5,475 research outputs found

    Assessment of electricity distribution business model and market design alternatives: Evidence for policy design

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    The transition toward smart electricity distribution grids is transforming the European electricity sector. This has contributed to increased attention by policy makers regarding the future role of electricity distribution system operators in a more flexible, digital, and renewables-based electricity system. A better understanding on how to support the adaptation of the electricity distribution industry can contribute to the introduction of an effective policy framework. Our research provides evidence for policy design by presenting the results of a Policy Delphi study focused on business model and market design adaptation alternatives. We highlight the importance of supporting innovation and a more proactive approach to adaptation from both distribution system operators and regulators. Our findings support the importance of electricity distribution for neutral market facilitation, contributing to market development and enabling new market players. The results obtained support policy makers working on electricity sector adaptation and can contribute to the ongoing market redesign efforts under the Energy Union

    GPS Data Analysis for Understanding Urban Goods Movement

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    AbstractThis paper aims to investigate the contribution of GPS survey techniques for urban goods movement characterization and diagnosis, more precisely the implementation and application issues related to the introduction of real-time data transmission procedures and phone tools with integrated GPS devices. We propose a GPS-based data collection method for urban freight route characterization using a Smartphone application. After testing and calibrating the data processing tool, we analyze the main results on a baseline of about 900 rounds, with the R software. This analysis allows us to define the characteristics of the overall routes as well as the environmental impacts linked with the categories of roads: urban highways, main roads and residential streets. Moreover, the study shows that the environmental behavior of the driver is connected with the main activity of the carriers. The complementarity between GPS and traditional urban freight surveys is finally discussed

    Connecting Vehicles to the Internet - Strategic Data Transmission for Mobile Nodes using Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    With the advent of autonomous driving, the driving experience for users of connected vehicles changes, as they may enjoy their travel time with entertainment, or work productively. In our modern society, both require a stable Internet access. However, future mobile networks are not expected to be able to satisfy application Quality of Service (QoS) requirements as needed, e.g. during rush hours. To address this problem, this dissertation investigates data transmission strategies that exploit the potential of using a heterogeneous wireless network environment. To this end, we combine two so far distinct concepts, firstly, network selection and, secondly, transmission time selection, creating a joint time-network selection strategy. It allows a vehicle to plan delay-tolerant data transmissions ahead, favoring transmission opportunities with the best prospective flow-network matches. In this context, our first contribution is a novel rating model for perceived transmission quality, which assesses transmission opportunities with respect to application QoS requirement violations, traded off by monetary cost. To enable unified assessment of all data transmissions, it generalizes existing specialized rating models from network selection and transmission time selection and extends them with a novel throughput requirement model. Based on that, we develop a novel joint time-network selection strategy, Joint Transmission Planning (JTP), as our second contribution, planning optimized data transmissions within a defined time horizon. We compare its transmission quality to that of three predominant state-of-the-art transmission strategies, revealing that JTP outperforms the others significantly by up to 26%. Due to extensive scenario variation, we discover broad stability of JTP reaching 87-91% of the optimum. As JTP is a planning approach relying on prediction data, the transmission quality is strongly impaired when executing its plans under environmental changes. To mitigate this impact, we develop a transmission plan adaptation as our third contribution, modifying the planned current transmission online in order to comply with the changes. Even under strong changes of the vehicle movement and the network environment, it sustains 57%, respectively 36%, of the performance gain from planning. Finally, we present our protocol Mobility management for Vehicular Networking (MoVeNet), pooling available network resources of the environment to enable flexible packet dispatching without breaking connections. Its distributed architecture provides broad scalability and robustness against node failures. It complements control mechanisms that allow a demand-based and connection-specific trade-off between overhead and latency. Less than 9 ms additional round trip time in our tests, instant handover and 0 to 4 bytes per-packet overhead prove its efficiency. Employing the presented strategies and mechanisms jointly, users of connected vehicles and other mobile devices can significantly profit from the demonstrated improvements in application QoS satisfaction and reduced monetary cost

    Research and Education Towards Smart and Sustainable World

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    Strategies for regional deployment of hydrogen infrastructure

