448,521 research outputs found

    Ethics in Data-Driven Marketing

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    In today’s digitalized world, people leave trails of data about themselves when operating online. While marketers are eagerly utilizing this data for marketing insights, many consumers have a growing fear of their personal data ending up in the wrong hands and losing their privacy. This thesis aims to understand the role of ethics in current marketing based on consumer data and to examine how data could be used ethically in marketing. This thesis met these research aims through an extensive literature review related to the issue and through empirical research. The empirical research was conducted by analyzing secondary data from a 2018 survey about the use of digital services in Europe. This analysis was combined with a content analysis of Twitter tweets about data ethics. This research produced a number of key findings: First, privacy, confidentiality, and transparency are critical issues for consumers. Still, a large number of people are unaware of their data rights or think that is not important to change e.g. privacy settings. Also, some of the people feel that changing privacy settings has no effect. Second, people want to have the power to decline the selling of their personal data to third parties and to delete or adjust their personal data. Third, the lack of trust prevents individuals from using digital services, and the main factors for increasing trust are the security and reliability of the service. Other important factors are transparency and ease of use. Personalization of services based on the previous usage was the least important factor for a digital service. The content analysis showed that organizations are heavily criticized for jeopardizing privacy and confidentiality, whereas praise was given to organizations that focus on transparency. The main conclusions that can be drawn from these findings are that the need for ethics is even more apparent in marketing than ever before, because of the broad access to personal data. The power of Big Data does not come from the raw data itself but from the ability to combine and merge data, thus creating detailed insights about consumers. There also lies the foundation for ethical dilemmas. The most crucial challenge for organizations in the use of personal data is how to build and maintain trust. Consumers’ use of personalized services is dependent on whether the organization is perceived to be trustworthy or not, and both the empirical research and literature have shown that the lack of trust reduces the use of digital services. Transparency and clear privacy policies can then be seen as a key ingredient in trust-building. Giving the consumers the ability to opt-out from data use and data selling without it affecting the use of services can create an enormous competitive advantage for organizations in the future. Still, it can be challenging to combine the need for profitability with ethics. However, success in the long-term requires organizations to integrate ethics with the operations throughout the organization.Nykyajan digitalisoituneessa maailmassa, ihmiset jättävät jälkiä itsestään aina verkossa toimiessaan. Vaikka markkinoijat käyttävät mielellään tätä dataa lisätäkseen ymmärrystä asiakkaistaan, monet kuluttajat ovat lisääntyvästi huolissaan yksityisyytensä katoamisesta ja pelkäävät, että heidän henkilökohtaiset tietonsa päätyvät vääriin käsiin. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on ymmärtää, millainen rooli etiikalla on nykyaikaisessa kuluttajadataan perustuvassa markkinoinnissa. Tämä työ pyrkii myös tutkimaan, kuinka dataa voidaan käyttää markkinoinnissa eettisesti hyväksytyllä tavalla. Työssä saavutettiin nämä tavoitteet laajan kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen kautta. Empiirisessä tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekundaarista dataa vuonna 2018 tehdystä tutkimuksesta, jossa tutkittiin kuluttajien digitaalisten palveluiden käyttöä Euroopassa. Tämän sekundaarisen analyysin lisäksi tutkimuksessa toteutettiin sisällönanalyysi Twitterissä olevista dataetiikkaan liittyvistä tviiteistä. Tutkimus tuotti useita tutkimustuloksia. Ensinnäkin, kuluttajat pitävät yksityisyyttä, luottamuksellisuutta ja läpinäkyvyyttä kriittisinä seikkoina. Kuitenkin, suuri osa kuluttajista on epävarmoja dataan liittyvistä oikeuksistaan tai he eivät pidä esimerkiksi yksityisyysasetuksia mitenkään tärkeinä. Osa kuluttajista on myös sitä mieltä, että asetusten muuttamisella ei ole mitään merkitystä käytännössä. Toiseksi, kuluttajat haluavat itselleen vallan kieltäytyä henkilökohtaisen datan myynnin kolmansille osapuolille ja myös oikeuden poistaa tai muokata henkilökohtaista dataansa. Kolmanneksi, luottamuksen puute vähentää merkittävästi kuluttajien halukkuutta käyttää digitaalisia palveluita. Luottamusta lisääviä seikkoja ovat palvelun turvallisuus ja toimintavarmuus, sekä läpinäkyvyys ja helppokäyttöisyys. Personointia aiemman käytön perusteella ei pidetä merkittävänä digitaalisen palvelun ominaisuutena. Sisällönanalyysi osoitti, että yritykset saavat paljon kritiikkiä siitä, jos yksityisyys ja luottamuksellisuus vaarantuvat, kun taas yritykset, jotka panostavat läpinäkyvyyteen, saavat paljon kiitosta. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan tehdä johtopäätelmä, että kuluttajadatan laaja käyttö markkinoinnissa on lisännyt tarvetta eettiselle pohdinnalle. Massadatan tehokkuus ei johdu niinkään datasta itsestään, vaan kyvystä yhdistää erilaista dataa luoden yksityiskohtaista ja tarkkaa tietoa asiakkaista. Tämä luo myös puitteet eettisille haasteille. Kriittisin haaste yrityksille henkilökohtaisen datan käytössä on luottamuksen rakentaminen ja ylläpito. Personoitujen palveluiden käyttö riippuu paljolti siitä, kokevatko kuluttajat yrityksen luotettavaksi. Sekä empiirinen tutkimus että aiempi kirjallisuus osoittavat, että luottamuksen puute vähentää digitaalisten palveluiden käyttöä. Läpinäkyvyys ja selkeät yksityisyyskäytänteet voidaankin nähdä merkittävinä seikkoina


