12 research outputs found

    Using dynamic, full cache locking and genetic algorithms for cache size minimization in multitasking, preemptive, real-time systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-45008-2_13Cache locking have shown during the last years their usefulness easing the schedulability analysis of multitasking, preemptive, real-time systems. Cache locking provides a high degree of predictability while system performance is maintained at a similar level to that provided by regular, highly unpredictable, non-locked cache. Cache locking may also be useful to reduce hardware costs by means of reducing the size of the cache memory needed to make a real-time system schedulable.This work shows how full, dynamic cache locking may help to reduce the size of the cache memory versus a regular cache. This reduction is possible thanks to a genetic algorithm that selects the set of instructions that have to be locked in cache to provide the maximum cache size minimization while keeping the system schedulable.This work is partially supported by PAID-06-11/2055 of Universitat Politècnica de València and TIN2011-28435-C03-01 of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Martí Campoy, A.; Rodríguez Ballester, F.; Ors Carot, R. (2013). Using dynamic, full cache locking and genetic algorithms for cache size minimization in multitasking, preemptive, real-time systems. En Theory and Practice of Natural Computing. Springer Verlag (Germany). 157-168. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-45008-2S15716

    Impact of DM-LRU on WCET: A Static Analysis Approach

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    Cache memories in modern embedded processors are known to improve average memory access performance. Unfortunately, they are also known to represent a major source of unpredictability for hard real-time workload. One of the main limitations of typical caches is that content selection and replacement is entirely performed in hardware. As such, it is hard to control the cache behavior in software to favor caching of blocks that are known to have an impact on an application\u27s worst-case execution time (WCET). In this paper, we consider a cache replacement policy, namely DM-LRU, that allows system designers to prioritize caching of memory blocks that are known to have an important impact on an application\u27s WCET. Considering a single-core, single-level cache hierarchy, we describe an abstract interpretation-based timing analysis for DM-LRU. We implement the proposed analysis in a self-contained toolkit and study its qualitative properties on a set of representative benchmarks. Apart from being useful to compute the WCET when DM-LRU or similar policies are used, the proposed analysis can allow designers to perform WCET impact-aware selection of content to be retained in cache

    Implementing time-predictable load and store operations

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    Scratchpads have been widely proposed as an alternative to caches for embedded systems. Advantages of scratchpads in-clude reduced energy consumption in comparison to a cache and access latencies that are independent of the preceding memory access pattern. The latter property makes memory accesses time-predictable, which is useful for hard real-time tasks as the worst-case execution time (WCET) must be safely estimated in order to check that the system will meet timing requirements. However, data must be explicitly moved between scratch-pad and external memory as a task executes in order to make best use of the limited scratchpad space. When dy-namic data is moved, issues such as pointer aliasing and pointer invalidation become problematic. Previous work has proposed solutions that are not suitable for hard real-time tasks because memory accesses are not time-predictable. This paper proposes the scratchpad memory management unit (SMMU) as an enhancement to scratchpad technol-ogy. The SMMU implements an alternative solution to the pointer aliasing and pointer invalidation problems which (1) does not require whole-program pointer analysis and (2) makes every memory access operation time-predictable. This allows WCET analysis to be applied to hard-real time tasks which use a scratchpad and dynamic data, but results are also applicable in the wider context of minimizing en-ergy consumption or average execution time. Experiments using C software show that the combination of an SMMU and scratchpad compares favorably with the best and worst case performance of a conventional data cache

    On the effectiveness of cache partitioning in hard real-time systems

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    In hard real-time systems, cache partitioning is often suggested as a means of increasing the predictability of caches in pre-emptively scheduled systems: when a task is assigned its own cache partition, inter-task cache eviction is avoided, and timing verification is reduced to the standard worst-case execution time analysis used in non-pre-emptive systems. The downside of cache partitioning is the potential increase in execution times. In this paper, we evaluate cache partitioning for hard real-time systems in terms of overall schedulability. To this end, we examine the sensitivity of (i) task execution times and (ii) pre-emption costs to the size of the cache partition allocated and present a cache partitioning algorithm that is optimal with respect to taskset schedulability. We also devise an alternative algorithm which primarily optimises schedulability but also minimises processor utilization. We evaluate the performance of cache partitioning compared to state-of-the-art pre-emption cost analysis based on benchmark code and on a large number of synthetic tasksets with both fixed priority and EDF scheduling. This allows us to derive general conclusions about the usability of cache partitioning and identify taskset and system parameters that influence the relative effectiveness of cache partitioning. We also examine the improvement in processor utilization obtained using an alternative cache partitioning algorithm, and the tradeoff in terms of increased analysis time