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    In response to the growing urge towards decarbonisation, more and more initiatives have been set to reduce and/or compensate the level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emitted by human activities, which is one of the main responsible of the incumbent threats of “global warming” and “climate change”. “Climate neutrality by 2050” has become a decisive topic for political agendas worldwide and, against that background, the hydrogen economy can play a significant role. More and more countries have launched roadmaps and strategies for the creation of hydrogen value chains at national and international level. Also on regional scale, local integrated hydrogen ecosystems are growing, the so-called “Hydrogen Valleys”. These include German region North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), which officially presented a hydrogen roadmap in November 2020, establishing targets for both the short (2025) and medium terms (2030) for the adoption of hydrogen in the sectors of Mobility, Industry, Energy & Infrastructure. The purpose of the present thesis is to investigate techno-economic strategies for the introduction of a hydrogen infrastructure in NRW over the next 15 years (2035), enabling the achievement of the abovementioned targets. Moreover, being buses explicitly mentioned within NRW hydrogen roadmap, the present thesis focuses on strategies to ensure the optimal deployment of hydrogen buses within the region. The work is conducted with support from the research institute of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. A simulation model (H2MIND) developed by FZJ is taken as main research tool. The output from two other models by FZJ (FINE-NESTOR and FINE-Infrastructure, respectively), which defined the scenario behind the NRW H2 Roadmap, are reviewed and served as starting point for the adaptation of the H2MIND model. An integrative mapping activity regarding i) existing bus depots for NRW population mobility and ii) existing steel production sites in Germany serves the purpose of increasing the resolution of H2MIND model in the geospatial description of the potential hydrogen refuelling stations for bus companies in NRW. Both the hydrogen demand and production derived from FINE-NESTOR are distributed geospatially over Germany for the years 2025-2030-2035, according to the hydrogen-related technologies modelled within H2MIND. The demand is broken down into Buses, Trains, Cars, Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDVs) and Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), Material Handling Vehicles (MHVs), Industrial uses for Steel, Ammonia, Methanol and other Chemicals. The production is modelled around onshore wind power plants, steam methane reforming industrial locations and import. Four hydrogen supply chain pathways were compared by H2MIND simulations: i) transport and distribution by gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘GH2 trucks’), ii) transport and distribution by liquefied hydrogen trailers (‘LH2 trucks’), iii) transport via newly built hydrogen pipelines plus distribution via gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘new pipelines’), iv) transport via reassigned natural gas pipelines plus distribution via gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘reassigned NG pipelines’). The analysis and assessment of the H2MIND simulation results are conducted mainly on economic merit. The key variable used for the assessment is the weighted average Total Expense (TOTEX) [€/kg H2]. This comparison is carried out from global-cost perspective, then the cost breakdown is considered in order to identify specific features in the cost determination. The weighted average TOTEX is calculated also for the case of onsite renewable energy-based electrolysis at bus hydrogen refuelling stations, in order to understand how such a strategic choice could impact the overall hydrogen supply chain cost – various shares of self-sufficiency at bus depots are considered, ranging from 0% (fully centralized configuration, no self-sufficiency) to 100% (total self-sufficiency, complete independent). An overall three-fold increase in hydrogen demand is expected between the years 2025 and 2035 (from 450.72 kt/yr to 1,862.33 kt/yr in Germany, and from 177.87 kt/yr to 519.16 kt/yr in NRW). Both on national and regional level, the main demand driver is expected to shift from the Industrial sector (in 2025) to Mobility (in 2035). As for the geospatial distribution, NRW concentrates the highest hydrogen demand in the country, covering alone approximatively one third of the total German hydrogen demand. Within NRW, the relevance of a district depends on what hydrogen-consuming sector is considered. For Mobility and public transportation, based on the allocation factors used within H2MIND model, Köln ranks as the district with highest demand in many mobility sectors. For buses, Aachen, Wuppertal, Düsseldorf are the three top cities in the ranking in addition to Köln. Recommendation is that investments focus on high hydrogen-demand districts during the start-up phase of infrastructure development (period 2025-2035), where higher utilization factors of the infrastructural assets are expected and financial risks are therefore minimized. Looking into the weighted average TOTEX for the four analysed pathways, gaseous hydrogen trailers (‘GH2 trucks’) are the most convenient option for connecting production and consumption during the start-up phase of infrastructure development (period 2025-2035). Growing cost competitiveness is expected for ‘reassigned NG pipelines’ after 2035, thanks to the increased hydrogen demand and the higher utilization factor for pipelines. For the period 2025-2035, a fully centralized hydrogen supply pathway is the best option for covering bus-related hydrogen demand in the introductory phase of hydrogen infrastructure creation, with cost parity for onsite electrolysis being expected for the future after 2035Som svar på kraven på minskade koldioxidutsläpp har fler och fler initiativ tagits för att minska och/eller kompensera nivån av CO2 (koldioxid) som släpps ut på grund av mänskliga aktiviteter, vilket är en av de främsta orsakerna till de nuvarande hoten om "global uppvärmning". ” och ”klimatförändringar”. "Klimatneutralitet till 2050" har blivit ett avgörande inslag på politiska agendor världen över och mot den bakgrunden kan vätgasekonomin spela en betydande roll. Fler och fler länder har lanserat färdplaner och strategier för att skapa värdekedjor för vätgas på nationell och internationell nivå. Även i regional skala växer lokala integrerade vätgas-ekosystem, de så kallade "vätgasdalarna". Dessa inkluderar den tyska regionen Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), som officiellt presenterade en färdplan för vätgas i november 2020, som fastställde mål för både kort (2025) och medellång sikt (2030) för införandet av vätgas inom sektorerna rörlighet, industri, Energi & Infrastruktur. Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka tekniska och ekonomiska strategier för införandet av en vätgasinfrastruktur i NRW under de kommande 15 åren (2035), vilket gör det möjligt att uppnå ovan nämnda mål. Dessutom, eftersom bussar uttryckligen nämns i NRW:s vätgasfärdplan, fokuserar detta examensarbete på strategier för att säkerställa en optimal utplacering av vätgasbussar inom regionen. Arbetet bedrivs med stöd från forskningsinstitutet Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland. En simuleringsmodell (H2MIND) utvecklad av FZJ används som huvudverktyg för forskning. Resultatet från två andra modeller av FZJ (FINE-NESTOR respektive FINE-Infrastructure), som definierade scenariot bakom NRW H2 Roadmap, granskas och tjänade som utgångspunkt för anpassningen av H2MIND-modellen. En integrerad kartläggning av i) befintliga bussdepåer för NRW- befolkningsrörlighet och ii) befintliga stålproduktionsanläggningar i Tyskland tjänar syftet att öka upplösningen av H2MIND-modellen i den geospatiala beskrivningen av potentiella vätgastankstationer för bussföretag i NRW. Både vätgasefterfrågan och produktionen från FINE-NESTOR distribueras geospatialt över Tyskland för åren 2025-2030-2035, enligt de vätgasrelaterade teknologierna som modelleras inom H2MIND. Efterfrågan är uppdelad i bussar, tåg, bilar, tunga fordon (HDV) och lätta kommersiella fordon (LCV), materialhanteringsfordon (MHV), industriell användning för stål, ammoniak, metanol och andra kemikalier. Produktionen är modellerad kring vindkraftverk på land, ångmetanreformerande industrilokaler och import. Fyra varianter av vätgasförsörjningskedjan jämfördes med H2MIND-simuleringar: i) transport och distribution med gasformiga vätgassläp ('GH2-lastbilar'), ii) transport och distribution med släp för flytande väte ('LH2-lastbilar'), iii) transport via nybyggda vätgas rörledningar plus distribution via släp för gasformigt vätgas (”nya pipelines”), iv) transport via tidigare naturgasledningar plus distribution via släp för gasformigt väte (”om-utnyttjade naturgasrörledningar”). Analysen och bedömningen av H2MIND-simuleringsresultaten utförs huvudsakligen på ekonomiska meriter. Den nyckelvariabel som används för bedömningen är den vägda genomsnittliga totala kostnaden (TOTEX) [€/kg H2]. Denna jämförelse görs ur ett globalt kostnadsperspektiv, sedan analyseras kostnadsfördelningen för att identifiera specifika egenskaper i kostnadsbestämningen. Det viktade genomsnittet av TOTEX beräknas även för fallet med elektrolys baserad på förnybar energi på plats vid vätgastankstationer för bussar, för att förstå hur ett sådant strategiskt val skulle kunna påverka den totala kostnaden för vätgasförsörjningskedjan – olika andelar av självförsörjning vid bussdepåer övervägs, allt från 0 % (helt centraliserad konfiguration, ingen självförsörjning) till 100 % (total självförsörjning, fullständigt oberoende). En övergripande trefaldig ökning av efterfrågan på vätgas förväntas mellan åren 2025 och 2035 (från 450,72 kt/år till 1 862,33 kt/år i Tyskland och från 177,87 kt/år till 519,16 kt/år i NRW). Både på nationell och regional nivå förväntas den främsta efterfrågedrivkraften flyttas från industrisektorn (2025) till mobilitet (2035). När det gäller den geospatiala fördelningen, koncentrerar NRW den högsta efterfrågan på vätgas i landet, och täcker ensam ungefär en tredjedel av det totala tyska vätgasbehovet. Inom NRW beror ett distrikts relevans på vilken vätgasförbrukande sektor som betraktas. För Mobilitet och kollektivtrafik, baserat på allokeringsfaktorer som används inom H2MIND-modellen, rankas Köln som det distrikt med högst efterfrågan inom många mobilitetssektorer. För bussar är Aachen, Wuppertal, Düsseldorf de tre bästa städerna i rankingen förutom Köln. Rekommendation är att investeringar fokuserar på distrikt med hög efterfrågan på vätgas under uppstartsfasen av infrastrukturutveckling (perioden 2025–2035), där högre utnyttjandefaktorer av infrastrukturtillgångarna förväntas och finansiella risker därför minimeras. Om man tittar på det vägda genomsnittliga TOTEX för de fyra analyserade varianterna, är släp med väte i gasform (‘GH2-lastbilar’) det lämpligaste alternativet för att koppla samman produktion och konsumtion under uppstartsfasen av infrastrukturutvecklingen (perioden 2025–2035). Ökande kostnadsfördelar förväntas för "om-utnyttjade naturgasrörledningar" efter 2035, tack vare den ökade efterfrågan på vätgas och den högre utnyttjandefaktorn för rörledningar. För perioden 2025–2035 är en helt centraliserad vätgasförsörjningsväg det bästa alternativet för att täcka bussrelaterad efterfrågan på vätgas i den inledande fasen av etablerandet av en vätgasinfrastruktur, med kostnadsparitet för elektrolys på plats vilket förväntas vara lösningen efter 2035Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant::7.2 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el percentatge d’energia renovable en el con­junt de fonts d’energiaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.2 - Per a 2030, proporcionar accés a sistemes de transport segurs, assequibles, accessi­bles i sostenibles per a totes les persones, i millorar la seguretat viària, en particular mitjan­çant l’ampliació del transport públic, amb especial atenció a les necessitats de les persones en situació vulnerable, dones, nenes, nens, persones amb discapacitat i persones gran

