123 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Algorithm to Identify the Fault Data Identification Using Multi-Class Support Vector Machine

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    An experiment was conducted to the raw web log files, in a controlled lab environment, by using KDD technique and M-SVM algorithm. Based on the experiment conducted, the M-SVM algorithm generates 98.68% for true positive rate and 1.32% for false positive rate which indicates the significant efficiency of the new web log file classification and data transformation technique used in this research work. MSVM model identified fault data identification in more accurate with less time when compared to existing SVM model

    Investment option value drivers of the internet companies : in search of the intangible assets of the internet companies

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    Review on Machine Learning Algorithms for Weather Forecasting Issues

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    Machine leaning is a ground of recent research that officially focuses on the theory, performance, and properties of learning systems and algorithms. It is particularly cross disciplinary field building upon ideas from many different kinds of fields such as artificial intelligence, optimization theory, information theory, statistics, cognitive science, optimal control, and many other disciplines of science, engineering, and mathematics. Since implementation in a wide range of applications, machine learning has covered almost every scientific domain, which has brought great impact on the science and society. Machine learning techniques has been used on a variety of problems, including recommendation engines, recognition systems, informatics and data mining, and autonomous control systems. This research paper compared different machine algorithms for classification. Classification is used when the desired output is a discrete label

    Experiential marketing: bridging the gap between value creation to customers and value capture by firms

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    An already voluminous literature addressing the value of marketing to the firm has, until now, fallen short of expectations. In a context in which marketers have increasingly been challenged to prove their worth, the scholarly attempts to demonstrate the value of marketing to the firm have stumbled to reach unquestionable results. Part of the problem may lie in the lengthy and twisted chain of effects from marketing actions to marketing performance outcomes. Between inputs and outputs lie numerous uncontrollable and often confounding external factors, such as the actions of customers, competitors, and other market agents. The problematic operationalization of such complex market structures impelled researchers to analyze fractions of this web of effects rather than attempting to study overarching conceptual models in full. Prior empirical research has typically considered either the impact of marketing actions in the marketplace or the consequences to the firm of the behaviors of customers and rivals. There is still a gap in the literature of an all-encompassing end-to-end demonstration of how specific marketing inputs can drive specific marketing outputs unequivocally contributing to organizational performance. This thesis addresses the issue of marketing as a value-capturing corporate function through its determinant role in managing value-creating exchanges with customers in the marketplace while hindering competitors from appropriating it. Our research suggests that experiential marketing may bridge the gap between value creation to the customer and value capture by the firm. In particular, our findings show that marketing-crafted valuecreating online shopping experiences may predict value-capturing marketing performance outcomes with the mediation of superior customer-level marketing performance. Thus, our results suggest that experiential marketing may offer an opportunity to bridge the gap between "give and take," value creation and value capture, and demonstrate how relevant the contribution of marketing to the firm's value rising can be.Uma já volumosa literatura abordando o valor do marketing para a empresa tem até agora ficado aquém das expectativas. As tentativas para demonstrar a valia do marketing para a empresa não têm conseguido alcançar inequívocas demonstrações de como o marketing pode ter uma contribuição relevante para a apropriação de valor pela empresa. Parte do problema reside na longa e sinuosa cadeia de efeitos ligando os estímulos de marketing aos resultados do desempenho. Entre uns e outros existem inúmeros fatores externos, incontroláveis e perturbadores, tais como as ações de outros participantes no mercado. A investigação empírica anterior tem tipicamente estudado ou os efeitos the ações de marketing no mercado, sobretudo nos clientes, mas também nos concorrentes, ou então as consequências para a empresa dos comportamentos dos clientes e rivais. Consequentemente, há uma lacuna na literatura de uma demonstração abrangente de como determinados estímulos de marketing podem conduzir a efeitos específicos precursores do desempenho da organização. Esta tese equaciona o marketing como função de captura de valor para a empresa através do seu papel determinante na gestão de trocas de valor com clientes, em paralelo com o impedimento aos concorrentes de se apropriarem do valor criado. A nossa investigação sugere que o marketing experiencial pode estabelecer a ligação entre criação de valor para o cliente e captura de valor para a empresa. Em particular, os nossos resultados mostram que experiências de compra criadoras de valor para os clientes em ambientes digitais podem conduzir à captura de valor para a empresa através da mediação de desempenho de marketing a nível de cliente. Portanto, os nossos resultados sugerem que o marketing experiencial pode ser uma grande oportunidade para preencher a lacuna entre “dar e receber”, criação e captura de valor, e mostram quão relevante pode ser a contribuição do marketing para o valor da empresa