    Analysis of preemptively scheduled hard real-time systems

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    As timing is a major property of hard real-time, proving timing correctness is of utter importance. A static timing analysis derives upper bounds on the execution time of tasks, a scheduling analysis uses these bounds and checks if each task meets its timing constraints. In preemptively scheduled systems with caches, this interface between timing analysis and scheduling analysis must be considered outdated. On a context switch, a preempting task may evict cached data of a preempted task that need to be reloaded again after preemption. The additional execution time due to these reloads, called cache-related preemption delay (CRPD), may substantially prolong a task\u27s execution time and strongly influence the system\u27s performance. In this thesis, we present a formal definition of the cache-related preemption delay and determine the applicability and the limitations of a separate CRPD computation. To bound the CRPD based on the analysis of the preempted task, we introduce the concept of definitely cached useful cache blocks. This new concept eliminates substantial pessimism with respect to former analyses by considering the over-approximation of a preceding timing analysis. We consider the impact of the preempting task to further refine the CRPD bounds. To this end, we present the notion of resilience. The resilience of a cache block is a measure for the amount of disturbance of a preempting task a cache block of the preempted task may survive. Based on these CRPD bounds, we show how to correctly account for the CRPD in the schedulability analysis for fixed-priority preemptive systems and present new CRPD-aware response time analyses: ECB-Union and Multiset approaches.Da das Zeitverhalten ein Hauptbestandteil harter Echtzeitsysteme ist, ist das Beweisen der zeitlichen Korrektheit von großer Bedeutung. Eine statische Zeitanalyse berechnet obere Schranken der Ausführungszeiten von Programmen, eine Planbarkeitsanalyse benutzt diese und prüft ob jedes Programm die Zeitanforderungen erfüllt. In präemptiv geplanten Systemen mit Caches, muss die Nahtstelle zwischen Zeitanalyse und Planbarkeitsanalyse als veraltet angesehen werden. Im Falle eines Kontextwechsels kann das unterbrechende Programm Cache-daten des unterbrochenen Programms entfernen. Diese Daten müssen nach der Unterbrechung erneut geladen werden. Die zusätzliche Ausführungszeit durch das Nachladen der Daten, welche Cache-bezogene Präemptions-Verzögerung (engl. Cache-related Preemption Delay (CR-PD)) genannt wird, kann die Ausführungszeit des Programm wesentlich erhöhen und hat somit einen starken Einfluss auf die Gesamtleistung des Systems. Wir präsentieren in dieser Arbeit eine formale Definition der Cache-bezogene Präemptions-Verzögerung und bestimmen die Einschränkungen und die Anwendbarkeit einer separaten Berechnung der CRPD. Basierend auf der Analyse des unterbrochenen Programms präsentieren wir das Konzept der definitiv gecachten nützlichen Cacheblöcke. Verglichen mit bisherigen CRPD-Analysen eleminiert dieses neue Konzept wesentliche Überschätzung indem die Überschätzung der vorherigen Zeitanalyse mit in Betracht gezogen wird. Wir analysieren den Einfluss des unterbrechenden Programms um die CRPD-Schranken weiter zu verbessern. Hierzu führen wir das Konzept der Belastbarkeit ein. Die Belastbarkeit eines Cacheblocks ist ein Maß für die Störung durch das unterbrechende Programm, die ein nützlicher Cacheblock überleben kann. Basierend auf diesen CRPD-Schranken zeigen wir, wie die Cache-bezogene Präemptions-Verzögerung korrekt in die Planbarkeitsanalyse für Systeme mit statischen Prioritäten integriert werden kann und präsentieren neue CRPD-bewußte Antwortzeitanalysen: die ECB-Union und die Multimengen-Ansätze