67 research outputs found

    A study and some experimental work of digital image and video watermarking

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    The rapid growth of digitized media and the emergence of digital networks have created a pressing need for copyright protection and anonymous communications schemes. Digital watermarking (or data hiding in a more general term) is a kind of steganography technique by adding information into a digital data stream. Several most important watermarking schemes applied to multilevel and binary still images and digital videos were studied. They include schemes based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), and fractal transforms. The question whether these invisible watermarking techniques can resolve the issue of rightful ownership of intellectual properties was discussed. The watermarking schemes were further studied from malicious attack point of view, which is considered an effective way to advance the watermarking techniques. In particular, the StirMark robustness tests based on geometrical distortion were carried out. A binary watermarking scheme applied in the DCT domain is presented in this research project. The effect of the binarization procedure necessarily encountered in dealing with binary document images is found so strong that most of conventional embedding schemes fail in dealing with watermarking of binary document images. Some particular measures have to be taken. The initial simulation results indicate that the proposed technique is promising though further efforts need to be made

    Error Correction and Concealment of Bock Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Predition, Transform Coded Video

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    Error Correction and Concealment of Block Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction, Transform Coded Video David L. Robie 133 Pages Directed by Dr. Russell M. Mersereau The use of the Internet and wireless networks to bring multimedia to the consumer continues to expand. The transmission of these products is always subject to corruption due to errors such as bit errors or lost and ill-timed packets; however, in many cases, such as real time video transmission, retransmission request (ARQ) is not practical. Therefore receivers must be capable of recovering from corrupted data. Errors can be mitigated using forward error correction in the encoder or error concealment techniques in the decoder. This thesis investigates the use of forward error correction (FEC) techniques in the encoder and error concealment in the decoder in block-based, motion-compensated, temporal prediction, transform codecs. It will show improvement over standard FEC applications and improvements in error concealment relative to the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standard. To this end, this dissertation will describe the following contributions and proofs-of-concept in the area of error concealment and correction in block-based video transmission. A temporal error concealment algorithm which uses motion-compensated macroblocks from previous frames. A spatial error concealment algorithm which uses the Hough transform to detect edges in both foreground and background colors and using directional interpolation or directional filtering to provide improved edge reproduction. A codec which uses data hiding to transmit error correction information. An enhanced codec which builds upon the last by improving the performance of the codec in the error-free environment while maintaining excellent error recovery capabilities. A method to allocate Reed-Solomon (R-S) packet-based forward error correction that will decrease distortion (using a PSNR metric) at the receiver compared to standard FEC techniques. Finally, under the constraints of a constant bit rate, the tradeoff between traditional R-S FEC and alternate forward concealment information (FCI) is evaluated. Each of these developments is compared and contrasted to state of the art techniques and are able to show improvements using widely accepted metrics. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of future work.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mersereau, Russell; Committee Member: Altunbasak, Yucel; Committee Member: Fekri, Faramarz; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Zhou, Haomi

