at all hours of the day, but usage peaked between 11:00 and 19:00 on average. On a yearly basis, the rentals peaked in the fall semester, especially during September, but fell off in October and November with colder weather. Preliminary results from the study also identified some operating anomalies, which allowed the stakeholders to implement appropriate policy revisions. There are a number of outlier filtering algorithms proposed in the literature, however, their performance has never been evaluated. A curated travel time dataset was developed from real-world data, and consisted of 31,621 data points with 243 confirmed outliers. This dataset was used to evaluate the efficiency of three common outlier filtering algorithms, median absolute deviation, modified z-score and, box and whisker plots. The modified Z-score had the best performance with successful removal of 70% of the confirmed outliers and incorrect removal of only 5% of the true samples. The accuracy of vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication is an important metric for connected vehicle applications. Traffic signal state indication is an early development in the V2I communication that allows connected vehicles to display the current traffic signal status on the driver dashboard as the vehicle approaches an intersection. The study evaluated the accuracy of this prediction with on-field data and results showed a degraded performance during phase omits and force-offs. Performance measures such as, the probability of expected phase splits and the probability of expected green for a phase, are discussed to enhance the accuracy of the prediction algorithm. These measures account for the stochastic variations due to detectors actuations and will allow manufacturers and vendors to improve their algorithm. The application of these performance measures across three transportation modes and the transportation focus areas of safety, mobility and operations will provide a framework for agencies and transportation professionals to assess the performance of system components and support investment decisions

    Search Tracker: Human-derived object tracking in-the-wild through large-scale search and retrieval

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    Humans use context and scene knowledge to easily localize moving objects in conditions of complex illumination changes, scene clutter and occlusions. In this paper, we present a method to leverage human knowledge in the form of annotated video libraries in a novel search and retrieval based setting to track objects in unseen video sequences. For every video sequence, a document that represents motion information is generated. Documents of the unseen video are queried against the library at multiple scales to find videos with similar motion characteristics. This provides us with coarse localization of objects in the unseen video. We further adapt these retrieved object locations to the new video using an efficient warping scheme. The proposed method is validated on in-the-wild video surveillance datasets where we outperform state-of-the-art appearance-based trackers. We also introduce a new challenging dataset with complex object appearance changes.Comment: Under review with the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog

    Adaptive mobility: a new policy and research agenda on mobility in horizontal metropolises

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    Crowdsensing-driven route optimisation algorithms for smart urban mobility

