2,057 research outputs found

    Improving Health Information Exchange by Combining Interoperable Resources and Digital Collection Integration Tools

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    Health information exchange plays a key role in any kind of healthcare system. An important barrier in this exchange is the lack of mechanisms and tools able to fully integrate information models that underlie existing healthcare systems. The current paper presents an approach to gathering multiple sources of clinical data by taking advantage of the HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) format. The use of this standard format together with the Clavy tool enables a powerful approach to managing digital health collections that can easily be exchanged in different healthcare domains. In this sense, several content items for healthcare training, based on e-learning standards, have been generated from a clinical dataset that combines FHIR resources and DICOM images. Such a generation process shows the capability of the approach presented to coping with the exchange of health information based on multiple multimedia formats and controlled medical vocabularies

    Toward More Predictive Models by Leveraging Multimodal Data

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    Data is often composed of structured and unstructured data. Both forms of data have information that can be exploited by machine learning models to increase their prediction performance on a task. However, integrating the features from both these data forms is a hard, complicated task. This is all the more true for models which operate on time-constraints. Time-constrained models are machine learning models that work on input where time causality has to be maintained such as predicting something in the future based on past data. Most previous work does not have a dedicated pipeline that is generalizable to different tasks and domains, especially under time-constraints. In this work, we present a systematic, domain-agnostic pipeline for integrating features from structured and unstructured data while maintaining time causality for building models. We focus on the healthcare and consumer market domain and perform experiments, preprocess data, and build models to demonstrate the generalizability of the pipeline. More specifically, we focus on the task of identifying patients who are at risk of an imminent ICU admission. We use our pipeline to solve this task and show how augmenting unstructured data with structured data improves model performance. We found that by combining structured and unstructured data we can get a performance improvement of up to 8.5

    Challenges and opportunities beyond structured data in analysis of electronic health records

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    Electronic health records (EHR) contain a lot of valuable information about individual patients and the whole population. Besides structured data, unstructured data in EHRs can provide extra, valuable information but the analytics processes are complex, time-consuming, and often require excessive manual effort. Among unstructured data, clinical text and images are the two most popular and important sources of information. Advanced statistical algorithms in natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and radiomics have increasingly been used for analyzing clinical text and images. Although there exist many challenges that have not been fully addressed, which can hinder the use of unstructured data, there are clear opportunities for well-designed diagnosis and decision support tools that efficiently incorporate both structured and unstructured data for extracting useful information and provide better outcomes. However, access to clinical data is still very restricted due to data sensitivity and ethical issues. Data quality is also an important challenge in which methods for improving data completeness, conformity and plausibility are needed. Further, generalizing and explaining the result of machine learning models are important problems for healthcare, and these are open challenges. A possible solution to improve data quality and accessibility of unstructured data is developing machine learning methods that can generate clinically relevant synthetic data, and accelerating further research on privacy preserving techniques such as deidentification and pseudonymization of clinical text

    Explainable Prediction of Medical Codes from Clinical Text

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    Clinical notes are text documents that are created by clinicians for each patient encounter. They are typically accompanied by medical codes, which describe the diagnosis and treatment. Annotating these codes is labor intensive and error prone; furthermore, the connection between the codes and the text is not annotated, obscuring the reasons and details behind specific diagnoses and treatments. We present an attentional convolutional network that predicts medical codes from clinical text. Our method aggregates information across the document using a convolutional neural network, and uses an attention mechanism to select the most relevant segments for each of the thousands of possible codes. The method is accurate, achieving precision@8 of 0.71 and a Micro-F1 of 0.54, which are both better than the prior state of the art. Furthermore, through an interpretability evaluation by a physician, we show that the attention mechanism identifies meaningful explanations for each code assignmentComment: NAACL 201

    SemEHR:A general-purpose semantic search system to surface semantic data from clinical notes for tailored care, trial recruitment, and clinical research

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    OBJECTIVE: Unlocking the data contained within both structured and unstructured components of electronic health records (EHRs) has the potential to provide a step change in data available for secondary research use, generation of actionable medical insights, hospital management, and trial recruitment. To achieve this, we implemented SemEHR, an open source semantic search and analytics tool for EHRs. METHODS: SemEHR implements a generic information extraction (IE) and retrieval infrastructure by identifying contextualized mentions of a wide range of biomedical concepts within EHRs. Natural language processing annotations are further assembled at the patient level and extended with EHR-specific knowledge to generate a timeline for each patient. The semantic data are serviced via ontology-based search and analytics interfaces. RESULTS: SemEHR has been deployed at a number of UK hospitals, including the Clinical Record Interactive Search, an anonymized replica of the EHR of the UK South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, one of Europe's largest providers of mental health services. In 2 Clinical Record Interactive Search-based studies, SemEHR achieved 93% (hepatitis C) and 99% (HIV) F-measure results in identifying true positive patients. At King's College Hospital in London, as part of the CogStack program (github.com/cogstack), SemEHR is being used to recruit patients into the UK Department of Health 100 000 Genomes Project (genomicsengland.co.uk). The validation study suggests that the tool can validate previously recruited cases and is very fast at searching phenotypes; time for recruitment criteria checking was reduced from days to minutes. Validated on open intensive care EHR data, Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III, the vital signs extracted by SemEHR can achieve around 97% accuracy. CONCLUSION: Results from the multiple case studies demonstrate SemEHR's efficiency: weeks or months of work can be done within hours or minutes in some cases. SemEHR provides a more comprehensive view of patients, bringing in more and unexpected insight compared to study-oriented bespoke IE systems. SemEHR is open source, available at https://github.com/CogStack/SemEHR

    ICE-NODE: Integration of Clinical Embeddings with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