    Content-Aware Multimedia Communications

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    The demands for fast, economic and reliable dissemination of multimedia information are steadily growing within our society. While people and economy increasingly rely on communication technologies, engineers still struggle with their growing complexity. Complexity in multimedia communication originates from several sources. The most prominent is the unreliability of packet networks like the Internet. Recent advances in scheduling and error control mechanisms for streaming protocols have shown that the quality and robustness of multimedia delivery can be improved significantly when protocols are aware of the content they deliver. However, the proposed mechanisms require close cooperation between transport systems and application layers which increases the overall system complexity. Current approaches also require expensive metrics and focus on special encoding formats only. A general and efficient model is missing so far. This thesis presents efficient and format-independent solutions to support cross-layer coordination in system architectures. In particular, the first contribution of this work is a generic dependency model that enables transport layers to access content-specific properties of media streams, such as dependencies between data units and their importance. The second contribution is the design of a programming model for streaming communication and its implementation as a middleware architecture. The programming model hides the complexity of protocol stacks behind simple programming abstractions, but exposes cross-layer control and monitoring options to application programmers. For example, our interfaces allow programmers to choose appropriate failure semantics at design time while they can refine error protection and visibility of low-level errors at run-time. Based on some examples we show how our middleware simplifies the integration of stream-based communication into large-scale application architectures. An important result of this work is that despite cross-layer cooperation, neither application nor transport protocol designers experience an increase in complexity. Application programmers can even reuse existing streaming protocols which effectively increases system robustness.Der Bedarf unsere Gesellschaft nach kostengünstiger und zuverlässiger Kommunikation wächst stetig. Während wir uns selbst immer mehr von modernen Kommunikationstechnologien abhängig machen, müssen die Ingenieure dieser Technologien sowohl den Bedarf nach schneller Einführung neuer Produkte befriedigen als auch die wachsende Komplexität der Systeme beherrschen. Gerade die Übertragung multimedialer Inhalte wie Video und Audiodaten ist nicht trivial. Einer der prominentesten Gründe dafür ist die Unzuverlässigkeit heutiger Netzwerke, wie z.B.~dem Internet. Paketverluste und schwankende Laufzeiten können die Darstellungsqualität massiv beeinträchtigen. Wie jüngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der Streaming-Protokolle zeigen, sind jedoch Qualität und Robustheit der Übertragung effizient kontrollierbar, wenn Streamingprotokolle Informationen über den Inhalt der transportierten Daten ausnutzen. Existierende Ansätze, die den Inhalt von Multimediadatenströmen beschreiben, sind allerdings meist auf einzelne Kompressionsverfahren spezialisiert und verwenden berechnungsintensive Metriken. Das reduziert ihren praktischen Nutzen deutlich. Außerdem erfordert der Informationsaustausch eine enge Kooperation zwischen Applikationen und Transportschichten. Da allerdings die Schnittstellen aktueller Systemarchitekturen nicht darauf vorbereitet sind, müssen entweder die Schnittstellen erweitert oder alternative Architekturkonzepte geschaffen werden. Die Gefahr beider Varianten ist jedoch, dass sich die Komplexität eines Systems dadurch weiter erhöhen kann. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es deshalb, schichtenübergreifende Koordination bei gleichzeitiger Reduzierung der Komplexität zu erreichen. Hier leistet die Arbeit zwei Beträge zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung. Erstens definiert sie ein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung von Inhaltsattributen, wie Wichtigkeiten und Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen innerhalb eines Datenstroms. Transportschichten können dieses Wissen zur effizienten Fehlerkontrolle verwenden. Zweitens beschreibt die Arbeit das Noja Programmiermodell für multimediale Middleware. Noja definiert Abstraktionen zur Übertragung und Kontrolle multimedialer Ströme, die die Koordination von Streamingprotokollen mit Applikationen ermöglichen. Zum Beispiel können Programmierer geeignete Fehlersemantiken und Kommunikationstopologien auswählen und den konkreten Fehlerschutz dann zur Laufzeit verfeinern und kontrolliere

    A network transparent, retained mode multimedia processing framework for the Linux operating system environment

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    Die Arbeit präsentiert ein Multimedia-Framework für Linux, das im Unterschied zu früheren Arbeiten auf den Ideen "retained-mode processing" und "lazy evaluation" basiert: Statt Transformationen unmittelbar auszuführen, wird eine abstrakte Repräsentation aller Medienelemente aufgebaut. "renderer"-Treiber fungieren als Übersetzer, die diese Darstellung zur Laufzeit in konkrete Operationen umsetzen, wobei das Datenmodell zahlreiche Optimierungen zur Reduktion der Anzahl der Schritte oder der Minimierung von Kommunikation erlaubt. Dies erlaubt ein stark vereinfachtes Programmiermodell bei gleichzeitiger Effizienzsteigerung. "renderer"-Treiber können zur Ausführung von Transformationen den lokalen Prozessor verwenden, oder können die Operationen delegieren. In der Arbeit wird eine Erweiterung des X Window Systems um Mechanismen zur Medienverarbeitung vorgestellt, sowie ein "renderer"-Treiber, der diese zur Delegation der Verarbeitung nutzt