    Towards a dynamic capabilities view on ecosystem formation: A case study on the emergence of an innovation ecosystem

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    Digitalization is a catalyser that drives rapid changes in industries. While bringing huge opportunities for business, digitalization outdated existing capabilities and working methods, thus, it brings threats to companies who cannot timely innovate themselves. In today’s business landscape, no company has sufficient resources to develop digital innovation alone. Companies have to be able to attract, secure and combine a variety of new resources and competencies from other organizations to co-create new services on top of its technology platform. Currently, we see that innovation ecosystems are emerging to answer to this need. Innovation ecosystems are inherently complex as they consist of multiple actors coming from different cultural, political, economical and knowledge backgrounds. Thus, developing innovation ecosystems can be very challenging. However, we have not been equipped with sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to understand how a company can form an innovation ecosystem. Therefore, this thesis was set to establish a deeper understanding of the factors and capabilities that support the formation of an innovation ecosystem. Through an extensive literature review of both fields - ecosystem and dynamic capabilities, this thesis established the first theoretical model that explains the development of an innovation ecosystem. This theoretical model was applied and developed iteratively in an in-depth case study of a European-based Intelligent Mine innovation ecosystem. This thesis was conducted using an exploratoratory, qualitative approach and followed an abductive research design. Data was collected through several open-ended interviews with ecosystem members and analyzed following Gioia methodology. The results of this thesis shed light on: (1) the key factors that trigger the formation of an innovation ecosystem, (2) the motivations of a hub company for forming an innovation ecosystem, and (3) the sensing and seizing mechanisms that a hub company employed while forming its innovation ecosystem. Moreover, a conceptual model was developed after refining the initial theoretical with new empirical insights. This thesis contributes directly to the development of new theory on ecosystem formation and the new application of dynamic capabilities framework in ecosystem literature. It also provides useful suggestions for companies whose aspiration is to develop innovation ecosystems around their core technologies