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    In the hotel industry, marketing communications is an important component in the marketing strategy of a good or service. The type of research used by researchers is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The informants taken for data analysis were assistant marketing communications manager, guest experience manager, revenue executive at Grand Mercure Malang Mirama. Grand Mercure Malang Mirama's marketing strategy is running well because of a plan and marketing support activities which are driven by integrated marketing communication. The results of this research are about the marketing communication strategy carried out by Grand Mercure Malang Mirama which is quite effective but needs ongoing evaluation. The marketing communication activities carried out by Grand Mercure Malang Mirama are media advertising, public relations, relationship management. customers (Customer Relationship Management), sales promotions (sales promotions), direct sales (personal selling), direct marketing (direct marketing), direct experiences to customers (event & experience). customer relationship management (customer relationship management). Keywords: marketing strategy, integrated marketing, hote


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    Customer information plays a key role in managing successful relationships with valuable customers. Big data customer analytics use (BD use), i.e., the extent to which customer information derived from big data analytics guides marketing decisions, helps firms better meet customer needs for competitive advantage. This study addresses three research questions: What are the key antecedents of big data customer analytics use? How, and to what extent, does big data customer analytics use influence firm performance? Is competitive advantage, if any, achieved through big data customer analytics use contingent upon its prevalence within an industry? Drawing primarily from market information use theory, we advance a theoretical framework to examine how informational and organizational factors act to enhance big data customer analytics use, which in turn influences customer relationship and financial performance. More specifically, we identify and show how information quality (IQ), big data analytics culture, and customer orientation act as key antecedents of big data customer analytics use, which in turn is the critical mechanism to achieve superior CRM outcomes. Finally, we investigate whether the performance implications of big data customer analytics use vary depending on the prevalence of big data customer analytics use in the firm’s industry. Empirical findings from a survey of 301 senior marketing executives, representing large US-based firms in B2C industries, support our conceptualization of the performance outcomes and antecedents of BD use. First, the results highlight that the characteristics of the customer information (IQ) and the characteristics of the user organization (customer orientation and big data analytics culture) strongly predict BD use. The findings also reveal the relative importance of different customer information characteristics to marketing decision-makers. Second, the results confirm BD use as a key predictor of firm performance, and more specifically, that big data customer analytics use primarily influences financial performance indirectly via customer relationship performance. Third, this study suggests that the performance impacts of BD use are highly contingent on its prevalence among industry rivals. References Available Upon Request