    Digital rights management techniques for H.264 video

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    This work aims to present a number of low-complexity digital rights management (DRM) methodologies for the H.264 standard. Initially, requirements to enforce DRM are analyzed and understood. Based on these requirements, a framework is constructed which puts forth different possibilities that can be explored to satisfy the objective. To implement computationally efficient DRM methods, watermarking and content based copy detection are then chosen as the preferred methodologies. The first approach is based on robust watermarking which modifies the DC residuals of 4Ă—4 macroblocks within I-frames. Robust watermarks are appropriate for content protection and proving ownership. Experimental results show that the technique exhibits encouraging rate-distortion (R-D) characteristics while at the same time being computationally efficient. The problem of content authentication is addressed with the help of two methodologies: irreversible and reversible watermarks. The first approach utilizes the highest frequency coefficient within 4Ă—4 blocks of the I-frames after CAVLC en- tropy encoding to embed a watermark. The technique was found to be very effect- ive in detecting tampering. The second approach applies the difference expansion (DE) method on IPCM macroblocks within P-frames to embed a high-capacity reversible watermark. Experiments prove the technique to be not only fragile and reversible but also exhibiting minimal variation in its R-D characteristics. The final methodology adopted to enforce DRM for H.264 video is based on the concept of signature generation and matching. Specific types of macroblocks within each predefined region of an I-, B- and P-frame are counted at regular intervals in a video clip and an ordinal matrix is constructed based on their count. The matrix is considered to be the signature of that video clip and is matched with longer video sequences to detect copies within them. Simulation results show that the matching methodology is capable of not only detecting copies but also its location within a longer video sequence. Performance analysis depict acceptable false positive and false negative rates and encouraging receiver operating charac- teristics. Finally, the time taken to match and locate copies is significantly low which makes it ideal for use in broadcast and streaming applications

    Steganography and steganalysis: data hiding in Vorbis audio streams

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    The goal of the current work is to introduce ourselves in the world of steganography and steganalysis, centering our efforts in acoustic signals, a branch of steganography and steganalysis which has received much less attention than steganography and steganalysis for images. With this purpose in mind, it’s essential to get first a basic level of understanding of signal theory and the properties of the Human Auditory System, and we will dedicate ourselves to that aim during the first part of this work. Once established those basis, in the second part, we will obtain a precise image of the state of the art in steganographic and steganalytic sciences, from which we will be able to establish or deduce some good practices guides. With both previous subjects in mind, we will be able to create, design and implement a stego-system over Vorbis audio codec and, finally, as conclusion, analyze it using the principles studied during the first and second parts

    Enhancing a Neurosurgical Imaging System with a PC-based Video Processing Solution

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    This work presents a PC-based prototype video processing application developed to be used with a specific neurosurgical imaging device, the OPMI® PenteroTM operating microscope, in the Department of Neurosurgery of Helsinki University Central Hospital at Töölö, Helsinki. The motivation for implementing the software was the lack of some clinically important features in the imaging system provided by the microscope. The imaging system is used as an online diagnostic aid during surgery. The microscope has two internal video cameras; one for regular white light imaging and one for near-infrared fluorescence imaging, used for indocyanine green videoangiography. The footage of the microscope’s current imaging mode is accessed via the composite auxiliary output of the device. The microscope also has an external high resolution white light video camera, accessed via a composite output of a separate video hub. The PC was chosen as the video processing platform for its unparalleled combination of prototyping and high-throughput video processing capabilities. A thorough analysis of the platform and efficient video processing methods was conducted in the thesis and the results were used in the design of the imaging station. The features found feasible during the project were incorporated into a video processing application running on a GNU/Linux distribution Ubuntu. The clinical usefulness of the implemented features was ensured beforehand by consulting the neurosurgeons using the original system. The most significant shortcomings of the original imaging system were mended in this work. The key features of the developed application include: live streaming, simultaneous streaming and recording, and playing back of upto two video streams. The playback mode provides full media player controls, with a frame-by-frame precision rewinding, in an intuitive and responsive interface. A single view and a side-by-side comparison mode are provided for the streams. The former gives more detail, while the latter can be used, for example, for before-after and anatomic-angiographic comparisons.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Digital Watermarking for Verification of Perception-based Integrity of Audio Data