    The get big fast as a business model in e-commerce : a case study of Zalando

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    The purpose of this thesis is to identify the properties of the internet that help e-commerce companies to growth so much and so fast, along with the analysis of the Get Big Fast strategy. Such strategy exploits online business activities based on first mover advantage, allowing incumbents to preempt competition by gaining market share as fast as possible and generate positive feedbacks. This qualitative research is a case-study of Zalando, an online fashion retailer. Though initially specialized in footwear, the firm quickly broadened its product portfolio, expanded into new markets and acquired millions of clients, becoming the Europe’s market leader. Hence, this study investigates to what extent Zalando has followed the Get Big Fast principles, based on data provenient from five interviews and multiple secondary sources. The findings indicate that certain properties of the internet stimulate the scalability of business operations, such as: 1) Mediating Technology 2) Information Density 3) Universal Standards 4) Distribution Channel 5) Infinite Virtual Capacity and 6) Global Reach. Moreover, it was found that Zalando has actually pursued the Get Big Fast strategy by being an early mover in the market, applying three out of four common tactics to gain market share (capacity expansion, heavy advertising and formation of strategic alliances), following product and market development strategies and generating four positive feedbacks (economies of scale, learning effects, network effects and accumulation of complementary assets). Nevertheless, some limitations exist, including an extensive scope of research, limited amount of interviews conducted via Skype and a generalization problem.O propósito desta tese é indentificar as propriedades da Internet que ajudam as empresas de comércio electrónico a crescer tanto e tão rápido, juntamente com a análise da estratégia Get Big Fast. Esta estratégia explora a actividade económica online baseada em first mover advantage, permindo aos incumbentes antecipar os seus rivais através da rápida conquista de quota de mercado e da produção de feedbacks positivos. Este estudo qualitativo é um caso de estudo sobre a Zalando, uma loja virtual de moda. Apesar de ser inicialmente especializada em calçado, a empresa alargou rapidamente o seu portofolio de produtos, expandiu-se para novos mercados e adquiriu milhões de clientes, tornando-se no líder de mercado Europeu. Portanto, esta tese investiga em que medida a Zalando segiu os princípios Get Big Fast, de acordo com informação recolhida em cinco entrevistas e múltiplas fontes secundárias. Os resultados indicam que certas propriedades da Internet estimulam a expansibilidade do comércio online, tais como: 1) Tecnologia Mediadora 2) Densidade de Informação 3) Normas Universais 4) Canal de Distribuição 5) Capacidade Virtual Infinita 6) Alcance Global. Além disso, verificou-se que a Zalando seguiu efectivamente uma estratégia Get Big Fast por ser pioneira no mercado, aplicar três de quatro tácticas comuns destinadas à conquista de quota de mercado (expansão de capacidade, forte investimento publicitário e formação de alianças estratégicas), seguir estratégias de desenvolvimento de produtos e mercados e gerar quatro feedbacks positivos (economias de escala, efeitos de aprendizagem, efeitos de rede e acumulação de activos complementares). Contudo, existem algumas limitações, tais como o extenso âmbito de investigação, o número limitado de entrevistas realizadas por Skype e um problema de generelização

    Inter-organizational information sharing of customer data in retail

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-53).As massive online retailers are putting increasing pressure on the traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, new ways to compete for customers is needed. Identifying customers' behavior and understanding their needs could be a crucial way for firms to improve their competitive advantage. One way to better understand customers could be for retailers to collaborate and aggregate their customer data in order to gain more holistic understandings of customers. This thesis examines on a high-level how customer data is used in retail today and what new value can be generated by collaborating and aggregating customer data, both for businesses as well as for consumers. It then goes on to identify structures of customer data sharing that we observe today and what the underlying factors are for each structure. By projecting how these factors will evolve over time, different scenarios are drawn up of what we might expect to see in the retail industry in the future in terms of customer data sharing. The implications of those projections could possibly open up for new business opportunities, both for entrepreneurs as well as incumbent retailers.by John C.F. Tengberg.S.M

    A study of generation Y attitude towards usage of internet for e-commerce in MSC landmark, Kuala Lumpur & Selangor state