    Big Data and Data Driven Marketing in Brazil

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    [EN] The main purpose of this article is the understanding of which marketing strategies related to big data are being implemented by Brazilian companies in different sectors, in addition to assessing these actions within an already established construct. To reach the proposed objectives, an exploratory, qualitative research was conducted using the multiple case study method. Thus, data were collected through bibliographical, documentary and semi-structured interviews, with the intent of formulating the construct by which the companies are studied. The study unit interviewed consisted of market professionals and big data specialists. As the main result, it was widely noticed the application of strategies related to big data by the companies surveyed. The classification of these actions within an already established construct, however, was not possible, since it was understood the existence of distinct stages of adoption for this technology, and it was not possible to label these companies as users of big data.Finger, V.; Reichelt, V.; Capelli, J. (2018). Big Data and Data Driven Marketing in Brazil. En 2nd International Conference on Advanced Reserach Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2018). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 71-78. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2018.2018.8314OCS717

    BMKT 491.01: Special Topics - Data-Driven Marketing

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    An Empirical Analysis of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment:a Study of Banks in Lagos-Nigeria

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of aspects of internal marketing on organizational commitment of employees. The research was conducted among managers of Nigerian banks situated in the major commercial city in Lagos, Nigeria. Internal marketing is growing recognition of both scholars and professionals with the increasing commoditization of products and services and the continuing failure of technology driven customer relationship management. The main criteria of internal marketing were derived from the literature; provided the backbone for our internal marketing dimensions. Data was gathered from a survey among 128 managers who rated self completion questions on the basis of their perception. In order to achieve the purpose, five hypotheses have been formulated that link the dimensions of internal marketing including motivation, job satisfaction, training,” understanding and differentiation”, “inter-functional coordination and integration” “to organizational commitment. Data analysis indicated that “inter-functional coordination and integration”, training and motivation have positive effects on the organizational commitment of employees among Nigerian banks. Therefore if the banks want to ultimately provide a better service experience for their customers, it is recommended that more attention be directed toward enhancing organizational commitment among personnel, with a focus on the effective aspects of internal marketing

    Ontology Driven Web Extraction from Semi-structured and Unstructured Data for B2B Market Analysis

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    The Market Blended Insight project1 has the objective of improving the UK business to business marketing performance using the semantic web technologies. In this project, we are implementing an ontology driven web extraction and translation framework to supplement our backend triple store of UK companies, people and geographical information. It deals with both the semi-structured data and the unstructured text on the web, to annotate and then translate the extracted data according to the backend schema

    Next best action – a data-driven marketing approach

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsThe Next Best Action (NBA) is a framework that is built in order to assign to each client three (or more) actions that are considered to be the best actions to perform with the client. These actions can range from product offering to pro-active retention actions and upselling recommendations. It can be a useful tool to generate leads for ongoing campaigns but also an excellent tool for analysis and a driver for the creation of new campaigns, being a key element in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as a Data-Driven Marketing approach. Initially planned as a joint collaboration between a Bank and an Insurance Company to improve the Bancassurance business model, three versions of the NBA were built with the first two being tested on a campaign setting showing promising results. The last version, NBA 3.0, later became a sole project of the Insurance Company due to GPDR compliance policies and due to time constraints could not be evaluated

    A customer segmentation framework for targeted marketing in telecommunication

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    © 2017 IEEE. Telecommunication industry is highly competitive, and mass marketing is not applicable anymore. Moreover, Mobile customers have different behaviors that urge telecom industries to differentiate their strategies to meet customers' needs. At the same time, mobile operators have an enormous amount of customer records, and data-driven approaches can help them to draw insights from this huge amount of data. Therefore, a data-driven segmentation approach can support marketing strategies to tailor their marketing plans. In this research, we adopt behavior and beneficial segmentation in a two-dimensional framework to segment customers. The results indicate that our method has an outstanding performance for customer segmentation. Moreover, we have recommended some marketing strategies based on each segment's behavior with the aim of increasing in Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and decreasing in marketing expenses