74 research outputs found

    Optimal Service Placement in Distributed Networks

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    As our world becomes more interconnected, there is an increasingly important role for distributed computer system. Designing these systems is not an easy task. Progress has been made in this regard with the development of formal specification languages and verification tools. One area that is usually not addressed is the deployment of a system. This is unfortunate as the deployment can be critical to the performance. Placing components on slow, unreliable hosts will severely hinder the system, while grouping components on the fastest hosts creates single points of failure. Service deployment deals with the problem of selecting which node in a network is most suitable for hosting a service and that responds to queries from other nodes. Optimal placement of service facilities reduces network traffic and improves connectivity between clients and servers. Here it deals with the movement of service facility between neighbour nodes in a way that the cost of service provision is reduced and the service facility reaches the optimal location and remains there as long as the environment does not change, and as network condition changes the migration process is resumed automatically, Thus naturally responding to network dynamicity under certain conditions. The paper focus to bring the service provision points close to the demand in order to minimize communication cost of provided service. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Applying named data networking in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This thesis presents the Name-based Mobile Ad-hoc Network (nMANET) approach to content distribution that ensure and enables responsible research on applying named data networking protocol in mobile ad-hoc networks. The test framework of the nMANET approach allows reproducibility of experiments and validation of expected results based on analysis of experimental data. The area of application for nMANETs is the distribution of humanitarian information in emergency scenarios. Named-Data Networking (NDN) and ad-hoc mobile communication allow exchange of emergency information in situations where central services such as cellular towers and electric systems are disrupted. The implemented prototype enables researchers to reproduce experiments on content distribution that consider constraints on mobile resources, such as the remaining power of mobile devices and available network bandwidth. The nMANET framework validates a set of experiments by measuring network traffic and energy consumption from both real mobile devices and those in a simulated environment. Additionally, this thesis presents results from experiments in which the nMANET forwarding strategies and traditional wireless services, such as hotpost, are analysed and compared. This experimental data represents the evidence that supports and validates the methodology presented in this thesis. The design and implementation of an nMANET prototype, the Java NDN Forwarder Daemon (JNFD) is presented as a testing framework, which follows the principles of continuous integration, continuous testing and continuous deployment. This testing framework is used to validate JNFD and IP-based technologies, such as HTTP in a MANET using the OLSR routing protocol, as well as traditional wireless infrastructure mode wireless. The set of experiments executed, in a small network of Android smart-phones connected in ad-hoc mode and in a virtual ad-hoc network simulator show the advantages of reproducibility using nMANET features. JNFD is open source, all experiments are scripted, they are repeatable and scalable. Additionally, JNFD utilises real GPS traces to simulate mobility of nodes during experiments. This thesis provides experimental evidence to show that nMANET allows reproducibility and validation of a wide range of future experiments applying NDN on MANETs

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges

    Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN

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    [ES] Existen muchos trabajos relacionados con las redes ad hoc y las redes de sensores donde se presentan nuevos protocolos que encaminamiento que aportan mejores características, otros trabajos donde se comparan para ver cual posee un mejor rendimiento ó incluso presentan nuevas aplicaciones basadas en este tipo de redes, pero este trabajo aporta otro punto de vista. ¿Por que no ver la red como un conjunto que se divide en grupos para aportar un mejor rendimiento a la red independientemente del protocolo de encaminamiento utilizado?. Para ello, en este trabajo, vamos a demostrar a través de simulaciones, que la agrupación de nodos en redes WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) aporta mejoras a la red en general, disminuyendo el tráfico de encaminamiento, el retardo, el throughput, etc. Este estudio se ha realizado evaluando los protocolos estándar más utilizados (DSR [1], AODV [2] y OLSR [3]), así podemos observar cual de ellos aporta un mejor rendimiento. Finalmente, se propone una arquitectura de red basada en grupos optimizada para las redes WAHSN[EN] There are many works related with ad hoc networks and sensor networks where the authors present new routing protocols with better or enhanced features, others just compare the performance of them or present an application environment, but this work tries to give another point of view. Why don¿t we see the network as a whole and split it intro groups to give better performance to the network regardless of the used routing protocol?. First, we will demonstrate, through simulations, that grouping nodes in WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) improves the whole network by diminishing the routing traffic, the delay, the throughput, etc. This study was conducted to assess the most used standard protocols (DSR [1], AODV [2] and OLSR [3]) that gives better performance to the whole network when there are groups of nodes. Finally, a group-based network architecture optimized for WAHSN is proposedGarcía Pineda, M. (2008). Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13472Archivo delegad

    Method and System for Name Resolution Across Heterogeneous Architectures

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    One embodiment of the present invention provides a system for resolving a name request in a network comprising a plurality of groups that use different name-resolution schemes. During operation, the system receives, at a first group, the name request; identifies a parent group of the first group, which is a member of the parent group; and in response to failing to resolve the name request within the first group, forwards the name request to the identified parent group
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