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    Urban rörlighet anses ofta vara en av de främsta möjliggörarna för en hållbar statsutveckling. Idag skulle det dock kräva ett betydande skifte mot renare och effektivare stadstransporter vilket skulle stödja ökad social och ekonomisk koncentration av resurser i städerna. En viktig prioritet för städer runt om i världen är att stödja medborgarnas rörlighet inom stadsmiljöer medan samtidigt minska trafikstockningar, olyckor och föroreningar. Att utveckla en effektivare och grönare (eller med ett ord; smartare) stadsrörlighet är en av de svåraste problemen att bemöta för stora metropoler. I denna avhandling närmar vi oss problemet från det snabba utvecklingsperspektivet av ITlandskapet i städer vilket möjliggör byggandet av rörlighetslösningar utan stora stora investeringar eller sofistikerad sensortenkik. I synnerhet föreslår vi utnyttjandet av den mobila rörlighetsavkännings, eng. Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), paradigmen i vilken befolkningen exploaterar sin mobilkommunikation och/eller mobilasensorer med syftet att frivilligt samla, distribuera, lokalt processera och analysera geospecifik information. Rörlighetavkänningssdata (t.ex. händelser, trafikintensitet, buller och luftföroreningar etc.) inhämtad från frivilliga i befolkningen kan ge värdefull information om aktuella rörelsesförhållanden i stad vilka, med adekvata databehandlingsalgoriter, kan användas för att planera människors rörelseflöden inom stadsmiljön. Såtillvida kombineras i denna avhandling två mycket lovande smarta rörlighetsmöjliggörare, eng. Smart Mobility Enablers, nämligen MCS och rese/ruttplanering. Vi kan därmed till viss utsträckning sammanföra forskningsutmaningar från dessa två delar. Vi väljer att separera våra forskningsmål i två delar, dvs forskningssteg: (1) arkitektoniska utmaningar vid design av MCS-system och (2) algoritmiska utmaningar för tillämpningar av MCS-driven ruttplanering. Vi ämnar att visa en logisk forskningsprogression över tiden, med avstamp i mänskligt dirigerade rörelseavkänningssystem som MCS och ett avslut i automatiserade ruttoptimeringsalgoritmer skräddarsydda för specifika MCS-applikationer. Även om vi förlitar oss på heuristiska lösningar och algoritmer för NP-svåra ruttproblem förlitar vi oss på äkta applikationer med syftet att visa på fördelarna med algoritm- och infrastrukturförslagen.La movilidad urbana es considerada una de las principales desencadenantes de un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Sin embargo, hoy en día se requiere una transición hacia un transporte urbano más limpio y más eficiente que soporte una concentración de recursos sociales y económicos cada vez mayor en las ciudades. Una de las principales prioridades para las ciudades de todo el mundo es facilitar la movilidad de los ciudadanos dentro de los entornos urbanos, al mismo tiempo que se reduce la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación. Sin embargo, desarrollar una movilidad urbana más eficiente y más verde (o en una palabra, más inteligente) es uno de los temas más difíciles de afrontar para las grandes áreas metropolitanas. En esta tesis, abordamos este problema desde la perspectiva de un panorama TIC en rápida evolución que nos permite construir movilidad sin la necesidad de grandes inversiones ni sofisticadas tecnologías de sensores. En particular, proponemos aprovechar el paradigma Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) en el que los ciudadanos utilizan sus teléfonos móviles y dispositivos, para nosotros recopilar, procesar y analizar localmente información georreferenciada, distribuida voluntariamente. Los datos de movilidad recopilados de ciudadanos que voluntariamente quieren compartirlos (por ejemplo, eventos, intensidad del tráfico, ruido y contaminación del aire, etc.) pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre las condiciones de movilidad actuales en la ciudad, que con el algoritmo de procesamiento de datos adecuado, pueden utilizarse para enrutar y gestionar el flujo de gente en entornos urbanos. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis combinamos dos prometedoras fuentes de movilidad inteligente: MCS y la planificación de viajes/rutas, uniendo en cierta medida los distintos desafíos de investigación. Hemos dividido nuestros objetivos de investigación en dos etapas: (1) Desafíos arquitectónicos en el diseño de sistemas MCS y (2) Desafíos algorítmicos en la planificación de rutas aprovechando la información del MCS. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar una progresión lógica de la investigación a lo largo del tiempo, comenzando desde los fundamentos de los sistemas de detección centrados en personas, como el MCS, hasta los algoritmos de optimización de rutas diseñados específicamente para la aplicación de estos. Si bien nos centramos en algoritmos y heurísticas para resolver problemas de enrutamiento de clase NP-hard, utilizamos ejemplos de aplicaciones en el mundo real para mostrar las ventajas de los algoritmos e infraestructuras propuestas

    Smart balancing of E-scooter sharing systems via deep reinforcement learning: a preliminary study

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    Nowadays, micro-mobility sharing systems have become extremely popular. Such systems consist in fleets of dockless electric vehicles which are deployed in cities, and used by citizens to move in a more ecological and flexible way. Unfortunately, one of the issues related to such technologies is its intrinsic load imbalance, since users can pick up and drop off the electric vehicles where they prefer. In this paper we present ESB-DQN, a multi-agent system for E-Scooter Balancing (ESB) based on Deep Reinforcement Learning where agents are implemented as Deep Q-Networks (DQN). ESB-DQN offers suggestions to pick or return e-scooters in order to make the fleet usage and sharing as balanced as possible, still ensuring that the original plans of the user undergo only minor changes. The main contributions of this paper include a careful analysis of the state of the art, an innovative customer-oriented rebalancing strategy, the integration of state-of-the-art libraries for deep Reinforcement Learning into the existing ODySSEUS simulator of mobility sharing systems, and preliminary but promising experiments that suggest that our approach is worth further exploration