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    The last two decades have experienced rapid expansion of information and communication technology. This wide application of internet stated its influence on attitude and adoption of internet among various generations. The generation Y which is "the millennia1 generation", are the major one who has connected with the technology, especially internet usage, widely in every aspect of life. They adopt technology application in shopping product and services, moving away from traditional purchasing behavior of consumer. Though various studies have come out in the area of generation Y and technology adoption, very less studies are observed in the Malaysian context, considering the consumer internet usage attitude and e-commerce activities. Hence this particular study, then observe and analyze generation Y attitude towards internet usage and e-commerce activities with its moderating impact of computer literacy and gender variation

    Digital Strategy Analysis of Geox S.p.A on German Market and Recommendations Regarding its Improvement

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    Pochopení digitální transformace společností v segmentu Business-to-Customer, to je hlavní smysl teoretické části této práce. Konkrétně, jak je touto transformací ovlivněno vytváření business modelu a digitální strategie společností v retailovém odvětví. Avšak hlavním účelem práce je ukázat tuto transformaci na příkladu obuvní a oděvnické společnosti Geox S.p.A, konkrétně její dceřiné společnosti Geox Deutschland Gbmh (dále jen Geox). Největší důraz je kladen na dvě oblasti digitální transformace. Prvně, jak mohou být využity on-line kanály a technologie obecně spojené s digitalizací ke zvýšení příjmů. Druhou oblastí je zkoumání příležitosti v oblasti sběru dat pomocí digitákních technologii a využití těchto dat s cílem zvýšit úroveň nákupních zkušenosti zákazníků této společnosti. Vyhodnocení úrovně digitalizace německého trhu je založeno na analýze kvalitativních dat, schromážděných ze sekundárních zdrojů. Tato metoda se ukázala být jako velmi efektivní v poskytnutí detailního pohledu do této oblasti. V rámci investigace vlastní digitálni strategie společnosti Geox byly opět většinou použity sekundární data; jen v několika oblastech kde to bylo realistické byly vyhodnoceny primární data. Výsledky analýz odhalily že společnost Geox dala do své digitální transformace poměrně mnoho usílí, primárně v oblastech sjednocování online a offline kanálů, marketingu na sociálních sítí, vývoji content managementu a růstu povědomí o značce Geox díky několika interaktivním kampaním. Nicméně, analýza odhalila i nadmíru slabin v digitální strategii společnosti Geox. Konkrétně nedostačující mobilní strategie, chybějící digitální technologie v kamenných obchodech, nevyhovující spolupráce mezi vedením Geox a lokálními prodejci v tvorbě marketingových kampaní, chabě personalizované webové stránky a nefungující zasílání nabídek na míru konkrétním zákazníkům. Obecně tedy může být konstatováno, že navzdory věnovanému úsilí do digitální transformace se společnosti Geox v některých oblastech nedaří přizpůsobit moderním trendům. Pročež je v závěrečné části práce identifikováno několik doporučení pro společnost Geox, za účelem eliminace slabin zmíněných výše a udržení konkurenceschopnosti do budoucna.First of all, the theoretical part of thesis should assist reader to understand the digital transformation of companies, how it affects Business-to-Customer segment, especially building the business models and digital strategies of companies in retail industry. Main purpose of this report, however, is to show this digital transformation on live example of footwear and apparel retailer Geox S.p.A, specifically its German subsidiary Geox Deutschland Gmbh (hereinafter Geox). Two main areas of digital transformation are being investigated. Firstly, possibilities of leveraging a digital channels and assets in order to revenue increase. Secondly, opportunities of technology utilization in order to leverage the data from all channels and enhance the customer experience. The evaluation of German market digitalization level is based on secondary analysis of qualitative data, which has proved to be effective way in providing useful insight for chosen topic. The evaluation of Geox’s digital strategy itself is based on analysis of both, primary and secondary data. The results of analyses revealed that Geox put significant effort into its digital transformation; especially in the area of integration online and offline channels, social media marketing, rich content management or growing of brand awareness due to interactive marketing campaigns. However, this report recognizes plenty weaknesses of Geox digital strategy as well. Specifically, missing solid mobile strategy, wanting digital technology in store, substandard cooperation between headquarter and franchisees in marketing campaigns, poorly personalized websites and inadequate tailored offers to customers. Basically, in spite of effort which has been put into its digital transformation, Geox is not truly following contemporary trends. Wherefore, several steps identified in recommendations should be followed by Geox in order to remain competitive in the future.