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    In certain application fields digital audio recordings contain sensitive content. Examples are historical archival material in public archives that preserve our cultural heritage, or digital evidence in the context of law enforcement and civil proceedings. Because of the powerful capabilities of modern editing tools for multimedia such material is vulnerable to doctoring of the content and forgery of its origin with malicious intent. Also inadvertent data modification and mistaken origin can be caused by human error. Hence, the credibility and provenience in terms of an unadulterated and genuine state of such audio content and the confidence about its origin are critical factors. To address this issue, this PhD thesis proposes a mechanism for verifying the integrity and authenticity of digital sound recordings. It is designed and implemented to be insensitive to common post-processing operations of the audio data that influence the subjective acoustic perception only marginally (if at all). Examples of such operations include lossy compression that maintains a high sound quality of the audio media, or lossless format conversions. It is the objective to avoid de facto false alarms that would be expectedly observable in standard crypto-based authentication protocols in the presence of these legitimate post-processing. For achieving this, a feasible combination of the techniques of digital watermarking and audio-specific hashing is investigated. At first, a suitable secret-key dependent audio hashing algorithm is developed. It incorporates and enhances so-called audio fingerprinting technology from the state of the art in contentbased audio identification. The presented algorithm (denoted as ”rMAC” message authentication code) allows ”perception-based” verification of integrity. This means classifying integrity breaches as such not before they become audible. As another objective, this rMAC is embedded and stored silently inside the audio media by means of audio watermarking technology. This approach allows maintaining the authentication code across the above-mentioned admissible post-processing operations and making it available for integrity verification at a later date. For this, an existent secret-key ependent audio watermarking algorithm is used and enhanced in this thesis work. To some extent, the dependency of the rMAC and of the watermarking processing from a secret key also allows authenticating the origin of a protected audio. To elaborate on this security aspect, this work also estimates the brute-force efforts of an adversary attacking this combined rMAC-watermarking approach. The experimental results show that the proposed method provides a good distinction and classification performance of authentic versus doctored audio content. It also allows the temporal localization of audible data modification within a protected audio file. The experimental evaluation finally provides recommendations about technical configuration settings of the combined watermarking-hashing approach. Beyond the main topic of perception-based data integrity and data authenticity for audio, this PhD work provides new general findings in the fields of audio fingerprinting and digital watermarking. The main contributions of this PhD were published and presented mainly at conferences about multimedia security. These publications were cited by a number of other authors and hence had some impact on their works

    A critical evaluation of the Dolby Digital compression algorithm

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    Dolby Digital, or AC-3, provides for the compression of high-quality audio signals at a bit rate of 384 kbps. for 5.1 audio channels. The purpose of this thesis is to conduct an analysis and evaluation of the AC-3 compression algorithm. The main conclusion is that AC-3 allocates too few bits to the upper frequency ranges. This conclusion is supported by two lines of argument. First, a comparison of the AC-3 perceptual coding model with known facts concerning the masking properties of sound reveals omissions in the AC-3 perceptual model that lead to loss of high frequency resolution. Second, a test program comparing the bit allocation generated by AC-3 with the bit allocation generated by MPEG corroborates the conclusion. A remedy for the high frequency loss problem is put forward

    Parallelism and the software-hardware interface in embedded systems

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    This thesis by publications addresses issues in the architecture and microarchitecture of next generation, high performance streaming Systems-on-Chip through quantifying the most important forms of parallelism in current and emerging embedded system workloads. The work consists of three major research tracks, relating to data level parallelism, thread level parallelism and the software-hardware interface which together reflect the research interests of the author as they have been formed in the last nine years. Published works confirm that parallelism at the data level is widely accepted as the most important performance leverage for the efficient execution of embedded media and telecom applications and has been exploited via a number of approaches the most efficient being vectorlSIMD architectures. A further, complementary and substantial form of parallelism exists at the thread level but this has not been researched to the same extent in the context of embedded workloads. For the efficient execution of such applications, exploitation of both forms of parallelism is of paramount importance. This calls for a new architectural approach in the software-hardware interface as its rigidity, manifested in all desktop-based and the majority of embedded CPU's, directly affects the performance ofvectorized, threaded codes. The author advocates a holistic, mature approach where parallelism is extracted via automatic means while at the same time, the traditionally rigid hardware-software interface is optimized to match the temporal and spatial behaviour of the embedded workload. This ultimate goal calls for the precise study of these forms of parallelism for a number of applications executing on theoretical models such as instruction set simulators and parallel RAM machines as well as the development of highly parametric microarchitectural frameworks to encapSUlate that functionality.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
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