    Complexity Science Applications to Dynamic Trajectory Management: Research Strategies

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    The promise of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is strongly tied to the concept of trajectory-based operations in the national airspace system. Existing efforts to develop trajectory management concepts are largely focused on individual trajectories, optimized independently, then de-conflicted among each other, and individually re-optimized, as possible. The benefits in capacity, fuel, and time are valuable, though perhaps could be greater through alternative strategies. The concept of agent-based trajectories offers a strategy for automation of simultaneous multiple trajectory management. The anticipated result of the strategy would be dynamic management of multiple trajectories with interacting and interdependent outcomes that satisfy multiple, conflicting constraints. These constraints would include the business case for operators, the capacity case for the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), and the environmental case for noise and emissions. The benefits in capacity, fuel, and time might be improved over those possible under individual trajectory management approaches. The proposed approach relies on computational agent-based modeling (ABM), combinatorial mathematics, as well as application of "traffic physics" concepts to the challenge, and modeling and simulation capabilities. The proposed strategy could support transforming air traffic control from managing individual aircraft behaviors to managing systemic behavior of air traffic in the NAS. A system built on the approach could provide the ability to know when regions of airspace approach being "full," that is, having non-viable local solution space for optimizing trajectories in advance

    Key Success Factors for 5G Technology Commercialization in Telecommunication Company Case Study of an Established XYZ Company in Indonesia

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    Abstract. Technology commercialization is the long process to bring technology from the research domain into the commercialization area to end-users with monetizing purposes. This study analyzes critical success factors for 5G technology commercialization in an established company in Indonesia. By defining the most significant factors, a company can strategize the most effective investments to important factors only and avoid other less meaningful areas. 5G is approaching fast, and some of the major early adopters Mobile Network Operators (MNO) have already deployed 5G within this year. However, some other MNOs or telecom companies, in general, remain skeptical, considering the wide range of new business cases, the readiness of industries, and twice significant capital investment compare to predecessor technology 4G. This study is based on interpretivism philosophy and uses Qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews, observation, and deductive scenario planning as the methodology. Use cases, innovation ecosystem, and technology complementary are found to be the key success factors for 5G commercialization in an established company. The novelty of this study is to identify the key success factors for technology commercialization specific for the 5G technology context in Indonesia. Three axes deductive scenario planning using critical success factors as the uncertainties are considered as the originality of this study.Keywords:  Key success factors, technology commercialization, established company, 5

    Management of Urban Air Mobility for Sustainable and Smart Cities: The Case of a Vertiport Network in Lisbon, Portugal, Using a User-Centred Approach