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    Early diagnosis of disease can lead to improved health outcomes, including higher survival rates and lower treatment costs. With the massive amount of information available in electronic health records (EHRs), there is great potential to use machine learning (ML) methods to model disease progression aimed at early prediction of disease onset and other outcomes. In this work, we employ recent innovations in neural ODEs combined with rich semantic embeddings of clinical codes to harness the full temporal information of EHRs. We propose ICE-NODE (Integration of Clinical Embeddings with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations), an architecture that temporally integrates embeddings of clinical codes and neural ODEs to learn and predict patient trajectories in EHRs. We apply our method to the publicly available MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV datasets, and we find improved prediction results compared to state-of-the-art methods, specifically for clinical codes that are not frequently observed in EHRs. We also show that ICE-NODE is more competent at predicting certain medical conditions, like acute renal failure, pulmonary heart disease and birth-related problems, where the full temporal information could provide important information. Furthermore, ICE-NODE is also able to produce patient risk trajectories over time that can be exploited for further detailed predictions of disease evolution

    Using clinical text to refine unspecific condition codes in Dutch general practitioner EHR data

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    Objective: Observational studies using electronic health record (EHR) databases often face challenges due to unspecific clinical codes that can obscure detailed medical information, hindering precise data analysis. In this study, we aimed to assess the feasibility of refining these unspecific condition codes into more specific codes in a Dutch general practitioner (GP) EHR database by leveraging the available clinical free text. Methods: We utilized three approaches for text classification—search queries, semi-supervised learning, and supervised learning—to improve the specificity of ten unspecific International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-1) codes. Two text representations and three machine learning algorithms were evaluated for the (semi-)supervised models. Additionally, we measured the improvement achieved by the refinement process on all code occurrences in the database. Results: The classification models performed well for most codes. In general, no single classification approach consistently outperformed the others. However, there were variations in the relative performance of the classification approaches within each code and in the use of different text representations and machine learning algorithms. Class imbalance and limited training data affected the performance of the (semi-)supervised models, yet the simple search queries remained particularly effective. Ultimately, the developed models improved the specificity of over half of all the unspecific code occurrences in the database. Conclusions: Our findings show the feasibility of using information from clinical text to improve the specificity of unspecific condition codes in observational healthcare databases, even with a limited range of machine-learning techniques and modest annotated training sets. Future work could investigate transfer learning, integration of structured data, alternative semi-supervised methods, and validation of models across healthcare settings. The improved level of detail enriches the interpretation of medical information and can benefit observational research and patient care.</p

    Using clinical text to refine unspecific condition codes in Dutch general practitioner EHR data

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    Objective: Observational studies using electronic health record (EHR) databases often face challenges due to unspecific clinical codes that can obscure detailed medical information, hindering precise data analysis. In this study, we aimed to assess the feasibility of refining these unspecific condition codes into more specific codes in a Dutch general practitioner (GP) EHR database by leveraging the available clinical free text. Methods: We utilized three approaches for text classification—search queries, semi-supervised learning, and supervised learning—to improve the specificity of ten unspecific International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-1) codes. Two text representations and three machine learning algorithms were evaluated for the (semi-)supervised models. Additionally, we measured the improvement achieved by the refinement process on all code occurrences in the database. Results: The classification models performed well for most codes. In general, no single classification approach consistently outperformed the others. However, there were variations in the relative performance of the classification approaches within each code and in the use of different text representations and machine learning algorithms. Class imbalance and limited training data affected the performance of the (semi-)supervised models, yet the simple search queries remained particularly effective. Ultimately, the developed models improved the specificity of over half of all the unspecific code occurrences in the database. Conclusions: Our findings show the feasibility of using information from clinical text to improve the specificity of unspecific condition codes in observational healthcare databases, even with a limited range of machine-learning techniques and modest annotated training sets. Future work could investigate transfer learning, integration of structured data, alternative semi-supervised methods, and validation of models across healthcare settings. The improved level of detail enriches the interpretation of medical information and can benefit observational research and patient care.</p

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    DissertationHealth information technology (HIT) in conjunction with quality improvement (QI) methodologies can promote higher quality care at lower costs. Unfortunately, most inpatient hospital settings have been slow to adopt HIT and QI methodologies. Successful adoption requires close attention to workflow. Workflow is the sequence of tasks, processes, and the set of people or resources needed for those tasks that are necessary to accomplish a given goal. Assessing the impact on workflow is an important component of determining whether a HIT implementation will be successful, but little research has been conducted on the impact of eMeasure (electronic performance measure) implementation on workflow. One solution to addressing implementation challenges such as the lack of attention to workflow is an implementation toolkit. An implementation toolkit is an assembly of instruments such as checklists, forms, and planning documents. We developed an initial eMeasure Implementation Toolkit for the heart failure (HF) eMeasure to allow QI and information technology (IT) professionals and their team to assess the impact of implementation on workflow. During the development phase of the toolkit, we undertook a literature review to determine the components of the toolkit. We conducted stakeholder interviews with HIT and QI key informants and subject matter experts (SMEs) at the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Key informants provided a broad understanding about the context of workflow during eMeasure implementation. Based on snowball sampling, we also interviewed other SMEs based on the recommendations of the key informants who suggested tools and provided information essential to the toolkit development. The second phase involved evaluation of the toolkit for relevance and clarity, by experts in non-VA settings. The experts evaluated the sections of the toolkit that contained the tools, via a survey. The final toolkit provides a distinct set of resources and tools, which were iteratively developed during the research and available to users in a single source document. The research methodology provided a strong unified overarching implementation framework in the form of the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (PARIHS) model in combination with a sociotechnical model of HIT that strengthened the overall design of the study
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