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    This Dissertation focuses on urban mobility three-dimensional (3D). Whilst prioritizing the development of sustainable mobility and smart cities, this study aims to provide conditions and practical tools to promote change in people's lives for the better and reverse global climate change. Currently, the transportation sector accounts for roughly 16 per cent of all annual greenhouse gases emissions in the world. In particular, the increase in urban road traffic has intensified pollution and noise in cities, deteriorating the quality of life of the citizens who inhabit them. Obviously, it is necessary to promote an innovative and rapid change in urban mobility. In this sense, airspace could ease this increase in urban movements by complementing traditional and emerging land transport systems. Innovation in urban mobility could occur by integrating urban air mobility (UAM) in every city in the world. Yet, UAM reveals a gap regarding the involvement of this technology with people, which interestingly represents the key to long-term success. In this way, by developing a consistent, people-centred UAM, we would spur world progress by changing the way we all travel in cities. At the same time, we would be one step closer to driving a third global mobility revolution and a new world of accessibility. However, the best opportunities for innovation are not only in creating new technologies that enable UAM but also in the ecosystem they together produce: vertiport networks. So, this study proposes to embed vertiport networks in cities using a user-centric design. As there is a lack of this type of research in Portugal, this Dissertation uses a conceptual approach to analyze the logistics and feasibility of integrating vertiport networks in cities by implementing a living lab in the capital of this country, Lisbon. This approach incorporates a user-centric design based on the ongoing engagement of Portuguese citizens in the decision-making process alongside a parallel interaction with five different stakeholders (specifically, ANA Airports of Portugal, NAV Portugal, ANAC Portugal, the Lisbon City Council, and the Government of Portugal). As a result, a three-step roadmap is proposed to implement a vertiport network in the Portuguese capital. This proposal has the virtue of supporting future advanced discussions to bring UAM to Portugal and humanizing UAM's technology in order to narrow the existent gap between the scientific community, public authorities, professional actors (i.e., the industry) and consumers (i.e., people). Lastly, to drive positive and meaningful global change in urban mobility through UAM, we must inspire people by considering their needs and concerns and then call them to act now. Because, in the end, both sustainable urban mobility and smart cities start foremost with the daily habits of each of us.Esta Dissertação foca-se na mobilidade urbana tridimensional (3D). Enquanto prioriza o desenvolvimento da mobilidade sustentável e cidades inteligentes, este estudo pretende fornecer condições e ferramentas práticas de modo a promover a mudança na vida das pessoas para melhor e reverter as alterações climáticas mundiais. Atualmente, o sector do transporte é responsável por cerca de 16 por cento de todas as emissões anuais de gases de efeito estufa no mundo. Particularmente, o aumento do tráfego rodoviário urbano tem intensificado a poluição e o ruído nas cidades, deteriorando a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos que as habitam. Obviamente, é necessário promover uma mudança inovadora e rápida na mobilidade urbana. Neste sentido, o espaço aéreo poderia aliviar este aumento de movimentos urbanísticos ao complementar os sistemas tradicionais e emergentes de transporte terrestres. Inovação na mobilidade urbana poderia ocorrer ao integrar-se a mobilidade aérea urbana (UAM) em todas as cidades do mundo. Contudo, a UAM revela uma lacuna relativamente ao envolvimento desta tecnologia com as pessoas, o que curiosamente representa a chave para o sucesso a longo prazo. Deste modo, ao desenvolver uma UAM consistente e centrada nas pessoas, estimularíamos o progresso mundial ao mudar a forma como todos nós viajamos nas cidades. Ao mesmo tempo, estaríamos um passo mais perto de impulsionar uma terceira revolução da mobilidade global e um novo mundo de acessibilidade. No entanto, as melhores oportunidades de inovação não estão só na criação de novas tecnologias que possibilitem a UAM, mas também no ecossistema que estas produzem juntas: as redes de vertiports. Assim, este estudo propõe incorporar redes de vertiports nas cidades usando um design centrado no utilizador. Sendo que existe falta deste tipo de investigação em Portugal, nesta Dissertação recorre-se a uma abordagem conceptual para analisar a logística e viabilidade da integração de redes de vertiports em cidades através da implementação de um living lab na capital deste país, Lisboa. Esta abordagem incorpora um design centrado no utilizador baseado no envolvimento contínuo dos cidadãos portugueses no processo de tomada de decisão a par de uma interacção paralela com cinco diferentes stakeholders (especificamente, a ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, a NAV Portugal, a ANAC Portugal, a Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e o Governo de Portugal). Como resultado, são propostas diretrizes de três etapas para a implementação de uma rede de vertiports na capital portuguesa. Esta proposta tem a virtude de apoiar futuras discussões avançadas para trazer a UAM para Portugal e de humanizar a tecnologia da UAM com o objetivo de reduzir a lacuna existente entre a comunidade científica, autoridades públicas, atores profissionais (ou seja, a indústria) e consumidores (ou seja, as pessoas). Por último, para impulsionar uma mudança global positiva e significativa na mobilidade urbana através da UAM, devemo-nos inspirar nas pessoas ao considerar as suas necessidades e preocupações e, de seguida, chamá-las para agir. Porque, no final das contas, tanto a mobilidade urbana sustentável como as cidades inteligentes começam principalmente com os hábitos diários de cada um de nós

    The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)

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    The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the department of Innovation activity management and entrepreneurship of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 10, 2016, Minutes No12. The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the methodical committee of the faculty of Management and Business in Manufacturing Sphere of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 26, 2016, Minutes No5